For the Love of Babysitting


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Amy bit her lip.

Amy held her breath.

Amy sank a little bit deeper.

The tightness down below had gone from uncomfortable to starting to hurt, but Amy so didn't want to give up. She held him there for a moment longer, getting use to the feeling in her opening. A deep breath, then...

Amy sank once more.

This time... this time... with a stifled squeal, she felt her uncle's manhood push inside.

Amy held him there, only his head within her pussy, and turned back towards her aunt. There was a pained look in the young woman's eyes, but a huge smile on her face. As she stared at her aunt, Amy slowly sank down on his shaft, taking her uncle, inch by fucking inch... all the way until her ass was resting on his thighs. In that moment, the pain didn't seem to matter any more.

A feeling of happiness came over Amy.

She had done it.

She had given herself to her uncle.

She had let him make a woman of her.

And then she felt it, coming from below. As Amy held steady, with Jack's cock deep inside, her uncle had started to move his hips. It was only a little, just enough to have his cock slide an inch or so inside, but every slight movement was sending shockwaves through the young woman's tight walls.

Amy's pussy was already clamping down against the hardness inside. Her excitement fuelled fires were well and truly flickering into life, and the more she felt him move, the more she wanted to feel him.

Jack continued to flex his hips, sliding his cock ever so gently inside his niece.

Amy had to admit that the feeling was nice. It was sending her higher and higher, but it wasn't enough. When did she start? Amy wasn't sure, but before long she was taking the initiative, moving up and down against his cock. Again, it was only a little at first, but the more she worked him, the more confidence Amy picked up, and before long she was truly riding her uncle. It may have been slow and steady, but Amy was doing it... pulling almost all the way off before sinking back on.

Amy gasped every time she rose off her uncle's hard shaft.

Amy moaned every time she sank back down on him.

The fires inside were intensifying quickly... an inferno of desire soon filling her loins. Amy was working her uncle a little quicker. Her walls were clamping down against his cock. Jack felt so big inside.

Amy gasped as she felt that first tease of climax creep up on her.

Still, she continued to ride, a second gasp soon following the first.

Jack took it as his cue to up the ante. As Amy sank down on his cock, Jack started to push back against her, forcing himself ever so slightly deeper inside, forcing a now strained squeal from his young niece.

Amy was breathing hard, panting between the squeals.

She was climbing higher and higher, teetering on the edge, on the verge of crashing down again. The feeling was starting to consume her, clouding her mind, and before long it was just the thrusts from beneath which were edging her closer and closer.

Amy closed her eyes tightly shut.

Amy clamped her arms down around her uncle's shoulders, forcing her young full breasts tightly against his bare chest.

Amy shivered.

Amy stiffened.

Then, it happened. That tidal wave of pleasure rushed towards her, washing right through her young body. Amy screamed as she came, then collapsed against her uncle, panting hard as she rode the crest of what was the most exquisitely pleasureful wave.

Still Jack continued, thrusting from beneath. His niece was so tight, and he had been trying to push her over the edge without coming too early. Now though, now he couldn't prevent the inevitable. Jack could feel it building inside, and once it started to build, there was no stopping it.

He felt the first spasm, holding back as much as he could, but knowing it was a forlorn task.

Another thrust, another spasm.

Another thrust... and then he released.

Amy felt it too, the warmth spreading out inside, filling her tight pussy. She was spent, but she still found enough energy to lift herself up, to smile back at her uncle, to plant her lips against his.

"Thank you, Jack... you're the best," Amy whispered, before slumping back down against him.

'The best?' Jack thought to himself, as he wrapped his arms around his niece. 'With two such wonderful women, he wasn't the best... but he may well have been the luckiest.'

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

There was no repeat performance the following morning.

It wasn't so much down to the lack of an opportunity; Amy awoke naked, in her aunt and uncle's bed, snuggled up against her aunt, so the opportunity was presented on a plate. It was just... well... a little tenderness down below put pay to any immediate amorous feelings, and an early departure to pick Ollie up from his sleepover cut short the rest of the day.

Amy returned home happy. Babysitting had taken on a whole new meaning, one which had made a true woman out of her. What's more, she was on a promise that there would be more to come.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Sometimes things take longer than expected... is Amy right to give up on a dream?

Things had been quiet for a few weeks. There hadn't been any follow up request to babysit again, and that last weekend of passion was quickly becoming a memory. Maybe that was all it was, a weekend of passion, fulfilling her fantasies and theirs, once over, never to be repeated.

It had been good whilst it lasted but, as they said, all good things had to come to an end.

Amy never forgot about her aunt and uncle, but the more that time went on, the more she realised that they weren't exactly made for each other. There was the obvious age gap, and the two's company, three's a crowd aspect to their relationship which made life tricky. Add on top the keeping it all secret from Amy's parents, and it was no surprise that the whole episode had gone on the back burner.

Amy wasn't going to complain. If nothing else, she now had the most wonderful memories to cherish, and maybe new ones to be made. With a confidence in herself, she was already thinking towards the future, to completing her studies, to finding new friendships. There was bound to be somebody else out there. It was just a case of finding him.

Still though, Amy would never forget her Uncle Jack, her first true love, and his darling wife.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The coffee shop was busy, but they had managed to grab a table. Amy held a large mug of coffee in her hand. She peered through the steam, across at Sean. Amy wondered... could he be the one to make new memories with? He was her age. He even studied a similar subject. But... he just wasn't Jack. Amy couldn't put her finger on quite what it was, but something hadn't quite clicked yet between the two of them, much as she wanted it to.

"I've been thinking, Amy," Sean commented. "Some of us are off to the cinema. Would you like to come along? I'll shout the dinner. Think of it as a birthday present."

"Wow, Sean," Amy responded, not quite sure where the impulse had come from. "Sounds good. When are you thinking of?"

"Three weeks' time," Sean responded.

"That's the week after my birthday," Amy responded, smiling.

"Then... think of it as a belated birthday present," Sean replied. "I'll still be shouting the dinner."

"Let me check what I'm..." Amy started to respond.

Amy's voice trailed off as her phone burst into life on the table. She glanced down at the screen and recognised the number. It was Suzanne. Amy grabbed the phone and opened the message.

'Hey Amy... sorry for so long without contact... very busy here, with your uncle working away and Ollie not so well. We've missed you, Amy. Have you missed us?'

Amy quickly responded with an 'of course I've missed you too, Suzy,' message of her own.

She hit send and went back to her coffee. Amy only managed one sip, before another message arrived. An excitement ran through Amy as she reached for her phone and opened the message.

'I hoped you'd say that... we wanted to know if you were free the weekend after your birthday.'

There was no hesitation as Amy tapped out a reply.

'Sure thing... hope Ollie is better now... would be happy to look after him again... is it the whole weekend?' Amy responded.

"Something important?" Sean asked, noticing how his friend had become captivated by her phone. "Take your time, just let me know what you think about the cinema."

The phone buzzed into life once more as another message arrived.

'Saturday through Wednesday... if you're free.'

'Four nights?' Amy typed back.

'Yeah... exciting isn't it... got a special deal on a lodge at one of those activity parks... but hear this... it has its own hot tub, games room and sauna... and they say it's totally private... we'd love you to join us... there'll be plenty of babysitting to do, and I know how much you love babysitting.'

Amy was half way through typing her response when yet another message arrived.

'Oh... and Ollie's going to be away at his grannie's, so it'll just be the three of us... it's going to be wonderful... and we'll teach you lots of new things... catch you at your birthday party, so let us know then.'

Amy bashed away on her screen, a sudden enthusiasm coming in her typing.

'Oh yeah... I love babysitting for you and Jack... and thanks for coming to my birthday party... c u soon.'

Amy's heart was racing. She took a huge gulp of her coffee, then turned to Sean.

"Family business," Amy responded. "Sorry Sean... looks like I'll be busy that weekend, but maybe another time?"

"Sure, no worries," Sean responded, trying as hard as he could not to sound disappointed.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Amy's twentieth birthday... will she get the presents she wants?

The birthday party was a low-key affair, with family and just a handful of friends. Amy's parties always were low-key, as was most of her home life. That said, it was good to get together, to eat, drink and be just a bit merry... in a socially acceptable sort of way.

Sean was there, along with a few other friends from university. Jack and Suzanne had been true to their word also, bringing young Ollie along with them. To make up the gathering, there were a handful of other more distant relatives, some of which Amy barely knew.

Amy was on tenterhooks. She had to be so careful, to make sure she reacted appropriately given who was there. She was trying to be the perfect host, to jump from group to group, to keep conversation flowing, to make sure everyone was having a good time.

To an extent Amy was happy--it wasn't every day you turned twenty and turned twenty with your favourite people all around you, and your secret lovers to boot--but she would have been happier still with a little more privacy. You see, that was the challenge. Wherever Amy turned, she was never far away from her parents, so conversations were awkward at times.

Cards would be given, sometimes presents too, and Amy made sure to always have a smile on her face as she opened each and every one. Even the Avon make-up set from Grandma, and the reading books from her favourite couple--perfect for holiday reading, her aunt had explained when Amy's mother came around to see what Suzanne had bought--were treated with smiles and plentiful thanks, however underwhelming they may have seemed.

The reading books were the biggest surprise. Spending a few days reading books on holiday with her aunt and uncle was not what Amy had hoped for when she confirmed her intention to babysit the following weekend.

As the evening wore on, people started to drift away. The group of friends were first to go, followed by those more distant members of the family, and finally Amy's aunt and uncle, along with young Ollie.

Each time, Amy made sure to see the relevant guests off with an expected thank you for my gift, a polite nice to see you, and a wishful hope to see you again soon... well, wishful in some cases and just being nice in others.

It was as Jack retrieved their coats from the stand in the hall that he also retrieved a bag from the floor. It was nothing more than a large shopping bag, Tesco emblazoned across the front. Amy could only imagine they had been shopping on their way to the party. Strange though that they didn't leave their groceries in the car instead of bringing them all the way into the house.

Even stranger was the smile on Jack's face as he discreetly passed the bag to his wife then, along with Ollie, popped back into the lounge, and made sure to say his plentiful goodbyes to Amy's parents. If truth be known, it was little more than a distraction tactic.

"Amy, this is your real present," Suzanne whispered, making sure she was quiet enough not to be heard from elsewhere in the house. "I'd suggest taking it out of the way before you open it... your bedroom maybe?"

"What is it?" Amy whispered.

"You'll see," Suzanne replied. "Now... go quickly, and we'll catch you next weekend."

Amy headed off to her bedroom, shopping bag in hand. By the time she returned downstairs, her aunt, uncle and Ollie had already left. Whatever the mysterious present was, Amy would have to say thank you later.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

That evening, alone in her bedroom, already dressed for bed in one of her character nightshirts and a trademark cutesy pair of panties, Amy turned her attention to the extra present. Inside the shopping bag was a box, a shiny black box, around fifteen inches square and five inches deep, held closed by a single black bow, tied across what Amy imagined must have been the front.

Amy stared at the box.

If cardboard could be sumptuous, then this was indeed sumptuous. What few words were written on the top, said it all. In silver lettering on the black background read 'Pour Moi' or... for me.

Amy couldn't resist. She pulled gently at the bow, and it slowly came open. She lifted the lid and stared at the contents of the box. A small envelope sat on top of black tissue paper. Amy opened the envelope and read the card inside.

'No longer a little girl... a beautiful young woman... an angel drifted down from heaven... angels deserve the best though... so, these... these are for the most gorgeous little angel in the world... kiss... kiss... kiss... (and so very appropriate for babysitting)'

Appropriate for babysitting? Amy was intrigued as to what they meant by that comment. Carefully she unwrapped the tissue paper--it was too beautifully presented to simply rip the packaging--and peered inside. Amy's heart skipped a beat as she stared at the most sumptuous underwear she had ever seen.

One by one, Amy removed three pairs of knickers and three matching bras.

All were black.

All were silky.

Each was different; one lacy, another oh so strappy, and the third barely large enough to cover her modesty.

That wasn't all. At the bottom of the box was a nightie, but not just any nightie. It was black, it was short, and it was so sheer that Amy could imagine seeing right through it.

Amy smiled.

As she stared at her gift, she suddenly felt a million dollars. Oh god, this was a real birthday present, from her favourite aunt and uncle. The intention was clear. They wanted her to wear these rather than the girlie panties she had been wearing. Amy was only too happy to comply... but then a thought crossed her mind... would they fit?

Quickly, Amy changed, removing her usual nightclothes, then donning the strappy set of lingerie. She glanced in the mirror.

Oh god, did they fit.

Oh god, did she look good in them.

Oh god, did she feel sexy.

Oh god, did she feel like an angel rather than her daddy's little girl.

As she stood there, all Amy could think about, was the upcoming long weekend away... just her, Jack, and Suzy. She couldn't wait to get going. Something else was on her mind though...

What exactly had her aunt meant when she had commented about teaching Amy something new?

What else was there to learn?

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The End

(Or... is it just the beginning of a new babysitting chapter, and Amy's further education)

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ToughSailorToughSailorabout 2 months ago

Needs proofreading - Jack starts out as more than just a little dim - The writing style is somewhat stilted and a tad too Brit for comfortable Yank reading . . . .

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

please keep this going, the build up was amazing and needs to continue apace

mbaabdmbaabdover 1 year ago

Please continue.

DallasMarcDallasMarcover 1 year ago

I really hope there is much much more of this great story of transformation. I want to see her explore all her desires!

mybikecruisesmybikecruisesover 1 year ago

Excellent story build!!! I was concerned with the slow build and boil, but the Fire that exploded was worth the wait. Maybe even a little too short after the long build. I expected Suzy to help more with the one on one nerve relaxation then just holding and talking: I thought she may of had some alone time to teach finer points of womanhood and fun before dropping straight into Jack, one shot each night and done for Amy. If she was more prepared by Suzy, they all may have more fun, and the get away will be a better "training venue" for all.

BandoPervBandoPervover 1 year ago

So we’ll Penned, I look forward to reading more. So erotic, Amy’s anticipation, as is mine for more is palpable! Forwards please.

friendlytongue38671friendlytongue38671over 1 year ago

Amazing. Just amazing. I’ll have to really study it when I have the time and privacy to do so.

e200zne200znover 1 year ago

Please do continue the story. Nice story, hot, erotic.Very well written.Await part 2

worshipper622worshipper622over 1 year ago

Why must "5" be the max?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I wanted to let you know my thoughts on this story. The character descriptions, actions and reactions are all truly believable. The story builds at a wonderful pace along with the characters. We all obviously love the smut and taboo of incest stories but this is a very welcome change. It shows true love on several levels along side of the yearnings of a young adult. It was written so well I didn't have to struggle with picturing any part of it in my head.

I hope to speak for those of us who read but dont usually comment.

Thank you for taking the time to put this wonderful story out here for us all. Please consider continuing Amy's journey thru womanhood with people who truly care.

Thank You


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