Fox, Satyr, Dragon Pt. 01


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I wonder if anyone would believe how clingy Branigan is. Natalia thought as she smiled. They would. Her skinny arms wrapped around him and squeezed. "Aww. Well the day is almost over."

"Not for me." Branigan kissed the bare skin peeking out of the collar of her sweater. "Still have those scrolls to process."

"What are they about?"

"Sorry, ma'am, you do not have the necessary clearance."

"Boo." Natalia laughed and kissed his jaw, soft lips unmindful of the stubble's sharpness. "Well the sooner I talk, the better for you then."

"My night is long regardless of these few minutes." Branigan kissed her lips, then pulled away. "What's up, buttercup?"

"Talking to your dad and reading all the books he's been recommending has been a lot of fun." Natalia took a seat. "It's starting to become a passion for me. And since I've never known what I want to do, this passion feels like a sign. That despite all the incredibly interesting options, this one is different. It's calling to me."

Branigan stifled his worried frown and nodded for her to continue.

"I was wondering if you could help me draft the letter asking your dad to write me a letter of recommendation. And if he knows any former colleagues that are looking for an apprentice." Natalia said. "It'd be great if I apprenticed for him, of course. But I'm not going to ask since he's no longer a practicing Demonologist."

Branigan nodded slowly. "Natalia... Demonology is an extremely dangerous field. Even in the more passive, article writing and theory crafting portion of it."

"I know. I'm not stupid." Natalia frowned. She hadn't expected resistance from Branigan after he'd shown so much enthusiasm over Sasha wanting to make an explosive. Granted, an explosive that heals people. But she'd have to develop the dispersal device - as she now called it - and the healing gas itself. Both those processes were dangerous!

"I didn't mean to imply that you are." Branigan said. "What I'm trying to say is that this isn't something you decide to do after a simple month of consideration. If even that. When did you get this idea?"

Natalia's posture slightly shrank. "... A few days ago."

"A few days, Natalia?!" Branigan's eyes widened. "You?"

"Yes, me!" Natalia snapped. "What? I can't be impulsive?"

"So you agree that this is impulsive?"

"No!" Natalia said. "Well. Yes. It is impulsive. But Bran..." She leaned closer to him pleadingly. "I mean it when I say I haven't felt this type of enthusiasm before with anything I've studied. It all pales in comparison."

Branigan sighed. "I believe you. Unfortunately, your passion is for something that could kill you in seconds. Before you even realize what's happening."

"There are plenty of Demonologists that have long careers." Natalia said. "Like your dad! Long and safe enough for him to retire from it. Or give it up, like you say. Not get killed by it or paralyzed or something."

Branigan raised an eyebrow. "You sure about that?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Branigan blinked. "I... I mean if you're sure that it was safe."

"That's not what you mean."

"Yes it is."

"No it's not!" Natalia shot up off her seat, heart pounding in her ears and, to her annoyance, tears brimming in her eyes. She was so excited to come tell him that she found what she wanted to do with her life. And here is. Denying her. "A demon hurt your dad. He didn't give it up. He had to! Is that it? Is that why you don't want me to..." Her eyes widened when his eyes flickered. Just for a moment but it had been enough for her to see him actively stifle it. She sat back down. "Sorry."

"Natalia." Branigan said, quietly, after a long five seconds. "I am not telling you no. I am telling you to think about this for longer. And if you bring this up with my dad, he will either tell you the same thing or stop your correspondence entirely. Do not risk that. Continue as a normal student with an interest in his former field of study."

Natalia nodded, finding it hard to keep the eye contact he had forced her into. He looked calm. But the anger he had shown just moments ago was extremely real. She had gotten upset and then gone too far. "I understand."

"We can discuss this after a few more months. You'll still have plenty of time to get recommendation letters and so on." Branigan said. "Okay?"


"Okay then." Branigan stood and walked past her. He opened the door and waited for her with a smile. "Have a good afternoon, Natalia."

"You too." Natalia said. "Bran, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"It's okay." Branigan smiled. It seemed honest enough.

Natalia attempted to work in the library but her concentration was gone. Did she have to be such a brat just because Branigan had told her no? Granted, his vagueness with his family's past was worrying but that was still no excuse for her to try and wrench the secret from him. Branigan would tell her in his own time. She'd have to trust him on that. Where have I seen those tattoos of his before... No! Stop. Not my business.

She read the same paragraph for the fifth time, sighed hard, and put all her things back into her backpack. Talking to Jack or Sasha, ideally both, would help so she decided to go find them. She waved at Branigan as she passed the counter and he waved her over. Her stomach twisted. Was he going to yell at her anyway? "Yes?"

While looking out into the library's atrium, Branigan spoke with a low voice. "Lucas is out in the atrium and he is not studying. He's waiting for you."

Natalia blanched. "He wouldn't do something in public."

"They tell us to fear a woman scorned." Branigan said. "I say it applies to people in general. I've already sent a golem to go get Jack."

"I can't always have an escort, Bran."

"Then tell Headmaster Blackvine about Lucas."

Natalia pursed her lips.

"In that case, we will be careful whenever we see a need. Your wards aren't enough." Branigan gestured and his office door opened. "Please go wait in my office. There's candy and other snacks in the bottom right drawer of my desk. It needs a good tug."

Natalia hesitated, then nodded. "Alright. If that's what you think is best."

"I do." Branigan smiled. "And try to stop worrying about our conversation earlier. I was upset at the moment, but I am no longer."

Natalia wondered at his perceptiveness. It was unnatural. "I'll try."

Jack arrived after fifteen minutes, the golem resuming its duties behind the counter. "Hey, Bran."

"Hey." Branigan said, then added in a whisper. "Very nice to see you. You look as beautiful as always."

"Thanks, babe. I like the stubble you've got going on. Keep it." Jack responded in a similar manner and added a wink. "Where's our girl?"

"In my office." Branigan's office door opened and Natalia arrived a moment later. "I don't see Lucas out there."

"He left when I arrived." Jack smiled. "Coward."

"People like him tend to be." Branigan said. "Bye, you two. Have a wonderful and safe evening."

Natalia and Jack smiled goodbye, then left holding hands. Branigan wished for the day he could do that, but he knew it wouldn't be long. Secrets never lasted.


"Congratulations on your budding relationship with Jack Sarkan." Neil said to Sasha as he hugged her. "I was overjoyed when you and Natalia began dating. You have pushed me to even greater heights."

"Aww thanks, Grandpa." Sasha beamed. She wondered how he'd react to the news about her also having a 'budding relationship' with his librarian. She was happy to find out later. "You're so sweet."

"Three powerful families united in love. Truly a sight." Neil pulled a seat out for her before sitting down behind his desk. "I have finished reading your request."

"Aaaand?" Sasha asked. It had been a week already and her patience was all but gone.

"Approved, of course." Neil smiled. "You were smart to include that Seymour has agreed to be your chaperone."

"Yes!" Sasha cheered.

"But it is not enough." Neil said. "I will be sending three golems with you. To carry your things as well as provide protection. You will need a reliable nightwatch. This isn't an insult to Seymour's capabilities. But he is a human and humans need rest."

"Grandpa, you don't need to use school resources just to keep us safe. It won't be that dangerous."

"The denizens of the mountains are as dangerous as those who live in the lake past the boundary." Neil said. "I can and will use school resources that are intended to keep students safe."

"In that case could you send Branigan as well?" Sasha asked. A camping trip with all her romantic partners sounded wonderful. This particular one was for work but that didn't mean there would be no time for levity. "If he's Foxcastle's librarian he's a resource for student safety, right?"

"No I cannot." Neil said. "Branigan is a resource meant to keep the library safe."

"Ah fine. I guess."

Neil raised an eyebrow. "Am I to understand that you are no longer hostile towards Branigan?"

"Eh." Sasha realized she should play it safe. "I can accept that he's not a complete threat. Still don't like him though."

Neil sighed and shook his head. "Branigan is a good man, Sasha. Better than most you will ever meet."

Sasha frowned. She hated assertions like that. As if humans were capable of being unassailable paragons of good. Everyone has faults. Some more than others. But all humans are capable of inflicting pain onto the world due to those faults, either inadvertently or intentionally. She liked Branigan and cared for him. But he was human. Everyone constantly praising him made her uncomfortable, even as she herself had fallen to his charm. Nobody's perfect. And everyone has enemies. Even Branigan. She thought. "Really? Like Sir Alexander Mason?"

Sir Alexander Mason was a renowned philanthropist and diplomat, known mainly for his work in improving relations between Dra and normal humans. He was also her birth father.

"Not at all." Neil said. "Branigan is better."

"We'll find out, won't we?"

I sincerely hope we do not. One time was enough. Neil thought. "Sasha, dear, I do not mean to imply that Branigan is a perfect person. He's the embodiment of presumptuousness wearing the guise of perceptiveness. He would flirt with a rock if it had suggestive curves. He has a temper that could fuel a blacksmith's forge that he frequently stifles to maintain a pretense of level headedness. Mother Dra fend those in his way when he inevitably crumbles. He wears the mask of a happy man to keep his loved ones at peace, not realizing that it is an insult to us to not show us how he feels. To not let us help. He frequently proves his love for others but does not let us do the same for him. Evidently, as empathetic as he can be, he does not understand the pain that it gives us." Neil paused to breathe. "He considers his own moral code to be superior to the point of ignoring existing rules, forcing others to clean up the mess he leaves in his wake. Branigan, during his time as one of my students, made me earnestly wonder whether or not I wanted to continue as Headmaster."

Sasha's jaw dropped. This was the first time someone didn't act as though Branigan was Mother Dra's gift to the world. "Wow, Grandpa. And you still think Branigan is better than most people I'll meet?"

"Of course. It is an honor to know him and be considered his friend." Neil smiled, eyes twinkling fondly. "I love him and I will love him until I draw my last breath. I would lay my life down for Branigan before my soul realized what was happening. There is no doubt in my mind that he is worth such a sacrifice."

"You just spent a minute mentioning the ways in which he sucks!"

"I disparaged him in an effort to earn your trust in my opinion of him. Despite all that I said, Branigan is someone you can befriend and be better for it."

Sasha remained silent as Neil looked like he was not done talking.

"When you love someone, Sasha. When you truly love them." Neil continued. "It is in spite of the things you see that you do not like. Love requires an acknowledgement of flaws. You can work to heal them of those flaws, of course. But you must love them first."

"Like how you love me despite how paranoid I am."

"Your self-awareness is commendable." Neil said. "But what is the point if you do nothing with that awareness?"

Sensing that this was about to turn into a discussion about her flaws and not someone else's, Sasha smiled sheepishly and got to her feet. "Good night, Grandpa. I have to go tell the others to get ready for this weekend. We're leaving Friday after classes."

Neil noted what she was doing, smiled, then opted to let her proceed with her abrupt escape. "Good night, my dear."


Branigan sat on the dock with his feet in the freezing water, a spell keeping them from going numb. His legs swung idly, water swirling in the gaps between his toes. Occasionally, he'd lift his feet out of the lake and watch the water cascade off. But he mostly looked at the mountains, wishing that he could join the girls tomorrow. He wasn't worried for them. Seymour and three golems were more than enough protection on top of their inherent talent as Dra. He simply wanted to go along so that he could spend time with them without having to worry about getting caught.

But he had to stay. Not due to his duties to the library. It could go a few days without him, just as it had before he had arrived at Foxcastle. This was the first taste of his self-imposed imprisonment. He could risk going to Foxden. But not the mountain. Definitely not the mountain.

A surge of tears came up and he caught them before they could even brim. They fought back, roaring at him like a flash flood slamming against a dam. His dam held. It strained his eyes and his sinuses. But he held and the tears retreated with the wave of impotent fury that had powered them. He began muttering to himself. "Damn it to the Advent, Bran! Don't let the hate win. Don't let the hate win. Don't let the hate win. It's too dangerous. Don't let the hate win."

A few seconds passed, during which he noticed the death grip he had on the dock. He eased up and looked at his hands. The wood edge had bit into his palms, leaving an angry red line that throbbed at him.

"No blood, at least." Branigan muttered. Then he began cackling. At himself, of course. A grown man on the verge of throwing a tantrum. Had it been because of the actions of others, Branigan could consider it fine for him to be upset. But he had done this to himself. His chains slithered into his line of sight, snapping him out of staring at his palms. He tugged at his sleeves, feeling the tears make a second attempt at overwhelming him. He thought to say Natalia's surname, but he didn't want the feeling of companionship at the moment. And Jack's wouldn't be any help either. With some desperation, and with no idea what it would do, Branigan muttered Blackvine while focusing his fein.

He smelled, and tasted, the sweetest of wines. The sugary intoxication wrested control from the grief he was feeling and teased his soul into smiling. His vision momentarily blurred as the warmth in his soul turned into a physical feeling that matched the spell keeping his submerged feet from going numb. Confidence filled him and Branigan grinned wide.

"Your smile is my favorite thing about you." Jack said, treading water just outside the bounds of Branigan's wards. "What's got you so happy?"

"I've got a damn good life, that's what." Branigan said, the effects of House Blackvine's name fading. Still, its purpose had been accomplished. His momentary weakness was gone. "Three beautiful girlfriends and a job I love. I should be smiling all the time."

"Mind if I join you?" Jack asked. When he nodded, she swam closer until she was between his feet and looking up at him. She put her own feet on the dock's underwater crossbars and pushed up so Branigan could bend down and kiss her. She lowered herself, slightly, after the kiss and kept her arms on his thighs. "Don't worry. I'll keep my boobs out of the water for you to look at."

Branigan laughed and pushed back some of her wet hair that had flopped forward to be in front of her eyes. She maintained a short hair style with the sides shaved to a close fade, but the top of her hair was still full and lengthy enough to cover her eyes if left to their own devices. "You haven't run out of the cold-res potions Sasha brewed for you? You've been swimming a lot."

"She made me a whole new batch." Jack said. "I'm trying to swim as much as I can before the lake freezes over."

"Good idea. Swimming in the lake is more fun than the pool."

"You get me!" Jack smiled. "If I can't feel natural light and wind on my skin and hair while I'm swimming, I don't want it."

"It's the simple things."

"Mhm." Jack pushed up for another kiss. "You okay, Bran?"

"Your face and your boobs are in my line of sight and I've got full permission to be as perverted as I want. I'm more than okay."

"You sure? I...Well." Jack sighed. "I watched you for a little bit before saying hi. You looked upset and I heard you muttering about not letting the hate win."

He had noticed her approach long before she called out to him. It had been stupid of him to assume she couldn't hear him or pick up on how he was feeling. He should never let his emotions get the better of him while anyone was around. "Not ready to talk about that, Jack."

"Fine." Jack said. "I won't push. We can talk when you're ready."

Branigan nodded. "Thank you."

"But I suggest you do a better job of hiding your mood with Natalia when she comes by to see you tonight after dinner." Jack said. "She'll try to pull it out of you with puppy dog eyes and all that cute girly stuff."

"Are you or Sasha walking her over?"

"I am." Jack said. "And I'll be in the living room while you two have your fun."

"Good." Branigan said. "So if you were going to see me later anyway, what are you doing here?"

"Well I wanted to say bye in my own way. Even if it's only for two days, you'll still be all by yourself while all your girlfriends go off on a trip." Jack said. "Sasha already gave you one of her blowjobs, right?"

"It was an extremely satisfying lunch time for me."

"I bet, you horn dog." Jack's breasts pushed up against Branigan's growing bulge.

"Says one of the three horn dogs that are going camping and sleeping in the same tent."

"We're all made for each other." Jack said, then moaned as Branigan felt her breasts up. "You want my top off or on?"


Jack waited as Branigan took his cock out, then playfully rested it on her face. His brown cock covered one eye. She smiled and winked with her free eye. "Ain't I pretty one?"

"Beautiful, Jack."

"Thank you." Jack kissed the side of his cock, close to the base. Then she guided his cock under her simple black bikini top and between her large, pale, and wet breasts. Goosebumps spread from the arousal of having Branigan's hard cock throbbing for her. She bunched her shoulders to create a smaller pocket around his cock and slowly rose up and down by bending and straightening her knees. The water splashed softly from her movements, coinciding with her soft panting. Each warm breath briefly blanketed the head of his cock as it peaked out from between her breasts. His shaft was squeezed by her soft, hot flesh on its sides and her sternum on its underside. The string on the front of her bikini that held the cups together also served to keep his cock from slipping backwards and out. "You ever felt tits like mine?"

Jack's breasts were glistening from the water. Her nipples were outlined near perfectly from pushing against the thin material of her bikini top and Branigan thought to free them entirely. But having the strap easily keep his cock enveloped in her soft warmth felt too good. Instead, he rubbed her nipples over the cloth. He grunted. "No."