Gotta Pay the Piper Ch. 23

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Punishment for miseeds continue.
13.1k words

Part 24 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/14/2024
Created 10/26/2021
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"I gave Sherrie and Beth permission to wear bandanas on their heads this morning but told them skipping work is NOT an option. Sudden baldness is no excuse." Sonya told me the next morning. She was smiling as she said it. She was obviously happy or at least content with recent events. "Last night I gave orders for Joanne and Robin to shop today for five head scarves like cancer patients wear. That was just in case you let them cover their heads in public. You can always confiscate their head cover any time. Okay?" I agreed and smiled in approval at my head girl. She was the driving force behind my household running smoothly. She not only scheduled events but ensured rules were followed. She maintained a level of discipline apart from my own.

Until Sonya mentioned it, I had no inkling something so simple as a scarf might be used for discipline. Taking away her head cover for bad behavior would be as effective as spanking one of my girls. I loved the idea. I really did not like inflicting pain. I simply wanted my household to run peacefully and productively.

Nudity as a punishment only worked for a short time. From what I had read and observed, slave girls get over having their bodies displayed quickly. I'm sure many feel a twinge of embarrassment when they think about it but do not let it bother them for long. Some even relish the attention. I guess it depended on the circumstance. I tried to read about slave psychology but I had enough trouble understanding normal people. I knew I could rely on Lenore and Sonya for insights.

When Sherrie came for breakfast the first thing she did was lean over, give me a hug and quietly tell me she appreciated my sparing her the inhibitor solution applied to her scalp. I told her I was simply rewarding her explanation and analysis of how the the others would vote. I also did not like the way the other four conspirators ganged up on her. She shrugged resignedly. "Small victory. I'm still bald." Indeed, her head almost shined. I wondered if she had rubbed lotion into her pale smooth scalp. The white pate would have plenty of time to get a little color even if Lenore let her start growing her hair back soon.

"Well, you did fully admit that you intended to go along with the others and shave Lenore's head. That was a pretty cruel thing to do. I suspect you anticipated some kind of penalty other than just those rings." I observed. "Plus you had planned to do all those other things to Lenore as well to break her down. You deserve to be punished. Don't look to me for sympathy."

"I know." Sherrie admitted. "I was a total bitch. And if I was in charge I might have punished the guilty parties the same way or worse. I never would have thought of donating our hair for wigs for cancer patients, though." I knew about the program because my wife Christine had received one of those wigs. She wore it a few times for special occasions but normally wore a scarf or sometimes just a hat proudly showing her hair loss. Her motto was anything that raised cancer awareness was good. Except getting cancer, of course.

"Those other girls hate me." Sherrie said and then smiled. "Big fucking deal. They can blame me all they want. They are the ones that came up with some of those suggestions or tweaked my ideas to make them harsher. I wanted to control Lenore but they wanted to take her down. I told them to get off my ass. I want to warn you, Bas. I'm not gonna put up with their bullshit if they try anything to pay me back."

I knew that. I could not tell her, but I'd watched the video of Joanne, Robin and Beth cornering Sherrie the night Lenore dropped my beard trimmer on the dining room table. They accused Sherrie of 'being a cunt' and ratting them out. Sherrie gave it right back saying they were at fault also and she should never have tried to take Lenore down the way they wanted. She should have done it her way instead of listening to some dumbass cunts with an agenda. They almost came to blows. Even three against one, I think Sherrie would have come out on top. But the aftermath would not have been pretty.

I watched her bare butt give a little extra twitch as she stepped across the room to pour her coffee. She knew I was looking. I started to ask why she was not wearing a bit of clothing since she was due to leave soon for work. Sonya told me she was not excusing them from going to work. Then I remembered her orders were to remain nude until just before walking out the door. I'd bet I'd find her clothing and head cover in the living room.

Angie, Rene, and Carol cooked breakfast for anybody who wanted to eat. "Are you ready for inspection, Angie?" Lenore asked when she arrived in the kitchen as she gave me a kiss in greeting.

"Uhh, I guess so." Angie answered, turning red, glancing around to see who else had heard. "Guess so?" Lenore asked. "Well, yes Ma'am. Rene and Carol waxed me all over. They suggested we use that hair remover stuff you put on those girls' heads but we didn't know where it was and Rene said we better not disturb you that late at night to ask. I am just surprised you asked me so early this morning. Do you want to inspect me now?

"No, I want a little breakfast before I go to work. I told you tomorrow and this morning IS yesterday's tomorrow. But I'm glad you got it done last night." Lenore stated. She gave Rene who was close by listening a short nod of acknowledgment. Rene smiled back. Lenore winked at me. She was still in tough bitch mode.

After Lenore and the others left for work, Rene asked me if she could have the bottle of the 'hair stuff'. "You didn't get Angie smooth enough with the wax?" I asked.

"I think we did a pretty good job but there is some peach fuzz for sure." Rene stated. "We want Angie as smooth and shiny as we are. Lenore is in full butt kicking mode and I don't want to make my keister a target." I laughed at her candidness and got her the bottle of solution. "Is this the salon stuff or what Dr Marge uses that takes hair off for who knows how long?" Rene asked. I laughed and told her it was the same lotion. Lenore got it from the same salon that provided Dr Marge. "So Lenore lied to increase the pucker factor." Rene said, as she giggled. "Nice move! We all know we are gonna stay smooth and hairless body wise but losing the hair on our head is a different matter. Don't worry, Boss, I won't reveal the secret!" I told her Lenore did not lie. She merely exaggerated the difference between two bottles of lotion and like Lenore had said, it was stronger than the stuff found on the grocery store shelf. Those four girls were not going to even start re-growing their hair for months.

Brenda arrived early for breakfast. She gave me a hug and kiss as a greeting before she even poured her first cup of coffee. She did not say a word about her status so neither did I. "I'm looking forward to some venison patties with my eggs this morning." she confided. "I love turkey and like ham but I've had enough of both for a while. Four or five meals in a row is enough." I had to agree. I'd briefly thought about buying a steer and having it butchered for a little variety. But we had abundant venison and pork and variation was all in the cooking of red meat anyway. I decided I'd look into making the short drive south to buy shrimp and maybe some fish. I'd call Derek beforehand to see if he wanted some. I knew it was too early in the season for crab.

My thoughts about buying meat made me realize just how big my household had grown. Housing was easy. I could always double or triple them up in bed until new accommodations could be built. But feeding the group was an ongoing problem. I thought about my multiple freezers. That in turn made me consider my electrical needs. Derek had reminded me where our reliance on electricity centered....preserving our food storage and charging the slave collars. Both of which could be problematic with our frequent power outages due to inclement weather. Okay, today I would call Clarice to check into having wind turbines installed.

Richard joined me at the kitchen table when he noticed I was enjoying the sight of watching Marianne, Robin and Joanne cleaning up after breakfast in all their nude glory. Of course that made the girls extra self-conscious of their exposure. My girls had not quite got to the point of being blase showing their charms. I proposed Marianne's titties would fill out a little more like her sister's before long as the two were maybe a half cup size apart. When she covered her breasts hearing me, I called her over and made a point of examining every inch of her nudity. Angie saw what I was doing and quietly left the room.

Richard told me he was going to hang out with friends since the weather had turned cold and he did not 'want half his yard crew catching cold working naked in the yard'. He did not even mention taking Marianne with him. She shot him a pleading look which he ignored. I waited for her to ask him directly and was curious how he'd answer.

Other than a few more beseeching looks which he continued to ignore, she did not ask. She obviously wanted Richard to overrule Sonya's assignment but knew better than to suggest it herself. She had probably not thought about the consequences of defying Sonya which I thought dumb on her part. I asked Joanne to refill my coffee cup. She did without a word. Richard asked for more as well and grinned widely as she bent over to pour the coffee. Of course she noticed him watching her breasts jiggle as she did. I was amused she did not even make a sarcastic remark about how her cousin should take a good look while he had the chance like she had before.

I was more than a little surprised when Clarice herself responded to my earlier phone inquiry and arrived with her team just after lunch. She hopped out of her company pickup. "Hey Bas, We are gonna analyze your needs and get you set up." I told her I just needed to get an estimate and then have Lenore go over the financials to make sure I could afford the upgraded system. She scoffed. "Bullshit. You are covered. I've been ready to revamp your whole system as soon as you wanted. I came out myself because I wanted to see your house. I've never been here. Can I look around?"

Of course I agreed and as we walked through the house, my girls watched her in awe. They had all met her and knew her as one of Derek's slave girls but I do not think they realized just how much authority she wielded when acting as the boss away from home. Her team of three men and one woman, all free, followed her directions and set about their tasks. I never thought much about it as Sonya worked as general manager under Gloria, but a slave in charge might be resented by free employees. I said as much to Clarice. She shrugged. "I get that. I am a collared slave. And when I am at home at the Hacienda I am just one of a group of slave girls. Almost all of my employees share society's opinion of slaves. But all know better than to give me a bit of attitude about my being one. Of course they could legally say whatever they want as I have no rights but they'd be out the door if they tried. We work like a normal company only with a slave at the helm. New hires learn that before their probation ends. I am totally upfront and let everyone know the story of why I was convicted."

I gave Clarice credit for not reacting to seeing three of the girls not only nude but totally bald. In private she said, "I guess Lenore paid the bitches back." I asked her what she knew. "Well, I knew early on a few of your girls wanted to take Lenore down hard if she became an unofficial slave again but did not know what they'd planned. I assumed it would be sexual in nature, probably totally dominate and fuck the shit out of her. Word came back to us that they were going to shave Lenore's head and that pissed us off. That was too far out there. I'm glad she is getting her vengeance. I'd crucify the bitches if it were me." I told her what else Lenore had done and what was planned tonight. "Good. Tell Lenore she should bring them out to the Hacienda and give them to us for the day. We'll give them our version of a garden party."

After I showed her around we conferred with her team who had already developed a plan for how to upgrade the existing battery bank for my solar array and calculated my turbine needs. They'd handle the necessary construction permits and get started as soon as they could get the material delivered on site. One of them apologized that might have to wait until after the New Year. I assured him I was happy with that.

The woman Clarice had brought along asked me if any of the nude, bald girls were Greg or Bill's daughters. I told her no and pointed out the two girls in question. "Good, I'll tell the guys. Bill and Greg are both nice and I'd hate for them to hear we watched their daughters parading around naked, hairless and with bruised butts when we arrived. I'm guessing you are pretty tough on your slaves when they don't behave." I agreed. "The other girls all look happy so I can tell that while you are strict, you aren't cruel." She blushed as she said that. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by that comment. My younger sister got enslaved for eighteen months because her boyfriend got caught with drugs. She was convicted of being an accomplice. She has scars across her ass from the whippings she got. It took her a while to get over being a slave. Actually, that is an ongoing process but she is doing better."

I asked how her family reacted to her enslavement and when she was freed. "We all thought she deserved it for being stupid." the woman said. "My Dad asked if she learned her lesson when she returned. That was all there was to it. Well, we made sure to help her get a job and all. I took her in and gave her a place to live until she got on her feet and was ready to live on her own. Nobody in the family ever mentioned the sex part but we all knew it happened. Well, I talked to her about it, being the only other girl in the family. She said she never imagined being used by so many guys in so many ways and so often." I shook my head at this last sentence. The woman grinned, "Those were her words. When she was ready to talk like that, I knew she was on the road to recovery. But she learned her lesson." Clarice took her crew back to the factory.

Joanne and Robin had not been at all happy when they returned from their shopping trip late morning. They hated being stared at and hearing snickers from observers. I knew pretty girls with pale smooth heads would garner strange looks. Sonya had denied their request to wear a bandana or scarf when they went out and they knew better than to risk defying her order. I cut off their tale of woe telling the two not to look to me for sympathy. After Sonya told them to 'suck it up' this morning, she told me the only reason she allowed Beth to cover her head was a work safety issue. She did not want her people staring at the woman and be distracted while running a forklift.

I reached over and rubbed my hand over Robin's head. "Nice, totally smooth, not even a hint of stubble." I reported. "And blindingly white. " I added. "Not to worry. Your heads will gain a bit of color before long. Just like your butts, and will be nicely tanned because both will likely be exposed to the elements for a very long time. Well, while here at home. Of course I just might add a bit of color to your bottoms myself if they aren't bare in the next few seconds." Both girls immediately stripped, apologizing they 'forgot'.

Naked apart from chastity belts, I could see the marks left by last night's paddling and did not really want to spank them again. I had a thought. "Robin, get pens and five sheets of notebook paper for each of you and and return.Take your clothes to your room. You can put them away later.

"I want you two to sit at the dining room table and write lines." I said quietly when they returned. All the girls present stared at me as I continued. "Write: 'I will pay attention to and obey each and every order given me by my superiors quickly and without comment or face the consequences'. Now five pages might not be enough if you write big. I want you to write that sentence two hundred and fifty times. It should not take you more than a couple hours, so that is your allowance. These other girls will keep the time. They will take up the papers in two hours. Do you have any questions? You are free to talk."

Robin's face was red with humiliation. "Why the childish punishment? I mean on top of everything Lenore has done, it seems unfair for you to keep piling on the penalties."

"I was remembering what you did with me the first few days you were here. You pushed your agenda to take control, and did exactly that. Piling on penalties every time I gave you even a half excuse. When Joanne came home that first weekend she giggled about how much control you had garnered. Neither of you worried about my feelings. I sat nude writing lines under the threat of you using a switch on my ass." Robin could not meet my eyes. She had been the one in control then. Now she was under mine and would be for many years. Before I walked out of the room, I ordered Rene and Carol to keep time and collect the papers after two hours. Robin and Joanne were on lunch duty so we'd eat when they were finished with their lines.

Lunch comprised of leftover soup and a salad. I noticed Angie watching the three naked girls serve lunch and then clean afterwards. I wondered if my newest slave was aroused picturing herself in their position or from watching three nubile young women work nude. The chastity belts only accentuated their nudity.

I motioned for her to follow me to my bedroom. I closed the door behind us. I stepped forward and without a word reached for the hem of her t-shirt which I pulled up. I half expected her to say something but she raised her arms without even a whimper or sigh. I unfastened her bra and felt her tits. Her nipples stood erect, rock hard. "I have not had the chance to see you naked yet." I said. "All the other girls were nude when I picked them up from the jail or when I bought them. I just had a quick glimpse of your pussy when Lenore had you drop your jeans last night. Take the rest off and let me get a good look." With a barely audible 'yes sir' she obeyed. Then she spread her legs about shoulder width apart and actually trembled. I cupped her pussy, then, parting her lips, ran a finger through the cleft. She was almost dripping with arousal.

The girl's body was fantastic. She was lean but rounded in all the right places. Her tits rode high, standing firm on her chest with large stiff nipples. I could almost see her ribs and her waist was narrow and lean. Her mons made a prominent bulge on her thin frame. Her ass was equally as enticing as the rest of her, nicely rounded and smooth skinned. Whatever whippings she had received at the dealership had left no permanent marks. Kate was right, the girl was cute. Anybody would jump to own the girl for her sex appeal alone.

I pushed her back the few feet to the bed and told her to lay on her back. I picked up both ankles and lifted. Spreading her legs, I just looked at her now fully exposed pussy. Her inner labia barely protruded from between her outer lips. "Hold your ankles and spread your legs." I directed."You can bend your knees a little if you want." She closed her eyes tightly. I fingered her lips softly but did not penetrate her. Then I pushed back her clitoral hood and lightly flicked her exposed clit. Finally I got a verbal reaction in the form of her sucking in her breath followed by a loud moan. "Very nice." I said. " I'm looking forward to playing with you. Okay, you can get up and dressed. I believe you have work to do." Her eyes shot open. I'm sure she expected me to fuck her right there. She looked both relieved and more than a little disappointed.