Government Mandated Penis Exam


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And then it happened.

She pushed down with her left thumb, so as to squeeze his shaft. Totally unfair! Lance was a virile red-blooded male, but he'd managed to get this far into the exam with this pretty twentysomething lady handling his junk without becoming aroused. But that was not a fair tactic! He wondered if she had done that on purpose to get him hard. He had no hope of withstanding that and remaining flaccid. His dick, still in her hands, throbbed. He hoped she didn't notice that.

Luckily, she let go of him before the situation could get any worse and returned to her notes. Lance was grateful for the reprieve. If 1 was "scared turtle", 2 was totally flaccid, and 10 was hard as a diamond, he was about a 3.5. It wasn't ideal, but he wasn't yet past the point of no return. Her removing her hands allowed him to fight off the next throb that would probably push him to a 5. He looked down. His dick looked a little fluffed up, the veins were bulging a little more, and it was slightly longer, but it didn't yet have any stiffness, and it wasn't yet pointing out. Lance closed his eyes and returned to his relaxed breathing. He wanted to keep perspective and not let himself get carried away in the moment.

He didn't get much of a reprieve, as she only took notes for about 10 seconds before she picked up his penis again. She resumed the same two-handed grip as before, again pushing the foreskin back. Luckily, this time she didn't add the squeeze thing that she did before. Instead, she slightly rotated his penis so she could inspect the underside of the shaft with the foreskin pulled back, meaning the top of the shaft snuggled tightly in her palm for about a second. He throbbed again, this time against the palm of her hand. There's no way she didn't feel that one, Lance knew. After all he'd done to fight off an erection, there was no longer a way he could win this game. But he was determined not to give up. He could at least prevent the situation from becoming worse.

Amanda charitably let go of Lance's dick and returned to her notes, and he looked down to assess the damage. He was at about a 5. The head of his penis was now bigger, too big for the retracted foreskin to stretch back over it. The veins on the shaft were bulging, and he was now noticeably slightly stiff to the touch, but his penis remained bendable and wasn't yet sticking out obscenely at an angle. If he could avoid getting any harder than that, he could still consider this a victory.

"Almost finished," Amanda said reassuringly, as Lance practiced his breathing and tried to picture a flower in a faraway field in his mind.

"Phew," Lance said, speaking for the first time, but not daring to look down at her. He stared straight ahead, as seeing her face and whatever expression she had would take him immediately to a tumescence level of 10. He imagined it was probably either an expression of pity, naughtiness, or kindness... whatever it was, he didn't want to know.

"You think we could take a break?" Lance asked, now down to about a 4 but knowing he needed to get to a 2 if he wanted to make it to the end of this thing. He was just trying to buy time, an extra minute even would be crucial. "I'm sure you can understand that this is kinda stressful," he said, trying to sound authoritative and at the same time hoping to tap into her sympathy.

"We really can't," she said apologetically. "We promised the government we'd have this info to them by 10 AM. I have two more appointments right after you, and while I'm doing those, Eve's secretary is going to type up my notes on you." Oh, great... the whole office was going to know every detail about his body by lunchtime.

"Tell you what," she said. "Why don't you take about 15 seconds to stretch and work out your," she paused, not to shame him, but because she forgot the word she was going to use as she was speaking. "Jitters," she finally added after a few seconds.

It was helpful advice. Lance stretched his neck and arms a little and it managed to direct the blood away from his dick and to other parts of his body. He was back down to flaccid. He let out a relieved breath, feeling hopeful that he'd make it to the end.

Amanda didn't linger too long and kept her touches pretty light for the next part of the exam. Lance didn't know if this was intentional on her part to keep him from getting hard, but he was extremely appreciative. It was relatively painless as she took out a tape measure to measure his length. He felt relaxed, but it didn't feel like he was going to get hard. Luckily, she didn't say his measurements out loud, as hearing his length in her voice had the definite potential to get him hard.

For the last part of the exam, Amanda made a diamond shape with her fingers, with both of her index fingers on Lance's shaft, and her thumbs pulling apart his glans so she could see inside his dick hole. She had his penis tilted toward her so she was looking straight down the dick hole. Finally, she let go. She pulled his foreskin back down so it was again covering the head of his penis.

"That's it, Lance! Thank you so much for being so cooperative! You can go ahead and put your undergarments back on and get dressed in the bathroom." Lance wanted to quickly get dressed, but Amanda extended her hand out to his. He shook it, and she beamed at him when he made eye contact. Lance felt the shame really wash over him for the first time. He'd managed to avoid getting totally hard in front of her, but he'd still been completely humiliated, dehumanized, and emasculated. He let go of her hand, grabbed his underwear, and walked silently into the restroom. He locked the door behind him so Amanda's eyes would torment him no more.

He needed to get dressed quickly and get out of there because Bill's appointment was at 9:15 and it was already 9:12. He felt a lump in his throat and tears welling in his eyes. It would be humiliating to walk out of there and have the whole office see him cry. Somehow he managed to swallow his feelings and get out of there with about an ounce of dignity left.

It was difficult for him to focus on his work that day. He kept on remembering the trauma he'd endured that morning. Luckily, he was able to lock himself in his office and he didn't have to worry about running into Amanda. It was going to be unbearable seeing her in the office everyday from now on.

Eve knocked on his door at 2:30 PM. She knew it was unusual for Lance to stay locked up in his office all day and she wanted to make sure he was OK. He lied and said he was OK and that he just had some tight deadlines.

The next day, he knew he needed to just go back and pretend like nothing happened. So that's what he did. The only thing more humiliating than that would be to continue locking himself in his office and thus ensuring that everyone in the office was gossiping about him. At least this way, they were only probably gossiping about him.

Lunch hour was the worst. Every time Amanda whispered or giggled (or breathed), he was hypersensitive to it and looked over at her. He knew logically that she probably wasn't talking about him, but there was always the chance. Both Amanda and Eve's secretary Janice knew Lance's dick measurements now. Lance didn't know whether Amanda had noticed or included in her report that he'd gotten a semi at one point, but figured she probably had.

Amanda felt really bad for Lance. She could tell he was bothered by the situation, but she wasn't the right person to comfort him. Anything she said would only further rob him of his dignity. So instead, she acted like she didn't notice how hyperaware he was of her. But she also got a thrill of whispering in front of him, knowing the effect that was having on him, as he had no way to know whether or not she was gossiping about his penis to the other ladies in the office.

It was a relief to both of them when Friday came. Lance decided that after the weekend he was just going to go ahead and act like the whole situation never happened. He knew Amanda had seen his dick and she knew that she had seen his dick, but he had to be a man about it and go on like nothing was different between them.

Amanda was horny. She needed to get fucked, badly, and called up her ex-boyfriend to stay the weekend at her place. Her ex had no idea what had gotten into her, but she was absolutely insatiable. In her mind, she pretended it was Lance fucking her instead with his monster dick. She regretted that she hadn't had the chance to see it get hard.

She was sore Monday morning. "Hold the elevator!" she yelled, knowing she couldn't afford to be late that morning.

She managed to get in the elevator, and found Lance there. A knowing silence crept up between them as the elevator doors shut, leaving them in there alone together.

They managed to make small talk about their weekends, awkwardly laughing and smiling and even making eye contact, but both of them couldn't get the image of Amanda's hands wrapped around Lance's dick out of their minds. And they both knew that they were thinking of it. But they managed to make the most of it, and they established an unspoken understanding between them that it never happened.

But how long could that understanding last?

About two months passed, and things were mostly back to normal. Amanda still thought about Lance's dick a lot, and Lance thought about the time Amanda touched his dick a lot, but they were civil with each other in the office and they could mostly go on with their dignity as if it hadn't happened.

Lance had indeed impregnated his wife Emily again with the load of sperm his body had prepared for Amanda. It was an extra fertile load because his body knew it might only have one shot with Amanda (unfortunately, it didn't get any shot with her at all.) When Amanda found out, she did the math in her head back to the conception date. She knew she'd been horny after touching Lance, and spent the next few weekends fucking different guys and pretending they were Lance. Apparently, he'd gone home after she touched him and fucked his wife's brains out. Amanda wondered if Lance had fucked his wife pretending that she was Amanda. It seemed likely to her that he had.

It occurred to Amanda that it had been awfully generous of her to let Lance off the hook without getting him fully hard. She could have gotten him hard on purpose. It's not like he ever would have been able to prove she did it on purpose. She had respected his dignity and avoided putting him through that trauma. But his penis was such a fantastic sight to be seen and now she would regret to her dying day the fact that she did not get to see it hard, when it would have been so easy to get him hard.

She knew that for the first week after the exam, Lance had been a little tense around her. He seemed to always be wondering if she was talking about his dick to the other girls in the office. In fact, she hadn't talked about his dick to any of the other girls in the office. That was a line that she just wouldn't cross, and she didn't regret the fact that she didn't cross it. But Eve's secretary Janice, who had typed up Amanda's notes, did not give Lance the same courtesy.

At first Janice didn't say anything to anybody, as she had been required by the company (not the government) to sign a form saying she wouldn't. But she started openly lusting after Lance, making her crush known to the entire office (including Lance.) Janice was 40, overweight, and unattractive. Even if Lance hadn't been married, he wouldn't be interested. But what made it uncomfortable was that Janice's sudden intense attraction to Lance made it clear to everyone that Janice had learned some interesting and intriguing facts about Lance from the penis inspection report she typed up.

The penis inspection reports were available via FOIA request, and all 4 of the other women in the office (including Eve, the owner of the business and Lance's direct supervisor!) besides Janice and Amanda requested a copy of Lance's report, as did the two gay men of the office. But there was a waiting period of up to 60 days to receive the copy, so the description of Lance's penis remained a secret (for now) to all of the employees except for Amanda and Janice.

Eve eventually confronted Janice and told her to knock it off. If she continued, she could expose both herself and the company to sexual harassment allegations from Lance, and she did not need that kind of headache. She told Janice she wouldn't get another warning and if it happened again, Janice would be fired.

Eve was surprised when Janice left the room that she had an email from the Government Rape Prevention Taskforce (GRPT). Her heart skipped a beat. It was going to be embarrassing if they were calling her out for requesting a copy of her own employee's penis inspection file. It wasn't illegal, but it would be a humiliating conversation to have with an actual human being. Before she could open the email, she looked up and saw Amanda knocking on her door.

"Come on in," Eve said. Amanda was one of her favorite employees. She was young and inexperienced at 25, but she definitely going places in the industry.

Amanda closed the door behind her. "Did you receive the email from GRPT?"

Eve's heart suddenly beat faster. It would be so humiliating if some bureaucrat had called her out for requesting Lance's penis inspection report and copied Amanda on the email. She didn't want Amanda to know. She felt she'd lose Amanda's respect if Amanda knew.

"I haven't had a chance to check my email yet. What are they saying?" Eve asked, trying not to sound too guilty.

"Lance's file was flagged by their Quality Control Department," Amanda said. Trying not to sound too eager, Amanda then added, as plainly as she could, "They want me to redo the inspection."

"What?" Eve said, trying not to sound too relieved that the email wasn't what she thought it was.

"They want to send over an auditor tomorrow and have the auditor supervise me as I perform another inspection on Lance," Amanda said.

"But why?" asked Eve.

"They didn't say why, but I did some research on my Facebook group, and this happened to a couple other companies. Apparently, the file can either be automatically flagged for information that is abnormal or suspect, or it can be flagged if a section of the inspection is skipped."

"But what information would be abnormal or suspect?" Eve asked in a dumb blonde moment. No woman said it out loud, but they both knew in that moment. Penis size. Eve got wet. She knew Lance was hung, damn it. That lucky bitch Amanda.

The awkward silence persisted for a moment before Eve spoke again.

"Well, how do we break the news to Lance?" Eve asked.

"The law is clear, Eve. He either needs to consent to a second inspection, or be terminated from his job," Amanda said, trying to convey sympathy for Lance. She was being a little fake. She had a little sympathy for him, but mostly she was just excited for the chance to play with his dick again... and hopefully see him get hard this time.

Eve thanked Amanda for the information and allowed her to leave early for the day. She had Janice call Lance into her office, and Lance could tell when he walked in the room that the news wasn't good. He wondered if he was getting fired. He shut the door behind him and took a seat across from Eve, prepared for the worst.

"Lance," Eve said, looking him in the eye, trying not to glance at his crotch to see if she could make anything out from his bulge. She paused. There was no easy way to say this.

"Lance, the government informed us that you're going to need to submit to another mandatory penis inspection," Eve said, believing it was best to deliver bad news directly and not beat around the bush.

Lance had tried so hard the past few months to maintain his dignity and not let anyone see how much this affected him. But he couldn't control himself. His eyes immediately teared up. He'd made it through the first one without getting hard. There was no way he'd make it through another one. Knowing how much of a violation it had been the first time made it even worse to anticipate going through it another time.

"No, Eve, I won't do it," he said angrily. "I did what I was supposed to do and I didn't complain and I won't do it again."

"Lance," Eve said, now getting emotional herself. She really did care about him. "I need you to sign a paper saying you will. Or I have to fire you. My hands are tied on this one. Please. You've got five little mouths to feed at home and another one on the way."

Lance saw red. She was manipulating him by bringing his family into it. This was so wrong. He wanted to scream and curse and throw something. But he looked Eve in the eye and knew this wasn't her fault.

"But, Eve, does it have to be Amanda again? This might be easier for me if one of the older women did it, or heck, one of the other guys in the office." Lance didn't like the thought of letting a gay guy play with his bits, but at least then there was minimal chance of erection and a lot less embarrassment and sexual tension showing his dick to someone who also had a dick.

This intrigued Eve. She'd had a passing thought here and there wondering if Lance had gotten hard in front of Amanda. With this tidbit, now it seemed pretty likely that he had.

"I'm sorry, Lance, but no. We have to do this tomorrow and there's no time for the government to certify someone by then. It's going to be Amanda and she's going to be supervised by whoever the government sends over. Now I need you to sign this consent form so I can get it over to the government."

Lance resigned himself to his fate.

Lance angrily signed the form and walked out of Eve's office. He couldn't believe this was happening. Amanda was going to have her hands all over his dick and balls. Again. And there was nothing he could do about it. He'd barely escaped getting hard the first time by the skin of his teeth. Not getting hard the second time would be a damn miracle.

In fact, he realized he already had a semi just thinking about it. He was screwed, and he knew it.

Neither Lance nor Amanda got that much sleep the night after they were informed that Lance had to have a second penis inspection. For Lance, this was an absolute nightmare. The first time was degrading. Now it was just unbearable. He took solace in the fact that Amanda had been very professional the first time and hadn't done anything too overtly sexual to get him hard. She seemed to play it by the book and have sympathy for his point of view. He had confidence that she would do all she could to keep boundaries in place and allow him to keep his dignity. He prayed that she had learned a little bit about what touches had gotten him close to getting hard the last time, and she'd avoid those this time. Around 3 in the morning, he finally fell asleep out of exhaustion.

For Amanda, this was a dream that seemed too good to be true. She was going to see Lance's dick again, and this time she was determined to get him hard whether he liked it or not. She thought about maybe doing something overtly sexual, like a sexy look or a sexy moan. But then she thought she could probably get him hard just by adding a few extra flourishes to the exam here and there. That way it wouldn't be as awkward afterward because he wouldn't be able to prove she got him hard on purpose. She was so turned on thinking about how his big hard dick would look pointing out at her, and how it would feel in her hands, and how it would feel between her legs... OK, so the last one probably wasn't going to happen, but a girl could dream, right? Amanda fell asleep around 3 AM after masturbating for a few hours.

Lance woke up at 4:30 in the morning having to piss like a racehorse. He untangled himself from his wife without waking her up, and walked into the bathroom. When he looked down, he was shocked at what he saw: a big white sticky spot at the front of his boxers. For the first time since he was about 18 years old, Lance had had a wet dream. Lance didn't understand why this happened. In reality, his body was purging itself of all of the older sperm in order to have a load of fresh young sperm ready to impregnate Amanda. Lance's body had faculties that he wasn't aware of. His mind didn't want to impregnate Amanda, but his body knew it had missed one opportunity to do so and it didn't want to miss another.