Five-Hundred Times Revenge


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Sara smiled and felt that she had made some progress. Her tears were now tears of happiness.

"Oh, thank you Johnny. I'll take care of everything."

In fact, the next evening Sara told me she had found a therapist and would meet with her alone the next day. She said we had set up a couples meeting for Friday at 3pm. I knew Sara was right, and if I did not want to spend two years divorcing her, we had to find a way to live in peace. Angel was all excited when she heard we were going to counseling and hoped there would be a way to get her family back. She smiled for the first time in weeks when Sara told her.

"Johnny, Angel is so glad you agreed to couples counseling. You should have seen her smile when I told her," she said that night when I got home from work. I went to dinner alone every night after work because I did not want to spend time with Sara. The problem was that I also missed my angel and wanted to find a way to be home for her. I missed her smile, her hugs, and her calling me Daddy.

Sara went to her solo counseling session and was wiped out that evening. When I got home, I found that she had been crying, and I realized that it was probably hard to tell someone that they had cheated on our family for years. Somehow, I had no sympathy or compassion for the woman who had broken my heart.


My brother Tony called me later that week to tell me what was going on. He explained that he was still owed some favors from his former acquaintances, who were connected to the cartel. The cartel may be ruthless and cold-blooded killers, but they stand by their debts. The debt they owed Tony was not in cash, but in favors for what he had done for them. He pled guilty and did the time and protected two cartel lords.

"You do not need to know anything, brother, and the less you know, the better. I'll just say this: soon you'll get your revenge."

After contacting one of his associates, Tony explained the situation. They understood and told him they would take care of it and let him know when it was done. Tony explained that they did not want him dead, but they wanted to leave it so he would remember it for the rest of his life. He left it in their hands, and he knew it was not going to be pretty. Tony gave them the man's name, the place where he worked, and his phone number. That was all they needed.

Two weeks after Johnny's first couple's session, William Aston's house was now the target. A white van was parked across the street from the Astons' home, and just minutes after William pulled into the garage, a young man knocked on the front door.

When Joy Aston opened the door, the three men standing nearby yanked the door open and entered the house with automatic weapons and a duffel bag. William heard the commotion and came to the front door to see what was going on. Immediately he was grabbed, placed on a chair and tied up.

The men grabbed another chair and placed it across from William. They forced Joy Aston to sit across from her husband and tied her hands to the chair, forcing the couple to look at each other.

"William, you've been a bad boy and today is judgment day," Jose said in a deep Colombian accent. You screwed the wrong woman and ruined her marriage. Now you pay for your sins," he said in a deep Spanish accent.

Juan pulled out his eight-inch knife and turned to Joy, "Are you ready to watch your pretty wife bleed to death and die? Tell me, William. Shall we kill her for your sins?"

He pleaded, "No, not her. Please kill me, not her."

"I see you care about your wife, but you fuck other women. We don't believe you, William. Maybe we'll fuck your wife while you watch. Would you like that, Billy boy?"

"No. Please don't. Joy, I'm so sorry. This is my fault and I'm so sorry."

"You fucking asshole. You fucked a married woman and got us into this. You bastard, I hope they kill you!"

The men roared with laughter when they heard this.

"No one will die today. Yes, there will be pain, but no one will die." He turned to Jesus and nodded at him. They untied William's arm restraints, and two men held him in the chair.

Jose spoke, "William, you will live, but you will live the rest of your life with the memory of what you have done." Turning to the men, just said, "Do it!"

After applying tourniquets to both arms, they performed some terrible things to this man's hands which would leave them useless. (Original text removed -- see 1st paragraph for info)

"We'll be gone in a few minutes and I suggest you call an ambulance before he bleeds to death. If you tell anyone what we look like or what was said, we'll come back and kill you and your husband and then take your children to sell to bad people. So, I suggest you say as little as possible. Do you understand that, Joy?"

"Yes," she said, crying.

"That goes for your cheater husband, too. If he says anything that leads back to any one of us, it isn't going to end well. He brought this on himself, and this is his punishment."

When he finished speaking, they tightened the tourniquet around William's arms to slow the bleeding, packed up their things and left the house after untying Joy and telling her to wait two minutes before calling.

They went to the van, took off their gloves and coveralls and put them in a big bag while Jose drove off. They got on the highway and were twenty miles south when the police arrived and drove to their safe house fifty miles away.

Fortunately, the ambulance arrived within minutes of the call. They found a hysterical Joy and an unconscious William lying on the floor in a pool of blood. This was a first for the paramedics, and the police already knew that this was not a normal burglary. Nothing was stolen, and the missing appendages, indicated an act of revenge. Joy was in shock and did not say a word to the police. They knew she was scared and did not dare to speak. William also kept silent and pretended not to know anything about the cause of the burglary. The police were investigating, but knew that their efforts would only lead to a dead end.

William survived, but he now had to live without the use of his fingers. His life had changed forever, and he knew why. He never thought his actions could have consequences, especially from a mild-mannered accountant. Of course, he had no proof, but Sara was the only woman he had been with besides his wife.

When Sara told him that Johnny had found out and ended their affair, he was heartbroken. He loved Sara and the way she made him feel. Apparently, Sara and William considered themselves a couple when they were together, and shared their love during that brief time alone. After their affair became a habit, neither of them believed that their few hours a week could hurt anyone. They were simply two friends spending some time together.

Both believed that their spouses never gave up anything or missed their love and time. It was only a few hours a week, and neither spouse missed their short time together. It was the perfect relationship that gave them the excitement and extra love that had been blunted by many years of marriage.

Both Sara and William now saw the consequences of their actions. William would be reminded of his adultery every minute of every day for the rest of his life. His father-in-law would certainly fire him, he would need mental and medical treatment, he would never golf again, and have to learn how to wipe himself without fingers. His life had changed in the blink of an eye for his perfect affair. Choices do have Consequences.

First Couples Counseling Session:

After meeting Dr. Doris Winters PHD, the counselor, they began their session. It went exactly as Johnny expected, and he listened as Ms. Winters began the conversation.

"Johnny, Sara and I met this week, and she explained everything to me, and I explained to her how things work in our sessions. I thank you for coming and trying to find a way back. Please be honest with your answers and understand that everything that is said here stays here. I have heard everything and nothing you say will shock me. I am saying this so you feel comfortable speaking openly to a complete stranger."

I nodded and waited to see where this would lead.

"Sara, please tell Johnny what you hope to get out of these sessions."

My cheating wife looked over at me with tears in her eyes and spoke

"Johnny, there is so much I want to tell you. I want to bring our family back together. I want to touch you and love you again. I want to find a way back to you and have everything the way it used to be."

I must say, her emotions were moving and I felt she meant every word. It was hard to watch her in her pain over losing my love, but I controlled myself and sat quietly while she took a handkerchief and wiped her eyes.

"Mr. Park, what would you like to take away from these sessions?"

"Dr. Winters, I would like to find a way to get the number 500 out of my head. If we can do that, then I think we can get back to some kind of normalcy." I saw Sara wince and look away when she heard me say 500.

"Mr. Park, I do not understand. What does that number mean and why is it so important that we get it out of your head?

"So Doris, can I call you Doris?"

"Let us stick with Dr. Winters for now, shall we?"

"Well Doris," I said in a sarcastic tone. "I thought you had a session with Sara this week, so the number should have come up."

I looked over at Sara and asked, "Sara, did you leave that little detail out?"

"Please, Mr. Park, this is not helpful. Can you please explain yourself and the number 500?

"Ok, as you know from my past, I am an accountant and numbers are important to me. What my beloved wife did not tell you is that in the last three years, Sara has allowed William to fuck her over 500 times. That number is burned into my brain, and whenever I see it, that's the first thing that comes to mind. She fucked this guy 500 times behind my back and brought him to our bed every time," she said with anger and tears in her eyes.

Silence reigned for several minutes while everyone calmed down again.

"Mr. Park, I understand your pain, but that language is not necessary here. It is hurtful and not necessary."

"I apologize and it will not happen again, but it was necessary to express my pain and my point of view."

Sara cried and repeated, "I am sorry, I am so sorry."

I finally relaxed as my outburst reduced my anger.

"Again, I would like to apologize for my outburst. To answer your question: I want to find a way to forgive Sara to the point where we can have a home without hate and anger. We have a daughter who does not deserve to suffer the consequences of my wife's affair. I want to find a way to live together in peace."

"Thank you, Mr. Park."

Over the next few weeks, I managed to speak in a friendly tone, without the venom. Things at home were much better, not good, but better. Angel was home more often, we went out to eat, to the movies, out with friends and tried to be a normal couple. The only problem is that everyone noticed that there was no intimacy between us at all. I never held her hand, we never kissed, and I never let her hug or touch me. Several friends asked Sara what was wrong, because our affection was the exact opposite of what everyone had seen in the last 15 years. It was obvious that we were having a hard time, but we kept going.

When Sara heard about William's accident, she was thunderstruck. Although William never said a word about the event, Sara knew that Johnny wanted revenge, and was somehow involved. She waited for a reaction. That night, when she told Johnny how someone had broken into her boss's house and attacked him, she watched for a reaction. She saw a small grin flit across his face as he replied.

"Wow, that's something," was all he said as he continued to read the book in front of me

"Is that all you have to say?"

Her tone and comment struck a nerve as he looked up and glared at her, "Oh, I am so sorry your lover got hurt. Do you want me to send him flowers, or should we go see him, darling?"

She looked away, and the conversation ended. Sara knew that I was somehow responsible for this and that if I showed remorse for caring about William, all the progress they had made would be over.

Earlier that week, Johnny received a text from Tony with a thumbs-up emoji. That was their last contact for several months after things cooled down. Johnny wondered if the police would find out about their affair and question Johnny about the attack, but that did not happen. The police eventually put the report on case open file and moved on to other crimes. The perpetrators or the reason for the attack were never found.

Time passes...

As he had promised, Johnny began dating and going out late. After Sara quizzed him a few times about his activities, she realized that she should mind her own business and not cause any problems. Johnny clarified that they were husband and wife in name only and were living together for the sake of their daughter. They eventually found a way to remain civil to each other, and their family life was going well. Sara finally understood how badly she hurt her husband and there was nothing she could do about it. Johnny kept the family together by letting her know that he would inform her family and friends about her affair, and make her life hell if she filed for divorce before Angel went off to college.

Sara was still married, but alone. She had no one to give her love to, which she lived for. Giving hugs, kisses, and love was something that defined her, and the two men she gave that to were now lost. She continued to work and live a life of sadness, and knowing that her husband was enjoying himself with another woman made everything much worse. Counseling helped her, but she went alone, because Johnny knew he could never forget the terrible betrayal. She had done it to herself. Her vanity, selfishness and stupidity had destroyed her marriage and the man she loved.

She found no sympathy in Angel, who still loved her mother, but every time she complained about her father, she reminded her that she had done it to herself. Angel kept telling her how much her father loved her and how dejected he was that night when he saw her mother with another man. Angel would never forgive her mother for hurting her father like that, but she would always love her mother.

William was now unemployed and divorced. He was living in a small flat on a tight budget, having given up nearly 70% of his assets, child support for three children, alimony, and the house his wife Joy will live in, for another ten years when their youngest turns 18.

He suffered from depression and was never able to use his hands properly again. It is ironic that he went from being with the two women he loved and had sex with, to end up single and unwanted.

As promised by his assailants, his stumps reminded him of his affair with Sarah every minute of every day. A year after his divorce, William was hit by a truck in front of his apartment. The witness said he simply walked in front of the on-coming truck without looking back. They classified it as an accidental death, but everyone close to William knew he had taken his own life. Sara understood why he had done it, and even thought about putting a similar end to her own life during that time. Sara and William never spoke again after their affair, and both lived in hell with the consequences of their infidelity and betrayal - in different ways, but equally painful.

After Angel left for college, Johnny came home one day with the divorce papers. A year earlier, Johnny had considered ruining the finances and destroying Sara, but he relented and split things evenly. Over the course of the last two years, he forgave her, but the love he had once felt was gone forever. Sara was not shocked by the divorce papers and signed them without protest. She knew she had destroyed everything and thrown away his love. But somehow, she was relieved that maybe she could start a new life. She had learned her lesson and would never cheat again.

Divorcing the woman he loved for all those years was painful, and he was full of remorse for the events that led to their demise. He wished he could take it all back, or find a way to forgive her, but as hard as he tried, he could never get that 500 number out of his head.

They sold the house and split the equity. Johnny moved in with Trisha, a dancer 15 years younger that he had been dating. With his confidence and happiness restored, he was finally at peace. Sara never lost hope for reconciliation and cried for weeks after hearing of his wedding to another woman.

Sara could never forgive herself when she thought about the lives her selfishness and hubris had damaged. She dated a few men but could never find the love she had lost. She gained weight, her looks faded, and she became a bitter, lonely old woman.

Angel and Sara were close, but Sara never heard from Johnny again. She would never again experience the love she had with her wonderful husband, and lived with the pain she had given to so many loved ones.

Johnny made sure Angel's college was funded and cared for. Angel became a psychologist with a need to help others. She married a doctor, and had a wonderful life. Angel did not follow her mother's path, and remained faithful to her husband. They raised 5 children and remained close to both her father and mother.

Lessons Learned:


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AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

Five stars great story !!!! Everyone got what they deserved.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos22 days ago

I sincerely do not understand why Johnny stayed with Sarah. I mean, Angel already knew about her mothers affair, so it's not like the parents could pretend to be normal parents for her sake at that point. It's just an inexplicable choice.

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magician29 days ago

Good story. Keep up the good work. MtM

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Not as good as a life well lived without the cheaters by the faithful spouses but entertaining none the less.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Why average?

She was supposedly in love with both But gave more to boyfriend (ass for one) and took time away from family for sex with him.

He was worried about daughter But worse this way as hopes for recovery and there were none

Prefer vandemonium approach over And gone

BabalooieBabalooie2 months ago

Weii done. Five big ones.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"Oh, I am so sorry your lover got hurt. Do you want me to send him flowers, or should we go see him, darling?" Great line as part of an excellent story--but She got off too easily.

WargamerWargamer3 months ago

Great story


RodzzzRodzzz3 months ago

Thanx Cindy........I have indeed shut the window.

greenbeardlkgreenbeardlk3 months ago

cheating wife story where the wife thinks she should be forgiven.

BTB ending saved it gave 4 stars.

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