Five Mums Ch. 54 - Welcome Aunty


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"Haha, that is a good one. So, all lesbians are eastern European? That is how you say classic." Yana said laughing.

"Yes and I believed it for quite a while." I admitted.

"That is good that he now knows that not all eastern Europeans are lesbians. Because then him and I would be in trouble." Yana quipped.

"Yes you would, wouldn't you." Mum said as she reached for her phone.

"Just checking the airport timetable." Mum said.

"Yes here we are NZ100 Wellington to Auckland landing at 1PM. On time. Now she is staying at the Novotel in Greenlane. And she wants to have a catch up with him as well. So, Yana, he may not be able to pick you up at 3:30. So come home with me. In fact, when her and him get together, they always take a long time, and she leads him astray. So, he may not be home for dinner either." Mum advised Yana.

"Da, but family come first." Yana said.

"Good, now we better all get ready for school." Mum said.

Mum stood up at the same time as Yana.

"Hmm, Yana could you stop a minute please?" mum asked.

Yana stopped.

'What's up do I have something on my face, Mama?" Yana asked.

"Yes you do. And I wanted to see your baby bump." Mum said as she looked at Yana taking in her future daughter in law's baby bump.

"Nice." Mum commented.

"Spasibo, Mama. Hopefully the first of many." Yana replied.

"Good, now you have a big globule of cum on your cheek." Mum said. Before leaning in close to Yana and proceeding to lick the globule off Yana's cheek.

"Hmm, tasty. You are a lucky lady, having this fine man and his delicious man juice to yourself soon." Mum said after she swallowed the globule down.

Yana smiled and giggled. And then mum and Yana walked down to the bathroom and then the bedrooms to get ready. I cleared away the dishes and washed them.

Mum and Yana emerged from their respective bedrooms.

Mum came out first, wearing a green short sleeved blouse. ( her favourite colour, it highlighted her eyes.) And a pair of black officey type trousers and a pair of black leather slip ons with small heels. Her hair was up in a bun. And she wore a pair of pearl teardrop earrings and a pearl necklace. . I also noticed that the top two buttons of mum's blouse were undone. Exposing a fair amount of skin and about half of mum's cleavage crack.

Yana followed behind her. Wearing a white blouse and a light grey business type suit. The jacket held closed by just one button under her more than ample bosoms. Light grey pants finished the suit. She had on a pair of black leather slip on shoes but with maybe a one inch heel. Higher than mum's. She wore pearl studs and no other jewellery. Except her treasured engagement ring on her right hand. Her hair was also up in a bun.

Damn, that is one of my fantasies that I hadn't got around to yet. Both Yana and mum wearing a 'penny bun' I thought.

"Looking great, ladies. But what's with the buns? And the skin showing mum? Not a good look for a senior teacher." I said.

"Oh, do grow up, you're eighteen and you sound like my father. I thought I'd copy Penny with he bun. And the skin showing is. I'm experimenting using the scientific principle." Mum explained.

"Yes and I copied her. Except for the skin showing. Only male who touch me is you." Yana said.

"Okay, but scientific principle?" I asked.

"See what I mean Yana, eighteen going on forty. Yes I dress like this because I have mainly third form science classes today. And I want to see if I dress like this how many of the boys need to excused for the bathroom and how long it takes." Mum said with an evil chuckle.

"Oh, so you're going to see how many of the first year boys get turned on by their redheaded MILF science teacher?" I asked.

"exactly, not behave yourself. I'm taking Yana into school." Mum said and then walked her way to the door. Stopping on the way to kiss me goodbye, give me $20 for lunch and squeeze my cock.

Yana also came up to me. She kissed me deeply and passionately. Also squeezing my cock.

"Ya, imel v vidu to, chto ya skazal, ty znayesh'. YA ves' tvoy. I vedi sebya tak, kak skazala tvoya mat'. Potomu chto my s toboy mozhem segodnya povesti sebya plokho. No khorosho provedi vremya so svoyey tetey." ( I meant what I said you know. I am yours. And do behave yourself like your mother said. Because you and I might misbehave alot tonight. But have a good time with your aunt.) Yana whispered in my ear. Before kissing me on the neck and sinking her teeth in.

"Do svidaniya" Yana said as she walked away.

I followed them both to the front door, holding my sore and bleeding love bite. Waving them goodbye from the doorway.

Yana and mum got into mum's car, waved, and drove off.

I turned around, shut the door, and walked away. Whats the time? I wondered.

I looked at the kitchen clock. "8:45. I might have a bit of a rest then shower and head out. Call into Janices and Brandi's on the way. Get some lunch closer to the airport and then meet Aunt Vicky." I thought to myself.

I decided to ring Brandi first. It rang once.

"Well, hello stud how is my delicious hunk of man-meat?" Was how Brandi answered the phone.

"I'm good, and rang about something else." I said.

"Oh, disappoint me. Brandi said.

"Sorry Brandi, but what with Yana giving me three hand jobs last night and mum and Yana's duo BJ this morning. I am all out." I said, knowing full well what was on Brandi's mind.

"Pity but if change your mind." Brandi said.

"I need to speak to Galina." I said.

"Oh, so Galina is your favourite bit on the side is she? I can see why. She looks like Yana, younger. But it's okay I know when I'm not wanted." Brandi teased.

"Brandi I need to speak to her about material from the wedding dress so it can be used to wrap the wedding cake up in." I explained.

"Oh, that's all right then. She has just got out of the shower. All wet and sexy. You know one of the things my old husband found erotic was washing my hair. I also found it erotic washing a woman's hair. Washing, lathering, rinsing, conditioning, drying, brushing. You should try with Yana. But I will pass her on." Brandi said.

"Jesus is there any time Brandi isn't Randy." I thought.

Galina's voice came on.

"Hello Galina, do you have about a meter or so of the material used in Yana's dress?" I asked. No answer. Even though I could hear breathing.

"Hello." I asked.

'I am here but I am waiting for you to talk in Russian." Galina said down the phone.

"okay." I answered.

"Zdravstvuyte, Galina, u vas yest' primerno material, iz kotorogo bylo sdelano Yaninoye plat'ye?" I repeated my question in Russian.

"Da." Galina said.

"Khorosho, my khotim, chtoby on byl vokrug svadebnogo torta, mogu ya zayti i zabrat' yego?"

(Good we want it to go around the wedding cake, can I call in and pick it up?.) I asked.

"Da, ya ostavlyu eto v pochtovom yashchike. Brendi ochen' vozbuzhdena, i ya boyus', chto ona mozhet iznasilovat' tebya muzhchinoy." ( Yes, I shall leave it in the letterbox. Brandi is super horny, and I am afraid she may man rape you.) Was Galina's answer.

"Khorosho i spasibo, ya budu pozzhe." ( Good and thank you I'll be around later.) I said to Galina.

"Khorosho, yesli bol'she nichego net, ya poydu. Poka my razgovarivayem, Brendi nachinayet vylizyvat' moyu kisku." ( Okay if there is nothing else, I'll be going. Brandi is starting to eat my pussy out as we speak.) Galina said.

"Spasibo i do svidaniya." ( Thank you and bye.) I said.

"Yes bye- bye." Galina said and then hung up.

"typical Brandi." I said to myself with a small giggle.

Then I went to have a shower and shave. I also noticed a notification on my phone. I looked at it, it wasn't a text.

I opened it up. It was three pictures from Yana.

One of Yana, naked cupping her boobs, one of Yana naked with her hands on her hips. And one of Yana in her white bustier set, with her hands on her hips.

And a message, "for you maybe use them as a background? Miss you love Yana."


my future wife was sending dirty pics on her phone. I had a small chuckle and then chose the one of her in her bustier as my phone's background.

I showered and shaved and then dressed smart casual and headed out in Shmel.

I drove to Brandi's and finding their was a car in the driveway assumed that she must have been doing some therapy for once. I got out of Shmel and headed to her letterbox. I noticed that my cock was hard, perhaps the thought of Brandi's place had given some anticipation. I reached inside and found a small parcel wrapped in brown paper. I opened it. I was a piece of baby blue satin. And some baby blue ribbon.

"1.2 metres of ribbons. .9 meters of satin. Have fun. Galina X." was written ona small note inside.

I picked it up and got back into Shmel. Heading towards Janice's. I had my phone now with it's appealing background in a visible place. But I have to admit, having Yana in a white bustier, as a background could be distracting.

After about ten minutes I arrived at Janice's. I parked in the driveway. I thought there was no one home. So, I got out and knocked on the door. I knocked twice and then I heard a voice. David's. He opened the door in a state of panic and semi undress.

"Hi Jay, what's up?" David said.

"Oh, nothing much, did I interrupt you?" I asked.

"Ah no not really I was just relaxing. Do come in." David said opening the door wider. I stepped in.

David closed the door behind me.

"So, what brings you here? Janice is out." David said.

"I brought this so Janice can wrap it around the wedding cake." I said handing David the parcel.

"Oh, yes she told me all about it. You should have rung." David said.

"Looking at internet porn eh?" I teased him.

"Yes." He matter of factly replied.

"Anything interesting?" I asked.

"Ah the usual, Black MILFS, seducing and fucking younger white guys." David said.

"Oh, you like the chocolate chicks?" I asked knowing the answer.

"Yes, particularly the Milfy ones and big ones in white lingerie. Janice says I should find one and give her grey grandchildren." David said.

"Oh Grey, because they will be half black half white which makes grey?" I quipped.

"Yes." David said with a laugh.

We sat down to have a Pepsi. Catching up with each other. Impending studies, wedding, fatherhood etc.

"So, David, can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Shoot." David replied.

"You like black MILFs? You live with one and you aren't related. Would you?" I asked.

"Would I what?" David asked.

"You know, fuck Janice? She fits the description of your internet porn fetish. Black, Big built, older." I'm just wondering.

"Yes. I would. I know you and Thomas cant fuck your mums because of the 'I' word but I would. But she would have to make the first move." David said surprising fast.

"Oh, do we think we should ask Simon the same question?" I asked.

"Nah, he wouldn't. He prefers big boobed blonde surfer girl types. Kind of like Yana." David said.

"Yes, well unfortunately Yana is off the market now she's carrying my babies." I answered.

"She's preggers? I didn't know." David said.

"Yes two or possibly three of them." I answered.

"Well best of luck with a pregnant woman, triplets, and med school. You my friend are going to need it." David teased.

"Yes, long and difficult road ahead." I said.

"hmm-hmm." David said nodding.

"Hey, I'm picking my aunty up from the airport today, she's a primary school teacher, anything you want me to ask her?" I asked.

"No, I'm just chilling till uni." David said.

That's good. I put my phone on the table between us. When Yana texted me, my phone came to life and David noticed my new background.

David looked at my phone, grabbed it and teased me about it.

"Like the new background, Jay. Very interesting." David teased as I tried to get it off him.

David looked at it.

"Hmm, you are very lucky my friend. Yana is a good woman and from memory has a nice pussy. Why did you have to go and destroy it by making her pregnant?" David said. Almost as if he was drunk.

We talked a little while more and then I said my goodbyes. Heading off to the airport.

David escorted me to the front door, the whole time he was hard.

I got into Shmel and headed towards the Airport. Wondering what I could find to eat. I knew from a google search. There was a Subway, Mc Donalds and a KFC located in the airport environs. I was aiming for Subway.

I drove to the airport and found the subway. It was 11:45. So an hour and a quarter before her flight touched down. I ordered my Subway. A 12 inch Italian BMT.

Yes I had a nickname, 'Subway' owing to my size. Yes I didn't like that nickname. But I liked Subway itself.

I slowly ate it and looked at my phone and Yana's picture then went back to Shmel and moved him to the airport parking.

I parked him closer to the terminal and then walked to the domestic terminal. It just before 1pm.

I waited for her flight to land. And after about ten minutes. Passengers from that flight started to come through the gate.

I waited as they all walked past me. And then I was called.

"Jason." Came a woman's voice. It was Aunt Victoria.

I turned to look where it came from and there she was. My Aunty.

She had stopped and opened her arms, in a welcoming gesture.

I hadn't seen her for a couple of years. But she hadn't changed much.

I walked the few paces towards her and into her open arms.

"Aunt Vicky?" I asked.

"Yes, but for god's sake your 18 now, call me Vicky." She said as her arms closed around me. One arm across my shoulders, one around the small of my back. I swore I could have felt her hand give my ass a quick feel.

"Oh, is good to see you Jay. How is my favourite nephew?" She asked giving me a kiss.

"Ah, good, how have you been, Vicky?" I asked, still reeling as to whether that had been my aunt's hand feeling my tushie up.

"Good, now lets have a look at you before we pick up my luggage, eh?" Vicki said, at that she let me go and took a step back.

I looked at her. Not with a boy's eyes like I had been previously, but with a man's eyes. She was quite a specimen.

She stood there in all her glory. All 5'8" of her. She was wearing a Short sleeved black dress, that came mid-calf. It had a plunging neckline. But she wasn't showing any cleavage. Somewhat unfortunately, I thought. Her big bosoms, displayed prominently even though they were encased in the tightness of the black fabric. She was wearing high heeled sandals. There soles made out of big chunk of wood. She had on diamond pendant earrings, a gold bangle on her right wrist and a gold wristwatch on her left. She had a thin red belt around her waist. She also had on black stockings.

Her hair was blonde and short. Sort of a pixie cut but the length was level with the bottom of her earlobes. I had a thought that she was surely a sight for the married men picking their kids up from school. In a way I was kind of glad she had chosen to teach primary school aged kids.

She also eyed me up and down. Before we both went off to collect her luggage. Until then Aunt Vicky had only her large black leather handbag.

She turned and walked over to the carousel first. And as she was slightly in front of me. I could fully appreciate the view that came from being behind her. Aunt Vicky definitely had what you call a ' Bubble Butt.' Even if it was on the small side for such a description.

We stood next to each other. Waiting for her suitcase to appear. Aunt Vicky highlighted a hard plastic suitcase, bright pink in colour. I reached forward and grabbed it.

"Thanks Jay, my you have turned in quite a gent haven't you?" Vicky said whether she was teasing or not I didn't know.

With that I led her out to Shmel.

I opened Shmel's hatchback and put her suitcase in Shmel. I then out of habit opened Shmel's passenger door and helped Vicky in. Copping a good glance of her ample chest from above as I did.

"Thank you darling." Vicki said smiling as I shut Shmel's door, before getting in the driver's side. I put my phone in Shmel's drink holder. And starting Shmel up.

"So where to?" I asked.

"Novotel in Greenlane. It wouldn't be my first choice. But it's where the conference is as well. Apparently most of the place is full of conference people. So, it sort of came with the conference." Vicky explained.

"So, what is this conference?" I asked as I turned Shmel onto the main road out of the airport.

"ANIPPAC." Vicky answered.

"What is ANIPPAC?" I asked.

"ANIPPAC is Annual North Island Primary Principals Association Conference." Vicki explained.

"Oh, sounds enthralling." I said, somewhat sarcastically.

"Oh, yes it is riveting. NOT." Vicky sarcastically answered back.

"Sounds like you would rather be elsewhere?" I asked.

"Ha, no it isn't that bad, but I do get to see my favourite nephew. So, it isn't all bad." Vicky said back.

We had a quick catch up while we drove to the hotel. Vicky checked in and was pleased that she had a floor near the top. Room 720. Seventh floor out of eight.

The Novotel wasn't an up there hotel like Star City Grand. Where I had the deed with Jeanette. It was only 3 or 4 stars at the most. It's major source of income was it's conference facilities which could hold about 800 people. Vicky was given the key, and I went and parked Shmel. Because rooms had allocated parking. Saying I would catch up with her later.

"Do rush back. We have so much to catch up on." Vicky teased.

I went back to Shmel and drove around the carpark until I found space 720. I reverse parked in it and grabbed my phone to make my way back to the hotel. Maybe have a quick drink, snack, and then depart, hopefully pick up Yana at 3:30 as usual.

I entered the lobby and felt young. Most of the conference goers were checking in and there was a queue to check in. They were all teachers, most of them 40 plus. Male and female. But there some MILF's among them.

I hurried to the lift and got in. Pressing the button for the seventh floor. The doors were interrupted by a hand holding them open. It was attached to a woman. She held the door open and let herself and her two companions in. They were all early to mid-forties, females. One blonde and quite short with small tits, maybe a size 8 B and about 4'11" the other two were both brunette. One was quite large, shall we say. A BBW. Maybe a size 18 or 20. Definitely bigger than Janice who was a size 14 and with huge tits and ass. With shoulder length brown hair. The last one was of a similar age, long brown hair in a bun. About a size 8 and with a big bust maybe a C. She looked nerdy with her horn-rimmed glasses. All three were slightly tiddly.

"Thank you." The short blonde said to me.

"No problem." I replied.

"Are you here for the conference? You seem a bit young to be a principal." The bespectacled said.

"No, I'm just here visiting. You three?" I asked casually.

"We are. I'm Sharon principal of Water's edge Primary. In Wellington." The Nerdy one said.

"Melissa, principal of Petone Normal." Said the blonde.

"Angelina, Thorndon Primary." Said the BBW.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm Jason. I said. The lift was old and slow. And I was being courteous.

"Yes nice. So, Jason, if you ever want the experience of an older woman, I'm in room 618. Sharon said as she sort of half pushed me into the corner of the lift and rubbed my shoulders.

"Sharon, contain yourself. If you want the experience of an older, bigger woman. I'm in 619. And for your information. These are a size 20 EE." Said Angelina, pushing her tits up and winking.

"Oh, ignore them. You are so tall and big. I'm in room 615.And you do know there are things only tall men and short women can do you know." Melissa said licking her lips.

I had a silent gulp. Pitying any errant young staff member these cougars may pounce upon. All too slowly the lift arrived at the sixth floor and the half drunk, obviously horny principals exited. Angelina first, showing me her rather large ass as she did. Then Sharon. Who left me her cell number.