Godsend Ch. 02 - Return to Sender


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She complied. "Okay, but how about if you're a little less hostile."

"Okay, let's talk about you. You've known me pretty much all your life. Did I seem incompetent or unmotivated?"

She shook her head.

"I mean in business, not in bed."

She grinned, reached over and squeezed my hand. "Neither."

"Granted I was in a bad place after my parents were killed, in what I assume to be an accident."

Allison looked at me, a horrified expression on her face. She clearly never considered that the inexplicable might have been intentional.

"Granted I was in a worse place afterwards, when my sweetheart ran off to South Padre Island with... with you know whom. The love of my life then left town and married him. I have to tell you, it didn't help me recover from my parents' death. It's true I wasn't functioning at one hundred percent, but when you do a forensic audit of the company, you'll see that it was my personal life that suffered. Not the company, not our clients, not our staff. Not until..." I took a sip of my coffee, put it down on the table, then sat silently.

"Not until what?"

I counted to five before responding. "Ask Vestry Capital, dear. It has the answer."

Allison paled. "My husband's company just got involved the other day."

"YOUR company got involved when it bought our valve supplier and sent us products that weren't up to spec. It destroyed our reputation; it destroyed our finances. My incompetence, as some like to call it, was in trusting a company we'd done business with for decades, not accounting for new ownership." She paled.

"Take a sip of coffee, Allison. You look ready to faint."

She drank the end of her cup. "Why... why are you calling it "my" company? My husband is the CEO. He doesn't even know who the owners are."

I leaned forward across the table and spoke quietly. "But you know, Allison. My parents were jealous of your family's ability to keep your enormous wealth private, so you could live normal lives. We never had that option; we were always in the spotlight. So I ask once again: was it your or your husband's idea to destroy Pierce Industries?"

She stood up, a little wobbly on her feet. "I think... I need to go back to my hotel."

"I'll drive you."

Her phone rang; her husband was calling. She sat back down. I prayed she wouldn't repeat any of what I just said back to him. I realized I might have just seriously damaged my plans to recover my reputation and business.

She nodded her head. "Okay... okay.

"No, I'm at MacDonald's for breakfast.

"Yes, it's a late breakfast," she hissed.

"Yes dear, I'll do whatever you say...

"Yes dear, I know I shattered your trust. I apologized for that. Remember?

"No, I won't get uppity.

"Yes, tomorrow. Goodbye, David." She hung up.

"Scott, I'm moving into your family's house for the time I'm going to be here. I have to go to the Trustee's office to pick up the keys. The place is supposed to be in move-in condition."

"I'll take you."

"No, it's not necess..." She took a deep breath, pushed some hair from her forehead, and brushed some non-existent dirt off her shoulder. "Okay... thanks."

I waited for her outside the hotel in my little grey Honda while she checked out. She turned to me as we drove to the trustee's office. "Did my husband really do that?"

"It was either him or you."

"It wasn't me," she whispered. "I didn't know."

"First he stole my love from me. Then he destroyed my business so he could steal that too."

There were tears in her eyes as we pulled up to the trustee's office. "Wait for me, Scott. Please..."

I nodded. She came out quickly with keys and an armful of files.

"Maybe I should rent a car first. There's probably no food in the house. I should get some groceries. I may be here a while."

"Nobody's been in the house since I left with the cleaning crew. There's definitely no food; maybe some soft drinks. The Porsche is still there, in the back garage. Can you drive stick?"

"Yes, but whose car is it?"—

"The company's, just like the house. The insurance is still active."

Her eyes opened wide. "Are you talking about your beautiful red Carrera convertible?"

"Yes, and it needs to be driven by a beautiful woman."

"You loved that car! It's a classic."

"Not as much as I loved the woman who's going to drive it."

Allison's face flushed. "You're too good to me Scott. I don't deserve it, after what I did to you."

"No, you don't."

"It wasn't my idea, Scott. I didn't know he did that. Maybe he didn't realize—"

"He knew. A metallurgist confirmed that it was deliberately made to look like it was done according to specifications, concealing that it was a cheap knock-off."

We pulled up in front of the home I had lived in all my life, until forced out. Allison got out of the car and reached in for her carry-on. "It's going to be creepy being there without you, without your parents."

"Especially when the police come."


I tried to look serious. "The alarm was never reprogrammed. After all the vandalism I set it to a very short delay. The police have a note on file to respond immediately."


I nodded. "Encouraged by an ex-union agitator turned minister."

"Scott, I'm so sorry." She looked at the keys for a note about the alarm. "Shit. The trustee didn't give me the entry code."

"He doesn't have it." I got out of my car.

"How will I get in? This is absurd."

I pulled out my phone and went to the app. "Okay, it's disarmed. You can go in."

Allison walked over to me and gave me a hug. It was a loving hug, more than just an affectionate embrace between friends. "Come in with me?"

I shook my head. "You know your way around. If there's anything you need, call."

"I'd really like you to come in. I've been here hundreds of times with you. I can't without you."

"You have to. If I come in with you, there's a good chance we'll end up in the same place we always ended up when my parents were away. You can't do that. You have two young children. You have an asshole husband that you have obligations to."

She sniffled as if she was about to cry. "Okay, Scott. I'll call you." She didn't object to my characterization of her husband.

"I'll answer any questions you have. If you want answers to the real questions, go to the left drawer of the oak desk in the drawing room. That's where you'll find the truth. Bye, Allison. Speak to you soon."

I got in the car and drove back to my dreary apartment. I hadn't given her any real information that could give away my plans or my hidden wealth. She believed it was all crooked. Well, initially that's what I wanted her to think. Now she knew there was a lot more to the story. Now she knew what an asshole David Harmon was in destroying my company. Maybe she already knew what an asshole he was from how he responded to her apology after he found out what she was up to. Then again, how would I feel about a wife who ran off to fuck an old boyfriend? Probably the same as I'd feel about a lifetime girlfriend who stole away and married someone else.

They deserved each other. There was no doubt about it.

I still loved her. There was no doubt about that either.

My phone dinged, with a text message from my lawyer. "Congratulations. It's yours again. Trustee is advising potential buyer." I smiled, and started to enter Allison's number. I stopped myself. Harmon would know very soon. I texted my lawyer back: "Congratulations & thank you."

I went to the shoebox where I kept all the keys for locks I no longer had access to. I rummaged around till I came up with the one for the left drawer of the oak desk in the drawing room. Would opening it be a priority for her or an afterthought? She'd have to call about it being locked. Time should tell.

But time was silenced by a loose phone charger. I didn't notice that my battery had died till several hours later. Several hours during which I sank deeper and deeper into a funk, despite the earlier good news.

By the time I'd finished washing my lunch dishes I was too antsy; I had to speak to her. It would be a courtesy call, asking if she was okay or needed help with anything in the house. I cursed my incompetence as I realized my phone was dead. It was almost two thirty when it had enough power to check my messages. Allison had called twice, texted three times. I called her immediately.

"Scott, that drawer..."

"You read what was in there?"

"Scott, I didn't—"

"I can run right over with the key."

"No, no. I don't need the key. I used a bobby pin. But please come over right away. Scott, I'm so sorry for my role in this. I had no idea what my husband was doing."

"That's what I figured. I know you can be cruel, but not like that. Still, he did it with your money."

"Yes, I'm responsible. I have to make it up to you... I know! When Vestry buys the assets, we'll just hand them over to you and... we'll invest whatever capital is needed to get it running again."

"That's not necessary."

"No, I have to!"

I wasn't ready to tell her that the courts gave Darcy Pierce Industries back to me this morning. "I'll come over; we'll talk."

"Okay, hurry. I've been such a fool."

"We'll talk when I get there. Allison?"

"Yes, Scott?"

"Keep in mind that you have two children with your husband."

I heard her sniffle. "See you soon, darling." She hung up.

I was at her, or should I say my door within twenty minutes. Not wanting to startle her by using my digital key to enter, I rang. She opened the door, motioned me into the vestibule, threw her arms around me and squeezed. I disengaged gently, went to my father's favorite recliner in the den, and sat down. The walls, the furniture, the art, even the light fixtures, they were all familiar friends. I felt their warmth, as if they were welcoming me back.

"How's your review of Pierce Industries progressing?"

"I started with the drawer you directed me to. After that I went to accounts, inventory, reserves, financial statements." She held up a flash drive. "I still have to review the physical plant, machinery, stuff like that. What I've seen so far tells me that Darcy Pierce Industries didn't belong in Chapter 7, liquidation of assets. Maybe Chapter 11, bankruptcy protection."

I went to the concealed bar and poured myself a bourbon. "Want?"

She shook her head. "I never knew what was behind those shelves."

"My parents didn't want to tempt the young folk." I sat back down. "Have you come to any conclusions, or is it too early for that?"

"I'm not ready to give my husband a report yet. He wants me here for a week or so. I've got no reason to rush it."

"What if there's enough data to make a reasonable decision sooner?"

She clenched her teeth. "I think he's punishing me for coming to see you."

"When did you last speak to him?"

"This morning when I was with you. He said we'll speak again tomorrow."

"He hasn't called since then?"

Allison shook her head. The bastard was keeping her there, even though he had to know by now that her task was irrelevant.

I downed the rest of my drink. "I miss my home. Do you mind if I walk around a bit?"

"I'll come with you."

I lingered in the den, looking through the liquor collection, running my fingers along the spines of books. We went into the living room. I sat on one couch for a couple of minutes as Allison looked at me, apparently fascinated by the drama. I got up and went to the loveseat, caressing the thick padded armrest. Allison joined me, sitting close on the other side. I hesitated and then stood, without touching her. The drawing room was next. I sat down at the old oak desk, running my hand along its smooth, worn surface. Allison rested her hands on my shoulders as I opened and closed the drawers.

The kitchen and dining room were next. I looked through cupboards, turned faucets on and off, even peered inside the fridge. An outside observer might think I was a potential buyer and Allison a real estate agent trying to sell me the house. She took my arm as I wandered towards the grand staircase. I put a foot on the bottom step and turned to her. She nodded, and we walked arm-in-arm up to the main sleeping level. I sat on the beds, looked through the windows, flushed the toilets. I lay down on the bed in my parents' room and sobbed. Allison gently rubbed my back until I quieted down.

The huge house was a family legacy, way too big for just my parents and me. When I became a teenager I moved from the bedroom next to theirs to one on the top level. Allison gripped my arm as we went up the secondary staircase. My phone dinged as we were climbing. It was a text message from the trustee, stating that all potential buyers had been notified of the court decision by one that afternoon, and that he wasn't responsible for any fraud. That last bit was unexpected.

I lay down on my bed, silently staring at the ceiling. Allison sat on a chair and watched me. Her phone dinged with an email. I lifted my head and looked at her.

"David says I should stay at least another week, but wants me to move back to a hotel. He's pissing me off."

I propped myself up on my arms. "Did he say why?"

"Some garbled message about conflict of interest and liability. I wonder what the hell is going on. I should call him."

"No need; I can explain it."

I told her about the court decision that morning cancelling the liquidation of my company and putting everything, including the house, back in my hands. I told her about the fraud investigation, and that her husband has known for a few hours that Vestry Capital wasn't buying the assets or anything related to Darcy Pierce Industries. There was no business reason for David to want her to stay in town. I invited her to remain in my home, saying she could occupy any room she wanted to for as long as she liked. I lay back down.

Now it was Allison's turn to sob. I watched tears run down her cheek as she lay down next to me. I felt her tears wet my shirt as she put her head on my chest. Her tears moistened my skin as she put her fingers under my shirt and pulled it upward. Her hand made its way inside my pants. Her bare chest pressed against mine. My lips pressed the lips of her mouth. My lips, my tongue touched the lips of her sex. Her lips closed around my cock. My cock went inside her mouth. My cock went inside her vagina. We orgasmed, together. We loved, together.

It was dark outside when we finally pulled ourselves apart. She stood, cum on her chest, running down her leg. She pulled her pants from the floor, took out her phone and made a call.

"Hello, Rahul, how's my favorite uncle?...

"Yes, David messed up with Pierce Industries. He decided to linger, instead of rushing things through, like he'd been instructed...

"Some other things are going on as well. Uncle, he's not a nice person. He's done some bad things, and may be charged with fraud...

"I agree. Can you call him to our New Delhi office next week, and keep him there for a couple of months?...

"It will give him a chance to think about his actions. It will give me a chance to think things through...

"Yes, I'm being a good girl now. I almost did something terrible, but then I learned that David actually did something terrible; much worse than what I had considered doing...

"I'm at the Pierce family home. I'll send you an email with the details of what's going on. Love you, love to Anika."

She put the phone down on my bureau.

"A couple of months in New Delhi?"

"Yeah. He sent me away, I'll send him away. Come shower with me. We're both sticky."

We washed each other, we embraced, we kissed. At the end we dried each other and got dressed.

We went downstairs to the kitchen, pulled out a couple of soft drinks from the fridge and sat down across from each other.

"What are you going to do, Allison?"

"More of what I came here for- have sex with my former lover."

"And then?"

"Try make my former lover into my current lover."

I rubbed my finger around the rim of my Coke can, but said nothing.

"If my former lover will have me, after I was such a shit to him."

"And your children?"

"I can't take them out of school with a couple of months left in the school year. We can move at the end of June."

"You'd have to find a house quickly."

"I found one I like. I just hope he accepts the deal I'm offering."

That took me aback. When did she have time to look for a house? "What's he asking?"

"Lots of questions."


"Scott, I deserve what David's doing to me. I screwed up. You don't deserve any of what David did to you. You didn't deserve what I did to you. Only a self-centered, entitled bitch could do what I did. I hope I've changed."

She couldn't have changed that much. She was about to exile her husband to the other side of the world. He probably deserved it, but normal people don't wield so much power so lightly. I looked at her soft, pleading eyes. She had been the love of my life, and she could resume that role if I would just accept her. What she said was true: she was quite the entitled bitch.

"Scott, I've forced you into too many bad situations. Don't answer me now. Don't even hint at one till I fly home. Stay with me tonight though. Give me at least one night of what my life should have been had I stayed with you. Then we'll say goodbye. You'll decide whether it's forever or a short pause."

I nodded. I knew what I wanted my answer to be. That she wasn't trying to force my hand made it easier.

I wasn't proud of how I let the workers' pension fund collapse. I wasn't a believer in cheating: not in business, not in marriage nor sex. But there was no denying that the sordid affair Allison and I planned with each other turned out to be a godsend for our lives. After all, I was simply taking back what had been stolen from me.

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Just_WordsJust_Words3 months ago

Are these even the same characters?

MrGrumpy035MrGrumpy0354 months ago

WTF?? Did the authors change? This has turned into a shambolic wreck.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The first chapter needed to be rewritten when the author chose to turn the story line in this direction. It makes no sense that Scott goes from begging her to sleep with him to refusing sex and bringing up her obligations as a wife and mother. In addition, the thought dialog of the wife in the first chapter is not consistent with her now revealed role as the owner of the conglomerate that owns her husband's company. This is an interesting twist on the original plot direction but the two chapters are not concordant as written.

photogman18photogman188 months ago

The slimy Scott with subversive intentions morphed into the victim. She went from a protective wife and mother to a schemer and adulterer. Nope, sorry, perhaps reread the first one to stay in character.

rnebularrnebularabout 2 years ago

Eh, I think the story seemed to change as it went on. First, she was hiding her true billionaire identity from everyone, then she finds out that somehow her husband that didn't even know she owned the company he was CEO of, somehow managed to hide some dirty actions towards Scott's company from her? Her attitude and overall personality shifted several times too, which just made her all that much more of an unlikable character. At the end, his statement of her being an entitled bitch was probably most accurate. The highest I could give this was a 3*. Thanks for the effort, but not as good as some of your other work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

She wasn't "stolen" from Scott. She chose to leave him and go on va-ca. other than that a good "who-dun-it" with no true ending in sight yet. So far, 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

We see light at the end of the tunnel...Hope it's not another train. We'll just have to wait and see. LP

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 2 years ago

I get the need for a twisted plot scenario.

Hard to figure out if anyone was worthy of trust so the answer must have been NO

Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 2 years ago

This doesn't seem like the same two characters to me.

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Cheating and double crossing in a confusing second chapter. No one is what they seem here. It needs another chapter badly.

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