Gold Digger Ch. 02


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About twenty minutes later, the phone rang again and the young woman's voice sounded panicky, almost frantic, as she spoke. "Mrs. Anderson, this is Judith Mullen again. Have you spoken with your husband yet?"

"No, he hasn't returned home yet."

"Thank heavens! Mrs. Anderson, I have made a horrible mistake. You weren't supposed to know about cancelling that prenuptial agreement! There is a note that I didn't see instructing me not to mention the purpose of the document. It was supposed to be a surprise for you and Mr. Anderson was going to pretend that he was buying a large life insurance policy with you as the beneficiary. Oh, I so sorry about ruining the surprise. Could you...could you pretend that I didn't tell you? If my boss finds out about what I did, he'll fire me."

"Don't worry about that Miss Mullen. I'm very happy that you told me so I can react properly to the surprise. We'll pretend it didn't happen!" So, two women were very happy, Denise and a Miss Mullen who looked very much like Janice Sunderland!

A few hours later when Jeff came home, he was greeted with an exceptionally affectionate wife. She immediately informed him that she had signed for a document that a messenger had delivered.

"Oh yeah, I expected that. My financial adviser was checking my records and he said that I am way under insured. He sent me a new policy to sign. Oh, you'll have to sign it too since I made you part of it. Actually, we might as well take care of it right now so that I don't forget it."

They didn't go to the beach the following day so Denise was almost giddy with excitement the next day when, finally, Jeff was "asleep" and she was with Justin in their little love nest. "Justin, he did it! I've been delicately hinting about that prenup and I thought that he was ignoring me. Evidently I did get through to him because he had the document cancelling it prepared and we signed it the day before yesterday! He pretended that we were signing an insurance policy! He plans to surprise me, maybe on my birthday next month!"

"Wow, so you're rich, no matter what happens. If a bimbo does come along and spoils things, you'll get half or more! Damn, that's good!

"I was tempted to call you with the news yesterday, but I didn't want to leave a phone record. I'm paranoid, but don't want even a hint of anything that might cause suspicion. That's why this arrangement is perfect. If he wakes up and finds me gone, I was just walking down the beach!

She was celebrating, but Mrs. Jeffery Anderson, soon to be, once again, Ms. Denise Fourey, unknowingly had signed a request for an uncontested dissolution of marriage. The next challenge for the conspirators was to make it stick! The document was delivered to Don who, in turn, gave it to the divorce lawyer who made it an official request by filing it with the court.

Cliff spoke as the chief conspirator in Operation Denise, saying, "Ok guys, we're underway. From what Don said, the certificate of divorce could be issued any time between a week and three weeks from now, probably closer to two weeks in the court where it was filed. The divorce will be listed in the court records. However, neither Jeff nor Denise is famous enough for their names to be noticed even if some reporter goes trolling through those records looking for a story. That means, if we're lucky, that they will be officially divorced without Denise being aware of it until we break the news.

"Norm and I will lay out our scheme with the whole thing planned to be wrapped up in a month." For the next hour a detailed, intricate plan was spelled out – one that made their Bert and Ernie prank seem modest in extent. That led to a question from Rob.

"Look fellows, obviously I'm all for getting Jeff out of this marriage and leaving Denise with as little as possible. If we can disturb or cause her to worry, I would certainly like that. But, isn't this elaborate, complex plot a bit over the top? It's a lot of work and requires very precise timing to make it work. Couldn't we do something a bit less complicated?"

"Of course we could! But, the fun of these things is the complexity. The victim, Denise in this case, is faced with a problem which leads to another and another until they are completely lost. It's like the old Rube Goldberg setup as one thing leads inevitably to another. We want Denise to be completely upset and confused when she first sees that uncontested Dissolution of Marriage certificate as the final blow in an awful day. Complexity makes it work!"

"Ok. It still seems a bit overblown, but if the rest of you are on board, I'm all for it."

The following month was busy. Being busy with a big project was the explanation Jeff gave for not being available on several beach days and, responding to Denise's disappointment, he suggested once again that she might enjoy going by herself on occasion.

Actually, it turned out to be a very busy month in a numbers of ways. For Jeff, the most interesting project was finding a place to live. He had no interest in continuing to reside in that pretentious mini-mansion, with or without Denise. He hadn't liked it from the beginning. He finally bought a large modern penthouse condo with a wide rooftop terrace with beautiful views in all directions. All members of the group approved. It's nice to be rich.

In any case, the real cost wasn't bad considering that a discreet effort was being made to sell the original house. The house could only be shown when Denise was away long enough, usually on beach days. In addition, the buyers had to be flexible as to when they could take possession. A private and confidential agreement was reached after almost three weeks. The buyer got a good deal but Jeff got rid of the house.

Other things were going on. Doing research on why the rendezvous spot was there, they discovered that originally a path to the parking lot was there and had been replaced. They hadn't bothered to fill it in the whole way, just at each end, so the nice area of sand remained in the middle. That meant that the blockage at the parking lot end was not too deep. That knowledge led to some judicious pruning for later.

There was also some pruning of Denise's banking account. She was not really computer proficient, but she did handle her banking through her bank's apt. However, she did nothing more after marrying Jeff than occasionally checking her bank balance because she wrote no checks. As said before, her bills were paid by Jeff's financial manager. Since, fortunately, she had her passwords written down on paper right by the computer, Jeff simply went into the account and removed all the money that Denise had squirreled away since the marriage and returned it to his own account. She ended up exactly the amount, to the penny, she brought to the marriage. He made sure that it was done before the divorce took place. He then disconnected the router so her internet didn't work to prevent premature disclosure.

As predicted, the divorce certificate was issued in exactly two weeks and the marriage was dissolved. No one outside the small group was aware of that fact and Jeff and Denise still lived together as man and wife after being divorced. There was a very interesting change in Jeff's attraction to Denise at that point. As said before, after discovering Denise's insincere role-playing, particularly her sometime phony interest in sex, his desire to be intimate with her faded. Suddenly, lying in bed with the woman who was now his ex-wife, his attitude changed and his sexual desire for her returned. Why? It's hard to say. Was it sexier to be in bed with a woman who was not his wife? Was it the realization that she would not be available much longer? Or was it that he no longer cared if she was aroused and wanted sex?

Probably all of these played a part and the last two weeks of their relationship easily contained more sex than it had the past month. Denise was still a beautiful woman with a fabulous body and whether her response was real or faked didn't matter to Jeff at that point. If a man employs a prostitute, does he really care if she has an orgasm? Denise wasn't a prostitute according to the classic definition, but, bluntly, she was fucking for a lot more money than any streetwalker or call girl would ask. In any case, Jeff was no longer hindered by considering her sexual appetite and interest at any particular time.

That was also true when it came to sexual preferences. Jeff was a very considerate man, and, as such, had accepted subtle clues and signs as to what Denise liked and disliked. Denise enjoyed (or pretended to) all the normal intercourse positions and was a really expert cock-sucker, always swallowing. However, the recording of Denise and Justin continued and Jeff watched each of them and in doing so, discovered a sexual activity that she definitely did not enjoy! Seeing Denise and Justin in action was erotic and arousing once he quit thinking of her as his wife. It was a porn film with a beautiful and expert female lead. Oh, he wasn't always able to disassociate himself from her, but the feeling of betrayal was no longer a motivating force.

However, while the sexual activity itself really became almost boring as porn films frequently do after a time, he was more interested in the conversations now that Denise and Justin were at the beach alone and had more time to talk. As recounted before, he learned a great deal about Denise's past which was interesting in understanding her motivations. Of more pertinent significance though was one time when they were talking and Justin was casually fondling and, apparently, finger-fucking her cunt as foreplay. Suddenly, she jumped and, angrily said, forcefully, "Stop that! Damn it, you know I don't like that!"

"Oh, come on. I'm not trying to get inside."

"I don't care. I don't want your finger or anything else on or in my ass! I don't want you to even touch it!"

"All right, all right! Don't get huffy! Doesn't Jeff work on you there?"

"No, thank heaven! The first time we were together he touched me there and I pulled away and he hasn't done it since."

"What would you do if he did start to finger-fuck you or, even, bugger you?"

"Don't even mention it! I don't know what I'd do!"

"I'll bet you would give in and have your asshole fucked. You haven't got that prenup cancellation through yet!"

"That would be a nightmare, but you're probably are right. I just pray that he doesn't think about it!"

Up to that point, he hadn't thought of it, but he had now! He most certainly had!

Obviously, he knew about anal intercourse, but he had never thought of attempting it. His dates and sex with girls and women had been basically one-night stands, not relationships, so doing anything out of the ordinary never came up. He remembered that first night with Denise and her obvious aversion to being touched in that area. He was a very considerate and unaggressive lover and had let her set the limitations with which she was comfortable. That was about to change and Denise was about to suffer the first of several nightmares that she would endure in the next two weeks!

That night – the night after he saw that recording – Jeff initiated sex with Diane and, of course in her regular role of a loving wife, she responded happily. He wasn't sure whether her response was genuine, but it didn't matter because he was certain that her enthusiasm would soon end. He was wondering how, or if, she would reconcile herself to anal sex. His interest in such sex was in part honest curiosity about how it would feel and, he admitted to himself, in part to humiliate Denise by making her do something that appalled her. He had a question about as to why she had that phobia, but at that moment he just didn't care.

Jeff started the sexual activity as he often did with cunnilingus combined with finger-fucking her cunt, something she always enjoyed and reacted to quite vigorously. However, this time, as she was highly aroused and moving strongly, he moved his probing finger from her cunt and began stroking between the cheeks of her ass. As she had over a year ago, she sort of squirmed away from that contact, but Jeff persisted. The area was well lubricated by fluid flowing from her cunt and he began gently pushing inward. Suddenly, her sphincter gave way and his fingertip sank in.

Denise winced and pulled away slightly and her pre-orgasmic motions stopped, but she made no verbal protests. Jeff pulled the fingertip out and inserted it deeply into her cunt, re-lubricating it. He put it back at her anal opening and, this time, slid it in past the second knuckle and he actually began finger-fucking her ass. Denise made no complaint, but neither did she respond. She was lying on her back, her knees drawn up as she had been when Jeff had been using his tongue on her clit and cunt. Jeff looked up at her face and saw her eyes closed, her face tight and it looked like she was gritting her teeth.

Disingenuously, he asked, "Are you all right? We haven't done this before, but it's fun to try something new every now and then. Get up, dear, there's something else I've always wanted to try if you are willing and feel like it. Now, bend over the bed and spread your legs. Now, tell me if you don't want to try this...well, ass fucking to be specific. I'd like to see what it's like as compared to regular fucking.

Denise managed to force herself to respond, "I never thought of us doing this, Jeff. I'd rather not, but I'm your wife and you can do what you want. Be...gentle though, l...I've never had anything in there before." The nightmare that she feared was about to play out and despite her revulsion and fear, she didn't think that she could refuse. Oddly enough, she was wrong. A simple, honest 'No" would have ended it without hesitation, but she couldn't risk it.

She sounded so pathetic that Jeff felt guilty and her "rather not" normally would have ended it and, without his knowledge of her role playing and her adultery, he certainly would have done so. However, as he looked down on her, bent over with her cunt and asshole blatantly displayed, he realized that his decision to ass-fuck her as a way to humiliate and punish her no longer was his sole motivation! His cock was rigid and he wanted to fuck her ass because she was unbelievably exciting in that position – vulnerable and available.

He reached over to the bedside table where he had previously placed a tube of KY-Jelly. He lubricated his cock liberally and, embarrassing for her, inserted a coated finger into her asshole. Leaning forward, he put the head of his cock at her closed opening and gently pushed inward. It certainly was virgin territory, but her sphincter gave way just as it had to his finger. The passageway was tight and required a slow in-and-out progression as his cock worked deeply into her rectum until, finally, he was completely in.

At that point he paused and again he asked, "Are you all right? Is it hurting?" For Denise, there had been little pain and that wore off quickly. That never had been her real fear. Her aversion was psychological, not physical, and that hadn't changed. Still, she bore up and responded, "It's all right, go ahead."

Jeff began slowly, sliding full length into her with each inward thrust. Within a very short time he forgot everything but the pure pleasure and enjoyment of driving his cock into that tight passageway. He no longer was motivated by the desire to punish her for her patronizing role playing and her adultery. In fact, as lust took over, he really wasn't thinking about who she was or why she was in that position.

Fucking a woman in her cunt is normal, and, whatever the motivation, ranging from love to the power driven violation of rape, it is where nature expects intercourse to take place. On the other hand, fucking a woman in the ass is deviant which adds to the perverted excitement it brings. It can be a real power rush for the man for he is in complete control. The woman is bent over and helpless – being used. Unless her clit is being manually massaged, she has no direct sexual stimulation. Still, some women enjoy the feeling of being in that subordinate or subservient position. Others, despite the physical absence of sexual receptors in the ass, really are aroused by the cock going in and out of their asses. Others just let it happen and wait until it's over.

Jeff wasn't thinking of any of those things as his excitement mounted. When fucking a woman's cunt he always tried to be considerate of her, gauging her reactions so there is mutual pleasure. Of course, as he approaches climax, he, like most men, become self-centered and his own orgasm becomes his only concern. With Denise bent over, her back to him, he had none of that consideration for her. She had said that it wasn't hurting so, with that not a concern, his total concentration was his own pleasure.

He could look down and see his cock entering and leaving her asshole. He could feel the smooth friction as it plunged in and out of that tight, smooth passageway, faster and faster. He was gripping her by her hip bones, holding her when the buffeting would have pushed her away. Finally, his plunges became shorter, sharper and he ground against her, twisting as he tried to go deeper into her. Finally, inevitably, his last surge inward ended with him holding tightly against her, his cock buried as deep as it would go as his ejaculation shot into her bowels.

Jeff held still against her, his weight heavy on her, as he tried to recover from his frantic expenditure of energy. A full thirty seconds expired before he was conscious of Denise beneath him. He pulled back, his shrinking cock pulling out of her as he rose up. Nothing was said as she immediately headed for the shower to wash away both the physical and the mental signs of her nightmarish experience.

She had not been hurt and she hardly had reacted. She was one of the women who just let it happen and wait until it's over. Her phobia was real, whatever its cause, and it had been a traumatic experience, much as a person suffering from claustrophobia feels when enclosed in a small place. However, it was over, she had gotten through it better than she might have expected. There was one dark cloud: did Jeff like it and would she have to go through it again! As it happened, that was not going to be a problem – instead there was going to be another, different nightmare.

For Jeff, the reaction was quite different. Surprisingly, after it was over he felt guilty. He knew from her disproportionate reaction to Justin's mere touching of her asshole that it was more than a simple aversion to anal play. Nonetheless, despite that extreme negative reaction, seemingly a real phobia, she had bravely permitted a complete ass fucking with no opposition. After the fact, he was stunned at just how far she would go to protect her position as his wife – at least until that prenup was cancelled. The guilt he felt was his having taken advantage of her weakness and it prevented him from doing so again.

That was the last action of real importance before the final moves to really blow her mind were made. However, there were other, relatively minor things that would make it clear that their relationship was over. For example, using the computer with Denise's password and security data, the name on her credit card and bank account were changed back to Denise Fourey. A new credit card was issued and replacement checks were ordered. Her local account providers were informed just before she found out about her divorce and that the name on those accounts had to be changed. Also the day before she learned of it, her friends on Facebook received information that she was divorced.

As these small things illustrated, Chris and Norm delighted in including every detail and created a playbook that would create a whole new mind twisting world for Denise and a new nightmare was about to commence. Finally, their month's preparation was over, the plans were complete, arrangements were made and the conclusion of Operation Denise was at hand.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Again you wrote a good tale and you did not ruin it with an unlikely made your MC magnanimous which is I guess acceptable for his

unrealistic response..Myself and most husbands would have just wiped our hands clean of her..4 stars..Jzk

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Wow, those two pranksters really go for the total mind-fuck. What they did to “Bert and Ernie” in college was classic. If they make this one fly with Denise/Diane it’ll be epic. I guess we’ll see.

Great story going so far, Steve, looking forward to the grand finale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

denise or dianne, who did he marry?

you offer both names as the wife in this chapter and the previous.

get it straight

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

Good plan, now stick it where it hurts.

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago

I like their thinking, total shock and awe. Save some for him too.

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 5 years ago
Far fetched?

It’s a scheme very unlikely to work... bat it’s still elegant, and she deserved every bit of to.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago

Setting up the burn on Denise. A very well deserved burn. Hope they can get lover too.

TrollTureTrollTureover 5 years ago
I don't think so

I don't know all that much about the law but I'm certain that a signature obtained in such a deceitful and fraudulent way will be viewed very negatively by any court. Even if the divorce itself wouldn't be tried before a judge Diane/Denise would have an excellent civil case against Jeff. I'm curious to see how this works out!

tazz317tazz317almost 6 years ago

allow the offense to take control. TK U MLJ LV NV

tazz317tazz317almost 6 years ago

forgot about the Iron Pyrite that sneaks into each sample, TK U MLJ LV NV

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 7 years ago

This story is going down hill in a hurry. There is no need for this over blown so called practical joke. It is only detracting from the story.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 7 years ago
Starting to feel distinct , perverse sympathy for Diane / Denise

This insidious plotting from the shiney, happy people to not pay one penny to dissolve marriage is beyond vulgar if you think about it. Why half-step it ? Have Justin murdered, frame her for the crime and bribe prosecutor, judge and jury to give gold digger the death sentence for temerity to ursurp her way into fabled 1%. Google " A Place in the Sun " to my mind that's what this story should have been riffing off of.

I'm being very tough, probably too much so . The first chapter totally had me in thrall. Now it seems to be all about the Benjamins. To me , the husband should give thanks to heaven for discovering spouse's perfidity and not having kids with her. Pay her a 50-100 grand to go away. Why ? Because for one year , he was happy . He was in love and believed he was loved.

It was all an illusion true, but I'm fairly fatalistic about new millennium love anyway. This author had such verve in first installment. I'm sure the sky's the limit in terms of his potential. But I'm betting against that quality being realized in 3rd installment. Hoping for the best regardless.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

illiterate cuck shit.

swedishreader1swedishreader1over 7 years ago
Name change.

It really annoys me when an author cannot be bothered to proof read a story and cares so little for it that a main characters name is forgotten and changed.

tazz317tazz317over 7 years ago

just check the mirror and look deep, TK U MLJ LV NV

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