Girl on the Golf Course Ch. 05


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When she hears that, she panics. "Wait, what?! When did Jess go home? Why didn't I know?" She asks. John told her that Jess tried calling her several times and left her a message. Christine looks at her phone and sees missed calls and a voicemail. She panics when she sees her phone was on silent. She must've changed it while trying to shut off the alarm. "Who has done her tasks? Who emptied the key drop?" She asked.

John responded that nobody has done it. Christine told him to do it now, but he started that he doesn't have the keys and Jess didn't drop them off. Jess must have accidentally taken the keys with her. He reassures that they've been monitoring the cart situation and there are still many carts available, so they should make it through the day. Christine is freaked out. If the cart with her key was rented and returned, she is screwed. She tells John to stay at the desk and page Meghan to come inside. She is to tape up the key drop and put a cardboard box below it with a sign to collect the keys. Have her hang out there for about 30 minutes to make sure people understand. 'Do it immediately' is her message. She hangs up and her head drops. The vibrating finally stops. She hopes that her keys are still hanging in the shack. She watches the shack, waiting for Meghan to leave.

About 5 minutes later, Megan closes the shack and goes inside. Christine waits for a clearing, then rushes to the shack. As she reaches the shack, her plug goes off again. She lets out a moan. 'Are you kidding me? He put one by the shack?' she thinks to herself. The door is locked. This can't go worse for her. She tries the window and is fortunately able to pry it open. Every second out here is time she is exposed. She pulls herself up and climbs in through the window. Finally, she is in. She checks the wall and looks at every key. None of them have her office key. She is scared now. What if her key is in the drop? She won't get it back and she'll be stuck out here overnight. Even worse, the email will definitely be sent and the photos will upload all through the night, crowding the slideshow with naked pictures. She closes the window and leaves through the door, locking up behind her. She runs back to the trees where the plug finally stops.

As she remains in hiding, she rethinks her plan. She will watch the club path and wait until a couple of carts are returned. Once clear, she'll sneak around the building and check the box. If it's not there, she'll run back and hide, waiting for more carts. She wanders around for 45 minutes, seeing Meghan return and 3 carts returned. She waits for a clear path before running into the open. She sneaks behind the shack to avoid Meghan's detection. She runs to the side of the club, working her way to the front. On the corner, she sees the cardboard box. She rushes up to it and looks inside. 3 cart keys, none with her key.

While sneaking back, she hears the whirring of a cart coming. It has cut off her exit. She looks around for a hiding spot but can't find anything. She runs over to the dumpster against the building and jumps inside. The smell is horrible and everything is wet. It is messy and gross and she is covered in it. She waits out the sounds and peeks out. Another cart comes and the two men start talking. They are not far away. She is stuck and there is nothing she could do but wait. She knows that every 2 minutes, another naked picture is uploaded. There must be so many photos now. She knows that people are definitely going to see these and starts trying to come up with an excuse. She will send out a memo apologizing, stating that the club's Google account was hacked. She'll explain that the financial and personal information is not stored there so therefore it is safe.

15 minutes goes by and they are still talking. The smell is rancid and she contemplates just jumping out. Finally, after another 10 minutes, the group disperses. On the bright side, 2 more carts came by during this time, so she'll have 4 more chances to find her key.

When the coast is clear, Christine pops out of the dumpster. She runs over to the box and peers in. There it is, her key, her freedom! She grabs it and runs around the building. She hugs the wall all the way back, hoping no carts come. On the other side, she sees a group by the shack getting drinks. She'll have to wait for them to finish. As they disperse, she runs behind the shack. Coming around, the plugs starts up again and she moans. The door opens. She immediately backtracks to the side, fully exposed to the course. She can see people in the distance, so she crouches down low. Meghan comes out, looking around and then walks towards the clubhouse. Christine sprints towards the trees. She hears a yell but keeps running. She makes it to the trees and ducks. She looks out and can see Meghan looking in her direction. She's been spotted by her own staff. She's so close to freedom, with both keys in her hand, but now she has to deal with this.

She tries to formulate a plan all the while watching Meghan's every move so she doesn't get snuck up on. She sees Meghan start heading back to the clubhouse. As she waits for her opportunity, her phone rings. The plug turns on while she frantically presses the buttons to silence it. Shit. She looks up, but nobody is around, luckily. She's being called from work. She backs further into the trees and answers the call. It's Meghan. She's calling to let Christine know that she thinks she saw a woman running naked on the course. She asks if she should call the police.

Christine laughs it off. "No need, it's harmless. It's probably just some girl who lost a bet or was dared to do it. No reason to ruin a young girl's future for a joke."

"Ok, I'll just log it as an incident report." Megan responds. Those reports get sent to the owner. Christine worries. If the owner follows up, he'll want to see the cameras, which will expose her. Christine left the cameras on so she could watch her ordeal and struggles later, and see how close she was to people.

"Let's not worry about that. I'll tell you what. I'll come in later and we'll discuss it. If you think it's severe, then we'll do an investigation. I just think it's funny that someone would do that. No reason to report someone for a funny joke. In the meantime, why don't you take a long break and shake it off. Hang out in the lounge or something. I'll call you when I get there." Meghan agreed. Christine finally hung up and stopped the vibrating plug. She's so worked up she can barely think straight. She forgot to move during that call, so she knows other photos got uploaded.

Christine monitors the area. She doesn't see anyone and with the shack now closed up, she should have a safer path. She emerges from the tree line and hops from bush to bush, the same way she came out. She is now mere feet from her escape. She makes a break for the door and tries the key. It opens. She jumps inside and catches her breath. She knows she now has 15 minutes before her bondage photos start getting uploaded. She tiptoes down the hall and looks into the main area. John is at the desk and he's alone. She needs to get him away, but how. She sighs, knowing what she has to put herself through. She calls the main desk and asks him to check on the shack, since Meghan reported she's on break. She keeps the call quick since she can't take anymore of the plug without wanting to cum. She hangs up and watches. She sees John get up and grab his stuff. Instead of heading out the main hall, he starts heading to the maintenance hall. Now Christine has to scramble. She runs down the hall and tries the maintenance room, but it's locked. She's going to have to run back outside. She quickly sneaks out the door and closes it behind her. She runs back to the first bush and hides.

'This is so frustrating. I was inside, so close. I just need to get to my office.' Christine watches as John comes out of the door and heads to the shack. This isn't good. At the shack, he will be able to see the door and watch her escape. As he moseys over to the shack, Christine sprints back to the door while his back is turned. She fumbles with the key and hurries in. She runs down the hall and stops at the end. She peers out to see nobody. She runs to her office and unlocks the door. She jumps inside and shuts it behind her. Finally, it's almost over.

She sits at her computer immediately to try to enter the code. She wants to get her clothes, take down pictures, and stop the email. She tries to remember the codes but struggles. She racks her brain. She can't fail this one. She paces around the room, trying to recite the codes as she did in the course. She's guessing the time has to be somewhat close to shedding her clothes. She regrets not taking pictures of the codes and risking two exposed pictures on the slideshow. There is already one up there, so what's two more. While thinking, she is jotting down the numbers and letters to try to remember. She is so nervous. She finally thinks of a cadence that sounds familiar. She types the first one in, then the second. Her computer immediately locks and the closet opens.

She won't know if they were correct until tomorrow. She runs over to the closet, but finds the clothes are already shredded. She is shocked. She doesn't believe it's been an hour and starts crying. She pulls herself together and finally removes the butt plug. She takes the extra clothes out of her drawer and squeezes into them. She's so embarrassed wearing them and she's alone. She can't imagine running into people in these. Her nipples are somewhat visible through her shirt and her shorts barely fit. She has a camel toe and the shirts do a poor job covering her ass. Why does she do this to herself?

Now that the ordeal is over, she takes the actions to stop the programming. She walks to the security room, passing 2 golfers finishing up for the day. Their jaws drop but she keeps walking. She ducks into the open door and shuts it behind her. She can only hope nobody went in. Christine plugs her phone into the computer, which stops the programs and gives back her phone functionality. She remembers the self bondage pictures and realizes that they just all be uploaded. She stops the slideshow and downloads all pictures to a drive. Previously, she cloned the original folder containing the club pictures. She reconnects that folder and starts that one back up. She wants to view all photos of her that were made available to the club.

She wants to know why her clothes were shredded so she checks her router information. She checks her connection history and every time a connection was made. She sees a connection from about an hour before she entered the building. She pulls up the security cameras and tracks her adventure. She follows herself to the side of the building and the connection time matched with her jumping in the dumpster.

'Fuck. Not only was it gross, but it destroyed my clothes.' Then she remembers the video upload. She finds it online and it already has 1000 views. Based on her settings, she won't be able to take it down for a week.

All of this humiliation was messing with her head. She couldn't bring herself to get out of her chair. To make matters worse, she still needed to walk to the other side of the club, through the main lobby, dining area, bar, and lounge, to meet with Meghan. She was heading there, but decided to stop in the bathroom to freshen up first. When she saw herself in the mirror, her jaw dropped. She turned bright red realizing that 2 people saw her already. Her hair had dirt, leaves, and garbage bits in it. She could also smell herself. She used the sink to clean herself up. She used soap to cover the smell and she combed everything out of her hair.

When she thought she looked presentable, she went to find Meghan. The walk through the club was humiliating. While she normally dressed in proper attire (albeit lacking underwear), she was now in revealing clothes. The stares from the members were piercing. She was showing off more than she wanted and felt naked, funny since she spent the whole morning running around naked and had naked photos on view. She tried to avoid any conversations and sped walk to the break room.

Reaching the break room, Christine sat down across from Megan and asked her how she was. They talked about what she saw. Meghan described the naked woman running behind the shack into the trees. Again Christine explained how it was probably just a dare or a bet and that it wasn't any reason to get someone in trouble, just a girl having some harmless fun. She stated it would look bad on the club if they got police involvement and if the owner was brought in, it might cause a ruckus.

Meghan was leery but after further conversation, agreed to not pursue it further. As Christine walked away, Meghan coughed and spoke up. "I now understand why you want to keep it quiet. Was it fun?".

"What do you mean?" Christine asked.

"Well, I mean, I see the scratches on your legs, and your dirty feet. Also, there are leaves in the back of your hair. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I'll pretend this didn't happen. But was it fun?"

Christine turned bright red and stuttered. She was tripping over her words, without actually saying anything. She couldn't get the words out to deny it. Finally she just stopped. She was so embarrassed and with a nervous smile she nodded and thanked Meghan for her silence. She walked out knowing she was caught doing another adventure.

She went back to her office and it all sank in. It hit her like a ton of bricks. She can't believe what happened today:

Golfers saw her naked streaking.

Her naked photos were posted on the slideshow.

At least one naked photo showed her face.

Pictures of her tits may have been sent to random people's phones.

Her worker saw her and knows about her escapade.

She may be sending an email to Dr Piston essentially giving him all her photos, her journal, and allowing him to choose her next adventure.

She had to walk through the club in a slutty, revealing outfit.

She was covered in garbage.

She got pee splashed on her.

She now has a revealing video on a porn site.

Before she went home, she had to know what people saw. She popped the flash drive into her computer and started flipping through the pictures. She went to the new photos and very early on, a picture of her showing her face and tits popped on the screen. Continuing though were a lot of lewd pics without face: bent over, flashing tits, spread legs, touching herself, fingers inside her, using dildos, sticking things in her ass, and many more. She checked the time stamps of the uploads for the pictures and some of these were up for hours.

Then she came upon the bondage photos. She was tied up in numerous ways, with and without toys. These were pics taken over several different instances. But on one of the series, there was a mirror behind her. It showed off half her face when she was turned away. If these were up for some time, it would be possible to identify her.

She was mortified. She wanted to scream, to cry, to crawl into a hole forever, but all the while she was touching herself. She couldn't understand how she could get off on such humiliation, but she was hornier than ever. She brought herself to orgasm. She had one more thing to do before her day was over. She drafted an email to the club about the slideshow.

The email stated that the club was made aware of lewd photos displayed on the clubhouse slideshow. It has been determined that this is for to a having if the Google drive account. The club is fully investigating this action. The club has already taken security precautions for security and assured that no information was stolen. The Google drive only contained event photos. Member information and financial records are maintained in a different, secure system and no hacking attempt was made on this.

Christine hoped this would downplay the event and help it go away without any suspicion. She sent the email and just sat in her office staring into the abyss before finally packing up to go home. It was a long, exhausting day. The worst part was that she didn't know if the email to Dr. Piston sent. She didn't know what she was walking into tomorrow.

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Sonofagun00Sonofagun00about 3 years agoAuthor

Sorry for the delay. Life got in the way. Chapter 6 will be coming soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Hope you continue this!

One of my favorite stories, I hope we get to find out if that email to Dr. Piston got sent. Either way sounds like it would make another great chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Please post next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Is it done?

If you are going to write a multi chapter story please conclude it if you're done writing, please don't leave the reader hanging for 5 months. If you're done with it say so, either at the end of the story or in your profile.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Looking forward to more!

Love this whole series, so hot and the build up is great in each installment. Can't wait to find out if that email got sent! Or if her worker Meghan might start trying to have some fun haha!

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