From Husband to Wife


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I rolled over trying to keep the breaking day's sunlight from penetrating my eyes, to a head that felt like it was 3 sizes to big. My mouth tasted like a day old dirty sock.

"Hey there sleepy head." Linda's voice sounded nauseatingly chipper. "You need to get up and get in the shower. We need to be on the road in the next couple of hours. We are heading to my parents house."

"Baby. What the fuck happened last night?" Just speaking in a whisper caused the pain to increase.

"In a nut shell, without going into detail, you my love became a woman." She said happily, as she leaned down and kissed me. "Now! Get up and get ready. I will set your clothes out for the day."

Linda was all business. I knew better than to argue any further. Slowly I dragged myself out of bed. Just making it to the toilet. It took a few minutes for the dry heaves to stop. The shower was totally invigorating. The shampoo and body wash were scented with lilacs.

"Linda. What happened to my soap?" I yelled, as I toweled off.

"A woman does not use that stuff." Her voice was a little harsh. "It was just thrown out."

When I entered the bedroom, a full set of woman's clothes awaited. "Where are my clothes? I thought that playing your girlfriend was only for yesterday?" I just held back vomiting again.

"You need to get use to this. You will be dressing like this from now on." Linda threw a bra and panty set at me. "Now, hurry up. I will do your make-up, but you will need to learn to do it yourself from now on."

"So yesterday you lied about all of this. That I was going to be your girlfriend for the day? That you have decided that this is permanent?" My fears were coming true.

"Where the hell are we going so early in the morning?" I had just absent mindlessly slid the gaff on, and now was pulling the panties up my legs.

"We are going to my parents house. Didn't you hear me the first time?" Linda was moving around the walk-in closet. "You have some paperwork to sign. So the legal team can complete the change to your filing of your corporation." She did not address the possibility that she lied.

Linda had me wear the same blouse and skirt from the spa. Along with the kitten heels. She did my make-up in a day out fashion.


We arrived at the Trembly's estate just after 8 am. We were greeted by the butler. Before the car came to a complete stop, Linda had jumped out and ran inside, before I even got out.

I was told to go to the office. When I entered, Mr. Trembly was seated behind his desk and Linda was sitting in front. "Dani. Come in and have a seat." He did not get up this time. His tone strongly suggested this was going to be all business.

"I was just watching the video of your exploits from last night." Well I would like to know that as well. "Quite frankly, I am highly impressed. My investment in you looks like that it will pay huge dividends."

"Pardon sir. But I don't even remember what happened last night. Let alone having viewed an illegal recording of it." The nausea was slowly returning. "All I remember is coming back from the restroom, sitting down and having a drink. After that, I was waking up in bed this morning."

"Well, don't let that worry your pretty little head. It was all for the better." He picked up a stack of papers and pushed them over to me. He spoke to me like I was a little girl.

"I need for you to sign these. It will complete the change to your incorporation, along with establishing your new identity." He was holding a pen out to me.

There was paperwork for a name change. It was reflected throughout the rest of the incorporation paperwork. I was to be now known as Dani Davis-Trembly. Also, my sex was to be listed as female. My drivers license was also to be changed.

"Why is my name changing?" I was totally confused.

"With the name of Trembly, you will have doors opened for you without saying that you are married to Linda." He said it like I was an idiot for not recognizing the obvious. "Linda has already signed for her name change. She is going to be Linda Davis-Trembly."

It took a little over 10 minutes to sign all of the areas requiring my signature. My confusion never abated. I was to find out later, that I should have read them more closely. When I was done, Linda jumped up and assaulted my face with kisses.

Afterwards, we went into the dining room for breakfast. After several cups of coffee, I almost felt human.

"Linda, will I ever be able to see what happened to me last night?" We were on our way back home.

"I think the best way for you to find out, will be for you to experience it again. But that will have to wait for now. We need to finish up at home first." She was being very secretive.


When we arrived back home, Linda told me to straighten any of the clothes that are not in the place of my choosing. When I checked my dressers, none of my male clothing was there. When I checked the closet, the same thing. The only shoes in there, were the ones that I had tried on in the store.

I checked the bathroom, there was only make-up neatly arranged on my side of the vanity. I broke down and cried. Linda came to me and held me.

"Why? What have I done and why are you doing this to me?" I was sobbing so hard that I was having trouble breathing.

"Because it is the only way that I can hold onto you." Linda kissed my cheeks and wiped away my tears. "Also, I have known since high school that I am more of a lesbian that straight."

"Will I ever be allowed to make love to you? Not just lick you?" I was nearly pleading with her.

"No. Not you." She hugged me tighter. "I can only have you as a female." That explains why I could never fuck her.

I decided that I could not share a bed with her anymore. In the morning I will start to move my clothes downstairs while she is at work. If I could not have a full marriage, then I don't want a half of one. I would prefer to live here as a tenant in the basement apartment.

I changed out of my clothes into some night wear, then went into my soon to be abode, and started a security check. I told Linda that I would be all night. I had made the bed up in the master bedroom. I also transferred funds from our account into my business account. If I was to be kicked out, at least I would have some money.


By the time Linda came home, I had all of my clothes and other belongings downstairs. Our wedding, and my engagement ring, were on her dresser. To say that she was not happy, would be to say that a hurricane is a light breeze. I never knew that she could get so angry to the point of throwing things.

It was 3 days before she would even look at me. All the time, I continually checked that the firm had paid me, and had not attempted to take it back. Just to be sure, I checked that my backdoor worked. There was not a department, or person that I could not access.

Finally, on Friday evening, Linda spoke to me and asked to meet her in the living room. When I got there, a bottle of wine and 2 glasses were on the coffee table. Out of habit I poured both glasses and handed one to her. I then sat in a recliner. Linda was on the couch. We were like 2 opposing lawyers.

"Alright Dani. We need to talk about this. I married you and vowed for better or worse." Her eyes were red from crying. "So you need to tell me what this is all about. Also, what needs to be done to fix this." She acted like it was my fault.

"First off. You lied to me when you said that I was only getting dressed up for the day to act as your girlfriend. Then we went to a spa and I received a full make over, which included hair styling. Before that, you had me going to your salon for a mani-pedi, then have my nails painted. Along with having all of my body hair removed.

"You had me sign paperwork to have my name changed. Your father pushed me out of the firm. Any thing you bought me, including a new wardrobe of clothes, were always feminine in nature. You had my ears pierced and are having me wear make-up. I told you that I am not gay. But you continually push me towards that.

"Finally. What happened after we got home from the club? Along with the big question to you is what the fuck do you want from me?" I was out of breath by the time I finished.

Linda jumped up, and ran out of the room. So much for our talk. I took the wine and a glass and returned to my basement. It was not until the following Friday that Linda and I were in the same room together. It just so happened to be her father's office.

"We have a problem.... Dani. It needs to be fixed." He looked at me with his typical stare to scare a witness. I thought 'not this time'.

"Sir. All I wanted was a wife to love for the rest of my life. I thought I found her in Linda." I choked up. "I did not believe that she would turn out to be the manipulated person that she is."

Linda was just sitting there, crying.

"We still need to fix it though." The stare did not go away.

"Do you want me to cancel the contract and move out? Will that help?" Linda screamed no. "Then I need to know the truth. That includes what happened the night that I was given some form of knockout drug."

Mr. Trembly hesitantly brought up the video. I watched it in stunned silence.

I was carried into the master bedroom and placed on the bed. I was stripped and then laid down so that my head was hanging over the foot. Then the guy 'John' took his pants off, then rubbed his cock on my face. Linda told him to fuck my throat. His cock was at least 9''. He shoved it all the way in.

At times it had cut my breathing off. I had turned purple from the lack of air. Linda just stood there, encouraging him.

It took him about 5 minutes, according to the alarm clock, before he came in my throat. All the while using my mouth as a cunt. Sometimes, treating me very ruffly. The other guy was sucked off, then lubed up by Linda, and he then raped my ass. His cock was even larger. After he came, Linda sucked his cock afterwards.

Without cleaning themselves, they switched around. Then they fucked me again a second time. Just as roughly. Linda was laughing continuously. Shouting her drunken expletive encouragement to them.

They all rested for a bit together, laying naked back on the bed. Then Linda brought both men back to hardness, then she was double penetrated by them. The other guy came in her pussy and he didn't even have a condom on.

After it was over, I ran from the room to the restroom and vomited. It was going to be a long time before I could trust her.

When I returned a short time later, they were both sitting in the same places. Mr. Trembly asked again about what needed to be done.

Instead I asked several questions of Linda that I knew she could not answer. "Is this what you want me to be? Some in between person. Not being a man, but not a woman?" My cheeks were streaked with tears.

"You want me to be some sex toy for your sick gratification? You won't let me cum in your pussy, but you let some perfect stranger do it?" I was sobbing. "You would prefer to have his babies, but not mine?"

I turned to her father. "Mr. Trembly (I still could not call him father), I would still like to continue on with our contractual agreement. I will work on starting to trust your daughter, but as I see it, that is going to take quite awhile....if ever." I left without saying goodbye. I took my own car home.


It took Linda a month not to start crying when we passed each other. I always made sure that my money from the contract was there. I took care of the household chores, including cooking the meals, although Linda usually ate out. I only took the funds from our account, to pay the bills. A lot of food went to the homeless shelter during this time.

Then a couple of months later, I received a phone call from a prospective new client. We set up an appointment for the next day. In the morning, I showered, put on make-up and some nice jewelry. I dressed in a very professional outfit with low heels. The meeting went well. They did not mind that their security would be handled by a woman. I received the contract.

When I got home, I ordered 2 more blade servers, along with a monitor, keyboard and mouse.

As well as, cabling. I wanted to keep this account separate from Mr. Trembly.


I sent Linda an e-mail, informing her of the new contract. She replied saying that she would like to talk tonight. I agreed.

I made dinner, set the table for a romantic atmosphere, and had the wine open so it could breathe. I dressed as if it was an evening out. I dressed in one of those little black numbers. I had bought a pair of 4'' stiletto's. I put my engagement and wedding rings back on. If Linda thought that I wanted a divorce, this should convince her otherwise.

When Linda came through the door, the aroma of the pot roast hit her square in the face. When she saw the table, she started to cry. When she saw me, she started to ball. I went to her and held on tight.

"I thought I lost you." Her words were coming in short gasps. "I have loved you since the first time I laid eyes on you in high school." She needed to stop to catch her breath and collect her thoughts.

"I was fairly well drunk that night and it just seemed to be the thing to do." She needed a tissue. "I was so intent on having you as my girlfriend, that I did not stop to think to ask what you wanted." She needed to stop to catch her breath again.

"What was done to you, ....what I did to you, completely unforgivable." I put my hands on either side of her head, and lifted it so I could look into her eyes. "Dani, I love you. I can not live without you. So please baby, I sincerely ask for your forgiveness."

"I forgive you. I want my wife back." I was crying as well. It took us both quite awhile to stop crying. My blouse was ruined from her mascara.

We ate a reheated dinner. Then went to bed after we finished the wine.

As we stood at the side of the bed, I slowly unbuttoned her blouse. Pulled it out of her slacks, then pushed it off of her shoulders. It floated to the floor. I kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear lobe. Linda shivered. Her hands were playing with my hair. I reached behind and unclasped her bra.

I paid slow homage to her breasts and nipples. Linda had an orgasm. I slowly went to my knees. As I slid to the floor, I pulled down her slacks and thong at the same time, her pussy slowly appeared. I took in the scent of her womanhood, that I have so sorely missed. My tongue was swiftly licking her juices. I was starved for them.

She parted her legs to allow me further access to her womanhood. I did not waste the opportunity. The outer lips were swollen more than usual. One swift lick up to her love button, caused another orgasm. I stood up and had her sit down on the bed. She laid back, but her legs were left hanging over the edge.

I stripped us both as fast as I could. Then resumed the worship of my goddess. I placed her legs over my shoulders and licked her from rosebud to clit. She screamed in ecstasy and squirted her juices into my mouth. "Oh God Dani! I have never done that before." Her legs were shaking like she was receiving an electric shock.

"It is all for my goddess's pleasure." My cock was painfully hard.

"Fuck me Dani. Please.... just fuck me." She was pleading. I could not let that pass. I stood up and placed my erection at the one place denied me all these months. My cock slowly entered the very wet and warm pussy of my wife. We had finally copulated.

My movements were slow. I was going to enjoy this for as long as possible. Linda had other ideas. "Go faster you fucker..... Give to me....... Pound that pussy. ..... Take possession of it." The string of expletives and her urging was continuous. I obliged her.

I held on for as long as possible. When I came, I thought that it was going to come out of her mouth. The amount of my semen was so much, that it was leaking around my still embedded cock. I fell on top of her. We both fought for air for several minutes.

We moved up onto the bed and just cuddled. Linda was just tucked into the crook of my arm. I kissed the top of her head. "I love you Linda. Just as much today as the first day I saw you. That will never change." She took her hand, turned my face towards hers, and pulled my head down to kiss her.

"I love you Dani. I am truly sorry for the way I treated you." I began to hear her sniffle. I just pulled her into a hug. "I hope in time that I can fully earn your trust." Well, now is the time.

"This is not meant to cause a fight, but we do need to discuss it." I took a deep breath and hoped for the best. "What are your plans for me? Do you want me as a man, or do you want me to transition into a woman?" I waited patiently.

"I really did not think about it that hard. I selfishly just wanted a girlfriend. It would be really great if you were a woman, but that will need to be your decision." Her voice was weak and child like.

"Well, considering you had your father change my name, as well as, change my drivers license to have me listed as a female. Also, I half believe that there was a form in there to redo my birth certificate, as well." So far, so good. No explosion yet. "I just thought to ask to find out."

Again, so far so good still. Now lets see what happens. "If you are thinking for me to transition, then I have a deal for you." I got up on my elbows so I could look into her eyes.

"Alright. I am listening." Her eyes were sparkling with wonder

"Since your father has me doing his security from home, I am willing to continue with that. Also, I will stay home in the same capacity as now, by doing the household duties, but I need something else. Something that only you can provide." If there was going to be an explosion, it was going to happen now.

Linda sat up and looked directly into my eyes. "OK, what is it." Good. She is puzzled as to what I am about to say.

"First, I need to know if you were still protected from pregnancy that night?" I made sure to show I was not angry.

"Yes. In fact, in the morning I douched and took an after morning pill just in case." She leaned up and kissed me tenderly. "In fact, because of all of this, I have been so upset and mad at myself for causing you so much pain, that I have forgotten to start taking them again."

"Alright then. This is the deal. I will transition using hormones, if you wish I will get breast implants as well. Also, if you want me to go all the way with reassignment surgery, I will consider that as well. Along with some cosmetic surgery to soften my facial features." Here it comes. "But first, you have to have my baby."

Linda was silent for a long time. I was having a hard time reading her face. She then reached across the bed and grabbed the phone. "Hello, Daddy? I am not going to be in for a few days. Dani and I are going to be busy making your grandchild."

Thank you as always for reading my little stories.For this one, I cut it off here to prevent it from turning into a 50,000 word opus.I already know what will be in the next chapter.It will be posted under this genre.

I look forward to reading all constructive comments.Please be sure to vote.

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Gothic5Gothic55 months ago

Frankly speaking, one of the crappiest stories I’ve read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

If I was him I would run not walk as fast as I could away from that untrustworthy lying bitch. She already drugged and helped have you raped. Plus keep lying to you about transitioning you into a girl. Sure she’ll agree to anything to get you to cut off your cock and grow her some breast. Do trust her or her dad, he’s probably fucking her. And what man would stay married to a wife that never ever putout after your marriage??

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What's happening is hot, but why doesn't any of your characters act like a human?

vickitvohiovickitvohioalmost 2 years ago

stop here. chapter two is WORSE.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I'm sorry, this is one of the dumbest story's I've read. He isn't gay and doesn't like what's happening, but he goes along with everything the wife is doing to him for love? NO! He's obviously a wimp, but no one, even a spineless wimp, would go along with such a conversion, without even pumping the brakes, if he wasn't gay. That means he wouldn't care for his wife. So the story contradicts itself.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

not sure why he is still living with the whore after what she and the men did to him he needs to toss the cunt to the curb and get on with life without her

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

ok no just no make your mind yo

Does he eant it or not you did a 180 with less than 5% of the story left

Last act in the nutshell

Im mad im mad im mad you unforgivable but lets do somthing 100 times more perminent in the same direction

What the happened at the end

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Let me try to understand. She sets this poor little dude up to be drugged and raped on film simply for her amusement and laughs about it. Then, is amazed and ‘upset’ when when he is not cool with it and in fact becomes physically ill. He just wants to love her and have her love him and she gets him raped, then laughs about it, for his trouble. “I’m sorry, I just wanted girlfriend”, she says. Yeah, I’ll bet! All her genetically female acquaintances are probably afraid to turn their backs on her. She’s a a sociopath, plain and simple, taking advantage of (obviously) a gentle, trusting little soul. He should use the often mentioned covert computer access, get the disgusting film evidence and coerce Daddy out of some cash. He’ll pay, just to keep princess out of jail, he’s no real threat as written in the story, anyway

Then he/she/it can move far away and pursue a life with an equal, caring partner of his choice.

Good luck little buddy!

liz33ndliz33ndalmost 3 years ago

i enjoyed this, it should have been obvious, but even from the start this was so good. solid 4 stars.

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