Girls' Night Out Ch. 14


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Suzi took their coats. "The men are downstairs watching the game. Mom and Chrissie are upstairs with the girls. I'm headed for the kitchen to set things up."

"I'll go say hello to the men," Kylie said, "Then I'll be up to help."

"Great," Suzi said as Angie and her headed to the kitchen.

Kylie walked to the den. "Hi Jack, John, who's winning" she asked.

"No one yet, it hasn't started," Jack said standing up.

John also stood up and walked towards Kylie. He gave her a big hug. "How's my girl?' he asked, "Did you, you know?"

"Yes, I did. It's upstairs," Kylie said with a big smile. "Honestly I think you are more happy about the pie than me."

John looked at her and thought for a minute. As he did he saw Kylie give him a little pout. "Come to think of it," he paused, "How can my girl say that?" He hugged her again as they both laughed.

Jack came over and gave her a hug. "So what brings you up to this neck of the woods?"

"Angie and I went over to Yankee Candle and since we were in the neighborhood, I thought I stopped over to see my two favorite men," Kylie said with a big smile.

"I know Suzi will be happy to see you and so will the girls."

"I better go see them. I met Katie already." Kylie turned and headed up to the kitchen.

She found Angie and Suzi alone in the kitchen. She walked over to Suzi and took her by the hand. "You might want to sit down."

"Why?" Suzi asked.

"Because Angie asked me to marry her!"

"Really?" Suzi yelled, "That's fantastic." She hugged Kylie tightly. "I'm so happy for you! When is the wedding?"

"Not till spring, Suzi, and I want you to be my maid of honor. Will you?"

"Will I?" Suzi said, still excited. "Of course I will. Oh is so great!"

Maggie and Chrissie came quickly to the kitchen. "What is all the excitement?" Maggie asked.

"Mom, Chrissie," Suzi paused, "I'll let Kylie tell you."

"Angie asked me to marry her and I said yes." As Kylie said this she suddenly realized that Maggie might not be comfortable with the news. She waited for her reaction.

"Well, I'll be," Maggie said. "That's certainly great news." She paused. "What am I saying? That's fantastic. Come here!" She held her arms out as Kylie stepped towards her. She then gave Kylie a big hug. "Congratulations you two! I know you'll be very happy."

Kylie showed them the ring, which impressed them very much. During all this Chrissie said very little but stood back. A big smile gave away some of her feelings.

"Maggie," Kylie said, "I might have a little problem and I think I will need your help. You too, Suzi. Chrissie?"

"My dear, just ask and will see what I can do. What is it?" Maggie replied.

"I would like John to walk me down the aisle. My parents are both gone and I would love to have him do it. What do you think?"

Maggie thought for a minute. "I see. Give me a minute to talk to him and then you can ask him. How's that? Wait here." Maggie got up and left the room.

As she left, Kylie turned to Chrissie. "Are you all right? You haven't said anything."

She took Kylie's hand. "I'm so happy for you and Angie. I think it is great! I really do."

"Angie, where are you planning to take my little sister on your honeymoon? It better be good!" Suzi said smiling.

"I told her St. Thomas but since she wants to wait till spring for the wedding, it may be a pre-wedding honeymoon," Angie said.

"That sounds so nice, Angie," Chrissie said, "Warm tropical beaches, nice."

"I'm jealous," Suzi added, "Especially to get away from this New Hampshire weather. I'm trying to get Jack to move south, you know."

Kylie exclaimed, "Oh no don't that! You are far enough away. I like it that you are still here in New England."

John and Maggie returned to the kitchen together. As he sat down at the kitchen table John said, "I heard my girl has something she wants to tell me."

Kylie walked over to him and stood in front of him. Her throat felt a little dry and her heart raced, as she felt nervous for the first time. Having John accept what she was going to tell him was very important for her. It was as if she was asking for his blessing. "John, I'm going to be married."

He stood up and hugged her. "That's wonderful. Who's the lucky guy?"

"John!" Maggie said quickly.

He stepped back and looked at his wife then Kylie. He had a quizzical look on his face.

"John," Kylie began, "That's just it. There is no guy. I'm going to marry Angie."

He kept his hands on Kylie's shoulders. "I see. Do you love Angie?"

"With all my heart," Kylie answered.

Still with his hands on Kylie's shoulders, he looked over at Angie. "Do you love my girl, Angie?"

"Yes, sir I do," Angie replied.

"Well then, I won't stand in the way of two people who love each other," John said looking down at Kylie. "I guess congratulations are in order."

With that Kylie buried her face in John's chest and hugged him tightly. Tears came to her eyes. "Thank you," she said quietly.

John put his hand under her chin and raised her head. "Hey this isn't time for tears. This is supposed to be a happy occasion!"

"Hey, what is everyone doing in here?" Jack asked as he rounded the corner with the two girls. "The girls and I were wondering where everybody went?"

Suzi walked over to him and looped her arm in his. "Honey, Kylie and Angie are getting married. Isn't that great?"

"Yes it is," he replied. "I think it calls for a toast." He walked to the refrigerator and took out a cold bottle of wine. "We were saving this for later. I guess there is no time better than now!"

Suzi had set up a great buffet with enough food to feed an army. A cold cut platter with rolls and different types of bread sat next to a crock-pot of chili and cornbread. Some bottled water and some soda was there for people to drink. She had provided a bowl of salad for anyone who wanted some and of course desserts. Mostly it was cookies but there was a cheesecake and included in this was Kylie's pumpkin pie. Kylie was surprised that John would share it.

Everyone got a plate full and found a place to settle down. The men returned to the den while the women hung out at the dining table. Kylie found herself in the living room because that is where Katie wanted to be. Katie took her by the hand and brought her out there. Meghan was there also so they could both be with their favorite aunt. Katie did most of the talking but Kylie made sure Meghan got a word in.

They mostly talked about school and some of the activities they were involved. When Kylie looked up towards the dining room she saw Suzi with a big smile on her face. She nodded towards Kylie as a sign that the girls were so happy talking to their aunt.

Kylie also saw Angie sitting at the table. She was smiling and laughing, engaging with the women and having a good time. It was important to Kylie that Angie felt at home and accepted with family. Kylie still felt awful about her visit to Angie's family and she wanted things to go well here.

Getting up to get more food, Kylie headed to the kitchen. Upon entering, Angie grabbed her and pulled her behind the door. There she kissed her.

"What was that for, babe?"

"Just for being you, sweetie," Angie said, "and allowing me to join your family. I really enjoy coming here."

"Don't thank me," Kylie said, "It's who they are plus you are easy to get along with. I think they can see how much in love I am with you and they want us to be happy."

Angie kissed her again. "Love you, sweetie."

As the girls were talking, Suzi looked out the window. "Oh my," she exclaimed. "Look at it snow! It looks like a whiteout!"

She was right. The weatherman did predict possible snow tonight but it wasn't to be like this. It was really coming down and it caught everyone by surprise. The roads were quickly covered and they appeared to be icing up.

"Mom, I don't like the looks of it out there," Suzi said to Maggie. "Maybe you should stay tonight. You should tell Dad."

Maggie laughed. "You know him, 'damn the torpedoes'.

"Yeah, it doesn't look that good. Let's go talk to him."

Maggie and Suzi left to go to the den to convince John to stay. While there Kylie and Angie sat down with Chrissie. "So, Chrissie," Kylie asked, "How are you doing? I haven't heard from you in a while."

"I am doing really well. Definitely going to Gettysburg in the fall. All set for that. They even sent some money my way, which is good. School is doing well. I would like you two to come to my graduation, if possible?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world! Oh, how are you and mom doing? I noticed you are still with your grandparents."

Chrissie sighed. "Not great but at least we are talking. She is still mad at Grandpa, Grandma, and Suzi for taking my side."

"And me?" Kylie smiled.

"I don't mention you much," Chrissie laughed.

"I can understand that."

"Oh there is bigger news and perhaps some good will come out of all this," Chrissie began, "Mom recognized that she may have a drinking problem so she going to a shrink. She laid down the law to Dad about his fooling around. We'll see how that goes. My brother knocked up his girlfriend. Not sure what is going on there. Just a perfectly normal family."

Kylie touched Chrissie's arm. "I'm sorry to hear all this. You ok?"

"You know despite all this crap, I never felt better about myself." Suzi and Maggie return to the room interrupted what Chrissie was going to say. "We'll talk later."

John agreed after a discussion to stay. He wasn't super happy but when Maggie told him Kylie was staying and he could have morning tea with her, he said ok.

For the rest of the evening the women talked, laughed, and played some games. It was so relaxed and fun that it seemed no one wanted it to stop snowing outside.

After reading the girls a bedtime story Kylie headed down to the den. It was going to be the same sleeping arrangements as it was at Christmas, Chrissie, Kylie, and Angie in one bed. Kylie and Angie made sure they brought sleepwear but Chrissie didn't. Instead Suzi gave her an oversized shirt and she was going to sleep in that and her panties. One thing that Kylie and Angie didn't plan on was Chrissie sleeping with them. Because of this each brought a nightgown instead of PJ's!

As soon as they climbed onto the bed, Chrissie gave Kylie a big hug and then Angie. "I am so excited for you two I could bust. I think this is so great. You don't how much it means to me to see you so happy, so much in love and not be afraid to show it."

"Thanks," Kylie said, "I wasn't sure how you were taking it."

Chrissie smiled. "I didn't want to act too excited in front of grandma." She fell back onto the pillows. "Just seeing the way you two act together makes me feel so good about myself and comfortable with who I am. That doesn't mean I like girls just that I feel ok to say I might. I don't really know but I'm not worried about it any more. I'm not worried about what others may think. You know what I mean?"

Kylie looked at Angie and smiled. "Yes we do."

"Oh and look." Chrissie picked her legs and rolled down her panties. "I took your advice. First I shaved it then I decided, 'what the hell' so I got a wax, all over. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I just love the feel, so smooth."

"Good for you, girl," Angie said.

"I never experienced anything like the feel before. The rubbing of panties on my pussy makes me feel real good. You know what I mean?"

Kylie smiled. "I know exactly how it feels!"

Chrissie sat back up. "I never, you know, touched myself before but now sometimes I can't help myself."

"Oh yeah, know exactly what you mean there," Angie said as Kylie shot her a dirty look. "But Kylie and I are lucky. We have each other."

"Angie!" Kylie said in disbelief.

"That's ok," Chrissie said, " I may be a little naïve but I do know some things. Besides I do fantasize. I do think about last Christmas in bed with both of you and I wonder what it is like."

"Who knows, Chrissie, sometimes Christmas dreams come true." Angie gave Kylie a wink.

During the night as the girls slept, Kylie felt a hand slip under her gown. She froze and waited. As she was lying on her side, she could feel Chrissie snuggled up close to her and spoon. Her hand continued up inside her gown. It stopped as it reach one of breasts. There it cupped her breast gently. Kylie could hear Chrissie sigh and settle in behind her.


Sunday morning

Kylie slipped quietly out of the bed and tiptoed out of the den. On the way to kitchen she could smell the coffee. She liked this routine only this time it was different. She could hear two voices talking. As she walked into the kitchen she saw John and Maggie sitting at the table.

"Morning, Kylie sleep well?" John asked. "Your tea is steeping on the counter."

Kylie got her tea and sat down across from the couple.

"I know you expected just me but Maggie said you had another question to ask me. She wanted to be here when you did." John smiled as he added, "I don't think she trust me with a beautiful young lady like you."

Maggie punched his arm. "I don't worry. Kylie much too smart to be taken in by an old fart like you."

"Let explain something, Kylie," he began, "I may be an old fart but I've been around. I went to Woodstock, fought in Vietnam, marched in peace demonstrations, and even voted for McGovern. I've seen a lot of people and even at my age I try to look for good in them. You, Kylie and Angie are good people. You appear to be in love and that's all that seems to matter. Maggie and I have been married 46 years."

"45 dear." Maggie corrected him. "Does seem longer, doesn't it?"

"45 years and we have had some rough times but we always had each other's back. The good times have way outnumbered the bad. Just remember that. Now what you want to ask me?"

Kylie took a sip of her tea and cleared her throat. She had to compose herself after that little talk. "Remember when I asked you if it was alright to consider you my grandparents or maybe my parents?"

"Yes, I do."

"Both my parents are gone and I asked Suzi to be my maid of honor. I would very much like it if you would walk me down the aisle. You know, give me away."

John took a sip of his coffee. "No I don't think I can give you away."

Kylie's face fell and Maggie exclaimed, "John!"

"No, Kylie I can't give you away. In the short time I have known you I have become very attached to you." He smiled. "Now if you want me to present the bride, then by all means, I would be honored to do it."

Kylie jumped up and came to his side of the table. She hugged him tightly and repeated over and over, "Thank you, thank you!"

The sun had come out and what was 6 hours ago a raging snowstorm was gone. The snow had melted on the roads and as they drove closer to the Cape, there was less of it. Typical New England weather.

Angie looked over at Kylie as they sped down the highway.

"What, babe?" Kylie asked.

"I was just thinking," Angie answered.

"Why doesn't that sound good."

"I was just thinking how happy you have made me. When we lie in bed together and the room is very quiet, I think, 'Wow, who even knew it was possible to feel this good.' You are a very special person, sweetie, and I don't think you even realize it."


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Martin594Martin59417 days ago

I have to comment on the phrase "You make a dead man cum" from Start Me Up by the Rolling Stones. I was dating a woman 20 yrs younger than me. I worked hard one day and was tired. Just wanted to rest but, she had other ideas. That was our phrase "You make a dead many. Cum"

Kathryn65Kathryn6512 months ago

Hiya , I simply love how the storyline and characters are unfolding in and along with it , I think you’re right for Kylie to find her level giving control in the bedroom is one thing with your lover , ingrid wants total domination of your life and people like that are like being hit by a freight train if you give them an inch it isn’t love . Xxx

deidracowendeidracowenover 1 year ago

You are a great story teller. I wish I was as passable as Kylie! But I am with her on keeping my cock. Would luv boobs but I just stick with being a CD. I had a cisgender girlfriend a while back that I dated in fem mode so this series brought back fun memories of parties, clubing, hanging out on weekends at her condo and yes great sex. (We liked giving guys BJs together!)

I look forward to reading more of your writing. Thank you so much.

jerseybluejerseyblueover 1 year agoAuthor

Sorry you are disappointed. I didn't write this last chapter to show Kylie was losing control. It was more an issue of doubts and questions as to who she really is. She in a way needed to find out. Ingrid put her in an uncomfortable position that raised these doubts and questions. She stood up to Ingrid on the business offer by turning it down. She went outside her comfort zone in the bedroom. As the subtitle read, she was testing new boundaries for herself. I tried to show this in this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

So disappointing. You took a great story about a strong person in a strong relationship and made her weak, with no control,

Femboy_AmandaFemboy_Amandaover 1 year ago

Just like every other chapter this has me so wishing I could anywhere close to Kylie Stevenson in terms of confidence in myself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I will never get enough of this story. Your writing makes it so real and the emotion comes through so clearly. I don’t think I have read another story where the conversation flows so easy and natural. I will be enjoying this many times in the future. Thank so much for all you have been putting into each and every chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You have a great story going please keep on writing

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