Fire and the Redhead


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'That's interesting,' I thought she was still wearing her bikini pants. Another tease? I stripped off and sat at the opposite end of the bath.

"I'm being a good girl aren't I Tim? Kept my pants on so you can't perv on my pussy...unlike you who dropped yours first chance you get. I shaved my pussy again so that it's nice and shiny for you."

"Good girl...Now I need to check your feet out please...lift one up."

"What for?" she giggled.

"I've just changed the sheets on the bed, can't have you hopping in with dirty feet."

"You're a liar...have you got a foot fetish?"

"No but I think you might...lift up." Grinning at me she lifted one leg and laid it on my thigh. I picked it up and shuffled along the bath. Her toes curled up as I held her ankle with one hand and gently traced the outline of the top of her foot with the other, before running my fingers along the base of her foot.

"I'm not ticklish."

"Just as well...I'd hate it if you accidentally kicked me in the mouth." Gently I inched along, massaging the top and bottom of Cindy's foot as I slowly moved my way from her heel towards her toes, pressing my fingers and thumbs into her foot as I progressed. I hit one spot just beneath her toes and she immediately relaxed the tension in her thigh so that her knee fell against mine.

"Oh Tim...that feels so good...what are you doing...are you trying to make me fall asleep?"

I smiled at her. "No...I'm going to make you cum."

"You can't make me cum by playing with my feet."

"I'm going to give it a good try. Might not be able to though if you don't believe me and relax."

" you can't though."

"How much you willing to bet?"

She thought about it for a while. "If you can make me cum I'll let you fuck me any way you want, I'll be your slave and do anything you want for a day."

"That could be dangerous Cindy...I might be a filthy deviant who only wants to use and abuse you, besides, I'm going to fuck you every which way anyway."

Cindy was grinning at me. "I'll risk it...but if you can't make me cum, then you are my slave for a day and...I'm a mean motherfucker so you probably don't want that."

"Almost makes me want to lose...Deal?" I laughed.

About a year previously I was flying to Sydney. I had ruptured my eardrums when I was younger due to ear infections from swimming and surfing so much in cold water, and I had a bad headache owing to not being able to equalize to the pressure fluctuations in the aircraft. In desperation I had called the steward to ask for some sort of pain relief. He asked me to hold out my hand which I was a bit reluctant to initially do due to his obvious sexuality. He pressed his thumb into the joint between my thumb and forefinger and I felt a not too unpleasant pain as he hit the pressure point.

"Tell me if you feel dizzy." Within a minute I felt a dizzy spell come on and he stopped pressing, rubbed my hand and walked off. Five minutes later no headache, in fact I'd even forgotten I'd had one. As he walked past me again I stopped him and asked what he had done.

"It's called 'Reflexology'. It works by using different pressure points, in your case one that's connected to the flow of blood to the brain. You need to be careful with it though, you would have blacked out if I kept going."

I thanked him and a few months later was walking past the library in Newcastle and decided to see if they had anything on 'Reflexology'. 20 minutes later I walked out with photocopied charts out of a book I had found on the subject. Feet were heavily featured in the subject, and I studied the maze of different areas associated with various parts of the body much to Cam's disgust as he called it a 'load of hogwash'. That was until he had a headache one day, hungover following a party we were invited to the night before.

Concentrating on the areas beneath her toes, Cindy visibly relaxed again, and her eyes closed while she made contented sighing noises. Moving my fingers back down her foot I pressed into a spot under her heal. Cindy's eyes flew open, and she gasped, now I pressed into a spot below her ankle bone. The effect was almost immediate. Cindy's legs stiffened and her mouth dropped open. I grinned at her while placing my foot against her bikini clad crutch.

"Oh my God... what are you doing to me?...I don't believe it...I think I want to cum."

"Let it go Cindy...don't try to stop're going to cum, so enjoy it."

Cindy started to hump against my foot then let rip with a loud moan as she came while jerking her legs and pushing her crutch hard against my foot. She slumped back and sunk into the bath.

"You bastard Tim...I can't believe that just happened. What other tricks do you know buster?"

"That's about it, don't know anything else about women."

"Oh my God...I was laughing to myself thinking you were a dreamer if you thought I would cum by playing footsies. How many times have you done that before?"

"Never managed before, but you're different."


"I think you are the most sensual girl I have ever been with; most might have one or two erogenous zones, but you seem to have them everywhere, guess it's because you're a redhead."

"Just how many girls have you been with buster, I hope you realize you're only my second guy?"

I grinned at her. "Enough to know that I have met the hottest, most beautiful, funny girl in the world."

"Good're learning. Tim will you take me to bed now. Would you sing for me first though?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"What would you like me to sing Cindy?" We were on the deck at the cottage.

"Surprise the way...what is my surprise?"

"Hold on a minute, I'll just grab it."

"Sounds interesting."

Davey had given me a couple of joints. I wasn't into smoking dope, but every so often when the three of us had played a gig we would smoke a joint which was great for our music. 'The great uninhibitor' Cam would call it.

Cindy's eyes lit up when I brought out the two joints.

"Goody," she smiled at me. "Are you going to drug me up and take advantage of me?"

"I hope so...need you a bit quieter and docile for what I've got in mind."

"There's just one thing though Tim. I tend to run my mouth off and talk a whole lot of trash when I smoke dope. I might give you a bit of a fright with some of the shit I talk."

"That's the whole idea Cindy...don't hold reservations...I don't care what you say to me. It might work two ways, might be the real me who gives you a fright."

She grinned at me. "Okay...but I've warned you."

We shared the first joint as we sat on the deck, neither of us talking for a good fifteen minutes as we felt the buzz of the dope.

"A song please Tim...are you going to do that thing with your eyes and stare at me so that I go all gooey?"

"You bet your bottom dollar I am."

Ewan McColl wrote a song for his wife Peggy Seager. 'The first time ever I saw your face.' I grabbed my guitar and Cindy followed me in and hopped up onto the sofa, arms wrapped around her knees. I played a couple of riffs and started into the song as I sat on a chair opposite her. I knew that to my mind anyway, I sang better after I had a bit of dope and stared at her expressionless as she tried to hold my eyes, which lasted all of ten seconds before I saw her blush then look away. She tried to look at me again but couldn't hold my gaze turned away and closed her eyes.

I finished the song, and she opened her eyes and looked at me. "Sing it again please Tim...that was beautiful."

This time Cindy wouldn't look at me. She just hugged her knees with eyes shut her head swaying slightly. When I had finished she got up took my Guitar and placed it on the sofa came back to me held my face in her hands and passionately kissed me before stepping back and punching my arm.

"Oww...what was that for?"

"The kiss was for the song...the punch was for making me feel like a silly head over heels schoolgirl with wet panties and raging hormones, who has just been seduced and fucked by an evil conniving predator."

I laughed. "It was only a song. Maybe I meant every word of it."

"You better have Buster." Cindy kissed me again. "Stay're turn for a surprise."

She was in the bedroom for a good ten minutes. I got bored, picked up my guitar and picked out a few riffs.

"Promise you won't laugh at me." I glanced up to see Cindy standing in the doorway and my mouth must have dropped open. She was wearing a pink baby doll night outfit. The Nightie was almost sheer so that I could almost see through it. It only came down to just below her hips so that the matching pair of pink panties peeked out below the hem. Cindy had put her hair into two plaits that draped over her shoulders and down over her tits. Half her body was pink nightie the other half were her gorgeous long legs. It was a sight to behold.

She had already called me 'Daddy' a few times and now she had dressed up like a little girl. I was in little doubt that she had a 'Daddy' fetish going on, but I was also very wary, and wondered why. Her old man was a prick as far as I could determine, and she seemed to be in constant conflict with him.

"Do you like it?" She gave me a twirl that lifted the nightie way up as she spun.

"Christ look as hot as hell. Can we talk though?"

"Yes Daddy, are you going to growl at me because I punched you in the arm. Am I in trouble again?"

Whatever role play Cindy was in to, she was bloody good at it as she swung her hips and bit her lip.

"Come over here Cindy...I just want to talk to you please."

"Yes Daddy." She wandered over to the sofa but instead of sitting beside me took away my guitar and sat on my lap with her hands around my neck. The dope was having an affect on me and I had to think about how I chose my words.

"Ok look hot as hell. I'd be lying if I said you aren't making me as hot as hell but...what's with this Daddy thing you're into."

She looked down for a minute before turning to me.

"I'm sorry if it seems silly. You see Tim, Mark is not my real dad or Phil's. My real Dad was Audrey and Mark's brother, his name was John, and he was a pilot, but his plane crashed, and he died when I was two. I can't really remember him much, but I do remember sitting on his knee and staring up at him as he laughed with me. Phil remembers him more though; I just remember his big smiling face. I know I loved my dad more than anything else in the world and I still think and dream about him. Anyway, after he died, Mark stepped in and Mum and him got together and eventually got married. I try to be nice to Mark but he just isn't my real Dad, so I sort of fight with him all the time and then I feel guilty about it afterwards. When I was younger he used to put me over his knee and smack me and I know I deserved it, but I also resented it because I always wished it was my real Dad that was punishing me. Sometimes I wish that he would still do it because I know I deserve it. Does that make any sense? I just want a real Dad I guess, and I have to come to terms with the fact that I won't ever have one...but I can still dream and fantasize that I have one. Can't I?"

"Shit I'm sorry what do you want from me...where do I come into this?

"Promise you won't laugh. When I met you I thought here's a hot looking guy. I needed to stop moping around and you know how randy I get. I decided I was going to get you to fuck me as fast as i possibly could...couldn't wait to get your pants off. Then you told me how you wanted to make love to me not just fuck me and I was sort of intrigued to see what you had in mind...still am." Cindy grinned at me. "That foot thing was unreal."

"When we got caught in the shower I couldn't believe how cool you were and how quickly you came up with a plan...but it was what you did when the fire you took charge and sorted everything out that really did it."

"Did what?"

"Whenever you are around, I feel safe Tim...I mean really safe, like I know I would if you were my real Dad...and I don't want that feeling to go away. I want to be you're little girl and I want you to be my Daddy. Please don't laugh at me...I know it sounds silly but could you...could you just pretend to be my Daddy? I wear this baby doll outfit because I want to tease my Daddy...I know it's naughty, but that's what I want...I want my Daddy to get mad at me and punish me so that I can pretend I don't know what I did wrong."

"Okay...let me have a think about this Cindy...I'm going to go for a sit there like a good little girl till Daddy gets back." I lifted Cindy off my lap and dumped her on the sofa.

Wandering outside I headed down to the jetty. It was dark now and the afternoon wind had gone, so that the lake was glassy smooth. Turning back to the cottage I could see Cindy standing at the window looking for me. She looked worried.

'What the fuck are you doing Tim.' I said to myself. Cindy is hot as hell, absolutely gorgeous, if she's not a nympho she must be pretty close to it and here I am pissing around questioning the morals of her fantasies. It was the little girl Daddy thing she had going, that I was having trouble with. Is this dangerous ground with regards to fucking with Cindy's head or just a bit of fun. If she had been having this fantasy all her life, I could easily fuck it up for her. I thought about all those little signs Cindy had given me in regard to our time together. She liked to tease, she had indicated she wanted to be used, she got excited about being punished and she loved to feel safe. I had never had a lot to do with fantasies before, but I loved to please a woman. If I bore these things in mind perhaps things would be okay, and we could both have a bit of fun. There had been a couple of girls in Australia Carol and Gwenda who had indicated to me that they wanted to try anal sex and a couple of girls Judith and Theresa who before I left wanted to play swapsies with my mate and myself, but that was straight out sex where this was someone's fantasy or fetish. I also didn't know if I could handle being dominant with Cindy if that was where she wanted to go.

'Fuck it.' I thought. I liked Cindy too much to disappoint her.

Walking back into the cottage, Cindy was standing there with a worried look on her face her hands behind her back. God she looked gorgeous, and I'd be lying if I said what she wore didn't have an effect on me.

"I thought I told you to stay sitting on the sofa Cindy." I kept my voice quiet and firm.

Her mouth dropped open but then I saw the merest of smiles and look of relief on her face.

"Sorry Daddy I had to have a pee and then I couldn't find you."

"Go and sit on the sofa Cindy... now...I want to talk to you."

"Am I in trouble?"

"You will be unless you sit down now."

I could almost see her mind ticking over, deciding whether she would push the issue and defy me to see what I would do. But she sat down. I grabbed a chair and sat cowboy style in front of her. Those beautiful green eyes were big in anticipation of what might come next.

"Now Cindy...I want to talk to you about what you are wearing. Do you think it's suitable attire young lady, to be wearing around your father?"

"But I put it on for you Daddy...I thought you would like it. I think it looks pretty."

"Yes is very pretty but don't you think it's a bit inappropriate to be parading around in next to nothing."

"Do you mean because you can almost see my titties and most of my panties. I don't mind if it's just you looking Daddy. It makes me feel sexy."

"And just what do you know about being sexy Cindy?"

"I know heaps of if you see my titties or my Kittie, your thingy will grow big...and you will want to play with it until you spurt your stuff out of it."

"And just where did you learn that?"

"Mum told me when she found me playing with my Kitty. She said that it was okay to play with my Kitty, but not to do it around men or boys because they wouldn't be able to control themselves...their cocks would grow big, and they might want to poke them into my Kitty...but I do it anyway...and're not men and boys, you're my Daddy."

I had to admit she was good at this. If this was her fantasy I was intrigued to know where she was leading me.

"What do you do anyway?"

"I show the men my Kitty and Titties silly...sometimes they show me and play with their cocks and sometimes their cocks just grow big in their pants...I'll show you if you like."

Cindy spread her legs and pulled aside the gusset of her panties exposing her bald pussy then pulled down the top of her nightie with her other hand so that one of her gorgeous tits was now fully exposed. She grinned up at me as she used two fingers to pull apart her pussy lips.

"Stop it now Cindy...that's not how a lady behaves."

"But why? Don't you like looking at your cock growing big?...if it is it means you must like it. Are you going to show me your cock Daddy? I've seen it before you know when you were doing fucking with Mummy in the kitchen. You've got a big cock, it's the biggest one I've seen yet, and it made mummy squeal when it was in her Kitty."

"Cindy put your Kitty back in your panties and cover up your chest. I'm trying to talk to you about your behaviour young lady. Do it now."

Cindy did as she was told, but the truth was I could have happily sat there watching as she played with her nipple with one hand and dabbed at her clit with the other and as far as my cock was concerned it was enjoying the show too. Cindy pouted at me as she rearranged herself. In a final act of defiance she pushed her panties against her pussy which left a bit of dampness on the gusset.

"Close your lags Cindy. Cindy do you know what a cockteaser is?"

" friend Ali is a cockteaser."

"And what does she do that is different from what you are doing now?"

"She plays with the cocks and makes them spurt their stuff. Don't laugh Daddy but sometimes she puts their cocks in her mouth and sucks on them then makes them spurt on her titties. She doesn't let them put it in her Kitty though...but she lets the boys poke it in her bum hole...that way she won't have a baby, but I don't do any of that stuff Daddy. I'm a good girl. I'd do it for you though if you wanted, because your my Daddy and that would be okay. I know what a cockteaser is Daddy."

Holy cow! That was more information than I was expecting. Was there some truth in it or was this just more of her fantasy. Her reference to anal sex could just be another tease or maybe she was giving me a hint.

"Cindy...umm... what you are doing now isn't acceptable you know. Showing me your privates, talking the way you's very disconcerting to your father, you need to stop it now."

"But it's just fun Daddy. I know you like it. I can see your cock got bigger even though you are sitting down. It's not really naughty and I won't tell Mummy if you won't. Can't I just see your cock I won't try and touch it, but you can touch my Kitty if you want. It feels nice when someone else touches it."

"Who has touched your Kitty Cindy?" I tried to sound a bit angry.

"Just Ali...we've done all sorts of stuff together. Don't laugh Daddy but we have even got naked and pretended to fuck each other, sucked on each other's titties and once we licked each other's Kitties. I had a huge tingle when she did that and Ali said I had a girl cum." Cindy giggled. "Ali even licked my bum hole."

Now I was turned on. I could have fucked her there and then, but I was determined to help her live out her fantasy.

"Stand up Cindy. Go over and stand next to the table."

"Yes Daddy."

Her eyes were full of anticipation, and she had the slightest of smirks on her face, I had to re-arrange my cock as I stood up and followed her to the table.