Finding Mr. Wright Ch. 03


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As we stepped into the dining portion, I noticed how nice the atmosphere was. This was not a run of the mill dining establishment, though I certainly didn't expect that, but a place that went out of its way to make sure it catered to expensive tastes. There were fountains cascading water in several different locations, which not only looked beautiful, but also had the added effect of making sure that private conservations would remain private due to the sound of the water running into the basin. This restaurant catered to both businesses and romantic concerns equally.

As the hostess neared the door to the private dining area, I stopped. I hesitated. Did I really want to do this? This was a big step. What if I was making a mistake? A surge of regret came over me, but even as it did, I knew I was going to go through with at least this meeting. I could always change my mind and never take another step along this path. The hostess turned to me as if to see why I had stopped, and I quickly moved forward again, moving past her as she held the door open for me.

I entered the room to see that it was decorated similarly to the main part of the restaurant, with a large fountain in the corner. A small door led out toward the back, presumably to the kitchen. There was a small bar, but seated at the table was the man that I had come to meet. As he turned and rose to greet me, all of the hesitation and fear that I had regarding his appearance, that he would be someone old or repulsive, disappeared. He was stunning. As he said, he was a few years older than I, but he didn't show it. His hair was dark brown, almost black, cut short and very neat, with no visible part. He wore a charcoal grey suit, almost as dark as his hair, with a plain white shirt underneath, and no tie. The first few buttons of his shirt were undone, enough that I could see he had a very well-defined physique underneath.

"Lisa, great to meet you," he stated, calling me by my screen name on the computer. "For now, you can call me Aaron." Finally! He revealed his name to me, or at least, something I could call him if that wasn't his actual name. I didn't have time to ponder his comment that I could call him that 'for now,' for as I took his extended hand in mine, he turned my hand, pulling it to his lips and gave it a soft, welcoming kiss. He was a gentleman as well, or so it seemed. "Please, sit," he beckoned me, and as I went to do so, he held the chair for me. As he spoke, I detected a slight British accent in his voice, not too distinct, as he had maybe lived here in the US the majority of his life, but definitely a British influence in his life somewhere.

As he seated himself, he called the waiter, who took our drink order. Nothing alcoholic, as it was only lunch. I ordered my usual unsweet tea while he simply ordered a water with lemon. "Please, let's order, then we'll have all the time we need to talk." I simply nodded.

As I glanced over the menu, my stomach was already in knots. I didn't want to order anything heavy, so I kept it simple with a light arugula salad with cannellini. Normally, I would have really taken time to examine the menu and order something interesting or exotic, as my taste in food was very varied and I loved trying new things. But as exclusive as this restaurant was, I wasn't here for the food. Aaron ordered Swordfish a la Siciliana, which looked delicious, as it was topped with capers, olives and raisins.

As we ordered, he glanced at his phone for a minute, typed in a quick message, and stared at me until the waiter finished and left us alone. At this point, all the introductions being finished and with the waiter leaving, I had the sudden urge to get up and run, leave here and never look back. My stomach was still in knots, but I remained seated and met his gaze.

"I must admit, Lisa, you are even more lovely than I expected." I smiled and even blushed slightly, glancing away in a bit of surprise. I had not expected that. It was nice to be in this type of elegant atmosphere, with a man who would complement me, even if I felt I wasn't deserving of such. Jonathan used to do that, but never did anymore. Jonathan... I quickly pushed the thought of him from my mind as Aaron continued.

"Lisa, how has your online adventure been so far?" Clearly referencing the site, I didn't know how to respond. I decided to be a bit evasive, feeling him out.

"Interesting," I said, letting the word trail off, unwittingly revealing I wanted to say more, but that I was still reserved.

"Come now," he responded, "I know there is more than that. I understand why you are a bit hesitant. Open up. You are here for answers to the question that have been burning in your mind, are you not?" I nodded as he continued. "Then relax and ask me anything, I'm more than willing to help you in this endeavor."

"I... I...," I stammered, "I don't know where to begin."

"Well then answer me this: has this been something you have always been interested in but was hesitant to seek, or is it a more recent interest. If so, what piqued your interest?"

There it was. A direct question about my private interests that were sexual in nature. This is a topic that I had never broached with even my closest friends, and now, here was this man, a complete stranger, asking me to reveal some of my most personal, inner thoughts. It's one thing to discuss these things in a written message in an anonymous forum, but it is altogether different to do so face to face, and with a man, too! I have a decision to make, I thought to myself. If I do this, and reveal these things, then I am laid bare for this man, exposed and vulnerable. If I don't, then I pass up my opportunity, maybe my only opportunity ever, to sate my curiosity in this area.

Deciding quickly, almost on instinct, I told him. I told him everything about me, albeit succinctly. I went through my predominantly innocent and naïve upbringing, my now--boring marriage, my estranged relationship with my husband, my lack of sexual contact of any kind for quite some time now, my discovery late the other night of the Fifty Shades movie, and the interest it had aroused in me. As I spoke, the words flowed from me, freely, becoming more and more exposing as I went on. I left out details involving attire and descriptions of myself naked, and of course said nothing about when I pleasured myself. However, I did reveal feelings and emotions, maybe even some I had yet to really even confess to myself. I don't know why I did this so easily or so thoroughly. Maybe it was that this man, this 'Aaron,' was a stranger, and that made it easier. As I spoke, he sat there, intently listening, interested, without shock or disgust, and without any laughter or judgment. I was grateful for that. Maybe this was all I needed, someone to talk to.

While I spoke, the waiter brought our food, and we slowly ate. I continued to talk and Aaron listened. As I finished revealing all of my emotions to this stranger, I just looked at him. For a moment, all I had said was forgotten as I looked into his deep, beautiful eyes. I saw a look of understanding and acceptance.

Aaron waited a few minutes before speaking. "Lisa, tell me, after you watched the movie that night, were you aroused? Did you masturbate?"

I froze. The wave of nervous energy that washed over me at that instant was palpable. I didn't respond immediately. How could he ask me something so personal? How could I tell him the truth? However, at such a blatant sexual question, something else stirred in me. I could actually feel a sensual arousal building in me, just from his words. As I debated how to answer, or even if I should, I realized my mouth was open slightly in surprise. I closed it and regained my composure somewhat, but the excitement was still there. I looked down at the table, avoiding his gaze. "Yes," I responded, almost in a whisper.

Aaron smiled. "How did that make your feel, Lisa? Not that night, I know how that must have felt. I meant just now, when I asked you that question, what did you feel?"

"Nervous... shocked... excited...," I said. "To be honest, my first thought was not to answer you."

"So why did you answer?" he probed further.

"I'm not sure. Maybe the feeling of excitement in me overtook me. It... it feels good to talk about this with someone who understands, who is outside my normal circle of friends, who doesn't judge me as they would." I was becoming more open. At that point, I felt that I would answer anything he asked of me.

"Then tell me how you masturbated, Lisa. Tell me what you did, and what was in your mind as you did."

A second wave of nervous energy and excitement washed over me, stronger than the first. I waited a few seconds, closing my eyes, remembering. When I spoke, I told him. I told him about my robe, what I was wearing, how I laid back on the couch. I told him about the hairbrush in my hand, how I touched myself, how it made me feel. I told him about the imagined man over me, holding me down, how I opened up for him as he pushed inside me, how me made love to me, and how I climaxed.

As I recited this to Aaron, I was becoming more and more aroused. This was one of the strongest feelings of sensuality and arousal that I have ever felt in my life. It was a feeling of openness I had never experienced, one of surrender at revealing such a personal and intimate moment, and one of stark arousal. I could feel it in my chest as my nipples stiffened as I relayed my thoughts, and I certainly felt the presence of my arousal between my legs.

"Lisa, that was beautiful," Aaron intoned. "Beautiful in what you did and in how you portrayed yourself to me. I'm honored you shared that with me."

I smiled, but could say nothing else.

"Elizabeth, I think I understand what is going on with you, and I know what you seek, what you need."

I froze. He knew my name. Not the "Lisa" that I used online and the name he had addressed me so many times so far today, but instead, he used my real first name, Elizabeth. I was instantly frightened. I began to stand and leave, not knowing what else to do.

"Please, Elizabeth, sit. There is no need to leave, and you have no reason to be frightened of me." I slowly sat back down as he continued, by I was very, very wary now. My feeling of arousal erased almost instantly by this new shock.

"I know you are Elizabeth Myles Brandt of 248 Tower Lane. I know your date of birth, educational background, work history, and many more things about you. So that you are not scared, and I can put your mind at ease, I'll tell you how I discovered this information, so you don't think I'm some crazed stalker or that I might have a more insidious motive. I have an associate outside who saw your vehicle as you arrived. It was easy to get your license plate and vehicle information. From there, my resources revealed much to me about you."

I remained still as he spoke, easing my mind somewhat by what he said, but not much, and I was still very cautious. "In my position, I have to make sure I know things about people I meet and people I deal with, and especially with people like yourself that I want to get to know, to know more personally than professionally." He continued with an amused, almost sarcastic smile. "I have to make sure you aren't a crazed sociopath out to try to blackmail me for a fortune."

I actually smiled and laughed a bit at that, and it did help to put me a bit more at ease. However, he had more to add. "I could have said nothing about what I know. In fact, that was the information my associate sent to me just as we sat down. However, I want you to know that I know this about you, and that everything about you is absolutely secret and confidential with me. Even if we only have this one lunch together, if I never see you again, I will tell no one of you or anything you have revealed. I tell you this because I want you to trust me."

I waited, rolling over in my mind how to take this information. The initial shock had subsided, and what he was saying helped to allay my fears, although not completely. I hoped beyond hope that he was sincere, and I hadn't made a terrible mistake.

"Aaron Wright."

"I'm sorry?" I asked as he said something, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"My full name is Aaron Donovan Wright. Here is my business card with my date of birth written on it." He pulled a pen from his pocket and wrote something on the back of a business card, handing it to me. I took it and glanced at it. 'Wright Consulting, LLC' it read, with his date of birth hand written on the back. "Now you can find out whatever you like about me as well. I hope I can trust you as you have trusted me, as I too have much that I would not want revealed."

Taking the card and laying it on the table by me, I thanked him. As I relaxed, I felt the pangs of arousal return, not as intense as before, but they hadn't totally disappeared altogether. I took the remaining bites of my salad and sipped my tea, waiting for Aaron to break the silence.

"Elizabeth." He stated my name, letting it hang in the air for a second before speaking again. "I have really enjoyed meeting you, and you are absolutely beautiful, in more ways than you can imagine." I blushed slightly, and noticed the arousal growing again. "I want to see you again and help you discover more about yourself; help you to obtain the answers you seek. However, I want to give you some time to think about what we have discussed today and what the future might hold for you in this area."

I nodded in understanding. "I'd like that very much," I added. The waiter entered again at this point, asking if there was anything else we needed. When Aaron told him 'no,' the waiter said 'thank you' and that lunch would be added to his account. Aaron told him 'thank you' as well and said that he would like a few more moments alone, so the waiter turned and left, shutting the door behind him.

Aaron turned to me. "One more thing before we part today, Elizabeth." He paused. "Tell me how you feel right now. Has what you told me about yourself, what you shared, has it caused you any... sexual arousal?"

I hesitated again. Here we were, going back to very personal and intimate questions, which themselves were causing me to focus on that arousal, bringing it again to the forefront. As I did before when he asked me if I touched myself, I looked down at the table, whispering a simple, "yes."

"Good," he responded, firmly. "Then tell me now... what intimate apparel you are wearing under that beautiful skirt. Describe it to me." He didn't phrase it as a question, or even a request. It was a statement, a command. His words sent a chill up and down my body, and a warmth spread over me.

I took a deep breath and let it out before I told him. "Black stockings that you can see from my legs, held in place by a black lace garter. It is a matching set, along with black lace panties and bra."

"Do you wear this type of lingerie all the time, Elizabeth?"

"No, In fact, I've had this for years and I've never worn it."

"Then why did you wear it today?"

I blushed again. He knew. He could see right through me, as if I was wearing nothing at all. I resigned to tell him, and told him the truth. "Because I wanted to feel... sensual... to feel sexy, feel sexual... even if it couldn't be seen and no one else knew... I wanted to feel that way since it is so foreign to me normally."

He nodded in understanding of what I was saying. "How does that make you feel, revealing this to me, and now having me know what you are wearing underneath your clothing?"

"Both excited and nervous," I replied, my voice breaking.

"Here is a test then, Elizabeth. I want you to stand, pull up your skirt, and remove your panties, then place them on the table. Do not worry about anyone walking in. I gave the order and we will not be interrupted. Do it now."

He said this also as an order... a command that could not be disobeyed, and it hit me like a blow. Up until this point, all we were doing was speaking with each other. It was sensual, intimate, and exposing, but it was still just talk. Suddenly, this was more.

I froze in shock at this request. My mind was all over the place, how dare he ask this? I'm a married woman! I'm not some cheap tramp to take off my clothing for a stranger, and in the middle of a restaurant, no less! As my thoughts were flitting around as what to do, almost unaware to my conscious mind, my body had already begun to move, as if I had no control over it. My chair pushed back, and I slowly stood. I stepped to the side of the table, away from the chair, my conscious mind suppressed, as if I were in a daze. I reached down my legs and began pulling up my skirt. As the skirt rose, it slowly revealed my thighs, then the top of my stockings. As it rose higher, the garter straps came into view, followed by the lower part of my underwear. I didn't stop or hesitate. I was moving now almost automatically, not thinking, just acting... reacting. It was incredibly provocative. I pulled my skirt higher, up over the top edge of my panties to the top of my garter near my wait, completely revealing my lower body, clad only in the very revealing lingerie.

I hooked my thumbs in each side of my panties, pulling them down slowly, and for a brief second, completely revealing myself, my most private area between my legs, naked for him to see. As I pulled them down, my skirt fell back down my legs on its own, covering my nudity. I stepped out of my panties, pushing my skirt down and smoothing it out. I bent my knees and lowered myself down to pick up my underwear. I stood and placed them on the table. I sat back down as Aaron stared at me the entire time.

"That was perfectly done, Elizabeth. I know it took courage to do that, courage you probably weren't sure you even possessed. I'm impressed. That was beautiful and very erotic."

'Beautiful?' 'Erotic?'... was he speaking? I was in a daze right now, as if I was viewing this from afar... that it wasn't me... that it was some nameless other woman... I was just watching from a distance, not the one doing it, the one actually taking part. And what was I? Aroused... turned on... hundreds of other words... all a jumble in my mind. I tried to snap out of it, to focus on what he was saying, as he continued.

"Now, though, it is unfortunately time for us to part. As I said, I would love to see you again and see where this will lead. I have much to teach you and I think you will be very eager to learn. However, I want to give you time to think on this and make sure it is what you want. This is all absolutely and completely within your power... it's your decision and yours alone. If you realize tomorrow that you want nothing further with this, then I will respect that and as I've said during each stage of this, you will never hear from me again."

As he stood, I rose with him. He walked by the table, reached out his hand and took my panties, placing them in his jacket pocket. He escorted me out, his hand leading me, touching the small of my back. I could barely focus. What had I just done? I'm married after all! I was still in that haze, as if things were happening around me and I was just a spectator, watching, having no control over what had just transpired.

Aaron followed me outside to my car and we said our goodbyes. He reiterated again that we would not speak for ten days, giving me time to collect my thoughts and assess my feelings, to make a serious decision. During those ten days, I should research him so that I would be more comfortable, just as he had done with me. We shook hands, my hand trembling a bit, but before he turned to leave, he reached into his other coat pocket and removed a small box, delicately wrapped in simple brown paper, and handed it to me. A parting gift, he called it, as he nodded his head and walked to the street. At that point, a large, luxury SUV pulled up by him and came to a stop, he entered the rear seat, and it drove away.

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GoldustwingGoldustwing2 months ago

I am intrigued by the pace you’ve set for the story and the insights into Elizabeth’s development as a potential member of the bdsm lifestyle. Perhaps her loveless marriage has prepared her for the future of pain and ecstasy. I’m really enjoying this series.

Dark358Dark358over 1 year ago

Magnificent and masterful... I do so enjoy reading the female perspective when I sense earnestness over entertainment. Particularly, when the author gives the male reader glimpses into her visceral reactions contrasted with her objections owing to social programing. The well written "is vs should" internal battle is an arousing read. Kudos...

bdsm_bethbdsm_bethover 1 year agoAuthor

TalkSexyToMe -- I absolutely agree, and if it were me, I would spend quite a bit more time fully checking out and getting to know a dominant before submitting to them, as I wouldn't want to end up as a victim of something more insidious! However, I doubt people would want to read 10 more chapters of Elizabeth checking into every aspect of Aaron, meeting him over and over again, and all the normal things we would do to ensure the dominant is correct for us and that we are safe! (Moral of this comment: If you are a female (or even male sub) out there looking into a dominant, do your homework and stay safe!).

TalkSexyToMe2029TalkSexyToMe2029over 1 year ago

I must say she's braver or more desperate than me. I would never submit on the first date even for the yummiest Dom out there.

bdsm_bethbdsm_bethover 1 year agoAuthor

Prof_Master - the story intended to relay that Elizabeth and her husband Jonathan were having issues long before her adventure began, having grown apart in their relationship, focusing on different things, and especially never having started a family (which Elizabeth desperately wanted, even if she did speak up for herself as strongly as she should have). Jonathan even apologized for never starting a family with her. As indicated in the story, their separation/divorce was amicable, with both of them realizing that they had grown apart and were heading down separate, exclusive paths. Thank you for the comment and stay tuned to see what eventually becomes of Elizabeth.

To Tess (UK) and Vodiodo69 - thank you for the comments and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!

Prof_MasterProf_Masterover 1 year ago

A thought occurs to me: I wonder if E is an unreliable narrator of her unhappiness in her marriage, that it is "over," simply because she is consumed with the sexual energy of the new & exciting. Maybe I'll find out...

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


Tess (uk)

vodiodo69vodiodo69over 1 year ago

This is my first intro into this series. Very hot. But, I’m not going to like waiting for the next chapter!,, I am dripping now. This is torture. Chrissy

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