Friend Zone


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"It sounds like he would be a good candidate."

"Yes, he was very excited."

"What about you, Denise?"

"Oh, Eddie. I didn't really like the idea of moving to Germany. I was prepared to do it to support Greg, but I tried to convince him to turn down the offer."

"So, he decided to go anyways? Why aren't you there with him?"

Denise started crying.

"Greg could see I really didn't want to go. He broke up with me. I tried to say I would go to Germany with him, but he was adamant. He told me we were through. He told me not to wait for him. He said there was no way he was going to stay celibate the whole time."

"When did he leave, Denise?"

"Eight months ago, now."

"Eight months? You haven't even kissed anybody for eight months?"

Denise looked defiant.

"That's right, Eddie. I've been hoping that Greg would come to his senses and either come back for me or ask for me to come to him."

"How often do you talk to him?"

Denise blushed. "I tried to contact him a few times, but he brushed me off. I haven't spoken to him in almost four months."

"Well, I hate to say it, Denise, but Greg sounds like a dickhead."

Her eyes went wide.

"Don't say that, Eddie. I still love him. He's a wonderful man."

I must have sneered. "Yeah, he's a wonderful man with a wonderful German girlfriend, Denise."

Denise was bawling. "I know, I know. But, I made a promise to myself. I vowed to stay single for a year. Greg and I had a wonderful thing, Eddie."

I stood up from the bench.

"Let's head back to my car, Denise."

"You're angry, aren't you?"

"Let's just go. I don't want to argue with you."

We were walking quickly.

"You have no right to be angry, Eddie. I warned you ahead of time."

"I'm not angry at you, Denise. I'm more angry at Greg. If he were here right now, I might just kick his ass for leaving you like that."

"Oh God, Eddie. You just don't understand."

"I guess not."

We finally reached my car.

Denise looked at me. "I think I'll just take a cab, Eddie."


There was a cab waiting outside the club. She gave me a hesitant smile.

"Let's keep in touch, Eddie. I want to hear what happens with you and Lynda."

I was still angry. "Yeah, sure, fine."

I watched Denise get into the cab and drive away.


That night I couldn't sleep. Denise was a wonderful woman. We really connected on many different levels. She was so graceful on the dance floor. I wanted her bad. I couldn't believe that asshole, Greg, had her for himself and then discarded her. I barely even thought of Lynda at all. I just kept thinking about Denise.

The next day at work I was conflicted. I started to write e-mails to Denise and then trashed them. I couldn't put the right words together.

I debated with myself about Lynda. I wasn't even sure I wanted to go out with her again. I kept thinking about Denise. In four more months she would be free if Greg didn't do anything.

Eventually I did go to the coffee shop. I wasn't sure what I was going to say, but I didn't have anything better to do.

Lynda gave me a smile and I just ordered my coffee. I barely smiled back at her at all.

Then she approached my table. She looked confused.

"Eddie, what's going on? Why didn't you show here last night?"

I sighed. "It's sort of complicated, Lynda, and you're working. Give me your e-mail. I'll try to explain."

She frowned. "It's"

"OK, Lynda. Thanks. I should go."

"Wait, Eddie. Are we done or what?"

"I'm not sure, Lynda."

She searched my face anxiously. "I'll check my e-mail as soon as I get home."

"Bye, Lynda"

I left quickly.


I still couldn't decide about what I wanted to say to either Denise or Lynda. I knew I was very attracted to Denise, but I was still angry about the situation. It was so unfair. Greg was in Germany living the high life, and, no doubt, very sexually satisfied. While Denise was at home and pining for him. I wanted to hurt somebody, preferably Greg.

And Lynda? Lynda was a nice woman for sure, but I felt a lot more attached to Denise than I did to Lynda.

I figured I owed Lynda some sort of explanation. I sighed and started typing.


Hi Lynda,

I'm really sorry for toying with your emotions like this. Believe me, it was not intentional. I'm really confused right now.

Denise and I had dinner last night. We never kissed or anything, but I realized I have strong feelings for her.

I found out more about her story. She was engaged but then her man broke it off and moved to Germany. She's vowed to stay single for a year to give him a chance to take her back.

She has four more months left to wait. I'm sorry, Lynda. You're a wonderful lady and you deserve a prince of a man. I just don't think it's going to happen between us. If you still want to get together for dinner with me, I am willing to do that much. I am still interested in getting to know you. But, be warned, I'm still very confused. I might not be very good company.

If you don't want to see me anymore, then just let me know. I will understand.



I was still trying to figure out what to say in my next e-mail to Denise when she surprised me with an e-mail:

Hi Eddie,

I really enjoyed dinner and dancing with you. You're a great guy. I can see that you are becoming attached to me. I must admit I also am tempted to forget Greg, but I keep on remembering the great times we had together. I have to stay true to my promise to myself. I guess I can understand your anger towards Greg. I feel that way sometimes too. But, you shouldn't blame him for everything. As you might have guessed, I've had many opportunities to get to know interesting men. I've kept them all at arms length except for you. You have wormed your way into my heart.

I'm really sorry, Eddie, but I just can't see you anymore. You're a wonderful man and you deserve someone who's committed to you, not somebody on the rebound like me. Please try and forget about me and give Lynda an honest chance.

Your friend, Denise


Great, just great. Denise likes me too much so she refuses to see me. I just can't win.

I sat in a stupor for an hour. I was feeling very sorry for myself.

Eventually I checked my e-mail again. Lynda had responded:

Hi Eddie,

I must say, I am very disappointed. I know we had potential.

I'm not sure if I want to see you again or not. I kind of wish that we had never met each other, but I guess that's unfair.

We had a nice evening together.

You're an honest guy, and honest single guys are rare. I've figured out that much.

Take care of yourself,



I ended up at the coffee shop again the next night. Lynda was mostly professional as she took my order. I waited for her to visit me as I sipped my coffee. Eventually she showed up. We stared at each other. She had a neutral expression on her face. She was hard to read.

"Lynda, honey, I'd like to get to together with you for dinner on Monday night, but don't think of it as a 'date' date. We can go get fast food somewhere and just hash some things out. How does that sound?"

Lynda stared at me and she kept her face impassive.

"Let me think about it, Eddie. I'm not sure if I want to or not."

"OK, Lynda. You're still lovely even when you're not trying. You know that, right?"

She couldn't help herself. She gave me a nice smile.

"I have to get back to work, Eddie."

She walked away.


That evening I thought about Denise again. I started to type up an e-mail, but I decided I didn't want an e-mail only relationship with Denise anymore. If she didn't want to meet in person, then I didn't want to interact with her at all. I tried to get Denise out of my head and surfed the net.


The next night at the coffee shop, Eileen was the one that visited me. Lynda was there but she was avoiding me.

Eileen gave me the once over.

"What is it with you, Eddie?"


"Lynda doesn't know what to do with you. You love her. You love her not. Now you love her again?"

"Eileen, I've always liked her. I still like her. I like you. I just have another woman on the brain. I'm sorry, but that's just me being honest."

Eileen blushed a little.

"You like me, Eddie?"

"You're a sexy woman, Eileen."

Her blush deepened.

"Oh, Eddie. Lynda is still my friend and I don't want to screw that up, so shit or get off the pot, huh? Don't string her along."

That got me angry. "I'm not stringing her along, Eileen."

I glared at her and stomped out of the shop. Lynda was busy with a customer and didn't even see me leave.


I didn't have any contact with Denise or Lynda for a week. I wasn't in a good mood. I found myself snapping at co-workers for no reason. Life sucked.

Then, Saturday morning, I was checking the scores and I checked my e-mail, Both Denise and Lynda had e-mailed me the previous evening.

I read Denise's e-mail first:

So you don't want to talk to me anymore, huh?

That was short and to the point. No initial greeting, Just one blunt sentence.

I quickly responded to Denise:

I want to talk with you, but not via e-mail.

Then I opened Lynda's e-mail:

Hi Eddie,

Sorry for avoiding you the other night.

I would like to take you up on your offer if it is still open.

How about we meet at Taco Bell on Vine St. at 7 on Monday?


P.S. As you said, this is not a 'date' date

I responded to Lynda quickly.

Hi Lynda,

I'll see you there at 7.



A couple of days later, I received another email from Denise:

How about Skype then?

I wasn't sure if I wanted to Skype with Denise or not.

It seemed like the coward's way out to me, and I didn't even own a webcam.

I decided to think about it.


Lynda gave me an enigmatic smile, when we met at Taco Bell. It was hard to tell her mood. We ordered and then chit chatted about nothing as we ate our meal. I asked her how her daughter was doing and she gave a polite answer with no real detail to it. We moved on to other topics but nothing of substance was said.

She looked amazing. It was a warm evening and she was dressed in a tank top. Lynda knew how to dress. There was nothing that anyone would ever consider to be slutty about her outfit. But, somehow she showcased her wares. She drew lots of male attention.

After we finished our meal, I suggested we take a stroll through the nearby park.

She agreed.

Once we were in a quiet spot, Lynda tugged me to a picnic table and we sat down.

"So, Eddie, what's up with you and Denise?"

I gave her a wry smile. "Denise decided that she was going to hold fast to her promise to wait on her ex."

Lynda nodded. "That shouldn't have surprised you based on what you wrote in your email. Why do you seem so angry?"

"Oh, Denise is very frustrating. I think she feels a fairly strong attraction to me, just like I feel for her. She's afraid that I will put the moves on her and that she might accept. She refuses to see me in person. She only wanted to email. I didn't even respond to her message. We didn't connect for a week or so. Now, she is suggesting Skype. I'm not sure if I want to have an online only relationship with a woman who lives in the same city as me."

Lynda gave me a look. "I can see how that might be frustrating for you."

"I'd rather not focus on Denise, honey. I'd like to see if we can become friendly with each other without any sexual expectations. Does that sound doable at all?"

Lynda looked at me seriously.

"You are a weird guy, Eddie. I don't know what to think about you. Normally I'm fending off guys that are rubbing up against me all the time. With you, it's just the opposite. I'm almost tempted to bump into you accidentally on purpose."

I sighed. "I'm sorry, Lynda. I'm just not in the right head space for that kind of relationship. I really am sorry."

She sighed right back at me. "I don't know, Eddie. I'm sure you've noticed that our conversation hasn't been exactly free flowing this evening. I realize it's not all your fault. I think I'm subconsciously trying to protect myself from getting hurt. I just don't think this is going to work at all."

"Yeah, well, I think I have to agree, Lynda. I'm sorry for getting your hopes up."

Lynda blushed. "Let's head back then."

The return trip was strangely more enjoyable. Some of the tension had mysteriously disappeared. We chatted in a friendly manner. When we got back to the parking lot, Lynda leaned in and gave me a surprise kiss. She even pushed her body up into me. I was very surprised.

She gave me a devilish grin and then disappeared into her car.


I responded to Denise's email suggesting skype when I got home:

Sorry, Denise

I hate to be an asshole about this, but meeting on skype is for people that have no way to get together in person.

I'd love to meet up with you again, for real.


p.s. my promise to respect your boundaries is still in effect of course


Denise responded:

Oh Eddie, I just can't. Sorry.

I decided not to reply.


I went to the coffee shop on Thursday. Lynda came to chat.

"Hi Lyn, how are you doing?"

"Oh Eddie, you are the most frustrating man I know. I'm OK I guess."

I just nodded back and kept quiet. She smiled at me and sashayed back behind the counter.

I left during a dead period and caught her eye on the way out.

"Eddie, how about Monday at Taco Bell again?"

"7 o'clock?"

She smiled and nodded. "It's a non-date, Eddie."

I just nodded as I left.


I got another email from Denise on Saturday:

Hi Eddie, how are you?

I decided to ignore it.


Monday night at Taco Bell, Lynda was dressed to impress again. I swear her shorts were painted on.

We ate our meal and then headed to the park.

"So, Eddie. How are things with Denise?"

"I don't know, Lynda. I refuse to chat with her via email. Haven't spoken to her in weeks."

Lynda gave me an impish smile and somehow her butt was on display again. It was innocent and it wasn't. She was flirting with me.

"I've noticed you can't keep your eyes off me, Eddie."

I blushed. "You're gorgeous, Lynda. I can't deny that."

She giggled and pirouetted again.

"So where are we, Eddie?"

"The same place we were last week I guess."

She smiled at me.

"If you say so, Eddie."

She leaned forward a little. I could see her nipples.

"Lynda. Please. Stop it!"

She giggled again.

"Stop what, Eddie?"

She moved again, provocatively.

"I give up," I sighed.

I pulled her in to me and started kissing her. She responded aggressively. We were French kissing.

After a minute or two of furious tongue battles I pulled away from her and stared at her beautiful face. She smiled back at me.

"How far do you want to take this, Lynda?"

She just smiled at me and leaned in to kiss some more. She didn't say anything.

I allowed my hands to wander and I squeezed her tight butt cheeks. She just moaned and pushed herself up into me even more forcefully.

"My place, Lynda?"

She just kissed me harder.

I dragged her to my car and we made love at my place. She was amazing. We didn't talk much. After the first session, she moved down and licked my member. We got right back into it again. The second session went on for ever.

We cuddled in bed. Eventually Lynda looked at me seriously.

"Eddie, I don't know where we are going long term, OK? This wasn't about that. This was just me being horny. I needed some attention and I'm happy you provided me some attention."

I pulled her in for a passionate kiss. It wasn't long before we were at it again.

We fell asleep in each other's arms. I woke up alone, though. She disappeared sometime during the early morning hours.


I went to the coffee shop Wednesday evening. Eileen approached me, not Lynda.

"Eddie, Lynda says I can have a chance with you if I want. She won't mind."

I glanced over at Lynda behind the counter. She gave me a wide smile and motioned for me to go ahead.

I turned back to Eileen. She did a little wiggle. There was no doubt. She was a sexy woman. Her breasts were amazing.

"Sorry, Eileen. No can do."

She frowned.

"But Lynda says it's OK. Really."

I nodded. "I know hun. Sorry."

I stood up and left quickly. Both ladies gave me questioning looks as I disappeared.


That Saturday Denise emailed me again.

Eddie, I know you are alive. I followed you once. Please respond.

I sent her back an email with no extra text at all. Just her own email back to her.


The next Wednesday I went to the coffee shop again. Lynda confronted me.

"That wasn't very nice last week, Eddie. Eileen was upset."

"Sorry Lynda. I'm not into Eileen."

"But she said you liked her?"

"She's an attractive woman, Lynda. But she's not for me."

Lynda gave me a funny look and then left without saying anything.

Both ladies were behind the counter when I left.

Lynda said, "Taco Bell Monday night, Eddie?"

"Not this time, Lyn," I said as I left.


Lynda sent me an email:


What is going on? I'm confused.



I responded back:


I don't want us to be fuck buddies. Sorry.

You're a wonderful lady. I would like to get to know the real Lynda better.

I know we both had fun that night, but that's not all I want.



Denise sent me another email:


You are the most frustrating man. I swear.

Fine, you win. Let's meet at Henrietta's place for dinner sometime soon.


My response:

Hi Denise,

Hope things are well with you.

Henrietta's at 7 on Friday night?


Her reply:

See you then.


I dropped by the coffee shop that Thursday night. Lynda came over to chat.

I stared into her eyes and she stared right back at me.

"Eddie, I promise. I won't attack you again. We can just talk next time."

"Really talk?"

She sighed. "Yes."

"OK. Do you want to go to a different place?"

"I like our walks in the park, Eddie."

"OK, Taco Bell at 7 on Monday then."

She gave me a big smile and almost skipped back behind the counter.


Henrietta's Place is your basic roadhouse, so I just dressed in my jeans. Denise looked great as usual. She was in tight jeans. She rushed up and hugged me. I hugged her back but very carefully. I didn't want to push any boundaries.

We had a booth that was pretty private. After the waitress took our orders and left, Denise sighed loudly but didn't say anything.

I blurted out the main question that had been running through my mind for weeks.

"Any word from Greg, the wonderful, Denise?"

She teared up.

"Oh, Eddie. I tried to call him. This woman answered. She told me to leave him alone. Her English wasn't very good but it was obvious to me that she considered him to be her man."

"Does he even know you called?"

The tears started to flow for real.

"I heard him say from across the room. 'Its over, Denise.' Then the lady said something nasty that I didn't really understand and hung up on me.

"Wow, when was this?"

Denise looked at me. "Two weeks ago."

"What? Two weeks? You're still holding out for the whole year, huh? Even after that?"

She dabbed her eyes and sniffled and then looked up.

"Yes, Eddie. I'm committed to wait for the whole year. No matter what."

"How long til the deadline now?"

"3 months, Eddie."

"I see..."

A strained silence followed for a bit. The waitress showed up with our food and we discussed our meals, etc, etc.

After we were both finished our meals, Denise asked, "How are things with you and Lynda, Eddie?"

It was my turn to sigh.

"I really don't know. It's kinda complicated."

"You're still seeing her?"

"Yes, we're getting together Monday night."

"So, is it going anywhere or not?"