Fun in the Dunes

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Liam goes on holiday and meets four very entertaining ladies.
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Finally Liam was done, months of hard slog to deliver his project and it was finished and he could look forward to a relaxing break. He'd already booked the holiday, returning to Gran Canaria where he and his late wife had spent several happy holidays. He'd booked the Riu Palace Maspalomas as a luxury gift to himself. They'd always admired it from a distance, even peered through the doors once or twice and had dared to venture inside once, promising themselves they would stay there one day when the kids were grown and gone. That was a lesson in life, Liam thought ruefully, if you want to do something just do it before it was too late.

His wife had died from cancer last year and he was taking the trip now, alone. He'd thought of taking the kids with him, treating them and their partners, but good though his bonus would be, it didn't quite stretch to such luxury and he didn't want to be thought of as buying their company. No, he'd treat them to something else where they could go and enjoy their youth, not be stuck with him.

Still in his forties there was plenty of life in the old dog yet, he kept fit playing golf and squash and had many friends from those activities, but the loss of his wife had left a huge hole. One day perhaps he might meet someone else, but just at the moment he couldn't envisage ever finding someone to hold a candle to her.

Packing finished, he drove to the airport, parking already arranged via a meet and greet service, no more fighting his way onto a bus at the long term parking, he was determined to make this trip as smooth as possible. Airports of course were a law unto themselves, it was as though everything conceivable was done to make life as difficult as possible. On-line check-in and bag drop alleviated some of the stress, but the interminable sitting around waiting for flights to be called really aggravated him. He could have booked a lounge but sitting on your own in a lounge was little different to sitting on your own in the terminal. People he didn't mind, inefficiency he did!

Finally he was at the gate and boarding, amazed at the liberal interpretation some people had at carry-on luggage, people standing on seats ramming bags into overhead lockers. He'd always travelled light when it came to hand luggage, iPad, phone, airpods, Kindle, sun cream, paracetamol, that was about it. He'd always had a paranoid fear of having to escape the aircraft and leave his wallet and passport behind so they were always tucked in a pocket.

The 787 Dreamliner really was a superb aircraft, he thought, Boeing certainly got that one right, the flight itself smooth, comfortable and easy, the scrum at immigration and baggage reclaim, a direct contrast, standing watching an interminable parade of suitcases none of which seemed to belong to anybody. He saw four rather attractive ladies struggle to get their suitcases off the carousel and helped them, receiving grateful looks and profuse thanks, then his own case arrived. Lifting it off with ease he made his way to the pre-booked taxi, he'd had enough of tour operators' coaches when he'd travelled with the family, now all he wanted was simplicity, even at a cost.

Typically it was raining at Las Palmas, but he knew from past experience that the weather in the south of the island would probably be very different and true enough it was, brilliant sunshine and very pleasantly warm despite the approaching evening. The Riu Palace was not spectacular from the island side, yes, clearly showing its class, but he knew that it was a most imposing building when viewed from the seaward side, starkly white on a small headland sitting majestically overlooking the Maspalomas dunes. They were partly the reason he'd chosen this particular venue, he'd always fancied sunbathing nude and the dunes and surrounding beaches offered that very opportunity. His wife had balked at the idea, but now he could, he'd grasped the nettle and decided to bare all.

He'd heard about all sorts of other activities that went on in the dunes, and his voyeuristic side had thought that perhaps he might just venture into them, but certainly didn't consider himself to be a dirty old man!

Check-in was mercifully easy, a glass of Cava easing the way as the formalities were complied with and he was soon in his room, on the third floor with a balcony opening out onto the magnificent vista over the dunes. Throwing open the balcony doors he took in the sights, the smells and the breath-taking views. The hotel was adults only, to him part of a holiday was seeing and hearing kids enjoying themselves, screaming and screeching, but this time he'd relish the relative peace and quiet.

It was still relatively early so he changed out of his travel clothes and decided to venture out of the hotel in search of a beer and something to eat. He knew there were many restaurants and bars a short walk away in Playa del Ingles and he decided the walk would do him good. As he passed reception he saw the four women from baggage reclaim checking in, clearly having endured the coach and he looked forward to seeing them around the pool, or even better in the dunes.

He found a bar and sat at an outside table watching the world go by, there was certainly a huge variety of people to observe, old, young, families, everyone enjoying the warm evening sunshine. He found a restaurant on the boardwalk along the beach and enjoyed a steak and some wine watching the sun set over the sea. It seemed idyllic, a million miles away from work and England, perhaps retiring somewhere like this would be an acceptable dream.

He returned to the hotel along the broad walkway that traversed the south of the resort and nodding to the receptionist as he passed, returned to his room. Travelling always made him feel tired, but the stresses of the past few months were disappearing rapidly and he was determined to enjoy this holiday.

Liam awoke to the gentle sounds of a Mozart piano sonata playing on his phone, he found them to be the perfect way to wake up, nothing too strident, and the slower movements were perfect to come out of drowsiness. He stretched and ran his hands down his body, encountering his morning wood. Nothing like starting a holiday off well, he thought and grasping his hard cock started stroking it, enjoying the pleasurable feeling that began to envelop his body. Images of his wife's body flashed in front of him, succulent breasts, a trim waist despite two kids and best of all a delectable bum. He came, spurting his semen all over his chest and stomach, then grimacing slightly slid off the bed into the bathroom holding his now flaccid cock to prevent it dripping everywhere. He mopped himself up with a couple of tissues and then peed.

Returning to his room he threw open the curtains, then opened the balcony doors, the fresh morning air breezing past him. The sea and sky were blue, sunlight beginning to glisten on the surface of the sea. Magic he thought, perhaps a pool day to start off with, it'll be easier to control the sun burn there.

He showered and went downstairs to find the breakfast room. There was a superb selection of breakfasts, even the offer of more Cava which Liam declined, thinking that alcohol this early in the morning was only going to lead to one thing, a thumping headache by mid-day. Returning to his room he changed into his swimming shorts and donning a tee shirt, went off in search of the pool. The pool attendants fixed him up with a mattress for the sun bed and a towel, and he slathered himself in sun cream, too much rather than too little, particularly on the first day he thought, then settled down to watch people arriving at the pool.

The four ladies were amongst the early arrivals, the pool attendants gallantly carrying their mattress for them, then arranging their beds, they stripped off their cover-ups revealing four very attractive bodies, two brunettes, a slender blonde and a very striking black lady. Two were in bikinis and two in well-cut one piece suits. They too applied plenty of cream and settled down to sunbathe.

Liam was content just to lie there, trying to get his mind to go blank, inevitably his thoughts kept returning to work but he steadfastly pushed them away and slowly he achieved a peaceful contentment. He dipped in the pool a couple of times to cool off, then at lunch time wandered off in search of a bar where he could have a beer and a snack. The hotel offered several such places and for convenience he ate there, returning to his sun bed just as it started getting hot. After an uncomfortable half hour or so he gave in and found a nice shady spot to sit and read, noticing that the four ladies had retreated indoors, possibly for a siesta he thought.

As the afternoon heat began to wane Liam decided to go for a wander, and exiting the hotel via its own gate he entered the area known as the dunes. It was pretty large expanse, mostly just bare sand dunes, but with some patches of scrub. As he ambled through it he saw quite a few people lying out in the sun, individually, in pairs or larger groups, many of whom were naked, there seemed to be no restrictions and it was a very relaxed atmosphere. Approaching the water there were several areas where sun beds could be hired, most people on these were nude, with a steady stream of people walking by, some clothed, some not. Perfect he thought, I can get down here and get a lovely all over tan. Must be very careful with the private bits though, he certainly didn't want a sun burnt dick!

The pool was emptying as he returned and so he made his way back to his room where he showered and then laid down on the bed for an hour or two's rest, waking once more to Mozart. Dressing he decided to have a drink at the hotel bar, there was one on a terrace overlooking the dunes and the sea. It was fairly empty when he got there and so he chose what had to be the best location in the place, four stools round a raised circular table in a corner. A waiter brought him a beer and he sat gazing out across the expanse of desert like dunes.

The bar area soon filled up and seating became a little difficult, people were shifting chairs and stools around, and Liam started to feel a little awkward taking up a whole table. He noticed that the four ladies had now arrived, clothed as though to go out, in smart dresses. They looked over at him and his mind was made up. "Ladies, I was just off and wondered if you'd like this table?"

"That's very kind of you." Liam stood and made room for them as they lifted themselves demurely onto the stools. "Weren't you the kind gentleman who lifted our bags off the carousel yesterday at the airport?" Liam admitted it was him. "Well that's two favours we owe you now, don't worry we always pay our debts," they laughed. Liam drained his beer and bidding them a good evening headed out towards the restaurants.

He decided another beer or two was in order and called in at a bar, sitting watching the world go by. His stomach rumbled and he paid, setting off to a restaurant he'd spotted the night before which looked promising. Turning up at the door he was dismayed to find it full, the head waiter was most apologetic explaining that a large party had turned up unexpectedly and that he could not be accommodated. He turned away and was on the point of exiting when he heard a voice calling, "Excuse me, over here." Looking round he saw the four ladies sitting at a table studying the menus. "We can squeeze another one in here if you'd like, then we're down to only one debt." The waiter came over and found a chair and the four of them budged round to make space.

"This is very kind of you and certainly beats eating on my own," Liam thanked them. Introductions were made all round, they were Hannah, Louise, the brunettes, Carly the black lady and Laura the slender blonde, here on a celebration holiday. Liam politely enquired as to the cause of the celebration and they laughed.

"A finally completed divorce, but we're not telling you who! What about yourself, are you here on your own?" Liam explained about his finished project and confirmed that he was indeed alone. They looked pointedly at his ring finger where he was still wearing his wedding ring.

"My wife....." he stuttered slightly, "my wife died last year." They expressed their sorrow clearly embarrassed at upsetting him. Louise reached over and squeezed his hand. They ordered drinks and food and chatted amiably until it arrived. Liam offered to pay for the wine, but they refused saying that they were certainly intending drinking their fair share and that the whole bill would simply be split five ways.

For Liam the evening passed quickly in such vivacious company, learning that the four of them had all been at a "frightfully posh" school together and had been firm friends since, through marriages, children and now divorce. They were all teachers at different schools, hence having to take holiday in peak times. They finished eating and there still being a press of people trying to obtain a table, decided to go on somewhere else for a drink, or two they added, insisting that Liam came with them.

Carly and Laura led the way arms in arm and Liam found himself between Hannah and Louise, each of them having taken one of his arms. The closeness of their two bodies against his was certainly pleasant, their bodies moving enticingly beneath their dresses. They found a lively bar and went in, it was a bit loud for Liam's taste but Carly and Laura seemed particularly to enjoy it, soon getting on the dance floor gyrating round each other. They returned and Liam found himself dragged out by Hannah and Louise for a few breathless dances. Louise retreated and left Liam with Hannah who promptly threw her arms around his neck and pulled him in close. Politely he put his arms round her waist and they danced close together for a while, Hannah pushing her groin up against him and he felt himself beginning to stiffen, his cock hard between them. There was no way she couldn't have felt it thought Liam as she continued to press against him. "Come on, we're off!" Their pas de deux was interrupted by the other three, dragging them out of the bar, heading back towards the hotel.

Hannah hung back a bit from the others, her arm tucked in Liam's, and she leaned in to his ear, "Would you like to continue this back at the hotel? Which room are you in? I'll have to wait until Louise is asleep but I'm dying to know if that bulge in your trousers lives up to its promise." Liam was almost speechless, but he gave her his room number. "Don't go to sleep on me now!" she warned.

They all crowded into a lift at the hotel, the four of them getting out on the second floor, air kissing him on the cheeks and promising to see him tomorrow. Hannah squeezed his hand unobtrusively and smiled as she left the lift. As the doors closed Liam puffed his cheeks out and exhaled, this could be interesting he thought. He got back to his room and tidied up a bit, wondering how he should be dressed, did she just mean a drink or did she want something else? He settled for removing his shoes leaving his feet bare and sat back on the bed, propped up against the headboard.

The time passed slowly and he felt his eyes drooping when there was a soft knocking on the door. Rising he peered through the peephole and seeing Hannah there opened it." Phew," she said, "for a minute I wondered if you'd given me a false room number, but I'm pleased you didn't. Sorry it took so long, Louise was hyped up about the evening and wouldn't settle." She walked in the room and admired the room, "Nicer than ours," she remarked, "and a balcony to boot." She turned to Liam and continued, "Now where were we?" putting her arms around his neck once more and pulling him closer to her body, her lips meeting his in a kiss.

Liam encircled her with his arms and reciprocated the kiss, his tongue seeking hers, then running around the inside of her lips. His hands found the zip at the back of her dress and drew it down to her waist. They stepped apart and as he pulled the top forward over her shoulders she was rapidly fumbling the buttons of his shirt undone. Hannah stepped out of her dress and shoes in the same movement, shrinking a good three inches in height as she did so, her body now exposed to him, her breasts encased in a scarlet bra, matching high cut panties. She reached behind her and freed her breasts, full and ripe with broad areola and hard nipples.

She dropped to her knees and tugged at his belt, pulling it open then ripping open the buttons wrenched his trousers and boxers down in one go. His cock, already hard, sprang up into her face. "No, I am not disappointed at all," she uttered as she practically inhaled it into her mouth, her lips closing round its girth, her hands busy at the base. Liam held the back of her head as she pumped his length into her mouth, her tongue busily licking the head.

Liam pulled her to her feet and backed her to the bed, pushing her down flat, her legs hanging over the edge. Grasping the elastic waist of her panties he pulled them down, hooking them over her knees then ankles. Her pubic hair was trimmed neatly into a small triangle, exposing her clit and protecting hood, her lips puffy beneath, already glistening with moisture. Liam lowered his face to the junction of her thighs and pressed his lips to hers, gently prying them open with his tongue, then licking sensuously up and down. Hannah's hands pulled him tighter into her, as her pussy flooded his mouth with her juices. His tongue slithered upwards until it found her hard nubbin which he teased with his lips and tongue before licking slowly down to her entrance. Pulling her lips apart with his fingers he forced his tongue inside her, she gasped as her pussy flooded again.

Wetting his fingers with her natural lubrication he teased her anus, rolling the tip of his ring finger around that sensitive hole, then gently slid it in as his mouth continued his onslaught on her pussy. Her felt her tight hole contract around his finger, fighting the intrusion, then relaxing as he wormed it in to the second knuckle. She was becoming vocal now, her throat emanating guttural sounds as her body began to writhe on the bed. Liam thrust two fingers into her pussy, pressing her clit with his thumb.

Her hips bucked, her whole body shaking with the power of her orgasm as it ripped through her body, then stilled. "Now, just put it in me now," she called as she slid up the bed pulling him with her, opening her legs and raising her knees. Liam could see how engorged her pussy lips were, soaked now in her juices as he lined up the head of his cock and with one thrust entered her, carrying all the way in, her vaginal walls expanding to accommodate him. He braced himself on one forearm, his other hand kneading her breast, pinching squeezing, tweaking the nipple.

Hannah became even more vocal, almost wailing as he pumped in and out of her squelching pussy, she came again, her legs scissoring his waist, pulling him into her, her nails raking down his back. "I'm cumming," he cried, "Where...?"

"Don't cum inside me! In my mouth, cum in my mouth!" Liam withdrew from her gaping pussy and scooted up the bed as she sat forward, her hands grasping his prick, sucking it into his mouth as he erupted, his semen hitting her throat as she swallowed greedily until she could take no more and it spilled out of her lips. As he stopped she licked him clean, then with her finger scooped up the white goo from her face, pushing it into her mouth and swallowing again.

"God, I loved that," she said, "where did you learn to lick pussy like that?" Liam collapsed beside her as she turned away from him, her back snuggling backwards into him spooning together. Liam put an arm round her and fondled her breast, appreciating its size and firmness for someone clearly in their forties.