All Comments on 'February Sucks Forward'

by Omegaman56

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phill1cphill1cover 1 year ago

"I tell my daughter the exact opposite. If that doesn't speak to the need for the divorce laws to evolve to keep up with society, I don't know what will..."

I think it says more about how little chance your children have, with you as a parent giving out moronic "advice" to them. How about the fact that 50% of marriages actually succeed. How about trying to give both of your children advice that could help them have healthy relationships.

Instead you tell each of them something equally stupid.

lujon2019lujon2019over 1 year ago

So to be clear you withold stories until enough people sufficiently kiss your ass?

theVikingSailortheVikingSailorover 1 year ago

Well-written story in many respects. I'm sure that Terry reflects the attitudes and make up of some, possibly even many, women. But all? Not a chance. Most women are honest and honorable. It is the relatively small minority who give up their own integrity and character in order to pursue an affair or other selfish experience such as adultery. Alan has been deceived.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This was an interesting story. I think it accurately portrays, the change in women’s attitudes towards men, over the last 30 years. When I grew up, you were expected to-

1. Get good grades in school, so some day, you could make something of yourself.

2. Get a after school job, so you could have money, and go in dates. No car, no money, no girlfriend.

3. Start a career, apply yourself, so some day, you could make something of yourself.

4. Move out of your parents home- gain independence. Continue to work on, making something of yourself. Usually, this meant you had one or two male roommates.

5. Attract women, by showing them you are independent, and in the process of making something of yourself.

6. Find a woman to marry, and start a family. You can do that, because you are starting to make, something of yourself. And the pressure back then on women was, to find a good man, so they could move out of their parents house. This was considered a natural part of life, and something they were driven to do. So.... This was how life worked.

7. Work longer hours, as you try to make a good life for your family. Your health starts to suffer, as you eat the wrong food, and drink too much. Work expects more out of you, not less.

8. Eventually, the kids all move out of the house. Your love life has been non existent for years, due to your weight gain, and pre- diabetes.

9. You have a stroke, and die.

On your gravestone it said” loving husband and father” . Translation- He worked really hard until it killed him. He did this, to make others happy. At least, his wife didn’t cheat on him.

Today’s woman, views things pretty selfishly. I deserve, I want, I need. Fewer and fewer men, are willing to sacrifice their health, to support such women. Modern divorce laws do not help. I find it interesting that women complain about this, on tic toc. You want the man your grandmother married. But YOU are not willing, to be your grandmother. Young men no longer desire independence. In fact, living in their parents basement, or couch hopping, is just fine. No reason to sacrifice their health, for a family, or a career. To the women out there, who want their independence, or not being constricted in a monogamous relationship. You got it, so quit trying to have it both ways. Doesn’t work like that. Good luck with your life. I hope it’s worth it....

5 stars.

BigDee44BigDee44over 1 year ago

My wife was about 37….

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 1 year ago

"Then these women would go back to their husbands." - Yes, but how many of these women told their husbands to their faces that they were going to do it, ignored their husbands' please to NOT do it, and had their husbands take them back afterwards? MAYBE depending on how divorce really works (as opposed to how it usually works in LW!), they may stay, but it will most likely be in a loveless marriage.


"This is fiction and I can say anything I want." - Including citing "statistics" without links to their sources.


"I got and Grammar Editor" - It obviously didn't work! "I got an grammar editor."


I believe you when you say that Randi edited this, but you submitted the unedited version, because there's no way in hell that Randi would have missed all the glaring errors in this mess.

Jonn22Jonn22over 1 year ago

That was ridiculously stupid yeah he's divorcing her because of something that she said how dumb is that that not even real no man would be that stupid to divorce a woman because she said something dumb with a group of people around

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"why would any man get married in today's society. It is just not worth the effort."

Unfortunately very true.

Signing a marital contract has to be up there in terms of the most brainlet moves a man could do in [current year].

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Wow, what a twist on the original story and many written afterward. Made me smile. ****. Thanks!

oldtwitoldtwitabout 1 year ago

Yep still a good story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Not quite sure what that was supposed to be, but it wasn't much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

4 Star. Deep deep pain indeed. for those that can't see why he is divorcing her it is because she destroyed his belief in her. She didn't need to actually meet a "Jocko" the forcefulness of her rationalisation told him and anyone who heard it just how she would play given the chance.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really? A bunch of women yakking and this guy divorces his wife over her running her mouth bullshit? Really? This makes no sense, other than this guy is the thinnest-skinned, most insecure, immature, emotionally shallow asshole you could ever meet. Pathetic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'm not going to write my comment, because it'll just be the same as the one from 11 days prior. More or less, he sums up my thinking. Everybody has their dreams/ fantasies, but to get divorced over that isn't stupid, but well below that. The story, while nicely written, failed on the attraction grabbing part, & the stupidity of the subject matter's just too much for me to overcome. 2 stars Bob

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Points for originality and decent writing skills but the idea that the MC (and several other husbands) are going to divorce their wives because of drunken banter only makes sense if the men are seriously deranged.


dgfergiedgfergie11 months ago

Divorce for for girl talk? Divorce for guy talk? I've been around for 80 years and I'm a guy, starlight. I like and admire woman, well most of them. My generation grew up respecting women. They were our mothers, sisters, aunts and grandmothers. You treated them with respect and didn't sear around them. You helped them when they asked you to. You opened doors for them and gave them flowers to show you loved or appreciated them. Then there are men. I met a man once on a job I was on. The subject of women came up, I was having problems at home. He stood there a looked at me and said: "Women, they are nothing but holes thats all they are." That was pretty much the end of that conversation. That guy had problems, as do many others. Anyway, can't live with them and can't kill them, except in these stories....................don't know why I wrote this but there it is. The story was ok and writers premis wa feasible but perish thought if we are judged by our inabe ramblings.

alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazier10 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Something that both women and men need to remember is the old saying of "what if the boot was on the other foot". This is very drastic but all who were reading this story and commenting on it need to stop and think then the divorce rate may not be so high. I am refering to both male and female gender.

deependerdeepender10 months ago

If this story was a high striker you knocked the bell clean off the top with one swing. The American Woman unchained is an entitled bitch. There is no response to that statement.

deependerdeepender10 months ago

I guess I have to be the one who explains the difference between fact and fantasy to ALL of the commenters here who copped out by saying "Oh, nothing happened", "Oh, she never did it", "Oh, the mc is overreacting to girl talk". You see, the difference is that fantasy is "what if?" while fact is an actualized event...something that really happened. What really happened here is that a wife made a public statement that the first chance she gets she is going to fuck a famous person and there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that her faithful hubby can do about it. She made it very clear that she is a narcissistic, entitled bitch and she deserves to get EVERYTHING that she wants and immediately upon wanting it. THAT is the fact that the mc reacted to. Do you get it now?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Omegaman, you need an editor in the worst way. You add meaningless words to a sentence and your spelling isn't the best either.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Ok divorcing over a hypothetical conversation in a bar when out with friends is crap. Yeah it sucks what she said, but fight for your marriage. Yes tryst is harmed but nit severed. People bluster and beag and run their mouth. She said nothing disparaging about her husband. Yes her philosophy is bullshit. But so what. Talk, fight, argue, get counseling. Besides he played his trick and torched her. She felt his pain. She did not cheat. It was a hypothetical. And the crap about more likely to not use a condom and get pregnant when in lust, is pure bs. What is his story set in the 1950s? There is the pill. Diaphragms, etc. Morning after pill. Wtf? That getting pregnant while cheating for well educated, middle class working women is a dumb LW trope. Seems to happen in every other SS06 story. But in real life. Not so much. And the yammering about Millennials (I am early Gen X btw) and women is so misleading. If you want a generation that knows how to commit adultery and het divorces, look no further than Boomers. Millenials divorce at half the rate of Boomers during same age ranges. And speaking of hypothetical. 75$ of married men and 68% of married women said that they would have an extramarital affair if it was guaranteed they would not get caught. Even more moronic are the husbands divorcing their wives who didn't really participate just nodded and agreed with Terri and any other the other female talkers

dapidapi8 months ago

Passport Bro in the making

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

So everyw omen there woulf fuck ol' Jocko but probably not really buy yjid dipstick has such little faith that he figures she would . She should be

happy to ben rid of him.

Norseman123Norseman1237 months ago

Boot on the other foot, I like it 5*****

Medussa55Medussa557 months ago

One of the differences in the way a female brain works is that they are more future focused than males who tend to think in the 'now'. OK your made up statistics are nonsense but your story illustates how she she would have a plan to fix things in the future until she is confronted with the harsh reality of the damage done in the present. Really well done!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

A tad overly dramatic. All the men married without children will divorce their wives over talking while drinking in a club? Really?

As a guy I can readily attest that while it would suck to hear, especially since it was Terri's voice at the center of the argument, that guy's say a lot of crap they don't really mean (well some might actually) when they shoot the breeze with friends and drink. If the btb thinks that is a load of crap, then they must not spend much time drinking in bars with their buddies or work colleagues.

I get the philosophical angle the author is portyaing and how the MC turned it all back on Terri by showing her hypocrisy. But talking at a bar and actually doing something about it are two different things. Yes her answers during his hoax were insightful but she was reacting emotionally. People are emotional beings. Not Vulcans. To terminate a marriage over "what if" talking without fighting foe it or counseling is immature. Maybe their marriage wasn't all that strong to begin with.

And oh yeah the stats about Millenial women vs men are garbage. In actual marriages, 29% of married men have at least one extramarital affair, peaking in their 50s (remember across generations) compared to 19% of married women also by their 40s/50s (though women tend to have longer affairs, averaging six months when they fall).

Those same stats were virtually unchanged for men in a similar large study done in early 90s (i.e about 29%) but women are up by nearly 50%, from 13% to 19%. So yes in relative terms more women are cheating than they did in the past.

Ironically yes married women under 30 now cheat more than married men, but it is like 8% (women) vs 6% (men). It is nowhere near the supposed 40% / 20% numbers quoted in the foreword. Those numbers are bogus.

Interestingly enough, when the modern study expanded to infidelities of any kind (not jsut adultery, but emotional affairs, cyber sex, kissing, making out, etc) for any exclusive relationship (serious dating, engagement, in addition to marriage) then the number for men and women respectively are 58% and 54%. Yikes!

Even worse, 75% of married men and 68% of married women said (anonymously) they would cheat on their apouse if they had an absolute 100% guarantee that no one, including their spouse would ever find out. How twisted is that? That is the real problem right there. That was for sexually active married men and women age 21 to 55. Scary!!!

AllNigherAllNigher5 months ago

What the previous accounts said. I lived the premise the execution got sunk in statistics... Real it bullshit I don't know because I stopped reading them after the intro, which was bullshit. He lists incorrect statistics from a very limited part of a study just on millennials which found a 40 percent INCREASE in cheating by women for that year and age group to 10 percent men and 11 percent women cheating. Interesting but NOT 40 percent cheating and not across the board. That's one of many studies and most find that the total rate is still higher for men but closer than it used to be at about 23 percent of men cheating in all age groups and 20 percent of women...

Interestingly The statistics DO store higher numbers of women than men cheating on the early 20s age group which did surprise me...

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Both you and your editor need an editor. Your quotation marks were not used properly, it is "you're forgiven", not "your forgiven" and you left out words in many sentences.

I gave you a 4 for story, however you would get a 1 for grammar.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Best damb FS alt end ever! I love all the libtards yapping in comments, I think it hurt their feelings. It's hilarious how flipping situations around and women freak! Understand this all he did was flip the situation and it sends the women into diatribes, fems can't even deal with the situation just being reversed SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT! MEN SUFFER 10 TIMES WORSE FROM INFIDELITY than women do! It's a fact because only men ever have to question if the child is theirs, women don't even comprehend the feelings involved.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Lol the quoted statistics are simply false. Have an agenda? Wonder where the author got those "fake" stats. The Anonymous commenter from 3 months ago with the post "A tad overly dramatic" quoted far more accurate stats. Doesn't take genius to do research on the Internet people. Just take off the tinfoil hat first and have an open mind.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

WOW! What a poignant and powerful and sad story. Well thought out And the dialogue was superb. This story deserves at the very least a 5 stars. Very well written.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos3 months ago

Sorry mate, but your statistics are bupkis. There's no way that infidelity statistics nor false paternity statistics are that high. The actual numbers of both are like 20% for men, 18% for women and in the case of paternity fraud it's about 1%. The 30% statistic you are quoting is from France and in the case where someone has gone to court to petition for a paternity check because they think they are not the father (as in, they have already a suspicion). The result of that is that about 70% of the men ARE the father even if they don't think they are. Just think about it for a minute - if that 30% statistic was true, the amount of genetic diseases that we would have in the general population would be fucking ASTRONOMICAL. Hell, there was a study done on a genetic disease where they DNA tested everyone who had that specific disease and their parents, literally thousands and thousands of people, and you know what they found? The rate of false paternity was LESS than 1%. I get that you're probably getting your statistics from the internet - blog posts, reddit posts, maybe article on websites, etc. But try looking at actual peer reviewed studies to get real information. As for the story, it was okay. 3/5, brought down by the bad statistics.

LanmandragonLanmandragon3 months ago

The MC seems a little stupid, whiny and overly dramatic. Just because one woman is possibly unreliable, it doesn’t seem to justify tarring all others with the same brush. The puritanical US background certainly seems to make life difficult at times. Thank goodness those people left on the Mayflower.

FarnorthmanFarnorthman2 months ago

somebody give that man a cement pill and tell him to f=harden the fuck up, the bitch is dumped now move on

WargamerWargamer2 months ago

Second time around, this is quite clever. He has taken Anderson’s tale that he based his Feb sucks story on and used it to good effect in another story. Very clever indeed.

Rescored from 3/5 to 5/5

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago


Without even reading further the stats are so false they are laughable.

As noted by other commenters non-paternity is way less than 1%. In Caucasian couples(99% of LW wives) is about 0.2%.

Also men are far more likely to divorce a cheating wives than the other way around.

When a wife cheats the likelihood of the couple to be married "till death do us part" is incredibly low. Some men would stay for the kids but at the end would leave.

Chimo1961Chimo1961about 2 months ago

I can feel the heat from that flamethrower.


Oh and you really ticked some folks off with this fiction.

Sorry folks, the women out there do not follow rules, and cheat like men do.

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