Genesis: Sucker Punched


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Jamal was either too drunk or too high to understand the threat, so he kept banging on the door. It was to the point where Cassidy was becoming afraid that he and his friend's were going to break down the door.

"That's it Jamal," Cassidy said, "I'm calling the police. You better be gone when they get here!"

"Come on dude," one of Jamal's friends begged, "She is going to call the poe-poe yo. I can't get arrested; I got two strikes against me already!"

"Man stop acting like some little bitch," Jamal shot out, "she ain't gonna call the police. She'll never do me like dat."

Hearing that Cassidy went for the phone and was about to dial 911, when she saw V out of bed and heading for her door, in the nude! Cassidy wondered if she needed to hurry on that 911 call before shit really gets out of control.

"Damnit Cassidy open the fuck'in do...!" Jamal's demands were cut short when V opened the door showing Jamal and his two homeboys all of her business. "What the fuck?!" Jamal and his friends said as they saw someone that looked halfway normal.

She was pretty alright. Jamal never thought Cassidy had it in her. Jamal looked down at her breasts both nipples pierced by golden rings. The woman was muscular, more muscular than his bestfriend, Tony Robinson, who was with him staring at the woman up and down as if he did not know what the hell he was looking at and for good reason.

Jamal looked down further. "What da fuck?!"

There was her long member. A dick longer and thicker than his or his homeboys. It hung there flaccid but even though drunk as he was, Jamal could tell that her dick was functional and looked really moist for some reason.

"Nigga...bitch," Jamal spat, "first off who are you, second what the fuck are you doing at my girl's crib, third what the hell are you, and fourth why in the hell would you open the door naked?!"

The woman sparked a strange looking smile like she had a comeback and a very good one. "Simple Jamal, I can give you three reasons," The woman spoke calmly, "first I'm the woman that came to the rescue of you beating up my girl. Second your girl invited me here. And third I'm ass naked right in front of you three dumbasses because I just got through fucking your supposedly girlfriend and I didn't feel like putting my clothes on just to show you three assholes some respect. And after what I caught you two doing to my girlfriend and her bestfriend, you hardly qualify as someone to respect."

Jamal was about to say something until Simon spoke before him. "Hey, ain't that that bitch that bitched slapped you a few weeks ago?"

Jamal glanced at Simon questionably and then back at the woman. "Nigga/Bitch, whatever the fuck you are..."

"My name is V!" V demanded.

"Well, I don't care if it's A, B, C, or D damnit. Move bitch so I can speak to my fiancé."

Jamal was about to push V aside to trespass into Cassidy's apartment, but V grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him back with a strong kick with her bare foot. Both Simon and Tony jumped back and out of the way as Jamal hit the wall with a loud thud so loud Cassidy wondered if they woke the neighbors, if they were not awaken already from the loud commotion.

Jamal felt shell shocked from V's strength more than her kick, but it only aggravated him to the point he jumped right back up and tried to attack V one last time. But V caught him before he could react and blocked his punch, counteracting with a loud and painful slap across the face so hard Jamal fell sideways and into the arms of his friends.

"I'm going to tell you and your goons one last time. Cassidy is not interested and she does not want you or want to become one of your punk ass entourage. Take your pathetic black ass out of here before I bitch slap you harder and fuck you while I'm at it!" V threatened.

Already freaked out by the sight of V and more intimidated after what she did to Jamal, Simon and Tony carried Jamal backwards and forced to pick him up off his feet.

"You fuck'in butch, dyke, he-she, looking nigga-bitch," Jamal shouted acidly, "I'll fuck you up, you and that surgeon who made you!"

As Jamal's friend's carried him down the hall and out of the building V turned to see an old Caucasian woman sticking her head out the door. She probably thought she was another ghetto looking whacko causing trouble. But when she turned to see V in all her naked glory, she was taken aback. She had to adjust her glasses to make sure she knew what she was seeing before the strange, or what she thought, woman went back in the apartment and shut the door behind her.

The old woman sighed. "Well, it's a official," she spoke returning back in her apartment, "it's time for me to move."

V returned back to Cassidy wearing the same blue robe she wore when they first started their love making.

"It's okay," V spoke calmly, "he's gone."

Cassidy walked over to her savior and lover and wrapped her arms around V in a strong tight embrace.

"It's alright," V said as she kissed Cassidy on the top of her head, "he's gone now. He won't hurt you anymore."

V's words left comfort in Cassidy's soul. It was too bad, even though V meant what she said she still had doubt.

Chapter 23:

Small Favors

Jamal sat back on the couch taking a big puff of his blunt watching porn. But this was not any porn. These were sex tapes of him fucking his girl. Or what he thought was his girl.

The video was about Cassidy sucking him off while smoking a blunt like 2Pac. It looked cool to his friends but for him it was serious. It didn't matter if he ate her out, which was gross, or stuck his tongue in her ass, even grosser. Jamal loved that bitch and because of his actions of being this big, bad, drug dealer only to be bitten by not just the girl he loved but by some 6 foot woman. Matter of fact it wasn't a woman. It was some sort of big titty, big dick, shemale. His girl left him for a shemale! What the hell is going on in his life?!

Jamal took the remote and switched the channel to the other porn DVD where a tall, African-American, shemale fucking some black thug in the ass.

"Pussy!" Jamal laughed to himself watching the downlow dude taking almost 9 inches up the romp with no problem. "Damn nigga, you must do this shit a lot?"

Jamal heard the doorbell ring at his door. "Yo Simon, can you get that?!" He yelled but remembered Simon and Tony went about their business after that shemale altercation. The word probably spread that some hoe made him pussywhipped and get his ass kicked by some big shemale that she is fucking with a dick longer than his. It was embarrassing.

Jamal snapped out of his concentration with the porn when he heard his doorbell ring. "Who is it?!" He called. But either the person didn't hear him or just didn't care. The doorbell rang again. "Who da fuck is knock'in at my door?!" Still there was no answer, the doorbell is still ringing.

Jamal put the blunt in the ashtray not smothering it in case he needed to smoke when he returned. Annoyed, Jamal got up from his couch. He took the 9mm off the table and cocked it ready to blast anyone who had a beef with him. Jamal came to the door unlocked it but left the chain on just in case.

"Who da fuck is it?" Jamal demanded.

Jamal saw two men, an African-American and Caucasian, dressed in dark suits.

"Jamal?" The African-American asked.

"Yeah?" Jamal answered.

"Jamal Anderson Sims?"

"What da hell you want man?" Jamal asked impatiently.

The man showed him his golden badge. "My name is Agent K and this is Agent D," he introduced.

"So," Jamal said rudely, "what do the Men in Black want wit me? There's no aliens here."

Agent K put his badge back in his coat. "May we come in?"

"It depends, you have a warrant?" Jamal asked keeping his finger on the trigger. Jamal only learned about law enforcement from the movies, but something told them that these guys were not following the proper procedure. First, they were supposed to introduce the type of people they work for. A police department, FBI, CIA, anything. Second, if he was in real trouble they would have gotten more than two men and would have raided his crib by now. And third, these two look way too creepy to be part of any law enforcement.

Agent K smiled which made Jamal really nervous. "No need to worry, we are not here to arrest you."

"Then what da fuck you want man," Jamal asked again getting very impatient.

Agent K moved up to the door. He knew he probably had a gun, if not behind the door, behind his back. But that does not mean he was intimidated, especially after what he just experienced a few weeks ago. "May we come in?"

Jamal was really too high for this. "Like I said, do, you, have, a, warrant?"

"No we don't," Agent K answered.

Jamal was about to slam the door right in the fake cop's face, but Agent K put his foot in between the opening of the door.

Jamal looked down at his foot. He almost thought about shooting a hole through his foot, but lucky for them he still kept his composure and decided to go the calm route. "Man, what da fuck are you do'in?"

"You know we may not be the police but our boss is good friends with the chief of police," Agent K stated, "by the look in your eyes and that God awful aroma that reeks off you, you've been having a party. Either it's with company or by yourself we don't give a shit. But if you don't want to hear what we have to say, we can come back but next time it's not going to be just the two of us." Agent K can see the look of worry in Jamal's face. He knew Jamal understood he was making sense. "Now are you going to let us in or do I have to call someone higher up in the food chain and let him know we need a little more incentive for you to corporate?"

Jamal turned to the porn video running on his flat screen television. He was afraid that once he let the agents in, they would assume the worst.

Jamal closed the door but unhooked the latch and opened it back up again.

"Good choice," Agent K said as they walked in.

Jamal closed the door behind them and faced the two agents still keeping his hardcore thug demeanor and still holding the gun just in case. "Now can you two tell me what this is all about?"

Agent K and D saw the porn video where a black man with pasted braids sucking on a penis that happens to belong to a tall, long black haired, Puerto Rican woman.

"Nice," Agent K said even though he was being sarcastic, "it seems like you and our boss has something in common."

Once again, Jamal was losing his patience. "Look are ya'll going to let me know why ya'll here or you looking for some company? If company is what ya'll looking for, you came to the wrong place homie."

Agent K and G glanced at each other with deep smiles and then back at Jamal. This made Jamal really paranoid.

"We've notice that you are having money troubles?"

"Who told you that?" Jamal retorted.

Agent K gave him a big smirk. "Come on now Mr. Sims. Who do you think you talking too? We know everything."

"First off, the names, "Big Daddy", alright. And second, my money is just fine."

Agent K and D glanced at each other and back at Jamal again. They weren't mind readers but both of them knew they were laughing inside.

"Okay, Big Daddy. How would you like to make more money?" Agent K asked.

"Man I don't know you, besides I'll be back when I make it on top anyway." Jamal spat.

"You mean that rap career you've been working so hard on?" Agent K shot back.

"Nigga, you don't know me damnit," Jamal charged, "and what you know about the rap game anyway you Uncle Tom look 'in mothafucka. Man, get the hell outta my house, tha both of you!"

Agent K raised up his hands as if he was giving in. "Relax, we are not here to knock you or ruin your game. We need your help that's all."

"What type of help," Jamal asked now intrigued.

Agent K slowly reached in his pocket which made Jamal even more nervous. He saw Jamal clinch the gun in his hand real tight just in case The Agents pulled something out he didn't want to see.

Agent K raised one hand up. "Relax," He said pulling out a wad load of cash that was miraculously folded by two rubber bands. Jamal's trigger finger laxed as he was staring hard at what must have been a hundred thousand dollars, "How would you like to hit two birds with one stone?"

"What you mean?" Jamal asked calm and curious.

"What if I say we can get you more money than you ever make selling dope and fulfill your dream at the same time?" Agent K promised.

Jamal placed his gun on the counter comfortable enough to know that the men were cool enough to trust. "I'm listening."

Agent K smiled knowing that Jamal was easily going to be hooked. "Well, let's get started shall we?"

Chapter 24:

Here we go again!

Cassidy and V walked out of the movie theater laughing hysterically after watching a romantic comedy. They held each other's arm in arm as they walked down the street and to V's 2007 Cherry Red Mustang. Together they drove straight to V's apartment complex. After getting out of the club, Cassidy and V walked while they were in arm and arm again. They both couldn't help but stare at each other without saying a word. They both knew that once they get inside V's house, they were going to be fucking like lions, tigers, bears, and whatever mammal that had too different sex organs that match.

"What's up bitches?!" Cassidy and V looked ahead and rolled their eyes in disappointment as they saw Jamal walking towards them.

"Jamal, what the fuck are you doing here," Cassidy asked sounding demanding, "no fuck that, how in the hell did you know where V lives?"

"Yeah, how did you know?" V asked staring hard at Jamal ready to pounce on his ass so hard he couldn't even walk.

Cassidy and V watched as Jamal walked up to them, but they notice something was different. Most of the time when Jamal confronted Cassidy and V, he usually looks desperate or shitty, then ends up getting his ass whooped badly. But now he appeared in front of them with a creepy smile on his face and Cassidy and V could tell he wasn't high. And a lot confident. It was like he knew something they didn't that was going to change his world for the better.

"How did you think I knew where He-She lives? We followed your asses," Jamal answered sounding thrilled.

"What?!" Cassidy asked.

"Girl you heard what I said, I followed your asses."

"You better watch what you say to her," V threatened. She stood in front of Cassidy in case Jamal would go on the assault again.

"Yeah, I've been wait'in to see yo ass," Jamal admitted, "ever since you stole my girl, you think you the hot shit now."

Cassidy rolled her eyes. They broke up a year ago, he got assaulted for even getting near her, and now he was going to get his ass beat again for trespassing. "Look Jamal, how many times do I have to tell you or should I say how many times you are going to get it beat into you? I am not your girl, I don't love you, no fuck it. I don't even like you! What is it going to take to get you to understand, a restraining order?!"

"Or maybe I need to beat the sense into you?" V considered.

Cassidy would have thought Jamal would understand by now that she was not interested in him. She felt guilty for putting the love of her life in the line of fire between her and her ex. But Jamal was starting to annoy her tremendously. It was like he was blocking out everything she said. How many times does Cassidy had to say, "It's over", for him to get it?

"Well, nigga/bitch," Jamal spoke venomously, "do what you gotta do."

Cassidy thought Jamal would keep his distance after getting beat so many times. But he did something really weird. He moved in close and stood right in V's face like everything he went through with the woman did nothing to be afraid about. Cassidy was starting to fear that Jamal had a plan and was about to execute it any second.

"V baby fuck him," Cassidy said, "let's go inside."

V turned to Cassidy then back at Jamal who was flashing his gold and disgusting grill at the both of them. "Yeah, maybe your right baby," V agreed turning her body towards her apartment but keeping her eyes on Jamal just in case, "he's not worth it."

With that said they were heading for V's apartment until Jamal spoke out of turn again.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you?" Jamal warned stopping the two women in their tracks. "We're not done yet."

V turned along with Cassidy with acidic look on her face as if she was giving Jamal a visual warning. "What the fuck you say bitch?"

Jamal then chuckled. "Got yo attention huh He-Bitch? I said I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Now Jamal was getting creepy. Cassidy has never seen Jamal act like this before. Has the broken relationship and desperation fucked his mind up that bad?

"You know what?" Jamal asked getting snooty, "you must've whipped my ass so many times you gotten cocky."

V was about to get real tired of this. "Boy what the fuck are you talking about?"

Then that's when they heard movement from the other side of the parking lot. Cassidy and V turned to see a tall, bald, African-American, man wearing a white beater walking calmly right at them. By the look on his face he looked serious, like he finally got them where he wanted.

Cassidy focused on the bald headed man, but V knew better. She looked around and saw there were more street thugs coming towards them. But it wasn't just them.

After Cassidy witnessed V tearing through those Agents like they were butter, she was not worried of what will happen to Jamal and his crew. V took on the Agents like they were amateurs and they work for a corporation that was supposed to train them to be specialist at ass whooping. If V took them down without breaking a sweat, Jamal and his street hood thugs shouldn't be a problem. Hell, after a month of working out with V, Cassidy was thinking about joining in.

"You think your friends are going to stop me?" V asked unfazed by the numbers.

Jamal shrugged. "It's worth a try ain't it?"

V wanted to go over there and smash Jamal's face in, but knew that she had to catch him first. And by then his so called homeboys would have been on her with the quickness. "Cassidy baby, I think you need to stand over there?" V advised pointing to the sidewalk. "Better yet, it's best you go and get some help while I take care of these goons."

"I'm not leaving you here by yourself." Cassidy said concerned.

V turned to Cassidy and gave her a nice, passionate kiss in front of everybody. All the thugs around them glanced at each other not out of disgust but out of confusion. Is this the reason Jamal paid them for? To get back at his ex from turning into a dyke? The sex must've been very pathetic?

After V broke the kiss they both looked at Jamal who was staring at them as if he wanted to shoot them both in the head. The reaction both Cassidy and V wanted to get rid of that cocky smile of his.

"Yo, are you two going to fight for your lives or fuck right in front of us? Because I don't have all night!" Jamal spoke angrily.

V turned to Cassidy one last time. "Now go, get some help and hurry."

Cassidy really did not want to leave her lover and master behind with Jamal and his fake ass thug posse. But V was right. There were 5 of Jamal's crew and two of them. Still, Cassidy was confident that V could handle her own. It was a shame to depart to find some more rescuers than stay by her side and fight.

Cassidy turned toward Jamal who looked ready to pounce on V. "You better hope she gets distracted by your crew," Cassidy warned, "because if you don't finish the job by the time I get back, that's your ass dickhead!"

Jamal gave her this grungy looking expression. "Shut the fuck up, bitch."
