
Story Info
A middle aged man finds love with an unexpected young woman.
21.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/09/2021
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Hello to my new followers and those that might remember me from last time. While I generally wrote stories involving a brother/sister or mother/son (I haven't uploaded any for the latter yet), from what I remember, the following story did prove a little more popular than I thought it would be.

So I figured I'd upload it again as, I'll admit, I enjoyed writing it as well. Stories involving the outback and what I'd call 'proper Aussie blokes' reminds me of home.

Hope you enjoy. Comments and / or feedback appreciated as always.


"She's fucked, Bruce."

I removed my hat and wiped the sweat from my forehead. The heat was sweltering out in the country. I looked around and could see the heat haze rise up from the ground, the only sound that of the occasional fly or mosquito, and the chorus of crickets and cicadas in the distance. I turned back to look at Mick, the man I trusted most on the farm.

"Is there anything you can do?" I asked, more in hope than expectation.

He pointed as he spoke. "You're going to have to replace that entire block and that alone would cost a small fortune. Thing's fucked, mate. Add to that, this thing is what? Thirty, forty years old. You need a new one, mate."

"You know I can afford it but..." I paused, having to swallow down what I wanted to really say. "You know..."

"I know, mate, I know. But there comes a time when you have to let things go."

I looked at him and chuckled. "Going soft on me, Mick?"

"I'm an old man now, Bruce. You know that." He removed his hat. "I remember looking in the mirror and seeing jet-black hair."

"I'm getting a few grey's myself."

"Everything's getting old and worn out, it seems."

I sighed and slammed the bonnet of the truck, swearing again to myself. "Come on, we'll hitch it to the tractor and drag the fucker back to the garage."

It was going to be a long drive back. The only reason Mick could even find me is that every vehicle had GPS. The farm I'd inherited from my father upon his passing was enormous. I'm a man in my early 40s, single and happy with my life. To call me a farmer would be too simple. I did own an enormous farm, breeding cattle and sheep while also raising crops and fruit. In the outback, life was hard, the days were long but also rather simple. My father had left the farm to me in his will when he died when I was only 22. Mum had died a decade before, my father and I watching her waste away from a terminal illness.

I didn't exactly live alone on the farm, I had numerous people helping me during various times of the years, and there were half a dozen other homesteads dotted around the landscape. Mick was one of those people, my dad's best friend and the man I still relied on most. He lived with his wife and son a couple of miles away from my house. I lived alone, both parents gone while my sister had left the farm when she was sixteen and had only ever returned twice, both times when I'd put our parents in the ground. I had next to nothing to do with my sister. We barely spoke. Not because I didn't like her, I just had little in common with her. I knew she had a couple of kids, a nephew and a niece, a different father for each, and I knew enough to know she was always in a different relationship. I've seen the kids more often than my sister as both had been sent to visit me by their mother a few times over the years. That would be a hard journey for any kid, as I live at least a thousand miles from the city they lived in and the nearest large town is a half hour drive away.

Back at the farm, we parked the truck outside the garage, running a hand along its side and over its bonnet. I knew it was dead. One of the last links to my dad. I'd been with him when he'd bought it. The truck had been one hell of a workhorse, but it was now dead and I knew I'd just have to sell it for scrap. Mick just stood beside me, laying a hand on my shoulder.

"It's the last link, isn't it?"

I looked towards the house and nodded. "It is except for that. I'll get online tonight and start looking for a new one."

"Online? You mean that internet thing?"

I laughed. "Yes, Mick. You know that phone I gave you? That's got the internet thing too."

"I don't understand all this new-fangled technology. I thought a phone was just a phone. I barely understand that text messaging malarkey."

"I'll have to sit you down one day, Mick, and go through all this with you."

He dismissed that with a wave of the hand. "I'll never understand it. My wife does one have those iPad things though. She loves it. Tried to get me to use it but I think I almost broke it."

"You're a man out of your time," I stated with a chuckle.

We headed towards the house, Mick's truck parked outside. The sun was getting low and the work day was over. A couple of my farmhands walked by, sharing a quick goodbye before they'd head home. Some lived close by, others lived in the nearest town.

"Want a beer?" I asked.

"Sure. I could do with wetting my whistle. Been a bloody hot one today."

"It's always a hot one, Mick."

"I'm sure the weather is getting warmer."

"You're just getting old."

"Son of a bitch," he muttered through laughter.

We sat on the veranda, sucking down a couple of cold ones before Mick shook my hand and headed home in his truck. I wandered inside, cooked myself a simple meal before sitting in front of my computer. I did the usual things of checking my mail, reading a few bits of news before connecting to a messenger service. Once I was signed in, I noticed my niece was online so thought I'd say hello.

BruceAlmighty: Hey Em.

xxEms95xx: Hey Brucey

BruceAlmighty: How's your day been?

xxEms95xx: Oh, you know, another day in paradise. *sigh*

BruceAlmighty: More problems with Mum?

That wasn't unusual. I was left with the feeling mother and daughter had never really got along, and their relationship had been deteriorating for years. I just dreaded each time we spoke as I knew it was getting worse.

xxEms95xx: Not just her. Her new deadbeat boyfriend. I forget what number this one is.

BruceAlmighty: I could say something but I've heard so... She's my sister by blood but... What's wrong?

xxEms95xx: He's disgusting. He keeps trying things on with me and Mum just laughs.

BruceAlmighty: What do you mean by 'trying things'?

xxEms95xx: I think he wants to have sex with me. I feel trapped. I can't leave as I can't afford it, but Mum just says 'Well, you're of age now so why are you saying no?' Ugh, she's disgusting and he's worse.

I had no idea things were getting that bad. We talked all the time, my niece and I. She had turned 19 a couple of months back but I'd watched her grow up for at least the past few years once I managed to get online. She would send me the occasional picture and she grew up from slightly awkward looking young girl into what even I'd to say was a beautiful young woman. Even though I hadn't seen her in person now for a few years, she was still family and I certainly didn't like hearing someone was trying to take advantage of her.

BruceAlmighty: What about your brother? Where is he now?

xxEms95xx: Other side of the country. He was smart and got out of here as soon as possible. He doesn't even speak to Mum now.

I would have asked about her father, but neither my niece or nephew had anything to do with their fathers, both deadbeat guys in what sounded like a long list of deadbeats my sister decided to get with.

BruceAlmighty: The offer to come here still stands.

xxEms95xx: I know, Brucey, but I'm a city girl. I don't know what I'd do on a farm.

BruceAlmighty: You'd be safe, that much I do know.

I remembered the precocious little girl that visited me when she was only about five or six years old. Having next to nothing to do with kids, having two of them around the house was a real change but we bonded immediately. She spent two weeks running under my feet, which I didn't mind, as she showed an interest in nearly everything I did. Even at that young age, she seemed to see her mother for what she was as I remember the tears when she finally had to leave. It was one of the few times I've ever cried when the car carrying her drove away.

She'd been back every couple of years until about three or four years back. I could understand why she'd stopped coming, but I missed her and my nephew's presence, even if only for a couple of weeks a year.

xxEms95xx: Let me think about it. Okay?

BruceAlmighty: Of course. But my door is always open, to you or your brother anyway. You need me, you give me a call. I'll organise transport right away if necessary.

xxEms95xx: Enough about me. What about you? Everything okay?

BruceAlmighty: Can't complain though the old truck has finally upped and died.

xxEms95xx: Grandad's truck? Oh, I'm so sorry, Brucey.

BruceAlmighty: I'll go tell the old man tomorrow and share a shot of whiskey with him as we celebrate thirty years of service.

xxEms95xx: lol. Are you serious?

BruceAlmighty: They're here on the farm. I go see them sometimes, particularly when I want advice.

xxEms95xx: They speak to you?!?!?!?

BruceAlmighty: Of course not. But I know what he would say. And I know what he'd tell his granddaughter.

xxEms95xx: And what would that be?

BruceAlmighty: You'll always have a home here.

We talked a bit longer before she disappeared offline, saying she had an early start the next morning. As usual, I then looked up a bit of porn, had a five-knuckle shuffle before heading to bed myself. I lay back and thought about what it would be like to have someone else around the house. I had lived with others before, in one or two relationships that eventually fizzled out. If I was after some companionship, I'd head into the nearest town and one of the pubs. I knew nearly everyone as the population was only a couple of thousand or so. That sometimes made finding a partner for some horizontal Olympics awkward, though I'd generally find a woman willing to stick my dick in them. Not exactly a romantic way of putting it, but at the end of the night, sometimes a man and woman just wanted some no strings attached sex.

The next morning, I was out in one of the paddocks with Mick, herding the cows as some of them needed milking, when I mentioned my conversation with Emily the previous night.

"You invited her here?" he asked, laughing away.

"I don't see a problem with that."

"What the fuck would she know about farming?"

"She was rather enthusiastic the last couple of times she's been here."

"She was a kid then, Bruce. How old's she now? 18? 19?"


He groaned. "Ugh, I can picture it now. I've seen what girls her age are like on TV."

"It was only an offer at the end of the day. And she hasn't taken me up on it."

"Yet," Mick stated quietly. He removed his hat and wiped his brow. "Though I suppose it would nice to have another young'un around here though."

"Things don't sound good at home. I'd just like to be that safety net if things get so bad she needs to escape."

"I'd ask but I don't really want to know either." Mick then paused. "I remember the arguments your sister had with your father, particularly after your mother died. The man was grieving and she treated him like shit. I'll be honest with you, Bruce. I was happy the day she left. It gave your old man some peace in his final years."

"I remember."

I understood why Mick sounded bitter. I think he was still convinced she drove my father to an early grave. Losing his wife at a young age diminished the zest for life he once had. Years of crossed words with his daughter, until she finally walked out of his life for good, destroyed him further. I did what I could to support, and I know he appreciated it, but I noticed that he seemed a little lost, I guess would be the right word for it. When he eventually dropped dead from a heart attack, no-one was surprised.

We didn't talk every day but, after being told things were so bad at home, I put in the extra effort to keep in touch with Emily over the next few days and weeks. She made no mention of anything untoward happening again though there was no doubt life was miserable for her, mentioning that she always left early for work and tried to come home as late as possible. I suggested she try and move in with a friend but apparently that wasn't even an option. She said that all she could do was wait it out and hope for the best.

Miles from home one morning a few weeks later, I was with a few of my farmhands as we were marking sheep ready for the start of the shearing season. So busy yelling instructions, or enjoying a laugh and the banter I always had with the young lads, I barely heard my phone ring in my pocket.

"Boss, phone's ringing."

"Shit!" I managed to fish it out of one of my pockets and looked at who was calling. My stomach fell as I couldn't remember the last time I'd even heard her voice. I clicked answer. "Emily, what's wrong?" I heard nothing but sobbing for around thirty seconds. "Emily?" I asked quietly.

"He tried to... He tried to..."

I knew exactly what she was trying to say. The temptation to get in my truck and drive to pick her up was almost overwhelming. "Where are you right now?"

"In the bathroom at work."

I had to take charge of the situation. She needed to get out and she needed to get out now. I would have driven there if I could, but it would take longer than a day. "Emily, I'm going to tell you what to do. You need to follow these instructions. Okay?" I stated as gently as possible.

I heard her sniff. "Okay," she said quietly.

"Go home. Grab yourself a bag. Pack your things. Go to a hotel tonight, somewhere near the airport. I'll get online and book it for you, send you the details soon. Tomorrow morning, go to the check-in counter where you will be given a ticket. It will be a two-legged flight, as the local airstrip can only take Cessna's, so you'll swap planes about halfway. I'll be waiting for you at the airstrip when you land tomorrow."

"What if he's there?"

"Call the police. Tell them what happened. Let me know if he is as I'll change the details. But you're coming here, no matter what."

"But Mum..."

"Fuck your mother. If she's stood by as this happened, she's just as responsible. Go home now, Emily. Tell your boss you won't be in tomorrow, perhaps never again."

"Okay," she said quietly.



"You'll be fine. Remember, if either your mum or him is there, call the police."


"Call me when you get to the hotel."

"I will."

"Good girl. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll go now." I thought she was going to hang up. "Brucey?"



I smiled despite the situation. "No problem, kiddo. You just get here safely."

"I will. See you tomorrow." I heard another sniff as she disconnected. I noticed the looks from some of my farmhands. "I'm heading back to the house. I have things to organise. You boys will be alright?"

"Sure thing boss," one of my farmhands, Phil, replied, "You go make sure she's alright."

I raced back to the house, Mick wandering out of the garage as I slammed on the brakes, the truck sliding along the dirt. He could obviously see my mood and took a guess what it was about. "She's coming, then?"

"Swear to God, Mick, I'd drive there and kill him if I could. Never met the man. Wouldn't know him if he passed me in the street. But I'd wring his neck if given the opportunity."

"What are you doing now?"

"I have things to organise."

I sat down at my desk and sent Emily a text, asking if she was safe. She replied back immediately, stating no-one was home so she was packing a bag. I found a modestly priced hotel right next to the airport, booking a room and sending her the details. I then looked for a flight and, while there were not many options for the second leg, I managed to get her onto something reasonable. She wouldn't land until late the next day but I didn't think she'd mind. I sent her a text of all the details once everything was booked.

Online later that night, I saw she was logged on, figuring she maybe had a laptop and had connected to the hotel wi-fi.

BruceAlmighty: Are you okay, Em?

xxEms95xx: Feeling a little better knowing that I'm leaving.

BruceAlmighty: Have you heard from your mother?

xxEms95xx: Amazingly, I have. Though she was just wondering where I was, making absolutely no mention of what that bastard tried last night.

BruceAlmighty: What did you tell her?

xxEms95xx: That I've left and won't be coming back. I also made a call to the cops. She mentioned there had been a visit.

BruceAlmighty: Good.

xxEms95xx: Thanks for everything, Brucey. It means a lot.

BruceAlmighty: As I said, no problem. You'll be safe and sound here, on that you have my word. Once you're settled in, we'll figure out what you can do.

I spent the morning working with Mick in the garage before sorting out one of the spare bedrooms. I had nothing that would make it 'girly', though considering she was 19, I still didn't have a clue. But I'd take her into town after picking her up and let her pick out a few things to give the room a little more character. It could have done with a good paint but I'd have to do that later, if she wanted it.

After a late lunch, I headed into town as I needed to grab a few things anyway, heading into the pub for a drink afterwards. Mick had joined me as he wanted to see Emily too, though he still wasn't entirely sure how she would adapt to life on the farm. I wasn't overly concerned as it would have to be something we'd discuss rather quickly.

We arrived at the airstrip rather early, Mick and I simply leaning back against the front of the truck, watching the sky for any sign of the plane. We didn't talk much. Neither of us needed to fill the silence with meaningless words. The silence was finally broken by the sound of an approaching turbo-prop engine, shielding my eyes from the sun to see the Cessna, a speck on the horizon.

Once landed, the Cessna parked up as the pilot disembarked and opened the door. Only one passenger stepped out. She placed a hat similar to mine on her head, an Akubra. She wore a long-sleeved check shirt, though had tied up the bottom of it, exposing her stomach. Figure hugging jeans while, rather sensibly, she wore a pair of boots. She reached back into the plane to retrieve a large rucksack, flinging it over her shoulder as she approached us.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that," Mick said quietly.

"You and me both..."

Then she saw me, squealed my name, dropped the bag and ran. Before I even knew what was going on, she'd jumped on me and nearly squeezed the air out of my lungs. After a few seconds, I figured I should probably complete the hug so wrapped my arms around her in return. Eventually she released me and I lowered her to the ground, looking up at me with wide brown eyes and she actually smiled.