Going Home


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"That's a gray area. You aren't clan, but I have claimed you. You don't have to live by our rules. I would prefer you don't go too far though. The boys can use the TV to unwind and you can use it too, it's yours. I just don't want it to become a hub. A main focus. Do you understand?"

"Sure. You know a lot about electronics for someone who doesn't use them much. What about your laptop?"

"I use it for my job. And yes, I know a lot of things about a lot of things. Not as much as I would like about anything."

"Ok. If it would make you happy, I will take the TV back and cut off the cable."

He smirked. "Just like that, Princess?"

"I don't watch it much anyway, I only wanted it for movies sometimes. I like Netflix, but I can watch that on my laptop."

"Axe the cable, it's useless. You can keep the TV. The boys like football games and that is something they can come together over. No more fancy appliances."

"If it makes you feel better, they are all more energy efficient than the old ones."

"A line you are sold Princess. Don't buy into it. We try to live by the saying that 'things don't make anyone happy, people do'."

"So what is with the claiming and how women are treated?"

"More of the old ways we hold on to. Women are ours. To take care of, to shape, to please, to punish. Not every woman is claimed, but if they are clan, they are open to it. Ginger is not claimed, but she is hoping Torque will take her under his care and claim her. Tempest is unclaimed and she will likely stay that way. She cannot make a claim of her own, but if a girl prefers other girls, men let that stand. They take care of each other."

"What about guys?"

"If it is consensual, a man can claim another man."

"That's very modern of you, yet so primitive at the same time."

"Any woman who joins the clan knows what is expected and she wants it."

"But any man can claim any woman against her will if she is not clan?"

"You are an extenuating circumstance. It is not unprecedented, but not normally done. And like the times before, I have no doubt you will be clan before years end."

I snorted a disgusted laugh. "I would not agree to join this life willingly. I will obey you and do as you ask, but I like my life."

"Do you, Princess? Seems to me you came here hoping to escape your life. You have a lot to escape from. Is letting go of possessions, societies social constructs like class systems, popularity, acceptance, is that all a bad idea? Living without the government taxing every dollar you make over and over and over again until you owe for every dollar you make? With all of the waste in this world and all of the focus on consumerism, getting as much as the guy next door, getting ahead, when do people really live? When was the last time you sat to a dinner with all of your friends and family? Played music and sang and danced with a group of loved ones? We live Princess. We enjoy life. We fuck. We stop letting life control us and we control it."

"No, it's not a bad concept... but there are creature comforts I enjoy. I like laying in bed and watching a scary movie under the blankets."

"A scary movie under the blankets with a dozen friends is much more fun."

"And lights to read books by at night."

"Battery powered book lights."

"Hot water to shower in."

"Most truck stops offer hot showers, but I will give you that one. Having a shower close is nice. You can get clean in cold showers with rain water, but even I can't get behind that too much. Especially when it gets cold outside. Wild. You heading out?"

"Yeah man, got bumped to second shift the next two weeks. Mandatory overtime. Thanks for the bed Princess. Aint slept like that in a month of Sundays," he said walking out the front door. He came right back in. "Rally! Cops!"

"Fuck," Rally hissed, jumping up to look outside. I stood, but couldn't move very well. "Wild, stay up here, they already saw you and she said she had a roommate. Is Ginger here?"

"She's at work," Wild answered quickly. "What do they want?"

"Fuck! It's that cocksucker from the hospital."

"Rally, a sweater, quickly!" I said, hobbling to the door.

Rally ran and grabbed me a sweater, a cardigan which wasn't what I meant, then helped me to the door as I pulled it on. I pulled the door open as the two officers walked up. "Officers, how can I help you?" I asked with a smile. Rally leaned on the door behind me, scowling at the officers.

"Hello Mrs Ellison, Mr Ellison. We came to ask you a few questions. Can we come in?"

"You have a warrant?" Rally demanded.

"Babe, don't be silly. Too many crime dramas. Come on in. Living room is through there. This is Ralphs brother Willy. William, but Willy. He's visiting for the week. Y'all want some coffee? I can't get around well, but I am sure Ralphie won't mind making another pot."

"No ma'am, thank you. Ma'am, we got an anonymous tip that you were being held here by a group of unsavory men, against your will."

"What?" I laughed. "Is this a joke? Look, I know my husband isn't a cookie cutter guy, no one in his family is, but you'll never meet a kinder man. I don't know who said this to you, but I am betting it's that asshole cable guy who asked to take pictures of my feet when Ralphie stepped out of the room. Said he would give me a free cable hookup if I would put on the shoes Ralphie had got me and let him take some pictures. They were sitting out still in the box and he kept staring at them like some creeper. When Ralphie came back, he saw I was upset and told the guy to leave me alone. The guy had a napoleon complex, got all puffed up and mumbled about a girl like me being with an animal like Ralphie. Am I wrong? Was it that short little creep? Who is the real monster? Ask to see his phone, see if it's full of creepy feet pics."

"As I said, it was an anonymous tip ma'am," Officer Shumacker said, but from the pink spots on his cheeks, I knew he was just saying that. He was considering the short man with the obvious short man's syndrome, wondering if he had been played. "But coupled with what happened at the hospital..."

"Like I told the nurse. It was the stupid shoes! The same stupid shoes the creepy little cable guy wanted me to put on for him! Ralphie got them and a dress for me to wear for our anniversary dinner. When the cable guy left, I tried them on and almost killed myself. Do you want to see the shoes and the box they came in and the freaking receipt?"

"No ma'am, but it wasn't just the broken bones..."

"Was it the painkillers making me dull and slow? Or the pain itself when I got there? Look, I honestly feel like we are being harassed because of what my Ralphie looks like. Look around you. Does it look like the lair of a bunch of bad men who are keeping me trapped here, or does it look like a home shared by a loving couple?"

"Ma'am, please let me complete a question before you interrupt. We are not profiling your husband. I never saw him until after the fact. The nurse called me. Coupled with this tip, I felt the need to follow up. Is that an issue for you ma'am?"

"No," I answered, deflating. "No, I guess not. You are doing your job. If I was a woman in trouble, I would be glad for your diligence. I am sorry officers. Please ask your questions."

"Would you ask your husband and his brother to leave the room?"

"Not happening," Rally said dangerously.

"Baby, it's ok. I know cops are always dicks to you, but they really are just doing their jobs. Let them ask their questions, ok? We won't be late for our dinner if I get this done, I will still have plenty of time to get ready. I will even wear that awful dress you love so much, ok?"

Rally glowered at me, but he jerked his head to Wild and they went into my bedroom. I let out a breath.

"Ma'am," Officer Shumacker said quietly, "I know for a fact you have lived here less than a week and last week you were living with a Mike Anderson who you had a long term relationship with. Do you know who that man is in there? I know his street name is Rally Ilse. He is the leader of a cult, one of the leaders of a libertarian cult. Now. For the last time. Are you here against your will?"

I stared at the man, wide eyed. I licked my lips and glanced at the door, then looked back at the two officers. Two. Against... how many were here? A dozen? Did they have guns?

I cleared my voice. "Yes, Officer Shumacker, I know exactly who he is and for the last time, I am exactly where I want to be. This is my home, my pop pop built it, I grew up here. I can live with my partner, no matter who he is. That is my choice. If that changes, ever, he has no issues letting me walk away, or in this case, walking away from me. He may not seem my type to you... but you don't know me. He is exactly what I want and need right now. I adore him. And frankly? He can make me cum. No one has ever done that to me before. I'm not going anywhere."

I heard Rally bust out laughing through the wall.

Both officers blushed and the officer I didn't know smirked slightly.

"Now, I hope you will pardon me for not showing you out, I do have a broken foot. Have a good day and thank you both for your service."

They nodded as they stood and left, neither of them looking happy. Rally came out grinning and tackled me down to the couch to kiss me. Wild paced, grumbling about being late as he waited for the officers to leave.

I forgot Wild quickly and didn't even hear when half a dozen people came up. I was lost in Rally's arms and mouth. His kiss was joyous, passionate and full of... love? He pulled away and turned slightly to the full room.

"No," he answered to a question I had not heard. "My Princess here sent them off with no grounds to return. Mika. Sit down please. All of you, come sit down." He pulled me tight against him as everyone sat on the couches, squeezed together. A few taps on his phone and more people came up. They looked around and a few stood, a few sat on the floor. Wild leaned on the wall behind where his brother was sitting, no longer anxious to leave. "I am guessing you all know what I wish to address," Rally asked quietly.

Deuces stood quickly, "I renounce Mika Ilse. I have no association with her or her beliefs."

Mika flinched, then hunched down on the floor as everyone in the room stood and repeated what Deuces had said. Rally alone stayed seated, holding me against him.

"Mika Ilse. You have been renounced. Do you understand this action?"

"Yes, Rally. I understand my transgression," she answered, sounding resigned.

"Do you wish to entreaty re-entry to our clan, or do you wish to leave?"

"I beg re-entry."

"You are ready to pay the price?"

"I am ready," she answered, sounding more frightened now.

"Deuces, Kraken, I will leave her handling to you. The rest of you, we have been granted an open place to live. We don't need to hide or be circumspect, Princess told the police straight out that we are here and she wants us here. We will rearrange accordingly. Night sleepers, second shift will remain in the basement. The rest, beds have been arranged in the room addition on the back. Real beds, not sleeping bags or mats. A small comfort among many small comforts being afforded to us by being granted this place. Princess is not clan, but she is mine and has opted to share her resources and grid presence with us. In time, she may see things our way, but in the meantime we can use this bounty to our advantage. Prepare better meals, eat at a table together, take hot showers at home. If you wish to abstain from these small luxuries, it is fine. Personally, I am seeing it as an opportunity to widen our views and grow. A singular person being on grid, providing an umbrella to a whole clan. Allowing for a larger experience. I see it as an experiment."

"As long as no one lets the luxuries and entrapments suck them in!" an unknown man said.

"I am sure we will all be diligent, Bayle. How are your classes coming?"

"Good, I guess."

"Do you think you could remove an IUD?"

I tensed, looking at Rally in horror. He ignored me.

"Sure, that would be easy. They have a little string, I would just need some needle nose pliers and a speculum."

"Do you have one?"

"Tiger does, to do some piercings, don't you Tiger?"

"Uhh.. yeah, I have one. You need it for her?" Tiger asked,pointing to me.

"Yes," Rally answered, still not looking at me. "How long would it take?"

I just need to clean and sterilize everything, boil it. After that, like two minutes. As long as you don't mind me peeking up her cunt and poking around," Bayle answered with a shrug.

"It needs to be done. Get what you need. The rest of you, go ahead and head downstairs for a while. Tiger, when you get that, stay up here, you may need to help me hold her down. You too Torque."

I was shaking when Rally stood and lifted me up. He set me on the dining room table, still refusing to look at me. He looked ashamed. As well he should after everything I had just done to save all of their asses! "Please don't do this," I whispered, taking hold of his arm. He patted my hand, but looked away, motioning Torque to turn the dining room light on, despite the fact that the huge picture window was letting bright daylight in.

Tiger brought up a speculum and MY maglight. He handed the speculum off to Bayle who was putting water on to boil. He washed the pliers and speculum with soap and water first. I was watching, horrified.

"Lay back, Princess," Rally said lightly, but his hands were firm as he laid me back. This wasn't happening! He nodded at Torque and Tiger, who moved to either side of me and put their hands on my shoulders. They weren't rough, but they were firm. Rally began pulling my yoga pants off, they came off easily. He slid my panties off and that seemed to make it real to me. I squeezed my eyes shut and cried, shaking my head in denial that these four men were holding me down and invading me to remove what had taken an outpatient procedure to insert.

"Open," Rally demanded. I opened my eyes fearfully. "Your mouth babe, open." I saw the pill and I opened my mouth. He tilted the water bottle up and I swallowed the pill. I closed my eyes again and tried not to shake. "You're doing good babe, I'm right here," he said, rubbing my thigh. He had pulled my cardigan down and over my hips to cover me, I realized. I shook my head again, wondering of this was going to hurt. It surely was, they had given me a local to put it in!

"Ok," Bayle said softly. "Legs up Princess, heels to your ass and let your knees fall open. Great job, perfect. Now relax and let me slide your feet apart. Perfect. Ok, this will be warm and there will be pressure," he said just before he pushed he speculum in.

I bit back a cry. You were supposed to lube that you prick!

"Easy baby," Rally chided, rubbing my thigh. He was down where he could see everything. I was more humiliated that Bayle had a full view. At least Torque and Tiger were both turned, looking out the window.

"Little more pressure," Bayle said, opening the speculum to spread me apart.

"MMMMM!" I cried, pressing my lips together.

"Shhh baby. You're alright, I'm right here," Rally said soothingly.

"Ok Princess, I'm not seeing it right off with the light, I am going to have to feel for it. Light touch..." I could feel his finger, not gloved, sliding around inside of me. Had he washed his hands too? I was in hell. This was hell. "There it is, I found the end. Be super still for me babe," he said, his face so close to my pussy I could feel his breath. I heard the scrape of metal on metal, then a pinch and pressure... more and more and more until it finally gave way with a sharp pain.

I screamed as Bayle hissed, "Shit!"

"What happened?" Rally demanded.

"It tore her! They are supposed to slide right out I thought, I must have done something wrong. Shit. Ok, relax babe, stay still and stay calm. Tiger, go down and ask Mika for a couple tampons, be quick! Torque, grab some paper towels. Stay still Princess, relax as much as you can."

"How bad is it?" Rally demanded.

"It's not too bad, it probably hurts though. It's like... It's like if you put an anchor hook in a wall, then pulled it out with pliers. I should have pinched it back together to pull it through? I thought it would fold up. You'll be fine though Princess. It will heal just fine and I will get you squared away."

"Please Rally, please make him take it out! It HURTS!" I begged. The speculum felt like it was cutting into me. He had it in wrong, or too wide or something.

"Bayle, take that thing out of her," Rally demanded.

"Rally, I have to have it to see! She has to relax her muscles, she's clamping down on it. Princess, relax your muscles. Come one, ease up."

"Rally," I begged, grasping for his hand. He leaned over me, taking my hand and looking distressed.

"I'm right here baby, this is my fault. I thought this would be simple. Try and relax for me Princess, relax your muscles. I should have let you make the appointment, it was selfish of me to not want to wait. I'm sorry baby. You'll be fine baby."

I felt Bayle doing something and Tiger appeared on the other side of me opposite of Rally. Of Torque there was no sign. I stared up at the light, trying to make myself relax, breathe.

I slipped down, spiraling further and further, the pain and fear choking me and sending me back into my memories. Hey flashed through my mind, so many of them, the pain, the fear. Pain, sharp and immediate yanked me back to the surface.

"I said fix it now!" Rally shouted.

"I am getting it Rally! Tiger, find some maxi pads or something!"

I turned and looked blankly at Rally. The speculum was gone, but I still hurt and there was something uncomfortable stuffed inside of me. "You with me baby?" he asked gently. He looked truly afraid now. He turned back to Bayle with a glare. "Stop the bleeding Bayle. Hurry up."

"I know Torque can't handle blood, get someone else. Or go get a couple pillows and put them under her bottom. Gravity."

Rally hurried away, leaving me alone with Bayle and his wide eyed, fearful expression. It looked ridiculous with his tribal tattoos across his chin and up his jaw like a macabre smile. Rally hurried back with a stack of pillows. Bayle lifted my bottom and Rally slid two pillows under me before Bayle eased my hips back down.

"Tiger, where the fuck are you?"

"I can't find any!"

"Look in Gingers stuff!"

Rally was stroking my face, trying to get me to focus on him. I blinked and looked up at his beautiful black eyes. Sleep rolled me.

I woke on my side on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, my head on a pillow. Rally was on the floor, turned so he could see me, his hand on my hip. There were other people in the room, but I only stared at Rally. He was scowling at his phone, tapping away with his free hand. Finally, he glanced at me and dropped the phone.

"Hey baby. How do you feel?"

"Groggy. Sore. Freezing."

"Yeah Princess, you are down a pint or so. Sip on this for me," he said, holding up a gatorade with a straw.

"It still hurts," I said after sipping.

"I know Princess, try to be still and not move too much."

I looked around the room. Ginger was sitting across from me, watching me anxiously. Torque was sitting just down from her, looking pale. Deuces and Tiger were sitting on the side of the sectional facing the television, but they both kept looking at me. Bayle was sitting on the end of the sectional, his elbows on his knees, hands clasped, watching me fearfully.

"You aren't a doctor, are you?" I asked numbly.

Rally snorted a laugh and Bayle smiled wanly. "I'm sort of a nursing student."

"Sort of?" I asked, feeling nauseous.

"Yeah... Girl I work with is taking night courses... I sort of piggy back on her and learn everything too. I'm not enrolled, I just learn it all."