Feb Sucks again


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The next day I didn't quite know what to say to Evette when we met at breakfast. She just looked at me and smiled licking her lips I got instantly hard and was unable to leave the table to get my coffee. She knew what she had caused and got my coffee for me giving me a little kiss at the same time just as Jules entered.

Jules: ''About time, you two have been tiptoeing around each other for weeks everyone could see what was obvious but you. You need to sort this out before the children return, Gail will be delighted but I don't know about Tommy.''

When my car arrived to take me to work Evette gave me a passionate kiss goodbye as if we had been married for years and this was normal. I usually get some work done on the way to work but not this morning I was still in a daze.

Once at work, the staff noticed my distraction and overly good mood and I heard more than one staff member mutter il est amoureux (he's in love). I tried to concentrate and get some work done but I kept thinking back to last night. Some of the staff noticed and there were little smiles and titters wherever I went. When I got home it was obvious that the Chateau staff knew everything they all seemed to have a knowing smile on their faces and I couldn't help turning red.



Everything was going to plan I was settled into my new home I was doing well with my studies and enjoyed my part-time job and was learning to cope with the fallout from my stupidity. I had signed the divorce petition and would soon be a free woman. I would rather still be married to Jim but I now realise that was no longer possible. I just hoped Jim would allow me access to my kids in some fashion. I desperately needed to apologise to Jim and the children my counsellor said I needed to start again. I repeatedly asked my Mom to get Jim to talk to me, to no avail.

Everything was going fine when at one of the functions being held at the centre where I was a hostess Marc and some of his teammates arrived. It was a charity event and Marc was trying to get back in people's good books after his exposure as a total asshole. He no longer played in the big NFL leagues but still played for a lesser team. He was a big fish in a small pond and trying to get back his status as an all-around good guy by attending charity events and donating large amounts of money. Over the past months, he had lost his position with a top league team, had to settle out of court with the class action against him and lost half his vast fortune. And this was his bid to make a comeback. The press said he had been going to counselling as a condition of his return to pro football. And it was rumoured he now regrated his former life, ruining other people's lives and was a reformed character. Certainly, the press were following his every move trying to catch him out.

I tried to stay out of his line of sight but with a large sash across my body saying how may I help; I had little chance. He spotted me and came over.

''Hi, don't I know you from somewhere?''

''I don't think so, may I be of assistance?''

''No, but I'm certain I know you, it'll come to me in a minute, I know we've met before.''

And he walked away looking over his shoulder. One of the other Hostesses a woman I had got friendly with and shared my disgrace with came over. I hadn't told her all the details just that I had been unfaithful to my husband and spent the night with another man.

''Wasn't that Marc LaVillier you were talking to he's such a hunk he can put his shoes under my bed anytime.''

''I know you're married so don't even think about it he's the bastard that caused my divorce and he's not worth it believe me.''

''I didn't know that, was it worth it, is he as big as they say can he really go all night?''

''He is big but selfish, he doesn't care about you just about his own satisfaction. To be honest he wasn't as good as my husband, it was just the thrill of being desired by a celebrity and being whisked off my feet for a wicked night out. I regrated it the next morning more than I can say and now I'm on my own because of my stupidity. Take it from one who knows it's not worth it.

Shortly after Marc came over to me with a shit-eating grin.

''I've remembered where I know you from now, you're the cunt I fucked and when we left my mansion the reporters were waiting. You were one of the best fucks I ever had your cuck husband is a lucky bastard.''

''Thanks to you he's now my ex-husband and living abroad with my two children.''

''Not thanks to me, you could have said no at any time you wanted me then and I bet you want me now. What say you and I go back to my place and revisit that night?''

''Not enough money in the world to make me do that, and anyway I thought you were supposed to be a reformed character.''

''I am I only seduce single women now it's not as much fun as married women but I still make their boyfriends cucks and no one seems to care. And as you are now single you're fair game so how about it?''

I didn't answer him I looked over at one of the security guards and beckoned him over.

''Is there a problem here Linda?''

''I had a brief fling with this man nearly a year ago and now he won't take no for an answer.''

Marc looked like he was going to explode.

''Do you know who I am and what I could do to you and your career?''

''I'm well aware of who and what you are and I am asking you to leave the premises now. If you persist in forcing your attention on this lady I'll throw you out myself.''

Marc looked him up and down and smirked.

''You're not big enough I could eat you for breakfast and still have room for a Danish.''

Before anything else could be said he grabbed Marc's thumb and twisted his arm so that Marc's elbow was locked against the guard's body and pulled back hard. Marc yelped but stayed still as he was obviously in a deal of pain. The guard marched Marc to his table where he dumped him in his chair.

''You move again and I'll have you arrested for harassment and that won't look good to your new team owners.''

The guard came over to me.

''If he causes you any more trouble just call, I'll be watching.''

He then went back to his post. Thank god for an honest man doing his job and not one of Marc's followers. The rest of the evening passed without incident and I went home to an empty house again. I went to bed crying for the love I had lost. Didn't see Marc again at any of the functions held at the conference centre but I did see the security guard again. We would acknowledge each other with a nod and a wave and go our separate ways. I still felt that if I could only talk to Jim I might yet win him back.



That night of passion was played out twice more before the children returned from their trips. Evette and I went to collect the children from their school they had both returned the same day within an hour of each other. Tommy was first he threw himself at Evette.

''Mommy I've missed you so much.''

And then he went into detail about every moment of his trip, at the end, he snuggled up to Evette and dosed off. Gail being older and aware of her standing with her peers was less affectionate. I got a hug and a kiss on the cheek and Evette got the same but with a.

''Missed you, Mom.''

Evette had tears in her eyes as we drove home and I was all choked up and couldn't speak. Things settled down to a routine with both children now openly calling Evette Mom. But when talking to their real Mom or their grandparents they were careful to refer to her as Evette. It was approaching Thanksgiving at home not celebrated outside the USA and the embassy was throwing a party for their staff. Jules as a community leader was invited and arranged for us to attend too. They had even catered for the children, having a ball pool and entertainment laid on. I had no worries about their safety when being left alone as there were marines stationed everywhere. Both Tommy and Gail had their mobiles with them so they could call us at any time. Jules sat talking to other guests and Evette and I danced the night away, we all had a good time. I realised I was now in love with Evette but what to do about it?

Christmas was only a few weeks away and I had a plan to surprise the children and Evette. After the children had spoken to their Grandparents I shooed them out of the room and spent the next half an hour setting up my surprise. I let Evette in on one of the surprises and she thought it was a marvellous idea. We took the children Christmas shopping we told them to buy presents for their Grandparents and that they could open them for their Grandparents on Facetime and later send them on. Christmas Eve came and the children were excited as were children all over the world. We were just setting placements on the table when Gail said.

''Just a minute there are two extra places who else is coming?''

I replied. ''We invited some very special guests and they should be here any time now I hope you don't mind.''

Just then we heard a car pull up outside in the crisp snow. I went to meet our guests and showed them into the Chateau. When I took them into the dining room the kids went wild shouting Grandma and Gramps and throwing themselves at their grandparents. After tears were wiped away and hugs all around including Jules and Evette proper introductions were made. Then the maid said the cook was ready to serve and would we all like to sit down. The meal was a great success and we all retired to the lounge. The children sat with their Grandparents and held onto them for dear life. When it was plain that Tommy was falling asleep I said.

''Bedtime for you young man.''

He got sleepily from his Grandmother's lap to say goodnight with a kiss. When he got to Evette he said night Mom and kissed her. The room went silent Sam raised his eyebrows and Sarah put her hand over her mouth, I mouthed the word later and left to put Tommy to bed. When I returned both Evette and Jules made a strategic retreat and left Gail, me and my ex-in-laws alone. Sam looked at me and just said.


As I took a moment to compose myself Gail spoke.

''It's not Dad's fault both Tommy and I decided to call Evette Mom about three months ago, she has been acting as our mother since we got here. She set up our school, got appropriate clothing for us and listened to us when we were sad. She tried her best to get me to talk to that woman who destroyed our family and never let us disrespect her. I know she fell in love with Dad early on but never did anything about it until after the divorce. Now they are an item and I expect Dad to pop the question any time now and then she will be our step Mom. She loves us and we love her Tommy still loves his Mom and always will but he will have two Moms. I on the other hand intend to ask Evette to adopt me as soon as I reach 18 as That woman will never give her permission before. This won't change anything between us I love you both to death and that will never change. Please don't be angry with Dad he wanted Tommy and I to stay in contact with I'll say it just once, our Mother but after the way she treated us I flatly refused. Tommy is too young to understand just what she did Dad has tried to insulate him from the worst but one day he will find out just what a conniving bitch she is. What he does then is anybody's guess I just hope she realises what one night of fun is going to cost her.''

Sam and Sarah were looking at Gail with new respect as was I she was so eloquent in her speech that she sounded like an adult instead of the 14-year-old she now was. It crossed my mind that she would make one hell of a lawyer if she decided to follow that path. I was so proud of her that I felt a tear slide down my face Linda's parents were also tearing up. Gail hugged her grandparents said she loved them and went to bed.

Sam and Sarah were both looking at me waiting for me to speak.

''Well, I think Gail has just about said it all, I can't improve on that. Just one point that Gail raised is relevant, I intend to pop the question tomorrow as we open the presents.''

Sarah put her head in her hands and was crying, Sam put his arm around her and said.

''Were not surprised, I told Sarah we were probably not going to be able to change your mind. Talking for myself I don't blame you but when we tell Linda you are going to be married I don't know what she will do. She was hoping we could talk you around to at least talk to her. She really is sorry and realises what she did was unforgivable but she would do anything to make things right between you. Now I have to tell her it's hopeless and you've moved on, will you at least tell her face to face it's over?''

''By face to face, I assume you mean over Facetime because if I returned to the States I would be arrested for removing the children so I'm not prepared to do that. I am willing to speak to her on Facetime but not until you get home and with you there to support her. That's as far as I am willing to go is that enough?''

''I understand your reluctance and I can see no alternative so it will have to do. What about the children when can they physically see their mother?''

''I'll talk to my attorney and see what I can sort out, I don't want to keep Linda away from them but she is responsible for their not being with her. When I lost my wife I vowed I wouldn't lose my children too. When they are old enough to choose and by that I mean on their 16th birthday they can move back in with their mother if that is what they want. I won't stop them. I don't hold out much hope for Gail but Tommy is another matter he misses his mother and that is probably why he has imprinted on Evette. So, when you get back make the arrangements and I'll try to fit it in that's the best I can offer.''

''Jim, That's very fair and more than we were expecting, Linda was an idiot to think you would put up with her disrespecting you in that way.''

Sam and Sarah went to their rooms shortly afterwards saying it had been a long trip and they were tired.

The next morning, we were all at breakfast and the children were all excited about opening their presents. After breakfast, we went into the lounge, put some Christmas music on and the children started opening their presents. There were the expected oohs and ahs as they opened each parcel. We the adults opened our presents in a more dignified manner and thanked each giver appropriately. After we had opened all the presents and were drinking various types of alcohol I stood up and announced I had one more present to give. I reached behind the tree and brought out a small package and gave it to Evette.

She took it from me looking perplexed and started to open it, as the jewellery box emerged she became very animated ripping the paper off as if her life depended on it. She finally opened the box to discover a three-diamond ring, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes and I said.

''Evette, we have only known each other for a short time but I have come to love you and hope you feel the same. So will you please do me the honour of becoming my wife?''

She launched herself at me smothering me with kisses and shouting.

''Yes, yes a thousand times yes.''

I placed the ring on her finger and felt happier than I had in a long time. She went around everybody showing off her ring and even my ex-in-laws seemed pleased. Tommy threw his arms around her and said.

''Does this mean I can call you Mom all the time now?''

Evette looked at Sam and Sarah who nodded yes and said.

''It will be my honour to have such two wonderful children call me Mom from now on, but don't forget you have another mother who loves you very much.''

I looked over at Gail who was pumping her fist in the air shouting ''yes'' with every pump. Sam and Sarah were holding hands and silently crying I hoped with happiness but I couldn't be sure.

Christmas day dinner was a superbly prepared Turkey with all the trimmings but without the six courses, we had the day before. Christmas is celebrated differently in different countries. In France, the main celebratory meal is held on Christmas Eve with lots of different dishes served one after the other with lots of different wines for each dish. By the end of Christmas Eve, you are stuffed and mostly drunk and stagger off to bed.

Evette and I were still having great sex but only while the children were absent at a friend's house for the night or on school trips. The day before New Year's Eve Sam and Sarah flew home and I was dreading my confrontation with Linda. We had been divorced for over six months and I was hoping she had come to terms with our divorce and wouldn't make a scene. When I got home from work that day Gail and Tommy were sitting waiting for me. Then Gail said those dreaded four words.

''Dad, we need to talk.''

I nearly fell over, were they about to tell me they wanted to leave or they didn't want me to marry Evette I just fell into a chair and nodded for them to continue.

''Dad now that you have finally asked Evette to marry you don't you think it would be a good idea to move into her apartment? We know you two have been having sex when we're away so you might as well live together and be done with it. Tommy and I are quite capable of looking after ourselves at night and you don't need to be in the next bedroom anymore. We'll see you at breakfast and all mealtimes and in the family room in the evening nothing will have changed. We've already discussed this with Evette and she was initially shocked but came around in the end, she's waiting for you in your room to help you move your stuff.''

I sat there flabbergasted my children were looking out for my love life when I thought I was looking out for them. I couldn't answer them I was too shocked I just sat there looking dumb.

''Right, Dad now that's out of the way Tommy and I will go and do our homework.''

As they left I went up to my room and Evette was waiting there for me, we looked at each other and burst out laughing. I did move into her apartment that night to the applause of both children.

At work things were changing I was asked to oversee the building of two new factories one in the UK and one in Germany. The company were also building new factories in Japan and South Korea. The time target was two years to completion and I would have to find time to spend at each of the European sites to keep to the timeline.


Linda: three months before Christmas:

My school work was going to plan and I was exceeding all expectations so my tutors told me. At work, I had been given an unexpected promotion to supervisor and had seven women and young girls (also part-time) working under me. I saw Mark on several occasions but we never spoke, on the other hand, the security guard who had rescued me when Mark got out of hand spoke to me on several occasions and I learned his name was Mike and he was English. One night after a wedding reception was over and we were cleaning up and Mike was helping even though it wasn't his job he approached looking a bit nervous.

''Hi Mike, what's up you look like someone just stole your drink?''

''Sorry I'm just not used to doing this, I was wondering if you might like to get a bite to eat sometime I know a good restaurant?''

I looked at Mike thinking I'd been hit on before by assholes who knew my past and thought I was a sure thing. I looked at Mike and he looked so unsure of himself that I dismissed that thought as being unworthy. I liked Mike but still loved Jim and was hoping that if he would just meet with me we might get back together. If he found out that I had been going out with Mike it might make it difficult. Then Mike interrupted my train of thought.

''Look Linda I know about your past and that you want to get back with Jim, I'm just asking you to dinner nothing else I promise.''