Goblins' Mate Pt. 01


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His orgasmic, erratic thrusts were enough to push her over the edge too, as she suddenly forced her rump down, one firm slap of her ass signalling her shuddering orgasm, juices sputtering around the root of his member.

His fourth ejaculation was pretty meagre compared to the others, understandably so.

And when he began to calm down, he felt quite exhausted, the fatigue hitting him finally.

He began to soften inside of Yixko, who seemed to keep him inside her for a little while longer, savouring the sensation of him filling her.

Eventually, she rose off him, a few drops of white falling upon his slick cock as it slapped against his belly.

She sat down on the sidelines and sighed, rubbing her vulva and bringing the stained fingers to her lips, tasting his residue.

"That was... fun~" Yixko stated with a croon.

The others giggled, and then Fiski crawled over to Garrick, untying the rope that bound his hands.

"You are not running anyway~" she teased him.

She was right; he felt like he could stand and walk, but not much more, not for a while.

The others laid around him on their backs, idly touching themselves, groping their breasts, sucking their fingers, and otherwise revelling in their afterglow.

"You did well~" Yixko praised. "You get to be untied now, since you behaved."

"Just no funny business~" Yayk asserted.

"Gee... thanks," Garrick muttered.

"At least I got revenge..." Girish remarked quietly.

"What revenge?" Yixko asked tersely. "You screwed up!"

"He screwed us up!" Girish shot back.

The two began to bicker again, switching to their native tongue, prompting Garrick to bury his head in his hands.

"Girls, quiet. It is past now. But, he screwed us alright~" Fiski joked salaciously.

"You screwed me. Against my will... gods, I need to get out of here..." Garrick lamented.

"You willlll~" Yayk assured. "When you have bred us all good and hard~"

He groaned in response.

It was then that Tizka returned, entering the tent and looking at the aftermath, and scenting the air, the stench of sex and the various erotic pheromones of the goblins heavy in the air.

She smirked, crossing her arms beneath her bust.

"I am a bit jealous," she admitted amiably. "Looks like you had fun~"

"Good fun~" Fiski answered. "Maybe we all get babies~"

"Orc-Mother willing~" Tizka agreed, before she looked to Garrick. "Do you want to return to the tent? You look exhausted."

"I'm exhausted, and it's barely past morning..." Garrick growled, shooting Tizka a dark look

She returned a sympathetic expression.

"We will let you rest," she assured.

"Until the next fuck session? I can't live like this."

He got to his feet, and wobbled to the entrance. Tizka said nothing, simply following behind him. He wasn't bound, but he was in no position to attempt to escape. He found his pants, donned them shakily, and exited.

However, as he left the tent and made his way back, ignoring the looks and leering of other goblins, many scenting the smell of sex, he noticed something he didn't when he was led to the hunters' tent; nestled just behind another tent that blocked his view when he arrived, was a gap in the wall. One of the logs had partially collapsed, leaning outwards partly. For the goblins, and animals on the outside, it'd be tricky to get through... but for him, he figured he could just squeeze by.

He did his best to suppress his notice of this, but he was already formulating a plan. He'd just have to make it through the day without getting fucked to exhaustion again.

Otherwise, he'd make his escape. Tonight.

The rest of the day was spent resting and being fed by Tizka, who brought him food and drink. Admittedly, now that he was not restrained, and fully clothed, he harboured some affection for her. He still resented his captivity and her role in it, but... she'd been kind to him, and, he had to admit, the sex they had was lovely.

Granted, a small niggling part of him had enjoyed everything done to him thus far, conflicting with the part that hated it.

At least she didn't infantalise him now that he was unbound; she brought him food and drink and let him eat it at his own pace, with his own hands. And between that, she insisted he drink strange draughts from those ever suspicious flasks. The taste was mildly sweet but otherwise innocuous.

She said it'd help him with his fatigue, but he didn't feel immediately energised. He just knew he couldn't refuse. Not when escape was so close.

But beyond that, she told him stories. About the Orc-Mother, a deity in their culture. How she created the Orcs, and from the Orcs, came the goblins. He had no idea the two races were related. Nor that this relation meant orcs and goblins, though they seldom came into contact, held each other with respect, as they both are children to the same Mother, so to speak.

Tizka was a bit more well spoken compared to some of the other goblins. It varied a lot, with some stringing only a handful of words together, whilst most were a bit stilted and quick to drop words from their sentences, and a few like Tizka and Fiski were a bit more fluent.

She said this was because they rarely came into contact with other races, because it was usually hostile when they did. So few knew Common well, and the others largely gleaned the language off those few.

She also explained how goblins are even more tribal than their orc cousins, as different tribes rarely ever got along, and even when they did, they almost never combined. Though recent generations had grown less hostile, as the violent tribes were slowly dying out.

The tribe he was now captive of was once one of those hostile tribes, and were quick to kill for their own pleasure, though it was before many of them were born. And for that, they were cursed.

But when Garrick attempted to ask for details on that 'curse', she again evaded the question.

"The Chief forbids it."

It was a frustrating wall, but Garrick didn't let it bother him; he didn't plan on sticking around.

However, he still found himself feeling a pang of sympathy for the tribe; whenever Tizka spoke of the curse, she did so with a tone of sadness and uncertainty. Not unlike the feeling he got earlier today.

Whatever. He'd given them plenty of his seed. As far as he was concerned, he had paid the price of his trespass.

Come nightfall, when Tizka fell asleep - after numerous offers for intimacy, which, to his surprise, he had trouble refusing - he carefully rose.

He was careful not to wake Tizka, who he knew had a habit of cuddling close.

Once he was confident he'd avoided waking her, he slowly crept out of the tent, his senses alert and his nerves thoroughly frayed.

Any single goblin could spot him and raise the alarm. Now, he didn't know if they'd do him any harm. But they'd undoubtedly restrict his freedom again... and probably not give him any lenience again. Not that he had it for more than a day.

There were only a handful of goblins awake, guards keeping a lookout over the walls. He was no assassin, but it at least made his job easier seeing no guards keeping an eye on things inside the village.

He hid behind tents, stepped quietly. Making use of the modicum of moonlight to navigate and avoid stepping on anything noisy, making his way towards the Hunters' tent.

He was extra paranoid there, worried the hunters, given their profession, would be light sleepers with sharp senses.

He practically tip-toed until he came around to the back of the tent that obscured the gap in the log wall.

He looked around one last time... and slowly climbed out through the gap, wincing when it groaned under his weight, shifting a little and creaking against the sides of the adjacent logs.

But he managed to get through, carefully stepping down onto the soft soil below.

There was a slope down towards a ditch that ringed the village, built like a fort, though there were thankfully no stakes at the bottom. He jumped over the ditch, and then paused, standing still, and sighing.

He'd done it. All that was left was for him to find his way back home. It wouldn't be easy at night, but he had little choice. He figured, as long as he could find the river, he'd make it.

With a feeling of triumph and hope, he took several steps forward... and promptly screamed when the ground gave way beneath him.

He fell several feet until he was standing in a narrow pit just wide enough for him, fortunately without stakes either. There were roots sticking out of the sides of the dug pit that he was able to grab onto, climbing out as quickly as he could... but not quick enough, it seemed, to avoid discovery, as he came face to face with a pair of crude animal-skin boots, and with a small tilt of his head, the point of a dagger, glinting in the moonlight.

The figure of a bone-armoured goblin looked down at him, her frame silhouetted by the meagre moonlight, but he recognised her; the very goblin who lead the hunting party that captured him.

Yet, somehow he did not think her a hunter.

"Out," she commanded, though he was in no position to do as requested, because two other goblins hauled him out of the hole before he could do anything.

His wrists were swiftly bound together in front of him, as a small cadre of goblins, all wearing various forms of crude armour and armed with handcrafted spears or blades, as well as the occasional stolen weapon, all pointed at him.

They led him to the gate, whereupon one of the warrior goblins threw the rope up to a waiting guard atop of it, throwing the rope around a wooden frame that jutted just beyond the gate, allowing them to force Garrick's arms above his head, the rope just taut enough to hold some of his weight without putting too much strain on his arms.

There, the leader stood before him, frowning.

"You try to escape," she stated.

"I just want to go home..." he lamented.

The goblin sighed and placed her face in her palm, shaking her head.

You do not trust us," she muttered.

"Of course not! I still don't know if you're going to kill me when this is over!"

"Killing is what cursed us!" the goblin shot back with a ferocity and anguish he'd not yet heard from any of them.

"Fiza..." one of the other goblins said quietly, trying to calm whom Garrick assumed was 'Fiza'.

Fiza paused, and shook her head again, and fixed him with a firm look.

"You are our hope. Our chance. We will not give that up until we are saved. I am begging you."

"Why? Why do you need me? What chance? Why are you cursed?" he demanded. "Tell me!"

"No!" Fiza shot back. "Chief has forbidden it. We do not speak of forbidden things."

She then stomped up towards him, eyeing him firmly.

"And you need punishment. We let you free within the tribe, and now you escape. We must punish you."

"Then get it over with!" he growled, tears starting to form in his eyes. "The more you do to me, the more you will pay."

Fiza sneered, before suddenly grasping his pants, and pulling them down to his ankles, along with his undergarments, exposing his cock.

"Wai-wha-huh? The hell are you doing!?" he exclaimed.

"Punishment!" she asserted, as she grabbed his balls and fondled. Her grip was firm, but not so unpleasant.

"This isn't punishment, this is just mor-ah!"

His words were cut off by the feeling of another goblin moving in from behind to start rubbing her face into his rump, kissing his glutes and running her tongue up along each cheek slowly, firmly, and salaciously.

Fiza meanwhile was happy to focus on his slowly erecting cock, peeling back his foreskin and unfurling her tongue to lick his glans.

With a bit more life in it, she stuck out her tongue and slid it along the underside of his half-flaccid shaft, using it as a guide into her mouth. Her lips clasped around his girth, and she quickly took him to the hilt, murmuring in a modicum of satisfaction as she gently undulated her tongue against the underside of his member, licking him.

She moved her head back and forth, keeping her lips tight so they stroked and caressed his cock, quickly hardening in her warm, wet mouth. Garrick shivered and sighed, Fiza still stroking and tugging his balls, encouraging production of the next load.

Soon he was steely as he could be, and buried in her throat, Fiza flexing the muscles of her gullet to squeeze and caress his glans.

He groaned, pushing out his chest and straining against the rope that held his arms up high. Fiza's mouthwork was truly exquisite, and she wasn't even moving particularly fast.

She then popped free of him, leaving his cock to glisten in the moonlight.

She barked something in her language, all whilst keeping her eyes fixed on his. At that, he felt the rope loosen, and he was forced onto his knees.

"What are you doing?" he asked, but Fiza gave no response. Instead, she turned to another goblin, rushing up to her with a flask in hand. She snatched it and promptly unstoppered it, and without warning, pressed it to his lips, pouring before he had a chance to clench his teeth or spit it out.

At first he hacked and coughed and gagged, but that was because of surprise. The flavour was strong too, but not unpleasant; it was minty, and though there was a bit of a cool burn, it was smooth all the way down.

But what came after was quite a shock to his system; it felt like a chilled rush all the way through him, tingling him everywhere. It was like a surge of freshness had just engulfed him.

It was enough to make him gasp in surprise. And he felt quite invigorated.

"Good~ Now, back to punishment~" Fiza said, now starting to sound eager and enticing. She made an upwards gesture, and the rope binding his wrists pulled tight, hauling him back to his feet.

There, Fiza ran her tongue firmly from his balls, along the underside of his cock, all the way to his tip, where she slipped her lips over his glans tightly. She brought one hand to his rod and stroked, whilst the other fondled his sack.

Her tongue repeatedly and rapidly lapped against the back of his helm, whilst she slurped on his tip.

It was enough to earn her some precum, which she licked up greedily.

As for the other goblin, she returned her face between his cheeks... but this time, her oral attention became more... focused; after several salacious licks and kisses to his glutes, she worked her way inwards... until her wet tongue curled against his sphincter.

He let out a quiet, shrill sound that he never expected to ever make, but feeling that muscle starting to grind and trace his surprisingly sensitive pucker was a sensation he never expected to ever feel.

"H-Hey! What are you d-doing?!"

He was about to protest, when he recalled yesterday, with the hunters; Yayk had ingested something called a 'cleansing' potion, and she described it as tingly.

Had they just given him the same?

It'd explain why the goblin buried in his ass was now happily lapping at his anus with the same vigour Fiza was suckling on his glans.

And the unexpected sensitivity of his pucker had caught him off guard.

"Ah... ah fuck!" he groaned.

He'd almost forgotten about the other goblin warriors around him, watching this 'punishment' unfold.

Fiza's efforts soon shifted, gradually sliding her lips further down his mast, wrapped tightly, but not so much to stop her tongue poking out past her lips every now and then, waggling against his underside or swirling and curling against either side.

Eventually, the hand pumping his root retreated to his hips, using it for leverage as she took his cock back into her throat.

He moaned loudly, feeling the tightness of her gullet compounded by the tickling stimulation of a warm, firm and erratic tongue to his ass, the goblin behind him working her lips and jaw away with hungry lust, kissing his pucker and suckling as well. Her hands played with his rump, sinking her fingers in deeply, possessively squeezing and groping.

All around him, the other warriors watched with lustful delight, reaching under their armour to grope their breasts and finger their pussies, moaning and hissing in pleasure.

Garrick's face felt flushed and heavy, starting to pant; Fiza's masterful control over her gullet allowed her to stroke and squeeze his girth, whilst her tongue thrashed and teased his length at whatever depth. If she had him buried in her throat, her tongue lapped at his balls, bouncing each orb upon her muscle and licking the sack at the root. And if she just had his tip trapped between her lips, her tongue thrashed wildly against his glans, attacking his most sensitive point.

It was no wonder he was already feeling an impending orgasm, Fiza's oral was exquisite. And the goblin behind him voraciously devouring his ass did little to help him form resistance.

He groaned, starting to buck involuntarily, hearing the goblins' squelching and quiet smacks, alongside their lusty murmurs, of which the vibrations caused him no small amount of extra titillation.

Then, Fiza began to bob faster... and the goblin behind him pushed her tongue firmly to his pucker, twisting and grinding, until, with a moan from Garrick, she was able to force her way into his passage.

She couldn't get very deep, but that didn't stop her stirring it up inside him, whilst her lips and jaw worked away at the pucker.

They were getting more aggressive in their efforts, they weren't giving Garrick any reprieve. They wanted him to cum, and cum hard.

They got what they wanted, for with a gasping moan, Garrick bucked into Fiza's mouth; she responded by locking her lips tightly around his root, lapping at his balls whilst she gulped hard; her frame meant his cock was buried quite deep in her throat, her swallowing acting to massage his shaft. In amongst the sparks of ecstasy in his head, he wondered how she wasn't choking.

He poured his seed into her, until he couldn't. Then she released him from the warm, wet embrace of her mouth, flicking his tip with her tongue in parting.

The goblin behind him also pulled free, moaning softly and in satisfaction.

Of course, Garrick knew this wasn't the end of it; they were never satisfied with just one orgasm.

And sure enough, Fiza was eager to have her 'fix', ditching her armour and garments, and suddenly jumping up onto him, wrapping her arms and legs around his torso.

She slid her rump down, slotting his cock between her firm glutes; they were toned and taut, but still soft enough their squeeze was pleasant. She slowly rocked her hips up and down, rolling to grind her cheeks to his shaft. Her wicked oral left plenty of saliva on his girth, serving suitably as lubrication to keep the teasing smooth, but it was only to get his member nice and hard again.

"You are going to breed me, human," she warned in a low voice. "You are going to cum. Give me a fat belly. Oh, I want it..."

There was a sense of frenzy in her voice, a lustful drunkenness; she was going to violate him harder than she just did.

After several more sensual rolls of her hips, she lifted them up until his glans 'kissed' at her vulva. It was surprising how damn hot she was, but her wetness was nothing unusual; all the goblins he'd been 'intimate' with so far grew incredibly wet when aroused.

She rubbed his tip for several moments, and then slowly dropped down upon his mast, squeezing tightly with practised muscles.

He groaned, and she hissed softly in pleasure. She pressed close, her arms and legs wrapping tight, enough he could feel the bulge in her belly against his gut.

Soon, she had him to the hilt, hot, slick walls clenching possessively, as if her pussy itself was desperate for his seed.

And then, she started to move, rolling her hips with a precise motion, knowing exactly what arc to take to force his cock in and out of her constricting sex.