Girls' Night Out Ch. 13


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Angie sat up straight. "You mean to say she took both of you, Chris' big cock in her pussy and you in her ass?"

Kylie nodded, "Yes, she told me it was one of her fantasies. I could feel Chris' cock move in her pussy. It was wild!"

Angie turned in the bed and faced Kylie. "Ok big question how did they react to you? You know, having a cock?"

"To say she was surprised is an understatement. But after it popped out, she didn't miss a beat. I think she was wanting a little girl on girl action. Before she left we talked and she was cool with it. She hinted that she wanted to come back for some more, maybe with just you and me. Who knows?"

Angie crawled on top of her. "In that dress last night you looked so good I wanted to take you to bed even before we got there. You were the hottest looking girl there. Chris noticed it and it seems Beverly did to. Since I didn't get what I wanted how about now?"

"Anything you want."

"Hey!" Cassie called from downstairs. "You guys up?"

Kylie threw on her robe as Angie remained in bed. "Aren't you getting up?" Kylie asked.

"Yes," Angie said with a pout. "I'm going to shower and then I'll be down."

Kylie hurried down the stairs to find Cassie in the kitchen. "Happy New Year! Now tell me how did it go?"

Cassie fixed them a cup of tea and then started on her story. She said they partied with some of his friends and then headed over to her sister's house. They stayed there until after 12 and then went to his apartment. He made hot chocolate and they sat on the couch, watching old Christmas movies. They both dozed off and when they woke up the sun was up. He made her breakfast and brought her home.

"So what's next for you too?" Kylie asked.

Cassie smiled. "I really liked him. He said asked me out again for next Friday, to do something and I said yes. At least one thing that's good I already know his parents so I don't have to go through that. So what did you guys do last night?"

"Nothing much," Kylie said. "We went out for dinner, met Beverly and Chris there and later they came back here."

"Whoa!" Cassie said almost choking on her tea. "Chris and Beverly? Chris and Beverly the models? Chris with the huge cock?"

"Yes, the very same," Kylie smiled.

"You are kidding, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not and let's just say we had a good time together. Right, Angie?" Kylie said to Angie who came downstairs.

"Yes, I would agree wholeheartedly. Did you leave any hot water?"

Cassie badgered the two for more information but both of them told her very little. She claimed it wasn't fair and she would tell them if anything happened on her New Year's date. Kylie pointed out that nothing out of ordinary did. Cassie claimed that didn't matter and they shouldn't keep secrets from each other. Angie said that they weren't keeping secret and that Kylie told her that they had a good time. There was nothing more to tell except Chris fucked Angie.

"Oh my God, really? With that monster?" Cassie exclaimed.

"I'll let Angie tell you all about it," Kylie said.

She stood up and announced that after she got dressed, she was going to make lasagna for dinner and she needed the kitchen for dinner. She said it was a family New Year's tradition and after all the turkey and ham, it was something different. This meant the kitchen was hers.

They spend the day taking down the Christmas tree and other decorations. Kylie felt a little down about the holiday season ending but she called her sister and talked to the two girls. After she got off the phone, she was feeling much better. She realized that she had a lot to be thankful for. She looked at Angie and Cassie packing away the ornaments and smiled.

That night the three girls sat in the king size bed. They had snuggled under the covers and were now talking as three good friends. The subject turned to their sexual fantasies. Angie started it off

"One fantasy of mind was finding a man with a big cock. I thought it would be so great. Don't laugh I think a lot of women fantasize about that. Last night I had my chance. I had the most remarkable orgasm I ever had but he was too big. My poor pussy still is feeling it. I can say I tried it once but never again. Besides I'm happy with what I got right here. How about you, Cassie?"

Cassie blushed. "I don't know. Never really had many fantasies but since I met you two, all my dreams have come true. Threesomes, anal, girl on girl, I am so content right now that I can't think of any. Sorry."

"That leaves you, sweetie," Angie said looking at Kylie.

"I have one. It is more like a dream I had. We are on a tropical beach. It is a nude beach and there are all shapes and sizes of people. No one cares. I am totally naked too. Just soaking up the warm sun and being me. You guys are there too. It was so relaxing. Not that exciting, I'm afraid."

"One thing, sweetie, I could really go for that warm sun right about now!"


Friday Night

It had been a long slow week. The weather turned cold and dreary. It was the type of cold that got into your bones and stayed there. Very seldom did any customers come to the gallery so it was boring there too. All the Christmas decorations were down and packed away and Kylie refused to decorate for Valentine's Day. It was too early!

Cassie had resumed her online classes so she stayed home doing those so Kylie was alone at work. It gave her time to think. She going to have to make a decision soon on whether to take up Fairchild's offer, sell the gallery and work for him. It sounded like more money but she was nervous about everything else. She liked being her own boss and setting her own agenda. She also was uncomfortable with that sex shop. It wasn't her style. She had admit that her own sex life was far from normal but it seemed almost vanilla when compared to what she saw in that shop. She needed to make a decision and since as it was after the holidays, Fairchild would want an answer.

At home, it was also an odd week. There was no sex at all and yet no one seemed to care. Cassie had school and her new boyfriend. Angie had a terrible week at the realtors with no sales or ones that didn't materialize. She left for work early, came home late, and was tired when she came home. Except for Cassie you could say the two girls had the winter blues.

Kylie got home determined to shake the feeling. Tonight she was going to do something different and she set her plan into motion. First a shower and then to get it going.

Angie came home find low lights, soft music and a chilled glass of wine waiting for her. "What's the special occasion, sweetie?" she asked walking into the kitchen.

"It's a surprise!" Kylie turned to shoo Angie out of the kitchen. "Just drink your wine and relax."

The dinner Kylie prepared was simple shrimp scampi with some angel hair pasta.

"Wow," Angie said, taking the first bite. "How long did this take you?"

"Not more than 5, 6 minutes. I found the recipe on line." Kylie replied. "Wanted something different."

The two talked and joked about their week, something they hadn't done recently. It felt good. When they had finished, Kylie stood up. "I'll clean up. Now go upstairs. I want you to take a nice hot bath and relax. There are bath salts by tub. Just relax, you had a rough week."

Angie did as she was told. This was a little different than the usual Kylie. It might turn out interesting.

Angie did relax in the tub so much that when Kylie knocked on the door, she jumped. "Don't fall asleep in there," Kylie yelled through the door.

Angie quickly dried off and walked naked to the bedroom. She could hear the music playing quietly and a dim light. Entering the room she saw Kylie dressed in her pink ruffled nightie standing aside the bed. The bed was turned down and on top of the sheets was a towel and pillow. She walked to the bed.

Kylie pointed to the bed and said, "Please lie face down on the bed. Make sure your hips are on the pillow."

Angie smiled and did what she was told. She wondered what kind of game Kylie was playing so she simply answered, "Yes, sweetie."

She was lying in the middle of the bed so when Kylie requested she spread her legs, she did so easily. As she did she felt dribbles of warm oil drop on her back. She recognized the smell. It was baby oil.

Kylie knelt between Angie's legs and began to massage her shoulders and back. Her hands felt wonderful. Kylie started with her shoulders and worked down to Angie's lower back. Angie could feel the stress leaving her body. She closed her eyes and sighed.

Kylie moved to Angie's legs, starting with her calves and moving up to her thighs. Each time she moved up until her thumbs almost touched Angie's pussy. Close enough to tease but not touching. Soon Kylie was massaging Angie's ass. Her hands spread Angie's cheeks as her thumbs slipped along her crack.

It felt so good! Angie spread her legs a little more, inviting Kylie to touch her. Instead Kylie moved to her lower back, then her ass, and then her thighs. Each time she came tantalizing close. Finally Kylie's thumb massaged Angie's asshole causing Angie to lift her hips off the pillow. "It feels so good, sweetie," Angie whispered.

Angie felt something hard push against her asshole. The object slipped in easily.

It began to vibrate! That butt plug! "Oh God!" she moaned.

Kylie leaned forward and whispered in Angie's ear. "You like it? There's more you know."

The plug began to pulse in Angie's ass causing her to moan again.

All this time Kylie continued to massage Angie's body. Angie responded to her touches and the butt plug. Finally Kylie's fingers touched Angie's pussy. It was soaking wet, making puddle on the pillow. She ran her fingers around the edges, pulling lightly on the lips and teasingly flicking near the opening. Angie's legs spread wider and hips moved. More moans came from her.

Two of Kylie's fingers found Angie's clit. Keeping with what she was doing, she slowly and lightly moved around it. Angie pushed herself up on her elbows, raising hips off the pillow, and offering herself to Kylie.

All this was having an effect on Kylie. Her cock was rock hard and the front of her panties were soaked with her pre-cum. Not waiting any longer, she pulled aside her panties and let her cock out. She moved closer and placed the head of her cock against Angie's opening. There was no worrying if Angie was wet enough as her pussy dripped with her juices. Kylie pushed and easily entered her.

Angie groaned as her orgasm swept over her. It wouldn't be long before a second was coming. Between Kylie's cock and plug, it felt amazing good.

"Smack!" rang out as Kylie spanked Angie's ass. Before Angie could react, Kylie smacked her again, leaving a bright red handprint. The suddenness and exquisite pain pushed Angie to other height.

As Angie came again, Kylie reached out and pulled Angie's hair. "Fuck me, babe!" Kylie demanded of her.

This different Kylie was so hot that Angie was completely under her control. She began to push her hips back harder against Kylie and the two bodies slapped together.

Kylie fought the growing feeling her balls but she could feel the plug vibrating against her and Angie's pussy gripping it tight. "Oh God, babe, I'm cumming," she yelled.

"Oh yes, fill my pussy," Angie groaned as she came.

The two girls hugged underneath the covers. Kylie had removed her nightie so they could both feel each other's body against them.

"Where did that come from, sweetie?" Angie asked.

"I don't know." Kylie blushed. "Did you like it? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, sweetie, it was really good. You never did anything like that before, that's all."

"I felt we might be falling into a rut so I wanted to spice things up." Kylie said. "I didn't go to far, did I?"

"It was perfect, sweetie."


The Next Week

It was a very good week for everyone as compared to last week. The weather, though cold, was bright with a crystal blue sky. People knew at some point a nor'easter was going to come crashing down on the Cape but for right now, they were just enjoying the sunshine. Christmas decorations were gone and some places were starting to put up Valentines but most were waiting to after MLK Day to do it. That would give a good month for it.

Kylie never looked forward to Valentine, thinking it was a fake holiday, that you didn't need a special day to tell someone you loved. Recently though that had change and she was thinking of doing something special for Angie. She hadn't decided yet but she was definitely giving it a thought.

She was keeping herself busy also. Taking down decorations, rearranging the gallery and shopping for new items took up most of the time. She decided she was going to offer two classes, one on the basic human form and another a more advanced one, more like a human form part 2. She had printed up the flyers and posted them around town. All ready she had a number of people signed up. She was happy that the response was so positive.

"Kylie," Mrs. Clark said as Kylie entered the store. "I glad to see you. I was just saying to Margaret, why we haven't seen that bright young lady in awhile." Mrs. Clark and her sister ran what you might say was an old fashion general store. It had many things you no longer found on the shelves of many stores and created a sort of nostalgia for the tourists.

"Why thank you Mrs. Clark. I'm afraid I have been busy. I wonder if you could post one of these on your bulletin board?"

"We would be delighted," Mrs. Clark taking one. "Glad to see that you are still offering them. There was a rumor you were closing your gallery!"

Kylie smiled and shook her head. "No, I'm not and there is no truth to that rumor. I'm staying here."

Margaret reached out and touched her arm. "Thank goodness. We are very happy to hear that. With that in mind, Millie and I would like to ask something of you."

"Sure, what is it?"

Millie began. "You know we have the annual winter carnival at the end of February, well we would like you to be on our committee this year."

"Yes," Margaret added, "To add some new young blood."

"Why, thank you," Kylie answered. "I would be delighted to help you. Just let me know when you meet. And thank you for posting my classes."

As Kylie left the store Millie turned to Margaret and said, "She is such a bright and cheerful girl."

"And cute too!" Margaret added.

As Kylie returned to the office, she decided it was time to bite the bullet and called Mr. Fairchild. She dialed the number and waited for him to pick up. When it went to voicemail, she said, "This is Kylie Stevenson, I am calling to say that I'm turning down your gracious offer and after careful consideration I am not selling my gallery. If you have any question, please call me. Thank you again."

Putting the phone, Kylie felt that a huge load had been lifted from her shoulders and she sighed.

A few minutes later the phone buzzed. Kylie picked it expecting to hear Mr. Fairchild's voice. Instead it was Ingrid's. "Hello, Kylie, It's Ingrid. I just heard your message. Are you sure of your decision?"

Kylie was prepared with answer to Mr. Fairchild but now hearing Ingrid's voice, she became slightly flustered. "Hi Ingrid, yes, yes I'm sure. I just don't think now is a good time, that's all."

"Really? Is there, perhaps, something I might do to make you reconsider? I feel you and I could work together quite well. I felt that since we first met. As I said the benefits working together are quite good."

Kylie leaned back in her chair. Visions of those benefits had played in her mind before. "Ingrid, I quite agree. I believe you and I working together could do wonders but at this particular time in my life I don't think I'm ready for that. I like owning my own little gallery."

"Kylie, Mr. Fairchild told me to make you a very substantial monetary offer, both for your gallery and your services. I told him that I didn't think money was the issue. I told him that you were a young lady who has a good head on her shoulder and was content were she was. I have a feeling that this decision was about more than the business and money. Am I correct?"

"Yes, Ingrid, I believe you are right," Kylie replied. "At least right now. My only regret is that I won't be working with you." Kylie gave a little laugh.

"Yes," Ingrid laughed too. "Perhaps another time. You still have my number and I have yours. Maybe in the future?"

Over supper Kylie told Angie and Cassie that she called Mr. Fairchild and told him no. Both girls were happy, feeling that it was the right decision. Cassie especially because if Kylie took the offer it meant she would become the manager in the gallery or even one of the other stores. Deep down she didn't really want that. She was happy to be working under Kylie. Besides Ingrid kept mentioning benefits, Cassie had enough benefits right here.

Angie did ask about any money offer and when Kylie told her the amount, she almost choked. "That much? And you turned it down?"

"Yes," answered Kylie. She reached out and took each girl's hand in hers. "It wasn't about the money."



Kylie stood in the gallery and looked around. It was a slow day and even though it was a holiday weekend because of MLK Day, no one had been in since almost two hours. She needed to keep herself busy because if she didn't she would start thinking and that was dangerous.

It might be more dangerous today because no one would be home when she got there. Cassie's boyfriend invited her to go skiing with a group of friends in New Hampshire. They had rented a chalet together and so four or five couples were going. Cassie was a little nervous both on account she hadn't skied since high school and with the sleeping arrangements. Both Kylie and Angie told her not to worry and things would work out when the time came.

Kylie was excited to hear that Cassie would be gone all weekend which meant it would be just Angie and her but her hoped were dashed when Angie told her that she had to attend a conference in Boston on Friday and Saturday. Angie assured Kylie she would be home Saturday night. Two nights were better that none.

This would be the first time Kylie would sleep alone at home. She had slept alone numerous times as when she visited her sister but that was different. There was someone in the house. She had also slept alone in the house before but that was before she became Kylie. This was the first time as Kylie and she was nervous about it. As long as she kept busy and didn't think about it, it would be fine.

To that end, she scheduled a hair appointment with Ravenna to get her hair done and nails too.

"All right, Missy," Ravenna asked as Kylie sat in her chair, "What can I do for you today?"

"I'm not totally sure. I do want the extensions removed," Kylie said, "I would like to see how I look in my own hair. I just want to change."

"By change, whatever do you mean? Hair style? Hair length? Hair color? You are going to have to give Ravenna a little more direction, Missy."

Kylie sighed. "Ok let's see how my real hair looks and we'll go from there. I think I want to red."

Ravenna gave her a funny look. "Red? You mean totally red?"

"Yes," Kylie answered.

"Let's get those extensions out first. Then we'll look at some reds for you."

Ravenna got the extensions out and suggested a soft wave since Kylie's own hair had reached past her shoulders. "It may take a little more work on your part but I think you can handle it. Now for the reds, since you are really a strawberry blonde, light on the strawberry, I would think that we go with either light auburn or warm cinnamon. I believe the auburn color goes better with your skin tone. Might want to go a peachy red. A hard dark red just isn't good for you, Missy. Let me get a color chart for you."

The two looked over the colors and they decided on warm cinnamon. Changing to red took a little longer but in the end Kylie was satisfied with the new look. When they were done with the hair and manicure, Ravenna asked, "Why the change? You have soft features and they are easy to work with. It sounded like you aren't happy being soft?"