Finding the Perfect Fit Pt. 23


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"Okay, how are we going to play this? Do you want to tell the person fitting you or not bother?" Jamie pulled it over before shrugging.

"I don't care? If they ask then sure but otherwise I don't want to walk in there and declare I'm a dude then ask for a fitting." With that said, I couldn't think of any other obstacle so we made sure we had phones and money, along with the address and off we went into the heat of midday. On Saturday. Traffic sucked and going to the nicer part of town hadn't helped but eventually we arrived at Diva's, Jamie's eyebrow raising at reading the title and seeing the manikins all dolled up in the front windows.

"Okay, Min Seo got back to me so we're not going to stock up yet, okay? Probably just one bra before we go shopping with her." I cracked the windows before turning the car off. Last time we'd done something like this it had been the exact opposite: Dark instead of bright, freezing instead of sweltering, concern instead of confidence. Jamie had undone his seat belt and was looking at the store, watching as a tall woman went inside. "Ready?"

Glancing back at me with a grin, Jamie answered by opening the door and shutting it behind him. Out in broad daylight, fully dressed in clothes that finally fit him and his shape right, Jamie checked both ways before walking with his head up and hair flowing back to the store. I had to hurry and get moving, too busy watching Jamie be unshackled from the fear that had hidden so much of him away the previous winter and spring.

Checking left then right, I jogged to join Jamie, the shade over the sidewalk a relief even after only a few seconds in the sun. Keeping my quicker pace, I took the handle on the door and opened it for Jamie, who smiled at me and melted my heart. The interior of the store tried to freeze it, the shock a bit more than welcome. The first thing I noticed about the place was it was narrow, the walls closer together but deeper than what I'd usually seen. It gave me the impression of being in a train car, despite never getting close to one.

"Hi! Welcome to Diva's! Let me know if I can help you, 'kay?" A blonde woman about our age said, wearing a shirt that didn't leave much to the imagination and jeans that did much of the same, showing off slim legs and equally narrow hips. A name tag marked her as Brandy and she was tanner than Jamie or I, not at all surprising given our inside summer jobs.

Looking around, I tried to figure out what to say, knowing what we needed but not sure where to start. So many things were on the walls and the colors and cuts all screamed for my attention, wanting me to gather them all up and see what they looked like on Jamie.

"Yeah, actually, I'm going to need measured for my bra size and suggestions for swimwear." Jamie said in his female voice and Brandy nodded while looking him over.

"Sure thing. Come with me?" Jamie glanced back at me, dark lined eyes shining and amused as I followed them, amazed at what I was seeing. Jamie had taken charge when, arguably, he should have been at his weakest and most vulnerable. We went down a hallway near the back of the store with a few doors that lead to small changing rooms. I slipped in behind Jamie, taking a seat on the padded bench and looking at the large mirror before Brandy came in with a long measuring tape.

"Alright, I'm going to ask you to take your shirt off so I can get a better measurement, 'kay?" Jamie nodded and removed the pink outer shell, revealing a while camisole that wasn't worn out but far from fresh. "Gonna be honest, how have you gone this long without wearing a right sized bra?"

"I used to be a 36C but had a growth spurt over the summer and it's only now slowed down." He responded and Brandy's response cracked my shit up, reducing me to giggles in the corner.

"Lucky!" At hearing that, Jamie told her about the things he'd ordered online and she nodded along, asking questions before taking out her phone and tapping his suggestion in. "Wow, okay, thanks! But let's get you measured, yeah?" She wrapped the tape around Jamie's upper chest, then about his breasts and finally underneath his bust.

"Okay! You are somewhere between a 36F or 38E, which, again, lucky. I'll go grab a few things for you to try on, 'kay?" Jamie nodded and the door closed, leaving us alone.

"Wow." He said and I couldn't help but agree, able to guess what had stunned him. I saw his reflection as he came back, eyes blinking rapidly as he looked at me. "How am I doing?" My answer was to give him a double thumbs up which resulted in another deep, wonderful smile from him. Jamie ran his hands down the skirt, smoothing it but not revealing the secret at all. A knock at the door startled us both but Jamie gave a 'yep', Brandy coming with a handful of hangers, all bearing bras. Jamie from when I first met him would have smashed through the wall at that sight but my current Jamie on looked on with curiosity.

"Okay, so I picked out a few different styles and colors so try on whichever one you like most and I'll be outside to make sure it fits right, 'kay?" Jamie nodded, she handed the hangers over before stepping out.

"Well? Which one do you like?" There were four on offer and I picked the basic black one that reminded me of the comfy bra Jamie I'd given him. Without much in the way of a show, Jamie pulled the camisole off before taking the bra I'd freed from the hanger, getting it on but having some trouble latching it before sighing. "Sorry, out of practice." I gestured him over and hooked it, checking out the view in the mirror.

Sure, the room was different but this was the same thing we had been doing in my dorm. Only Jamie was bigger now, tugging at the bra and not paying as much mind to the reflection that I was having trouble tearing my gaze from. My boyfriend had bigger tits than I did. We'd no longer be able to share bras and while that would double our clothing spending, it was a thrill to see Jamie filling up such a large size. At least, it was to me as he wasn't having as much fun.

Another knock, another call and Brandy came in, turning Jamie around and adjusting the bra before checking the tag.

"Are the cups too tight?" Jamie nodded and Brandy gestured for the other bras she'd brought in, me handing them over. "Try this one, it's a 36E." With that, she left and I unhooked Jamie, who inhaled and quickly got out of the black one which wasn't that comfy. I handed him the suggested dark blue one with a white lace trim that matched his skirt and helped him latch it in the back. Much less tugging and adjusting happened, Jame taking a deep breath before checking the mirror.

Amazement happened all over again, Jamie's eyes going to his bust as he moved to the left, then right before checking out the profile and finally facing me.

"E? I went up two cup sizes?" He voice was low and that was good as Jamie had dropped the girly tone and was back to his normal register. "I mean, that's what they advertised but I didn't think..."

"What, they were telling the truth? Is not being lied to that big of a deal?" That got Jamie to snicker before he looked down, then back to the mirror.

"I just wasn't expecting this is all." Back to the girly voice and the words came into my head and left my lips before I could stop them:

"Isn't this what you wanted?" I shivered and Jamie actually gave it thought before looking at me and nodding, face solemn with something else struggling underneath. Another knock made us both jump, Jamie giving his head a brisk shake before replying. Brandy bustled in and checked him, asking if this one was better.

"Alright, good! What are you looking for? Something nice, for work, anything like that?" Jamie glanced back at me and didn't respond right away, his eyes wider and a far cry from the sexy confidence he'd shown when leaving my car.

"Oh, uh, we're going to be shopping with a friend in a few days and she's good with fashion. So we're gonna just grab one." Brandy nodded at my words before turning back to Jamie.

"Do you like this one?" Swallowing dark, Jamie nodded before speaking, maintaining his feminine voice.

"Yeah, it fits and-" He bounced on his toes and gave a sigh of utmost relief when the bounce was contained, making both Brandy and I laugh. "Oh God it's nice to have a perfect fit for once." I wanted to speak up, to ask Jamie who's fault it was but bit my tongue. Now wasn't the time. Jamie pulled the camisole back on before the shirt joined it, his bust more noticeable than before and not just due to another layer being added.

"Alright, do you want to leave it on? I can just take the tag and ring it up at the register." Brandy said and the look on Jamie's face said it all. "Alright! Swimsuits next, right?" I stood and slipped an arm about Jamie's waist, pulling him close and he took a deep breath. I kissed him on the cheek as Brandy walked out of the changing room and Jamie followed her, slipping out of my arm but holding my hand as he led the way.

"'Kay, we got one pieces and bikinis and well, with your size I'd suggests something that has fitted cups." Brandy said, standing before a section of wall that had a few empty spots. Jamie looked around in silence before reaching out to a bikini top that had extra straps going from the cups to those that did the heavy lifting, the bra being solid black aside from a slash of pink going across the front. "Yep, that should do the trick." I went for something that had less to it, skipping the molded cups and snagging a bikini top that was a red and black print, something abstract and far from the normal fair I'd worn before.

"I'll be waiting to ring ya up, 'kay?" With that, Brandy took her leave as Jamie looked on, not sweating this time, it might have been too chilled in there for that, but thoughtful.

"I want the matching bottoms but am concerned about... Things." He said quietly, sticking with the girl's voice.

"Well, I want to see you in the matching bottoms so grab those and something else you'll think will work." I'd gotten my matching bottoms, bikini cut as well cause I didn't have as much to worry about aside from then riding up my ass too far. Lips pursed, Jamie took the black bikini bottoms with the pink slash on the front and back, he checked, and then grabbed a plain black pair of boy shorts. Before I could lead him over to the register, he hesitated so briefly I almost didn't notice and added something else to the pile in his hands.

Brandy made small talk while ringing everything up and we hit close to triple digits with tax included but that was more than fine, this whole trip had been an utter success.

"Thank you so much for helping me. I really do appreciate it." Jamie told her and Brandy thanked us for coming in, along with asking us to keep Diva's in mind when we did our big shopping trip later. "We will." He gave her an honest smile as he took my hand and I watched Brandy out of the corner of my eye as we left, seeing her toss a hanger under the counter before she looked back at us.

"Oh, I did it." Jamie muttered as we walked back into the sun and heat, one smothering and the other blinding. "I fucking did it!"

"Gawd damn right ya did, you E cupped bimbo!" Jamie laughed out loud at that, holding the boxy bag with the pink Diva's logo as he stood by the passenger door of my car. "Food?"

"Oh please." Said with such earnestness I smiled and we both got in, the AC being cranked while we began sorting out where to go. I knew Red Robin's was close and Jamie commented about having never been there so that made the choice easy. He was still perky, talking and laughing, giddy with the victory rather than being worn down like last time. I had to focus on driving, of course, but I wanted to just watch Jamie, to join him in reveling in the lack of fear.

Red Robin's was busy and inside was dark, along with cool so waiting for a table wasn't too bad. What was probably a college guy working over the summer walked up and gestured us over, announcing he would be our server for the day.

"If you'll follow me ladies?" Jamie blushed furiously and I bit back laughter, instead slinking an arm about his waist, feeling the light fabric of the skirt as we walked along the dim dining room. We took our seats at a booth along the wall, some TVs at the nearby bar showing sports as our generically good looking server asked for what we wanted to drink while handing over menus. With a round of Mountain Dews coming, he left us along to giggle, Jamie's face still burning.

"So this is what I've been missing out on all this time." Jamie said and I nodded, not trusting my voice quite yet. I was feeling some sort of way that I didn't know and now, typing all this out and being able to think it over, I can make an educated guess.

My heart was full as sitting across from me was the promise of Jamie fulfilled. We were out on the town, having a good time and there was no worry on his part. I was happy almost beyond the scope of words to know the friend I had been missing so much over the bad summer alone had come back so much stronger than before. Those times before of sitting in a booth at IHOP and seeing Jamie drowning in a hoodie, always glancing around before straightening his posture, those were over. Jamie wasn't slouching, instead showing off just by keeping his back straight and wearing a lower cut shirt.

"Doing okay over there?" I nodded, not used to Jamie checking up on me but thankfully our drinks came up and our waiter asked if we were ready to order. I had to scan over all the burgers in a hurry as I'd been too busy ogling Jamie instead of thinking about food. I ordered something, it was hard to go wrong here, and our menus were taken, leaving us alone amid the clatter of a busy restaurant.

"How are ya liking the skirt?" I asked, interested in his answer but also just to have something to say.

"It's so much cooler than wearing shorts." He said that as if surprised and I was reminded so much of this was new to Jamie. At least the parts about the practicality of women's clothing. Now I just gotta wait for him to discover the impractical parts of it, like the tiny fucking pockets on every pair of shorts or jeans!

"I'm just... So impressed Jamie." He sipped at the Dew while smiling, striking me as something out of an ad and really hot, neither thought not helping me stay on script. "Please don't take this as me downplaying how far ya've come but... Ya kinda cracked back there in the changing room. What was that about?" I reached over and took one of his hands, Jamie glancing at the bustling dining room while thinking.

"Hearing that number made it real. Sure, I've been living with my boobs for years and I knew they were getting bigger but 36E? Growing up all I knew was anything D and above was supposed to be huge. So knowing I broke into that realm?" I wanted to congratulate him but Jamie was speaking from the heart, just loud enough to be heard over the music but not so anyone else could overhear.

"There was a moment of fear. That I had done something irreversible and '36E' was the final incantation to finish a spell and make it permanent." Jamie's fingers curled about mine and I saw his eyes were distant, maybe looking into the past where such a thing would have been terrifying. "But that was wrong, that was the old me who had never met you or Tom, who had never been Pandora." A blink and Jamie was back, looking at me with admiration and I found tears suddenly at the ready even if they were unwanted. My heart was already at bursting and this tender honesty was too much.

"I wanted this and that it was so successful caught me off guard, sure, but it was my choice, my actions that made 36E real." He squeezed my hand and I returned it, smiling even if I was fighting back tears. "And it's empowering. I did this and I get to live with it. And you as well but I didn't figure there would be much complaining."

"None." I wiped my eyes with a forearm and Jamie was still smiling at me, in the pink shirt he once had balked at. "I just can't believe it. Ya here! And was in a changing room with a stranger! And we're gonna go home and fuck!" That finally wiped the smile from his face, replaced with laughter as a basket of fries was set on the table between us.

"By the way, I had a thought." Jamie looked around and only when he was sure no one was listening, spoke. "We need a better way to talk about me getting some." My confusion was clear enough he began explaining while poaching a fry and that was for the best, I'd already had like three. "Look, it feels really weird asking you to go get your dick and there's got to be a better way to say it."

"Fair enough. Whatcha got in mind?" He shrugged and I sighed, thinking the idea over while snacking on fries. "How about 'Getting some Pandora Time'? Cause that's what happens." Jamie chewed on a fry and my idea for a bit.

"I mean, yeah, it works..." Yet it was clear Jamie wasn't thrilled about it and when I asked why he took a sip before answering. "It sounds too self-serving, right? I don't want our time together-"

"Jamie, dear, you're overthinking it. It takes longer for you to get Pandora ready than it does for me to, well, ya know." He opened his mouth to protest but stopped, seeing my point. "And I appreciate the thought but Pandora Time works, it can be said in public and I'm looking forward to it as well." Jamie nodded, a grin sneaking over his face and I couldn't help but return it, anything more that would have been said or done interrupted by the delivery of our food. We mostly ate in silence, with conversation only resuming when a few bites remained.

"This was a good idea." Jamie said and I nodded, feeling sleepy and the dark wasn't helping my urge to take a nap any. "Is there anything left to do today?"

"Finish unpacking, uh, make sure our swimsuits fit. Oh yeah! And fuck." Jamie's grin at that last woke me up, glancing around and biting his lower lip. "What, not feelin' it?"

"No, I am and that's the problem." I blinked, not understanding and Jamie sighed. "Gen, I'm in a skirt, which I like. But if I get excited, well, I'm sure you can figure out the issue there." I did indeed see the issue yet the urge to keep going, to push him further and see how he'd react came and went in a flash.

"Welp, guess we should talk bout something boring then?" Jamie closed his eyes, took a deep breath then nodded. "Wanna get groceries after this? Cause we do need more to eat aside from pizza. And caffeine."

"Yeah, we need to do that. I know something's wrong when I start craving salad." Our waiter dropped the bill off and I handed over my card, chatting idly with Jamie while the tab was paid. When the server returned with a receipt for me to sign, he left us with a "You ladies have a good day now." And that's all it took for Jamie and I to descend into manic giggles once more. It took a bit for us to cool down and only when Jamie nodded did we slide out of the booth and walk hand in hand out into the blinding day.

We got in my car, the AC turned on alongside the radio and I drove to a different than usual grocery store, not wanting to run into anyone who might recognize Jamie. We stocked up on food and drink, joking and generally enjoying ourselves all the while. And the drive home was short, parking by our apartment and I carried all the food in while Jamie got the bag from Diva's and unlocked the door. After putting the food in the fridge I collapsed on the couch and Jamie joined me.

"How ya feelin'?" I asked and Jamie took his time in replying.

"Good but tired. Today is what I meant when I said I wanted to live and it was wonderful. Thank you Gen." He kissed me on the cheek and I shifted to face him, pecking my lips against his.

"So... Can Pandora come out to play?" I asked and Jamie simply gave me a look that told me 'of course'. "Wait, shit, I need to find the stuff first." I hopped up and began digging through the remaining boxes while trying to remember where I'd stashed what was going to be needed very soon. "That's right! I put it with my school shit!"