Girls' Night Out Ch. 13

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"Kylie" tries new things.
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Part 13 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 10/26/2022
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"Turn around and let me do your back," Angie said to Kylie as the warm shower water cascaded over the both of them.

Angie lathered up the soap and began rubbing her back.

Kylie leaned her head back. " Umm, that feels so good.'

Angie slipped her hand between Kylie's ass cheeks. "Spread your legs. You need to be clean everywhere."

Kylie did as she was told.

Angie's hand moved along her ass, soaping it up. Kylie spread her legs a little more as she felt Angie's finger circling her asshole. When she felt her finger press against it, Kylie pushed down. The finger slipped easily inside her.

"You liked that, don't you sweetie?" Angie said as she moved her finger in and out.

Kylie just nodded.

"You love it when I fuck your ass." Angie moved her finger faster. As she did, she reached around Kylie to find her cock standing hard and erect. She grabbed and began stroking it. "You love being fucked." With that she slipped another finger into Kylie's ass.

"Ohh, fuck me!" Kylie moaned as she pushed against the fingers in her ass.

Angie increased her movements, both in Kylie's ass and stroking her cock.

Kylie's breathing became more ragged as she groaned in pleasure.

It all became too much for her. "Oh God! I'm cumming," she yelled out as her cock began to spurt. Her cum hit the wall of shower and slid down as Angie made sure every last drop had left Kylie's cock. She slowly removed her fingers from Kylie's ass. Kylie moaned in disappointment at the feeling of emptiness.

"You ok, sweetie?" Angie asked quietly.

"Never better," Kylie sighed.

Kylie heard Angie say as she dried herself off. "How long have you been here?"

Cassie laughed. "Long enough to enjoy the show. So how did your Christmas go?"

As Kylie and Angie got dressed, they listened to and told their own Christmas stories. From the stories they told it was clear that each one had a very enjoyable Christmas.

As Angie headed off to her realtor's office, Cassie asked, "So what's on the agenda today. I got nothing planned."

Kylie slipped the blue jumper over her head and turned to Cassie. "Do you want to take a ride to Provincetown? Take a look at what Fairchild's gallery looks like, have some lunch?"

"Sure," Cassie replied, "As long as we are back by 6."

"Oh, what's the reason?"

Cassie smiled "I'll tell you in the car."

"Ok," Kylie asked as they drove up the Cape Highway towards Provincetown. "What's the big secret?"

"I have a date for tonight!"

"Awesome, good for girl. Where did you meet him? It is a him, I assume."

"Yes," Cassie answered. "He is a school teacher in Hyannis, about 25, 26. Really nice. I meet him at our family gathering on Christmas Eve."

Kylie frowned. "Family gathering? He's not..?"

"For heaven's sake, no. He is the son of my Dad's best friend. We have known each other for some time but haven't seen each in a long time, way before Covid. We just hit it off."

Kylie patted Cassie on the knee. "Good for you. Sorry about asking if your date was a he. I'm also sorry about the way I explained you to Chrissie. Don't take it the wrong way."

Cassie smiled. "I didn't and you're right. I'm pretty sure that boys are the way to go but you and Angie has sure opened my eyes to things. Plus you have made me feel more positive about myself. I was always a little self conscious about my body."

"Why?" Kylie asked. "You have a great body."

"That's just it," Cassie replied. " I felt my boobs were too big. My ass too yet you have done so much to change that feeling. I can't thank you enough."

Kylie smiled. "Hey you have supported and accepted me. That's a lot."

"Heck that was easy," Cassie said with a wave of her hand. "Just look at you. Every time I see you, you look great. Take today."

Kylie was wearing a blue corduroy jumper, a white turtleneck, black tights and boots with the new diamond necklace Angie gave. Very simple but very attractive.

"Thank you, I try. Remember I love dressing as a woman. It makes me feel so good. Therefore I like wearing nice things. Angie also bought me a silk nightgown. I can't wait to wear it and feel it against my skin."

"Ok," Kylie said as she parked the car. "This looks like the gallery. Same name as on the card."

"Are you sure its open? The place looks dead," Cassie said exiting the car.

"Really?" Kylie gave her a disgusted look. "I phoned ahead. Ingrid is inside. Wait till you meet her."

Kylie and Cassie entered the gallery. A little bell on the bell rang letting someone know they were here. They heard a voice from the back call out. "I'll be there in a minute."

It gave them a chance to look around.

It was not like their gallery. The prints, the paintings, and other art objects here would not sell in their shop in Sandwich. Even if it was local, there was something about the entire gallery that had a sensual feeling to it. Kylie wasn't sure if she liked what she saw. She was about to say something to Cassie when she heard. "Kylie, so glad you could come!" It was Ingrid walking towards them.

Kylie said nothing at first and it was easy to see why.

Ingrid was dressed in a black jumpsuit that seemed painted onto her incredible body. It was totally black with mesh panels in certain places along her legs, back, and stomach. It was very low cut with a lace design that accented her bust. Long mesh sleeves and black stiletto heels completed the outfit. Her blonde hair was braided and ran down her back. She walked up to Kylie and gave her a hug, hug that was held a little longer than usual. Stepping back, she turned and looked at Cassie. "And who is this beautiful creature?"

Kylie cleared her throat. "This is Cassie, my assistant manager, my right hand girl, so to speak."

"Please to meet you, Cassie," Ingrid gave her a hug and then turned to Kylie. "I'm so glad that you came. I will give you a tour of your gallery. Follow me."

As she turned Kylie and Cassie saw that the back was open all the way to the top of ass crack and only a thong covered that. Kylie looked at Cassie and mouthed, "Wow!"

One thing Kylie noticed when she wasn't looking at Ingrid's ass was there was very little in the gallery that said, 'Cape Cod' or 'New England'. The prints and paintings were beautiful but they didn't seem to be the type the Cape Cod vacationer would purchase on a whim. She understood that they were not going for that trinket cutesy market but still there was not much in here that was attract the casual, spur of the moment buyer.

It was hard to concentrate not only because of Ingrid's clothing but also in the way Ingrid moved and talked. Everything about her oozed sexuality. She made an effort to stay close to Kylie and casually touched Kylie's hand or arm. Even when discussing parts of the gallery, Ingrid made it sound sensual. Kylie kept visualizing what Ingrid looked like without her clothing. It wasn't hard considering her outfit.

The gallery had only one main floor but Ingrid brought the girls to the back where a stairway led to the basement. "You might find it a little more interesting down here," Ingrid said as she led the way.

Interesting was not quite the word. Here in this room were paintings, prints, figures, and sculptures of nudes. Male, female, or couples, there was a number of them. Kylie had to admit they were very well done and some were quite beautiful. As she walked around, she heard Ingrid say, "Mr. Fairchild was quite impressed when he heard you were teaching art classes in your gallery, especially the human form. Chris, the model, told him about them. Mr. Fairchild thought you could do the same here. He believes there are number of people who would interested."

Kylie stopped and looked around. "Where would we hold it?"

Ingrid smiled and stepped towards Kylie. Leading here to a door, Ingrid opened it and flicked on a light. "He would turn this into your studio."

"If you don't mind my asking, just what would expected of me, if I agreed?" Kylie asked.

"You would be the manager of this store and the one next door plus your old one and the one we have in Wood's Hole. You would be free to teach classes at any one. You would also be given a fairly free hand in what went into each store. Plus some very good perks." Ingrid moved closer and smiled. "I like you, Kylie, and I think we can make a very good team. Please think the offer over."

"You mentioned a store next door?" Kylie asked. "I didn't see another gallery there."

"It's not" Ingrid replied. "I think you should take a look at it. Anna is over there right now and she was expecting you to stop by. I'll text her to let her you are coming. Do you have any questions?"

Kylie shook her head. "Not right now but I'm sure I will."

As Kylie and Cassie took the short walk next door, Kyle asked, "Well what do you think?"

Cassie laughed. "Of Ingrid or the gallery?"


"I'll tell you when we are done."

Kylie checked the sign on the door, 'Eve's Garden, Open' and walked in. She stopped in mid stride. It was a sex shop but so unlike any she had ever been in. Granted she had only been in one or two but those had just been sex toys shops, just for fun. This one was for the serious shopper!

"Hi, I'm Anna. You must be Kylie. Ingrid told me about you." Anna was about Kylie's height with dark hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a black leather bralet with skintight leather pants and boots. She had a number of piercing about her body including one on her nipples that clearly showed through her top. Tattoos covered her one arm. "Welcome to Eve's Garden. Feel free to look around and ask questions."

Cassie pushed her way into the store past Kylie. She stopped too.

"You must be Cassie. I'm Anna. Welcome."

"Thank you, Anna. We will. I'm sure we will have some questions."

The two walked around the store. It wasn't very big but it was full with many things. As they walked deeper into the store the items became more than just plain sex toys.

"Did you read Fifty Shades?" Kylie whispered to Cassie.

"Just the first book," Cassie whispered back.

"Well I think we just went past that!"

Nipple clips, ball gags, paddles, and leather and rubber clothing were just some of things they found. Cassie picked one object and showed it to Kylie. Before she could ask, Anna spoke up. "That's a cock cage. Here let me show you." She took it from her. She picked up what appeared to be a life like flaccid penis and balls. "You slip your partner's penis in here then his balls. Snap it shut, lock it, and keep the key. It's like a chastity belt for men."

All Cassie could say was, "Ok."

The girls continued their walk, intrigued by what they found. Before leaving Kylie asked Anna, "Mr. Fairchild owns this store too?"

"Not really," Anna answered. "Ingrid owns this store but they both run this and the gallery."

"I see," Kylie said looking around. "And the store does well?"

"Very well. It's a little slow now but it does very well, especially starting in the spring."

Cassie was standing next to Kylie and she picked up appeared to a furry foxtail. There were a number of different animal tails along with it.

Anna looked at her and smiled. "Let me explain. You heard of Furries? Well that's part of it. It is a butt plug with a tail. You can see there are different animals. It is all the rage and it is very comfortable. I'm wearing one now." Anna turned around. It seemed she had an opening her pants, which allowed her to wear the tail. She reached behind her and flicked the tail. "See!"

Cassie said nothing.

"Look if you're interested, you can take it. I'm sure Ingrid won't mind."

"That's, that's ok," Cassie stammered.

The four girls had lunch across the street in a small café. It being after Christmas, it was just the four of them in the place. They talked about things in general and Kylie did have some more questions about both businesses. One thing did become clear, Ingrid and Anna were very close but both appeared to be willing to expand that circle. A look, some subtle words, and a few innocent touches made clear their intentions.

Kylie explained that they needed to go and you could see the disappointment on Ingrid's face. As they stood to go Ingrid kissed Kylie goodbye. It was full on her lips, and to Kylie's surprise, Ingrid slipped her tongue between Kylie's lips. A more of a surprise was that Kylie didn't resist.

Ingrid held Kylie's hands. "I really want you to think about the offer. I think we can work wonders together."

As they left Anna handed Cassie a small bag. "Take it and try it. You might find it fun."

"So Cassie what do you think?" Kylie asked as they drove home.

"Where shall I start?" Cassie began. "Well Ingrid is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I would become a full time lesbian for her. Did you see that outfit? Good God, it was skintight and it fit her perfectly. She seemed to be excited to see you too. I think I know one of the perks she talked about."

"Yes, yes, I agree. She was hot just standing there," Kylie replied. "But seriously what do you think about the whole set-up. This affects you know. I'm not going through with it without you coming with me."

Cassie thought about it for a moment. "I think it is a great opportunity for you. You could definitely do it and you could widen your world to possibly move up and out. But."

"But what, Cassie?"

Cassie cleared her throat. "But is that really what you want? You seem so happy in what you are doing. People know and like you in town. Even though they don't know all about you, they have accepted you. Don't let Ingrid cloud your mind though I can sure understand that. Ask yourself if you would be happy? Besides there is more than just the gallery. I don't know about you but that other shop made me nervous."

"Really? I was thinking if I said yes, you would run it." Kylie said seriously.

"You're kidding, right?" There was a hint of horror in Cassie's voice.

"Yes, I am." Kylie laughed. "I felt very uncomfortable in there. That's not my fetish."

"I read Fifty Shades," Cassie said. "Before then I never even heard of some of that stuff. Now to see those things! S&M right? Dominatrix?"

"Yes, that's right."

Cassie sat thinking for a moment. "Do you think Ingrid could be one? You know, a dominatrix?"

Kylie thought for a minute. "Very well could be but I don't think I want to know."

They drove in silence for a few miles when Cassie spoke up. "I think Angie could be one."

Kylie almost ran a red light. "What?" she exclaimed. "Angie?"

Cassie turned in her seat to face Kylie. "Yes, now here me out. She likes to be in charge. That's why she such a great realtor. The idea to not to have sex when you were recovering? Hers. It was her idea to wear black the night with the butt plug. And this morning? I heard you two in the shower. Don't get me wrong but she can be a little aggressive."

Kylie didn't know what to answer. As she thought about it, maybe Angie was but Kylie loved the things they did together. The whole mistress thing was such a turn-on. Yes, she loved it when Angie fucked her in the ass. She also knew that Angie had her back.

"Kylie, you are the sweetest person I know and I think you may have ruined me," Cassie said quietly.

"No, don't say that!" Kylie said with some anxiety in voice. "How did I do that?"

Cassie reached over and touched Kylie's hair. "When you make love to me, it is so gentle. You respond to all my needs as if you know what to do before I do. When you go down on me, Oh my God! I feel like you could eat me forever. It feels so good. No hurry, no desperation. When you fuck me with your cock, well, I'm afraid no other boy is going to do it so well. I don't think anyone could have anal for the first time like I did. I love the softness of your skin, your breasts rubbing up against mine, and your kisses. You are amazing."

"Thank you," Kylie said softly. She reached over and gave Cassie's hand a squeeze. "So what's in the bag?"

"I didn't look." Cassie laughed. "I'm not sure I want to."

"Come on, look," Kylie said, urging her to. "What could it be?"

"You're right. What could it be? Anything from that place might be a little over the top." Cassie opened the bag. "Oh my," she said removing the fox tail butt plug.

Neither girl said anything for a moment until Kylie smiled. "You know, you might look pretty hot with that in that sexy ass of yours."

"Really? I was thinking the same thing about your cute ass!"

Both girls laughed.


New Year's Eve

Kylie was going to go all out this New Year's. It would be the first new year that she was Kylie! She felt free, alive, and willing to be herself. She felt like a woman. Everything about herself she loved. The freedom to feel the soft, silky, satiny material against her smooth skin excited her every day. The feel and movement of her own breasts as she walked sent little tingles through her body. The fact she still had a cock did nothing to distract from the feeling. It actually made it better. To feel her cock trapped in the satiny folds of her panties caused her to sigh each time she got dressed. She also felt empowered and confident in who she was. Tonight she was going to celebrate!

It was only going to be Angie and her tonight. Cassie announced she was going out for the second time with her new boyfriend. She said they were going to see a few friends after a nice dinner and then finish up the evening at her sister's house. She planned on crashing there so she told them not wait up for her.

Angie made the plans for the evening. They were going to that restaurant by the canal that they had eaten at before. The place was holding a special gala celebration and Angie got the tickets. Dinner was at 9 and then in their special downstairs room there would be drinking, music, and dancing for the rest of the evening. It was all covered under one price so one could drink and dance as much or as little as they wanted.

Kylie laid out her new dress for tonight. Remembering the one she wore to Plymouth, she smiled. This one might have that one beat. Standing in her garter belt, stockings and panties she gave the new dress a final look before putting it on. It would do just fine, she thought. She put it on.

The dress was black, of course, and had a satiny finish. The halter-top went across her chest and fastened behind her neck. The diamond shaped opening in the midsection showed plenty of under boob while also showed her pierced navel. It was tight around her hips and ass. She only had to add a little padding to fill it out. Angie and she had joked that lately she had started to develop a booty butt. Nude stockings and black high heels added to her figure. It was a bit longer than the Plymouth dress but only a little. She still wanted a little modesty.

"Wow, sweetie," Angie said seeing Kylie standing there. "Maybe we should stay home because you look good enough to eat."

"Not tonight! I want to party," she said excitedly. She walked over to Angie and ran her finger down Angie's bare arm. "Maybe later, babe," she said with a smile. "Especially after seeing you in your dress!"

Even though the restaurant wasn't too far from their house, it was too far to walk. Beside it was too cold. Not actually freezing but cold enough. The two girls also knew that they were going to be drinking tonight so being sensible, they called an Uber. No one wanted a DWI!

The restaurant was very crowded but Angie showed the maitre de her two tickets, which confirmed their reservations. After only a few minutes wait, they were shown to their table.

"It looks pretty crowded tonight," Kylie said, "Good thing you planned ahead. You are good at that."

"Thanks," Angie replied. "I like knowing what is going on."

"Kylie!" a woman said stopping at their table. "How are things going?"

"Hi, Amy." Amy was one of Kylie's students in one of her art classes. "Things are going well. And you?"