Freshman Ch. 04: Extension


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She grinned to herself as she swirled her soft lips around his tip. She was beginning to taste him more and the reality that he might not have much time left on his clock began to sink in. It made her think about her own release. She'd been smoothly twisting her fingers between her legs, probing gently and curling her touch over each perfect spot. She was definitely going to get off. The first low stirrings had already begun.

She moaned suddenly and shut her eyes as a shockwave ripped through her gut. Beyond the physical stimuli, her own bit of dirty talk had served to rev her engine hard. Verbalizing how she'd have sucked his dick "whenever he'd wanted it" made her head swarm with heat. The idea of showing up and getting on her knees for someone at the drop of a hat pushed her buttons in ways she didn't fully understand.

There had been several boys over the years with whom she had acted in such a way. Most had been positive relationships (like Josh), but not all. Her shut-eyes squeezed tighter as a face she tried not to picture often popped into her head. Matt. Never in her life had she so mindlessly submitted to someone like she had with him. It was like she'd simply turned herself over to him, like the keys to her apartment, so that he could use her however and as often as he'd pleased.

But even that saga, which had been overwhelmingly twisted and warped, made her blood rush in ways she could not deny. The idea of being at someone's beck and call was intoxicating, especially when it came to orally servicing them. Whether for someone who made her heart swell like Josh or someone who dropped her feelings of self-worth to the floor like Matt, it didn't matter. She got off on delivering pleasure. On having a guy simply sit back and soak up the fruits of her labor. Taking, while all she did was give. She craved it. It was who she was.

Her eyes opened automatically and she whimpered again as she sucked her teacher's shaft firmly between her lips. The combined stimuli were beginning to overwhelm her and she began to wonder if she'd be the one who lost control first. Professor Davis hadn't said much in a while, his clenched jaw and rock hard cock communicating all that was necessary. Rachel angled her eyes up to meet his as she worked him smoothly in her mouth. Stifled breaths escaped from his throat in regular intervals as she bobbed her head over his lap. The methodic squish of his leather chair squeaked along in rhythm.

She smiled to herself and dropped her gaze back down to her work. He was pulsing in her mouth and his thighs were tight and clenched. She estimated she'd been sucking his dick for close to five minutes, and truthfully, she was a little surprised at his stamina. But she knew his end had to be drawing near. A well-placed curl of her finger over her clit sent another sizzle through her scalp. She swallowed and inhaled sharply through her nose. His end wasn't the only one coming up fast on the horizon.

Rachel slid her lips down to his base and sucked him in hard as she felt the first true tickles of her orgasm forming. The sensation made her stomach clench. Soon her wall would shatter and relief would wash over her like a warm bath. It was almost too surreal to consider. She'd gotten herself off countless times to the fantasy of what she was currently doing. She'd spent hours upon hours daydreaming about it. Imagining every detail and arranging every piece of the story into its perfect form. And now here she was. Living it. Breathing it. Tasting it.

The bubbling arousal in her system hit a rolling boil and the top blew off without warning. Rachel shut her eyes and widened her jaw as a shuddery moan poured out. She came powerfully, the first wave slicing through core like a hot blade. She pushed her fingers deeper inside and locked every muscle in her body. Her heart stopped and her brain sparked as she came again and again. It was all just too much to handle. Him. Her. The office. Everything. It consumed her and melted her circuits like a lightning bolt striking a transformer.

Through pure force of instinct, Rachel pushed back against the wave and closed her lips around her teacher's shaft. While the pulses continued to radiate though her own body, she sucked him tight and went back to her work. She whimpered weakly with each rotation, working his cock with smooth friction, funneling her own surge back to him. She forced her lids open and locked into his gaze. Her face tight, but eyes warm, she sucked him with every ounce of focused skill she could muster in her state.

It didn't take long for Davis to meet her at the finish line. He watched with pleasure-filled terror as the beautiful girl, who not ten minutes prior had been offering a meek, shameful apology for failing her assignment, swallowed his cock in a series of full, slow, impossibly gripping motions. It had been a nonstop dream of a ride from the start and there was nothing left to do but get off at his stop. His stomach tightened to pain and his hips elevated off his seat. His teeth clenched and his dick twitched.

He let go.

Rachel widened her eyes and inhaled smoothly as she felt him erupt powerfully between her lips. His shaft pulsed and sputtered, coating the roof of her mouth with a hot, bountiful blast. She worked him gently, continuing to suck away, pulling every ounce of pleasure from his system. Withdrawing her hand from between her legs, she reached up and squeezed his balls firmly against her palm. She smiled as she felt him groan and twitch in response. He was certainly coming a lot. She wondered again when his last blowjob might have been. From the way he was filling her mouth, it might have been ages.

The onslaught eventually began to lose steam and Rachel slid her way to his tip, swirling her tongue tenderly over his slit, coaxing out his final efforts. She cradled his head between her full lips before dropping her face back into his lap, taking his defeated length entirely back in. She grinned to herself as she heard him whimper in euphoric protest. She could only imagine what he was feeling and what type of storm must be raging in his brain.

Satisfied with her work, she finally released him from her lips and rocked back onto her heels. Flashing him a closed-mouth smile, she looked to the side and swallowed twice, swishing her tongue around to gather every bit of his copious offering. Swallowing a third time for good measure, she turned back to face him and grinned again. Her forehead felt hot and even a little damp. She exhaled as the fresh feel of her own orgasm coated her senses. It was perfection. Almost impossible to describe.

Her grin widened and her eyebrow rose as she watched her teacher's eyes drop reflexively to her chest. She realized that he'd barely gotten a good look at her boobs. She was offering a generous view of her bra and cleavage through the undone buttons of her sweater, but she'd essentially been hunched over his lap the entire time. She shivered and grinned again. Well, he was certainly enjoying it now.

It was true. While thoroughly dominated and unable to move, Davis let his glazed-over eyes rest firmly on the soft bounty of Rachel's cleavage. For all the microseconds he'd stolen a glance here and there since he'd met her and worked hard to avoid detection, there was no need for such efforts now. He was slumped over in his office chair, his dick wet and glistening, drained under her power. Pretending like it might be inappropriate to check out her tits at this point would be the height of absurdity.

Rachel shivered with warm confidence as she basked in the attention and afterglow of her work. She ran her eyes all over Davis's expression and then down his body. She'd done a fucking number on him. He still hadn't moved or spoken a word. She knew he must be caught in an indescribable whirlwind that had begun the moment she'd made her intentions known. Less than ten minutes had passed between her knock on his office door and his dick sliding past her lips. She was actually surprised it had been that easy. Of course, she had no idea that he'd been so torturously primed via the overheard conversation regarding her oral proclivities. He really had never stood a chance.

Breaking her gaze and bringing a hand to her head, Rachel sighed peacefully and took stock of her own situation. Her orgasm had been sweet and delightful. She'd never fulfilled a sexual fantasy as outlandish as this. The way it had all played out in almost lockstep with her class-time visions and sexy dreams was incredible. If she had only one quibble, it had been their respective roles in the act. She had wanted him to be the one to initiate and take control. To bend her to his will instead of the other way around. The thought of being faced with the choice of failing or paying for her missed assignment with her mouth made her squirm with arousal. She smiled to herself. Oh well. She couldn't have everything...

Her internal debriefing snapped her back to the moment as she began to become cognizant of where exactly she was and what she'd done. While it was all toe-curlingly exciting, it probably wasn't the wisest idea to linger on her knees behind her professor's desk, his pants around his calves and her boobs halfway out. The locked door protected them but it wasn't a panacea for all potential risk. Should someone come by and knock, the reality of a female student being in a locked office with her not-so-much-older professor might raise an eyebrow or two that neither of them wanted.

She grinned up at him as she took in his peaceful eyes and their unchanged focus on her chest. She was sure that he might soon be feeling some regret over what they'd done, but in the moment, he looked completely at ease. She let him ogle her for a few final seconds before giggling and moving to re-button her sweater. She watched his eyes blink as he awkwardly shook out of his stare. She smiled and wiped some moisture from her lips, shooting him a playful wink. As he managed a weak smile in return, she giggled again and brought her hands to his thighs, pushing herself up and back to her feet.

Standing over him in his dazed slump, she smoothed out her skirt and began casually fixing her hair.

"Well? It's still ten of. Looks like I got my work done on time after all."

She raised an inquisitive eyebrow at him and put her hands on her hips expectantly.

"So, you said you'd grade it. How did I do?"

Davis tried to shake the cobwebs from his brain but he could do nothing but simply stare up at her for several long seconds. The thoughts whizzed through his head in a chaotic rush. What had just happened? She'd given him a blowjob! And now she was playfully flirting along about her grade again. She was so casual about the whole thing! Had those boys been right about her? Was this simply just a normal event in her eyes? He blinked repeatedly as he tried to focus on her smiling face. It had been anything but normal to him...

Finally managing to pull himself out of his stupor, he found his strength and came back to the moment. He moved awkwardly to pull his pants back up and he smiled as he cleared his throat. It really did seem like Rachel was waiting for a serious response. She wanted to know how she'd done. She wanted him to tell her.

"Um, I-. Well, you-. You did an excellent job. And I guess since it's, um, before the deadline like you, uh, said, that, um, I guess it will count."

Rachel's grin stretched across her face and she giggled playfully. She was mainly just teasing him. She didn't really care what grade he actually assigned for her paper. She was more interested in his reaction to what she'd done to him. And his stuttering mess of an answer told her all that she needed to know.

She smiled with satisfaction and nodded back. With a happy grin, she turned and walked back around his desk as she prepared to bring their wild little encounter to a close. Office hours would be over soon anyway and she figured he might need some time alone to decompress.

"Well, um, thanks again for being so understanding and letting me make up the work. I'm very grateful."

Rachel bit her lip and grinned knowingly as she spoke. She was laying it on thick and it felt like a good final touch to her lived-out fantasy.

"I'll be sure to get my papers in on time from now on."

Realizing he was still too flabbergasted to respond, she gave him a final friendly smile and turned to leave. As she crossed the room and walked towards the door, her stomach twitched and tickled with pure excitement. She felt like she might burst. It had been so crazy! She reached the door and began to turn the handle when she heard his voice.


She turned around and smiled at him again. He sounded nervous and clearly a bit strained.

"Um, look, what just happened was, um-."

He sighed as he scrambled to find the words.

"You know I could get in a lot of trouble if-."

Rachel rolled her eyes and cut him off with dismissive grin.

"You don't have to worry. Trust me. I'm not one to kiss and tell."

He sucked in a long breath and nodded back at her. His lips were tight. Rachel read the raging conflict in his expression. Obviously, she'd just blown his mind and the pure, wild pleasure of it all had to be overwhelming. But, just as obviously, he had also crossed a serious, moral line by engaging sexually with a student. She was sure he would be a wreck for a while but she couldn't resist giving him one final poke. Shifting her weight and letting her eyes pass unsubtly over his body, she bit her lip and spoke again.

"Well, don't forget what I told you earlier. You are cute. And you know where I'll be every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10am..."

She shivered as she watched every muscle in his face go tight and tense. She smiled again and shot him a final wink before turning and walking through the door. She shut it gently behind her and gasped as her scalp tingled and rushed. Feeling like she might be able to float all the way back to her dorm, she moved quickly down the hall and headed for the exit.

As soon as she'd reached the main quad just a few minutes away, she stopped and pulled out her phone. Checking the time with a smile, she clicked a few buttons and began typing away. Satisfied, she clicked her thumb over the 'Send' button and watched the screen change. Another shivery rush snuck through her belly. Slipping her phone back into her bag, she turned and halfway skipped the rest of the way to her room.


Professor Davis sat in stunned silence, his heart beating softly but clearly in his chest. It had been several minutes since Rachel had left his office and his head was still spinning in a dizzying fog. He simply could not process what had just happened. Had it been real?

It had. He could still feel every warm sensation of her tongue and soft lips cradling him in her mouth. He'd came about as hard as he could ever remember; it had been a while since he'd gotten a blowjob like that. He'd been woefully underprepared for Rachel's talent.

His stomach twisted at the thought.


Fuck! She was his student! What in God's name had he just done? And he hadn't even put up a fight! He smirked dryly as he recalled how proud he'd been of his initial, firm rebuff of her request for an additional extension. What a joke. From stern authority figure to whimpering, catatonic puddle in two minutes flat. He scoffed and cursed himself in disgust.

But while the shame and anger served to harden him, the cold truth was that if he could take it all back and do it over, he was sure that it would've played out the exact same way. How could he have stopped that? He'd never stood a chance. And he couldn't get her final words and implication out of his head. Had she really been hinting at the possibility of doing it again?

He shook his head and hurriedly shuffled his papers into a pile to stuff in his bag. He didn't want to think about it anymore. His brain was fried and it was clear that he'd get nothing done if he stayed in the space any longer. He needed to get home. Or to the bar to have a drink. He was a mess.

He reached for his computer monitor to turn the power off when he suddenly froze in place. The hair on his neck stood tall and his stomach twisted into a knot.

An email had popped through.

From Rachel.

He glanced at the timestamp, momentarily confused. How had she-? Was she already back at her computer? It felt like she'd just left.

But it was the subject line that made him shiver. "Thanks Again!" He nervously clenched and unclenched his hands. God, he hoped she wasn't so stupid or reckless to talk about what they'd just done over the campus email system. Those messages were basically school property. If anyone saw...

With a hard swallow, he moved his mouse to the message and clicked it open. His eyes darted around as he quickly scanned the text. His stomach fluttered and he narrowed his gaze in further confusion. Thankfully, she hadn't made any mention of their activity but what she had written didn't make any sense. He read it again and tried to focus.

Subject: Thanks Again!

Professor Davis,

Thanks again for being so understanding about my missed assignment. Your extension was more than fair and I promise I won't be late with any future papers.

Anyway, as requested, please find my essay attached. I know I'm cutting it close to 5pm, but some crazy stuff just came up...

Please let me know if you have any problems opening it.

See you in class! :)


Professor Davis stared at the screen with a total lack of comprehension. He shifted his eyes down, and sure enough, there was a document attached to the email. Swallowing again, he clicked it open and began to scroll through.

His stomach flipped and goosebumps broke out on his arms. His senses tingled and his mouth moved involuntarily as he skimmed the words. He couldn't believe what he was reading. It didn't make sense. His brain shot into overdrive as confusing thoughts bounced around interrupting each other.

But she'd told him that she-.

It was why she'd-.

There was no way that-!

With a flick of his wrist, he hastily scrolled to the bottom of the document. It was fifteen pages long. He frantically switched back to the email screen to confirm the time she'd sent it.

4:58. Two minutes before the deadline.

It was the paper he had assigned.

She'd written it all along.

NEXT --- Chapter 5: Convinced

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DevilbobyDevilbobyabout 5 years ago
What a stitch up

I feel really sorry for the prof. Well and truly kippered. To the writer I say well done, very amusing. I shall continue to read about Rachel's capers until she finishes her course.😂

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The long wait

I still have hopes that this will continue! Such an amazing series!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Are we done here?


strafe1701strafe1701about 6 years ago
Next chapter?

When is the next installment coming? I love your stories!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Awesome (as usual)

Dear TRC,

I can't believe it took me this long to find out "Freshman" was out.

While I won't deny that Rach is pretty much great to read in every situation, I definitely enjoy her a lot more when she's the one pulling the strings. Confident, resolute, sometimes silly, but always very much aware of her powerful sexuality.

Could anyone be in love with a bunch of words describing such an adorable little bj junkie? My guess is, that's one question that needs no answer.

Keep it up, you're fantastic!


Anon (lol)

Ps. As always, hoping college is going well for you, keep up the good work over there too!

bear2readbear2readover 6 years ago
One of the best

You continue to out perform in your writing and to delve into the world of Rachel's brain. This one is perhaps the best yet and makes waiting for the next chapter even more anguished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Loved it

I loved this chapter as well! I wish there was a donate button to the author!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

You are too good at writing erotic literature with an oral focus. Is this secretly Steven King flexing his muscles? Stop it, Steven.

Just stop it.


I have a family.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Best story yet, best writer on Lit. Rachel is the absolute hottest character on the whole site. I’m dying for another story featuring multiple guys...

DantesCristoDantesCristoover 6 years ago

You are the best writer on Lit. And Rachel is the hottest character. The. Hottest.

TheRachelChroniclesTheRachelChroniclesover 6 years agoAuthor
Thanks, anon!

I appreciate your words. I’ve been nervous about this one because I’ve gotten tons of feedback over the years asking for this theme. So I wanted to do it right. And I think I did. Which is what makes awaiting the response all the more suspenseful.

Glad you enjoyed and I hope you’re all liking the new series so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Without question

One of the best yet! Such a cliche situation handled in the most uncliche way. You’re writing is extraordinary. Thank you!

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