Gold Digger Wife Wants It All


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After a sip of coffee Pappas continued, "It seems that Koehn had been very successful with his real estate projects. Too successful as he was almost completely out of working capital. He is a man worth hundreds of millions of dollars but the equity is tied up in illiquid assets. He does not have enough cash to buy a steak dinner.

"Unless he brings in several million in cash, monthly loan payments will be missed and the loans go into default. That would bring about a domino effect of multiple foreclosures, whether they had millions of dollars in equity in the properties or not."

I thought 'Susan is caught in a tight spot. She wants to be a real estate mogul not a banker and she is going to use Koehn as her springboard. If Koehn's empire crumbles, she will lose out on becoming a mogul. She would also suffer at the bank because she originated most of Koehn's loans. If she caused the bank large losses, she would lose her career in banking.'

"Now for the less pleasant information for you Mr. Rogler. From our hidden camera you will see on this very short video clip where the meeting went after the emergency meeting to create working capital."

With that he turned the computer screen and I saw Koehn, Davis, and Susan were all naked. Davis was laying on the couch and had just cum in her now well used cunt. Susan was on her knees on the carpeted floor cleaning Davis's slimy dick.

It was hard to watch as that scrawny troll-like creature, Koehen, then approached her from the rear and used some of her slick pussy juices to grease his withered bent dick. He rubbed her pussy then started to push that knobby dick up her ass. She gasped as the head pushed through the sphincter and began rubbing her poop chute. From her moans it appeared that she enjoyed the anal invasion. His thin scraggy dick was the right size for her ass as he would have just slopped around in her loose cunt. I put both my hands on my forehead, covering my eyes.

Mr. Pappas turned the screen around and said, "That is more than you need to see."

This only validated my decision.

Susan was home at 6 PM and happily made a wonderful dinner for us. She asked, "Would you like to review my prospectus tonight?"

"Yes, I would," I said with enthusiasm. "Do you want to make a presentation or just have me read through it.?"

She said "Let me get a drink of scotch and a comfortable place on the couch first."

Susan did a very good job of describing the property and its low loan to value. The net rental lease income covered principal, interest, insurance and tax payments over 1.5 times which was very attractive. The other partners were solid names in the real estate world. It looked like a good deal.

Except the Wall Street Journal knew better. The anchor tenant's corporate offices were discussing closing poor performing stores. Without the lead anchor to draw customers all the stores would suffer revenue decline. They would ask for rent reduction. There goes the low loan to market value and good loan service coverage. It had been 3 years since the building had the real estate taxes adjusted and if other comparable building's increases are an indicator for this property, then taxes would take a big jump.

She said, "Mr. Koehn hated to cash out from this money maker but he was trying to put together his announced new luxury condo project and needed cash."

"This sounds like a terrific opportunity for us dear. This could fit our portfolio just perfect as we would get a monthly cash stream and accelerated depreciation to cover my earnings in the Middle East. Wow, this is great. Let me look over the numbers myself tomorrow. I may want to invest more than the $3 million you proposed. Is that possible? I could use some of my other accounts to fund an additional amount."

She was giddy as a school girl with the thought that I could invest this money for her financial future. Boy will she be surprised.

Since she thought she had scored by getting my approval of the investment I was treated to another intensive sexual workout. I was pounding her cheating pussy from behind. I thought I would spend some time in her back door playground. Koehn seemed to think it was fun, I guessed I should try it. I used the copious fluids squeezing out of her cunt to wet my thumb and started to rub her asshole. As soon as it was slick, I pushed my thumb to make my virgin entry into the final stage of her digestive track. My push yielded a yelp and, "What are you doing back there?"

"I'm just doing some scouting for a new playground. You wanted me to be more exciting and adventurous so here I go." Then I maneuvered my entire thumb past the guardian at the hairy gate. She squealed and moved forward, detaching from both prick and thumb.

"Let's not do that. I really don't like that. Just put your dick back in me and fuck me until I can't stand up."

I gladly slid my cock back in her and revved up my thrusts. My thoughts went to, "You won't let my thumb go to places creepy Koehn puts his deformed dick. I'll remember who gets preferential treatment by your body." When my cock was done with her for the evening, so was I and I rolled over to go to sleep.

The next day I pretended to go over the business proposal with a fine toothed comb. This deal was a real turkey that could not fly. I called her and asked if she minded if I showed this to some of my foreign business acquaintances. She replied, "Oh, Yes, please do. It will make the deal even better for us."

I thought, "Better for us? Please define 'us'. Is 'us' the married couple 'us' or the two sleazeballs you are fucking as 'us'?" I took it as her and her sleaze balls. So I said, "I will call my friends and see what I can do.?"

Once again, she said, "I sure do love you."

I grunted something unintelligible in return.

The rest of the morning I spent loading my valuable cargo of guns, ammo, gold coins, silver bars, and documents for the 26 hour drive to Scottsdale in a rented Cadillac Escalade. Items that were either forbidden to be shipped or I did not to trust with someone else were carefully loaded and concealed. I called Susan and told her that my friends liked the idea but wanted to talk about it in person, so I was flying to Phoenix that afternoon to meet them. She was very pleased that I was working to add more investors.

She asked, "How much money do you think you can raise?"

"I can easily risk another $2 million of my money, making a total of $5 from us. From my early discussions there may be another $5 million to add to that from the other parties."

"That would be perfect Bob, just perfect," she squealed.

I reserved a motel room for that night in Kansas City, getting a jump on the long trip. I also hired a security company to watch the car in the parking lot overnight. While on the road I purchased the same make and model gun safe I had in Chicago with arrangements for it to be delivered to Tyler's new house. Sirius radio was my companion but that was just background noise to the plotting and planning I was doing.

The trip was uneventful and my time was spent setting up the minimum of what I needed for a household. It was good to get away from Susan and her constant push to relinquish my fortune to her and her fuck buddies.

I flew back to Chicago a week later and told Susan that I had put together a $10 million package between me and my friends. I told her our group would need to set up an LLC to hold the investment and I spent 2 weeks on this project. Next was the actual investment document which took a week to prepare and then 2 weeks to haggle over terms, costs, and other meaningless items. Lots of attorney fees for a project that would never happen.

I was stalling, slow walking this transaction to have Koehn burn up what little cash he had available. He may not have waited for just my $3 million but he would wait for $10 million. Greed makes people do foolish things. He was the kind of crook that would take all your money if offered.

One morning before Susan left for work, I told her, "We are almost done with the paperwork. Just a few items to cover but I could see us signing the document later this week. We will sign as new investors now but the documents will say the deal is not consummated until the funds are in your bank. That guarantees you that we will be investors but only after the money gets to Koehn's account. All the paperwork will be completed prior to my leaving for the Middle East. The money will follow a couple of days later."

"Now then Susan, we need to discuss our future. I would like to see you quit working so hard for others, like the bank. You can take care of our investments and have a more casual lifestyle. Maybe even think about having children. What do you think about that plan?"

"I love it Bob, this will be great for both of us. How wonderful, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

She left the house a happy woman. I found out later from Pappas she was so happy she went directly to Koehn's office building and fucked both Davis and creepy Koehn. Koehn had Susan count each million they would make this year with a shove of his gnarly cock into her asshole. She counted to 50 before that sickly prick spit some toxic fluid into her ass.

That next week I went up into Koehn's office and signed the final papers for our bogus company buying into the strip mall ownership. Everyone was happy and congratulating each other. Davis and Koehn looked at me with a smirk that said, "I am fucking your wife and fucking you out of $10 million." I smirked back with a look of, "You can keep the fucking wife and you'll never see a penny of the $10 million. You may not even have a penny of your own once I get done with you."

Of course, Koehn had to come up to me, put his hand on my shoulder and ask "When will the wire be here?"

"We will gather all the funds into my account in Switzerland then wire transfer to your bank. My money is already in the account and the others are putting theirs together now. We do not want to do this piecemeal. All the money comes at one time. It should arrive soon."

With the document signed there was only one thing left to do. That was to leave this group of snakes.

I had timed it so that I would be leaving to go back to the Middle East the day after the documents were signed. The money was supposed to be transferred while I was out of the country. I was so busy getting ready to leave that I did not take the time to fuck Susan one last time. It just did not seem to be something I wanted to do anymore. She offered and offered but I came up with a number of lame reasons not to.

We said casual goodbyes that morning and Robert Rogler left America forever. The last trace of him was his passport being stamped at O'Hare International Airport.


The first thing I did when I got back to the Middle East was fire up my computer and check out my house security cameras. As expected, it was Susan's bed time, not 11 pm, but time to get in bed with Davis. I watched them fondle each other and at the instant he put his cock to her pussy I set off the fire alarm in that house. It was a huge roaring alarm that was tied to the fire department. The two of them levitated above the covers for what seemed like minutes trying to figure out what to do. The Keystone Cops could not have been funnier to watch. The firemen came and spent about an hour with them, trying to discover the source of the alarm. Finally, they left.

Although they were disturbed by the alarm, they were still in the mood to cuckold Bob. In order to get Davis back in the mood Susan started sucking his cock. It was just then that I hit the alarm button a second time. This time she jumped and bit Davis's dick, not off but it did draw blood. I fell off my chair laughing. This could not have worked out any better. The firemen came as Davis was pouring alcohol on his scrapped-up dick, not thinking of the consequences.

His screaming brought both firemen and EMTs to the master bath. Being the professionals they were, they treated him without harassment but hee hawed while they left the house. If they were to have sex tonight it would be Davis eating that slimy cunt of hers.

Susan and I kept missing each other for FaceTime sessions because of the time difference. I was usually working when she was fucking. It was several days later when we finally connected. Gone were the loving words of affection and adoration. She snarled, "When is the money coming? That document was signed over a week ago. Do we have to send someone to come get it?"

I laughed, "All the money has been funded into my account and we are ready to wire the money to the US but the banks here are closed now. I have to go out on a night patrol right now but I will send the wire tomorrow when the banks open."

Changing the subject, "Other than a need for money what else is going on?"

"Oh nothing. Same old work. I'm busy so I have to go. Luv ya."

"Yeah, me too. Bye"

That was the night that Robert Rogler died. Since Davis had a skinned-up cock, I figured he would not be at my house that night. It was perfect for her to be alone. At the house I had one of the emergency fire lights modified to a strobe setting.

In another room I had a speaker ready to boom out my message. I turned on the strobe lights and saw her jump out of bed. Next in a booming voice I said "SUSAN, SUSAN, HELP ME. THEY'RE KILLING ME. PLEASE HELP. NO NO NO I LOVE YOU SUSAN".

Then the light and the microphone went dead. Silence. She was absolutely freaked out. She was screaming, crying, and sobbing. She could hardly get her breath.

She ran to the phone and called Davis. "Dan, something happened. I'm totally freaked out. Bob was being killed and calling my name. It was not a dream as I was out of the bed walking around when I heard it. I am so scared. Can you come here?"

"I'm kinda busy right now. Since it was a dream it's not a big deal. Have a glass of milk and go back to sleep."

"You asshole," click.

Immediately my phone began to ring. It was her and I did not answer. I busted Bob's phone into a thousand pieces instead.

There were no other numbers for Susan to call to get ahold of me. No contacts whatsoever. She was blinded and all alone. What was she going to tell Koehn? Where was the money they were promised? None of them knew any other people in this deal other than Bob. Without this $10 million the Koehn conglomerate would collapse under its own weight.

I got to watch as she melted into a large puddle on the living room rug. Her real estate empire plan was blown out of the water. She would probably be fired by the bank so there went her income sources. Her bank salary did not cover her lifestyle, Bob's money had covered that.

She had a million-dollar home, but it was also in both our names and without Bob's signature she could not sell or mortgage the house. She could live there but it was an expensive house with taxes, utilities and insurance to be paid each month.

In Illinois you can have someone declared dead after 7 years without any contact. You can have them declared dead in 12 weeks if you have evidence to prove that they died. A plane crash into the ocean, huge fire, or other horrendous event would need to be documented.

There would be no death certificate issued by the US Army, Marine Corps or the Iraqi government. Bob asked his CIA supervisor to "freeze" his personnel file. Do not acknowledge the CIA had any contact with Robert Rogler under the guise of protecting his family from insurgent retaliation. Robert Rogler would cease to exist. Tyler Connars took the job that Bob Rogler used to do.

Susan would have to wait for 7 years to sell the house. She did not have the codes to Bob's offshore accounts. The only money she had now was what she earned at the bank.

I hated to walk away from the million-dollar house but I was going to lose at least half of it in a divorce anyway. The other half million was the high cost of leaving.

I watched the drama play out over the next few days as she hoped Bob was alive. We were now ready for the final act of the play. Like many service members overseas, their wives and girlfriends often cheated on them. When some Marine buddies of mine heard of my problems they asked if they could help. You know, beat the shit out of somebody. I wanted something more long lasting and fun for me. The funniest part was knowing she did not have a clue that I knew she was a slut and I had orchestrated the entire collapse of her career and her fuck buddies. Up until the time she is pushed out of her house I will laugh at her impending financial crisis.

We went outdoors where there was no view of our compound and set up two tables with a blue tarp on the tables. One Marine dressed in tribal garb, took an AK 47 from the armory, and laid it on the table. I sat between the tables with only my head above the blue tarp that was wrapped around my neck. Chalk was applied to my face to make it gray; my lips were painted dark blue and my hair was greasy. Ketchup was splashed on the table and around my neck.

It truly looked like I had been beheaded and the insurgent was holding my head to keep it from rolling off the table. We took several pictures from different angles and voted that the best one was straight on with my blue eyes in a flat stare. The Marines thought it was absolutely perfect reprisal for me.

Three weeks later two Marines came to Susan's house and knocked on the door. Davis answered the door and said, "We already gave to the Salvation Army," and started to close the door.

A size 11 dress shoe stopped the door from closing. "We are here to see Mrs. Robert Rogler about her husband."

Susan said, "Please come in."

The Marines were in full dress uniforms but without name tags. Of course, my Marine buddies and I were watching all this from a security camera. "Are you Mrs. Robert Rogler?''

"Yes I am."

The Marines told her "An informant had a photo of an American killed by ISIS. We think this may be your husband. Since we cannot get DNA from a photo this is our only method of identification."

She gasped and turned pale. "Ok, let me see the picture."

Immediately, she started sobbing. "No! No! No! Why him? We were going to start a family and let me quit working. He called out to me the night he died. He told me he loved me. My name was on his breath as he died and I was an awful wife. How can I live with myself knowing what I did to him?"

"Where is the rest of his body?" she said as she slowly quit crying.

"Thirty bodies were thrown in a pit and covered by a bulldozer. The heads are stacked in a large pile outside the compound."

She started to vomit while sobbing uncontrollably. I don't know if it was because she loved me or because of the coming financial ruin she knew was coming.

"We are sorry we had such bad news for you. Do you want us to call someone for you?"

"No thank you." she sobbed.

As they left her house one of the Marines picked up the photo and put it back in his briefcase. Down the block they doubled over with laughter at the role they had played on ruining the cheating bitch. Her husband dumped her to the curb and he kept all his hard-earned money.

As they got into their car, they heard Davis shout, "Where is our $10 million? What happened to the $10 million? How do we get to our $10 million? We are all going to be bankrupt if we don't get that fucking money!"

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 hours ago

Good story till the unrealistic ending name change and faking death OMG so lame.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196925 days ago

wife gets too cartoonish in her villainy.

MountainMan1336MountainMan13363 months ago

Great Story well worth 5 stars. I can't wait to read the next chapter.

26thNC26thNC3 months ago

Great story. Maybe a little implausible, but who knows how much money CIA guys are stocking away overseas. Great revenge on the mercenary, cheating bitch and her slimy lovers. Would have enjoyed a confrontation with the bitch.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I got half way down the first page before I surrendered to boredom. It was supposed to be a story about a gold digging wife not a monotonous report about renting business premises, driving cars and a vet's military career. I benefitted from the sleep it put me into, though.


AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I quit reading after the 1st sentence. Ex Army wanting to open a computer and security equipment store...imagine that.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I think her guilt wil haunt her for the rest of her life. Too bad she was a greedy bitch with no morals.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman8 months ago

average at best but I read it all, so? very "stiff" dialogue Still this is better than all my stories. Oops, I havent written any, their still all in my imagination.

shadrachtshadracht9 months ago

I was going to complain that it was unfinished, but then I see there is a part 2. Well written revenge setup.

oldtwitoldtwit9 months ago

I liked it, silly but made me laugh in places, it’s so easy to write when you’re guys have all the money in the world, I thought you messed the ending up but see you have a second part, maybe you have saved the day in that, I hope so.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Why do writers think it's in any way believable, that a supposedly intelligent husband, would stick his dick somewhere that he knows another man, of unknown health, has cum? What, he takes stupid pills and has a death wish all of a sudden?

Yay, my cheating whore wife is raw dogging other men. Can't wait to swirl my cock around in her possibly diseased ridden cesspool of a body. Mmm mmm. Yummy.


oldpantythiefoldpantythiefabout 1 year ago

Wasn't too impressed with Bob's security system or his P.I. Lots of holes in the story that didn't read well. Guess I'll check out chapter 2 to see if it's any better.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The grammar is okay, but that’s about it. He had his home wired with cameras, but never looked to see who broke into his desk and rummaged through his files? Unbelievable. She was being screwed by a crooked diseased troll in her anus, yet he wanted to put his own d*ck inside the same hole? This is one story you cannot analyze, since it just doesn’t stand up as believable.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

pretty good yarn, but fairly sad as far being reality based . Do wonder a bit about the womans reasoning to justify her cheating. Was it all about being financially independent and rich or did she have something going w/ the 2 beta wimps? About corvettes, its been yrs since i sen one w/ a stick shift, porches, any sports car nowadays are so expensive that only wealthy panty wearing scum buy them and they cant drive a stick, so i bet standard shifts come in maybe 1 of a 1000 veh except maybe toyota and subaru. rk

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Poss poor story.

WetheNorthWetheNorthover 1 year ago
Mosel is a river in Germany

Lack of proof reading detracts from your story

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