Free Use in Freehold


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As I was thinking these things I wandered around my studio apartment to distract myself, and saw in the corner a small bookshelf I hadn't noticed before. It had various old books, mostly novels, probably salvaged from someone's abandoned house. They mostly seemed like 20th century things, including a paperback of 1984, by George Orwell.

Somehow that stopped me, and I got it out and held the old book gently in my hands, which as I remembered just had the number of the year as the cover art. Leafing to the first page, I saw again that Eric Blair was the author's real name, and that he'd died relatively young. Freehold was a lot better than 1984's society, I was sure. I remembered torture with rats, and all sorts of other terrible things in 1984. Freehold seemed so much better, even with its weird system and strange practices. But Freehold was a dystopia mixed with a utopia.

And then suddenly I got worried. Was I meant to discover this book? Was a camera on me right now as I held it? Were they maybe trying predict if I was a possible subversive just because I was holding it?

I turned around slowly, scanning my room, and again couldn't see any cameras. The only thing I saw was a TV attached to the wall. I was just thinking too much, I told myself, probably because I felt so exposed because of that Freehold Times story, and my heartbreak about Miriam. It's making me paranoid, I told myself.

But suddenly I wanted to get out of my apartment.

Since I was still hungry I packed up some food. Stuffing my old backpack, I quickly put in some apples, white cheddar cheese, French bread, nuts, some bottles of water, and some chocolate bars. Then, on a whim, I threw in 1984 too, zipped up my backpack, and walked off looking for the big central park that I'd seen just a block away on the city map.

The large park had only a few people, but lots of grass, lots of trees trees, and some empty playground equipment. The emptiest part of the park was up a hill, where there were a couple of benches and then a long ways off from them a couple of picnic tables. I saw one lone figure sitting on one of the benches.

As I came up and passed by, I saw the figure was an androgynous-looking glam-goth guy, a few years older than I was. I was wary of an encounter, sexual or otherwise, but he looked morose. If anything, he seemed even more depressed than I felt. My gaydar is not that great, but I was almost certain he was gay.

Like me he looked thin, as if, like me, he'd lost weight on the outside before coming here. Maybe he'd had less luck than I'd had in getting a job.

He eyed me suspiciously, and suddenly I realized he feared me more than I feared him. On a whim, I smiled as I put my backpack on one of the picnic tables, and then called out to him, "Hey, if by any chance you want any, I have some apples, cheese and chocolate that Freehold gave to me. No other intentions. Just sharing some free food."

For a second the guy said nothing, but as studied me he then smiled wanly, and said, "Sure, why not," and came over in a shambling way.

He froze for a few seconds when he saw my 1984 book next to my food.

"Oh, have you read it?" I said, looking at him. Lambert had nicely-done eye make-up and black lipstick.

"Yes, I have," he said enthusiastically and smiled, showing his beautiful teeth. Suddenly his whole demeanor changed. He kept smiling, and nodded at me like we were secret friends. It wasn't anything sexual, but more like a secret sign, or something--but a secret sign that I didn't get.

I wondered if he was even more paranoid than I was, and I tried to calm him down. I smiled and said, "Yeah, I've read it too. What a freaky book!"

"You got that right!" He said, biting into a crunchy apple, and then opening up a chocolate bar and trying to eat that at the same time.

"Thanks, Mate," He said in the British way, adding, "You're a life safer. I've got a part-time job, but it just doesn't seem to pay enough. I'm applying for another job, though."

"I'm Jim," I said, "and I've only been in Freehold a couple of days."

"Lambert," the guy said, and added at my slightly puzzled look, "I was named after a singer from a few decades ago, but now I do kind of copy his look a bit. He was gay too. Anyway, I've been here a couple of months, but I'm still trying to get my footing. My sperm is good, but impregnating women is a challenge for me, as you might imagine. I did get them to pay me at the hospital for my donations though."

He studied me for a few seconds silently, looking again at the copy of 1984 significantly. Then he casually took out his phone, placed it on the table, and then casually took off his jacket and placed it over it. He nodded for me to do the same.

Suddenly realizing what he was doing and why, and trying to be casual like him, I took out my phone and put it on the table, and then took off my suit jacket and covered it.

He picked up some of the food, and I picked up the rest, and then he pointed to the benches fifty feet or so away. We then started walking in that direction, with him saying casually, "Let's go for a walk."

When we got to the bench, I said quietly to him, "So that's how they do it! The phones are Freehold spy devices. I should have known!"

"Yeah," he said, "Also also TVs, tablets. Didn't you know? You're SETAAC too, right?"

"SETAAC?" I said, puzzled, "What's that?"

Suddenly he looked pale, and almost like he might run.

"But the book--1984," he said, looking puzzled.

"Oh, I just threw that in my pack randomly, because I was so depressed. I had a day that was so embarrassing that I almost want to find a high bridge right now and jump off it. Seriously. The more I think about it, the more I'm not sure if I can go on. I'm so fucked."

"What do you mean?" he said, absorbing by my intensity, and really listening.

I sighed, and said, "Council Member King Marked me today, and it's all over the news. Videos and all."

"Oh, that was you!" And Lambert looked for a second like he might laugh at me, but realizing my very real pain, he quietly and sympathetically said, "I didn't know that was you, man. You look so different in that suit. What a shitty deal. Did she give you that suit after humiliating you like that?"

"Yeah," I said, "And so now I'm either ready to join the underground, or just completely surrender to my new Sugar Mama. Or, the third way, which is to try to work at the bookstore where I just got a job, and try to rebuild my life somehow. There are some things I love about this place. Like hot water. Electricity. Food. Sex. Civilization. Yeah, I guess I do like it here too much to kill myself. I just wish the system was--"

"So you're not SETAAC," he said, studying me some more, "But you probably should be."

I laughed, and said, quietly but urgently, "I don't even drink, but I want to get drunk. Or stoned. Do you have any pot? And anyway, what the hell is SETAAC? Either tell me, or stop saying that fucking word."

He said quietly, "It stands for Subvert Eve's Triangle At Any Cost."

"Shit," I said quietly, and then added, "I guess this sounds silly, but you must be part of the underground."

"Well, we don't literally live underground or anything," Lambert said, smiling ironically, adding "Then we'd be like the mole people, or something."

Then he got more serious, and said, "We prefer the term Resistance. We believe in the equality of all genders and ethnicities. One of our members got expelled the other day. Did you see that?"

"Yeah," I said warily, "I did. But it was so hard for me on the outside, and I really don't want to try to survive like that again. I had a fucking latte this morning, and that was after I fucked the most beautiful woman I've ever met in my life, and she's smart, funny, and really nice too, But she already hates me, by the way, because as you know some high class bitch peed on my face! But I didn't have a choice! Like I said, I really want to get stoned, even though I've never done that before, but I have enough money to buy pot if you've got any. Or if your'e 21, let's go to a liquor store and get some wine or something."

Lambert smiled at me sympathetically, and said, "Yeah, man, yeah. I feel you. Try to relax. I've got some pot here and a vape Let's just smoke out a bit, and chill and chat."

Lambert and I got stoned, and we talked for more than an hour. He cautioned me to not to have too much my first time, and that seemed wise. It mellowed me out and sent my imagination soaring a bit, but it actually didn't seem that strong, although time did do funny things, like sometimes going slow and then fast. We did get the munchies, and finished all the rest of the food that I'd brought, washing it down with a bottle of water each. Seemed like a delicious feast, over which we bonded as we talked.

Anyway, that dude Lambert really made me laugh, although I know some of it was the pot. But he was pretty funny in his grim and yet gay way. Botton line, he told me, was that what SETAAC most needed was intelligence. And since I was Stacy King's Marked pet, and already had a chance of getting into Eve's House at some point, he told me to just chill. Become the model citizen of Freehold. Get inside. Then at some point, maybe in a few weeks, I'd meet him back at this park, at this bench, on this day of the week, at this time, and I could tell him more about the inner workings of the leadership.

For instance, why was Eve never seen? Was she sick? Paranoid about security? Did she even exist? Was she a front? Were there any others at the top who might be recruited to SETAAC? Men working there in subservient positions? Sympathetic women? Androgynous allies? In fact, he said, making me laugh, he wanted me to look out for any cute gay guys I met at Eve's House that he could date, even if they were loyal to Eve. Even bi would work! Hell, if it came down to it, Lambert said, he'd even consider a Sugar Daddy--maybe he could coopted away from SETAAC, and then live a life of gay luxury! Just joking, he assured me, as I laughed.

But anyway, my job was not to do anything, but just listen and learn. Did any at the top actually believe in equality? In the meantime, embrace my new Sugar Mama Stacy King, but without making her suspicious. Be real, he said, but just stretch myself, like I did for the Marking. Do well at my job at the bookstore, get women pregnant, and so on. But yeah, Lambert admitted, it was a shitty deal that in the process I was almost certain to lose the woman who might have been the love of my life, Miriam. Life's a tragedy, he told me--get fucking used to it, man.

Suddenly I had a new mission. A new purpose. I was now a fucking spy. But on the low down. Just listening. In the meantime I had to be all that I could be. Serve Freehold and see what I could become. I faced heartbreak, and even the chance of getting expelled from Freehold, but somehow I had my self-respect back, and a spring in my step.

Lambert and I embraced when we parted, and he told me what by this time I'd already mostly figured out--that members of SETAAC who didn't yet know each other would show the other a dystopian book, such as 1984, Brave New World, Handmaid's Tale, or something like that, as a sign of recognition, or even as a plea for help. He did agree with me, though, that Freehold was better than 1984. But I realized as I talked with him about this that I saw a lot more of the benefits of Freehold than he did. Anyway, he told me that the Resistance's struggle for equality was going to be non-violent, if possible, in spite of the words "At Any Cost" in their name. But he confessed that this was something that was hotly debated within SETAAC, although at the moment the Gandhi-like faction was stronger than the Trotskyite faction.

He said it would be best for me and SETAAC if I didn't know anyone else in the Resistance yet. He was completely confident I was a brother, but just in case, the other sisters, brothers, androgynous, and non-binary ones needed to be protected. Finally, he said other secret signs included the Vulcan salute, and the phrase, "The Force will be with you...always," which also cracked me up. I asked if they sometimes got false positives, and were just meeting a Star Wars fan, and he admitted that it had happened at least once that he'd heard about.

But Lambert didn't seem like a stoner joke. He truly believed in equality, and I realized with a pang of shame that he seemingly believed in it more strongly than I did.


I walked back to my apartment, still smiling and laughing to myself a little. I passed some people on the streets who looked at me with recognition, some with admiration who even smiled back, and others with something else that I couldn't quite define. Envy? Disgust? Both? And some seemed turned on and amused at the same time. I heard one woman point at me and say to her girlfriend clearly loud enough for me to hear, "He sure got a big boner when she peed on his face!" And the other woman nodded and giggled--and then they both blushed when they saw me looking at them. But they didn't approach me, and I didn't approach them.

I just went back to my place, closed the door, and decided to chill, as Lambert would put it, at my apartment that night. After brushing and flossing my teeth, and gargling with the minty mouthwash that Freehold had provided, I just laid down on top of my bed in my suit and quickly fell asleep, even though it was only late afternoon.

I woke up a few hours later as I heard my door opening, and immediately thought it was the police already coming for me.

Sitting up, I saw it was the strong and beautiful mid-20 something Captain Amy Wang, in full uniform and carrying a rifle.

I looked at her, and said, "Am I in trouble, Captain Wang?"

I wondered how had they'd found out so soon. Lambert and I been so careful!

"Trouble?" Captain Wang said with a puzzled smile, and added, "No, Jim, you must just have been having a bad dream. You're already a big success! I knew you would be when I processed you at the check point, and approved your citizenship, but I had no idea it would be so soon--and so big. Marked by Stacy King, and you already a celebrity! Who would have thought that the ragged refugee boy I met at the checkpoint just yesterday morning would now already be the favorite of the likely new President of the Central Council, and already dressed in a suit and tie from Moulin and Son. Look at you! I see you!"

She laughed, and I got up and laughed too, and then we embraced, and she punched me affectionately on the arm.

I was almost ready to weep with joy at the genuine and warm feelings we already seemed to have for each other. Then we sat down at my small dining table, grinning like two old friends, before I immediately got up, and said, "What may I offer you, Captain Wang? I'm afraid all I have is milk, water, a few cans of root beer, and some instant coffee."

"Well," she said, "since you're offering, I'll take a glass of milk. And when we're alone, it's okay if you want to call me Amy."

I quickly got two glasses of milk, and sat down with her again. Then we clinked our glasses, and I said in a corny quote from Casablanca, "Well, here's looking at you, Amy."

She had beautiful skin, and lovely brown eyes. And I was already getting a crush on her again as I looked at her and sighed. The fact that she was a soldier made her even more hot to me.

"You really have a thing for me, don't you Jim?" She said, and smiled.

"What straight guy wouldn't?" I said, but then added, "What may I do for you Cap--Amy. I'm at your service."

"I thought you would be," Amy said with a sly smile, "I mean, I know from the rules of Freehold you have to be, but in your case it seems so enthusiastic. Anyway, I'll cut to the chase, and say I'm fertile right now, and I'm ready to have some of your first class sperm of the kind that I saw in my microscope at the base. I'd like you to personally try to impregnate me."

"Wow," I said.

Amy smiled and said, "But I'm due on base pretty soon, so I'll have to take a rain check on you eating my pussy, and just get down it."

"Yes, Cap--Amy! I'm sorry."

"That's okay, Jim, I can tell it turns you on to call me Captain Wang, and so please continue to do that as you fuck me."

She got up and started undressing. I glanced up at my wall mounted tv, now realizing that it was almost certainly transmitting all of this with a hidden camera, and sending it some huge security station, probably at Eve's House.

But it was no different than public sex. And me having sex with Captain Wang would certainly be a plus factor for them if they were watching and listening.

By this point Amy's clothes were completely off, revealing her beautiful breasts and luscious slit, while I was still getting out of my suit.

She lay down on my bed on top of the covers. Her pussy hair looked slightly different than Amanda's and Miriam's--somehow blacker, and more of a wide strip than triangle, even though it didn't look like she shaved much.

"Captain," I said, as I took off the last of my clothes, "I just need to lick your pussy for a little while to make sure you're ready to receive my erection."

My cock was indeed its full seven inches for the Captain.

"Permission granted," Stacy said, looking at my cock as she spread her legs.

I climbed in between, and started licking my first Chinese-American pussy, which was beautiful and yummy. But she was indeed wet, and so I mounted her without delay.

"OHHh!" I gasped as I entered her, and started thrusting "Oh my god! You feel so good Captain Wang. UHHH!"

I was trembling, because I almost orgasmed immediately on entering her wet yet tight pussy.

"Welcome again to Freehold, Jim." She said with a smile when I was fully inside of her, gasping a little herself.

"How long do you have?" I said, as I slowly fucked her, still not believing this was happening.

"Not long," she whispered, "So go ahead and give your sperm to me as fast as you can, Jim."

A few minutes more of thrusting into her and I gasped "Oh Captain! My Captain!" ridiculously quoting a poem I'd learned in high school by Walt Whitman, as I orgasmed my load in multiple pumps into her gorgeous cunt.

"Uhhh! Uhh! Oh thank, Amy, thank you, Uh!" I gasped.

"You're welcome, Jim," she said, "And thank you," she said, adding somewhat ironically, "I can tell my pussy was just as amazing as you fantasized it would be. Maybe you'll get another go sometime when you can take your time. But now I really need to get going."

"Yes, Captain" I said, reluctantly pulling myself out of her.

We quickly dressed, and then I noticed that she put her phone on the table beneath her jacket, and said, "Let's take a short walk before I go."

She can't be SETAAC too, I thought--that's impossible. But I left my phone on the table too, and then followed her out.

Soon, as we were on an empty side street, Captain Amy Wang said to me, "I just wanted to let you know that you're in for a wild ride with Stacy King. I've known her personally for a while, and she's a woman of strong passions, and sometimes strong views. What I'm saying Jim, is that she's going to say and do things that offend you at some point. But here's the deal--you've heard the phrase 'Don't bite the hand that feeds you?' Well, that's especially true when it comes to King."

Amy went on: "Now that you've committed to Stacy, you need to stay the course. You can, however, appeal to the better angels of her nature. But be diplomatic. She's much more powerful than you are, and she's rich while you're poor. Her personality type is the kind that will...well, she'll be on top, let's put it that way. You're probably going to need to submit to her, just like you did when you got Marked. But be loyal to her, and even more important be loyal to Eve. Eve is the key to our future! Since in addition to lusting after my pussy, you seem to respect my rank and the chain of command, even though you're a Civvie, consider this an order to the degree that's possible."