Growing Acceptance Ch. 02


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Nobody got hurt and we all got off. It was fun. And Mocha didn't look to join in, which might have been too much. She's a good person. She teases and presses my buttons but she's reliable and she is conscientious about my boundaries. She's a good person to have on our team. I wonder...

"What about her?" I whispered into Lexi's ear, tilting my head at the relaxed form of Mocha who lounged in the love seat. "Do you think she'd help us rescue Bel?"

"If it gave her a shot to get in your pants... Absolutely," she teased with a smirk, ruffling the back of my head.

"The only way she gets in my pants would be in your dreams honey," I joked. In the back of my mind though, I began to wonder. "But, seriously, what do you think?"

"If we ask her to join, she will jump at the chance. She's got something of a hero complex and she would love the chance to do you a favor and show off in front of you at the same time. Seems like she's somewhat infatuated with you Syd." Leaning in close, my succubus took a deep inhalation of my hair. "And I can't say I blame her."

My insides wobbled with her actions and I was both amused and exasperated at my seemingly limitless libido. "Don't Lexi, I'm sure I smell gross after the sex. I sweat more than enough for that to be the case."

Repeating the action just to spite me, Lexi reached behind me and gave my tail an exceedingly nice rub. I jumped in my seat and tried to frown at her in warning but couldn't work up the appropriate outrage and it came out more of a pout.

"Stop it," I whispered around a giggle. "This is serious time."

Her hooded eyes told me just what time she thought it should be. "I am always serious when it comes to you." Perfect pink lips pressed a line on my neck and I practically swooned as heat raced across my body.

"I think I'll be going now."

My eyes shot open at the sound of Mocha's voice, Lexi and I both snapping out of the sexy reverie we found ourselves slipping into.

"No. You don't have to go," I told her, giving myself time to think of how to frame the question.

"Should I ask her?" Lexi asked, slipping her arm across my bare chest, pressing between my breasts.

"Please do," I murmured, watching Mocha carefully as she hesitated in the threshold of the doorway, her tight shorts still sporting a damp spot from her earlier proclivities.

A flash of hope appeared but was quickly smothered by feigned nonchalance.

"Would you like to accompany us on an important mission that could be danger-"

"Yes. Whatever you're about to ask me, I'm in," she told us firmly, her voice steady and deep without a shred of uncertainty.

"How... Why?" I asked her, meeting her brown-eyed gaze.

"I would do nearly anything to experience a portion of what you two share. And I've known Lexi for long enough to know that she wouldn't ask for a favor like this if she didn't need my help."

Such honesty...

I found myself reconsidering some of my previously considered notions about the muscular succubus. The room fell silent and I could feel the full weight of both sets of eyes as they waited for my response. "Thank you. Thank you so much." It felt like a portion of the burden that'd been slowly crushing me ever since Sendra had laid out the mission was lifted. Lexi rose from the bed to grab some towels we all could use to clean ourselves. Once that was done, Lexi and I were lounging while Mocha hovered uncertainly at the edge of the mattress. Taking pity on her, I spun around in bed, giving Lexi a kiss while presenting Mocha with my backside.

She didn't get it for a moment. My cheeks blushed scarlet, and I patted the bed behind me as a hint. For the span of a couple of heartbeats, nothing happened. Then there was the sound of a cautious footfall. Another period of silence before another footfall. Then the mattress tilted a little under her weight as she crawled in behind me. She remained separated from my body, giving me space.

Space I don't want, you surprisingly considerate woman.

Lexi's eyes dance with mirth and I couldn't help but reflect that with a grin and exasperated head shake of my own. Shimmying my hips I worked backward until I butted up against her crotch. "Thank you again... I'm Sydney, but most of my friends call me Syd."

Mocha took a couple of intensely deep breaths, her body practically vibrating with excitement before I felt her deliberately attempt to calm herself. It took her a few seconds but she managed to accomplish that goal. The pillow caught her head, and everyone held their collective breath before she took a risk, letting her still t-shirt confined breasts press up against me. It felt wrong. Having her clothed like that while Lexi and I were naked.

She has to be dreadfully uncomfortable, doesn't she? That doesn't seem right or fair.

"If you... If you want to get comfortable, that would be okay with me." Lacking confidence, I said it softly enough that I wasn't sure if Mocha heard me. A period of silence descended on the room, as what felt like the entire world waited for a response.

Turned out she was merely taking the time to understand what I was saying. Hopping out of the bed much quicker than she'd climbed in, Mocha had Lexi and I bouncing.

My girlfriend wrinkled her nose at me in an adorable fashion. "You're a cruel tease," Lexi said, her voice warm and close.

"If she doesn't like it she can leave. I merely offered," I defended myself hotly.

Wasting no time, Mocha quickly divested herself of clothing and settled back into her previous place. This time her skin was no longer separated by that unnatural clothing.

Much better.

"I'm not going anywhere if I don't have to." At this close range, Mocha's voice rolled through my body like a low-grade earthquake.

"Is... Is this enough?" My voice echoed tremulously, my rolling stomach leaking out my throat in a gush of uncertainty.

Her hand had Lexi's same warmth as it settled on my stomach. "I am exceedingly happy with what you've given me today. I am not a greedy person, I will gladly accept more but I will not push." Her lips pressed into my upper back. "I am glad you accept me here Sydney." She said my name slowly, with an uncomfortable amount of feeling and sincerity. "My name is Annita."

I didn't know how to respond so I didn't. It took some time, but we all eventually relaxed and, after some wiggling, became comfortable with the arrangement. Bracketed as I was by soft feminine flesh, I felt cherished. And while those two muscular thermal generators disguised as succubi toasted me into a deep and restful sleep stole over me.

I awoke feeling crisp and sharp, instantly becoming aware of the situation.

It's the middle of the night. I'm still in bed with both of the women. There doesn't seem to be anyone else in the room. And... Lexi smells of fear. That explains the dusky tribal marking adorning my skin.

Threading my arm under her body, I curled myself as close to her as I could. There was a sensation of falling that I recognized from the fake Walmart and my time spent inside Sariel. Before I could complete the journey into her mind I cut it off by throwing my head back. It did what I wanted but had the unfortunate side effect of waking Annita.

I could feel the tenseness of her confusion, a particular vibration in the air. She relaxed for just a moment, probably remembering her location, before seeing my changed form. My now six-inch tail tapped against her thigh.

"Shhhhh," I murmured into Lexi's ear. Turning my head to the ceiling, I spoke quietly to Annita. "Please remain quiet, I'll explain in a moment." Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her nod. I returned my attention back to the woman in my arms. My emotional intuition worked overtime.

She doesn't need me rooting around in her brain. Her nightmare just needs a little adjustment, a little tuning, to get it into a nice dream.

Even as I thought it, she shuddered and the acrid smell of her fear grew more potent.

Fuck you Lexi's subconsciousness, I'm not going to let you mess with her sleep like this.

Utilizing some previously unknown capability, I began to combat the nightmare with aromatherapy. The smell of apple pie and woodsmoke drifted from my neck and out my mouth, settling around my girl like a protective barrier. An inclination came to me and I grabbed hold of it. Humming deep in my throat, I pressed the vibrations into Lexi's back, letting my hands drift across her naked back and stomach in soothing curls. The nightmare had one more teeth clenching shudder in it before the tension drained from her back and she settled into a deep, restful sleep. Silently thanking my goddess for these gifts, I slipped out from under my succubus to turn toward the other one that shared our bed.

Mocha's eyes held a combination of longing, wonder, and curiosity as they regarded me carefully. Unable to help herself, they darted to the tops of my partially exposed breasts that peaked out from the comforter before returning to my face.

"I'm sure you have a fair amount of questions. Please, feel free."

She opened her mouth but nothing came out for a few seconds. Her brow furrowed. "I almost don't know where to start."

"I'm in no rush. Whenever you're ready."

"You seem like a different person. Are you really Sydney?" She held a hand between us and her attention darted to the shapes that adorned my skin.

I smiled at her. "I'm still Sydney, just... different." I took her hand and pressed it to the dusky pink of my arm. "I've been told I'm a priestess of the goddess Belini, and I haven't heard any information to dispute that. Think of it like a computer, but running a different version of the same software."

"And that smell... What is it?"

"Something to help Lexi sleep. She was having... troubled dreams."

Annita picked up on the nuance of my language and the implications. "This is just like what happened to Lexi on the soccer field. You two are in this together."

"Very perceptive. Top marks to you," I confirmed.

"But you aren't... All muscley."

"There seems to be different... flavors of priestesses. Lexi gets muscles where I get the feelings."

"Huh. Okay." She took a moment to digest everything.

It was amusing to see her practically quake in her nonexistent boots with desire.

Flattering and fun in a big package with a soft, creamy center.

"I'll tell you something that I probably will regret when I'm no longer... Well, as I am currently." My eyes gleamed and I faced her directly. "You'll get your chance. I find you quite interesting and won't mind when we find ourselves in the same bed again. And I promise you the next time will be decidedly more hands-on." I tilted my head, considering such a scenario. "And probably a fair amount of tongue."

Annita swallowed audibly.

"Now, if you don't mind. I'm going to give my girl a lovely dream and go to sleep myself."

She chuckled. "You sound like a succubus when you say it so plainly like that."

I touched my horns, much longer and more prominent in this form, and smiled. "When I'm like this I find myself uncluttered by modesty that isn't required." Leaning forward, I placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Thank you for your acceptance of my physical changes, I'm still somewhat bashful about the succubi-puberty I seem to be undergoing. You've done my psyche loads of good and I appreciate that."

She licked her lips, Mocha's fingers tingling with the desire to pinch herself to see if it was a dream. "No problem."

I put her out of my mind, turning back to my honey who was still breathing the even rhythm of the deeply sleeping. The uneasiness still lived in my heart, and I could tell it would until I managed to reassure myself she was safe.

And the only way I can do that is to feel her cum under my hands. Now that I've modified her nightmare into a dream, I wonder if I can turn that dream into a wet one?

Slithering my arms back around her body, my knee slipping through her legs to press my thigh where I wanted it. Lexi stirred. I froze. Even sleeping, her hands sought out mine, tangling them together to keep me from leaving her again. Love spilled across my insides like an avalanche of oil across the ocean, making everything slick and heavy. My throat closed up and I had to blink to keep tears from spilling down my cheeks. I remained like that, my plan on hold, content to just stay close to her like this for a spell.

Eventually though, my priestess instincts took hold and restlessness stole over me. I needed to get her off.

And preferably without waking her. The problem is, how do I get her aroused when she can't talk to, look at, or taste me. That leaves two avenues of attack. And smell has already proven itself effective.

I smiled to myself.

And that has nothing to do with my unwillingness to let go of her, I thought sarcastically to myself. All that's left is to decide what smell would best generate arousal. Based on my past experience, the thing that gets Lexi going the quickest would be...


My own arousal.

Lexi gets great pleasure out of seeing my own.

Therefore, this should be a relatively simple matter.

Ducking forward, I pressed my nose into the nape of Lexi's neck, taking a deep breath of her scent as I let my imagination run wild. The scent of cinnamon and peppers accompanied me on my way towards a waking dream of my own.

I'm cooking breakfast on the stove, bacon, eggs and toast while Lexi is in the shower. Her damp scent precedes her like a wave. She steps up behind me and wraps her arms over my shoulders and down my hands like a cloak. Her heel hooks my ankle and spreads my stance out wide. She hums in my ear, more of a sound than a question, but I understand her intent. I nod my agreement, the spatula in my hand shaking with my excitement.

In our bed, a feminine smell began to waft from between my legs, the space there growing warm and damp.

Lexi covers my hand with hers. Her face slips down to nudge the hair away from my neck to place a kiss at the junction where it meets with my spine. Buttocks press against her already hard erection as I jutt them back against her body, presenting myself to her for the taking. And Lexi doesn't disappoint. She slips into me with impossible ease, her cock stretching my folds wide from behind. Her strokes almost leisurely and I lean back into her to get better contact. She would be waiting for this and with a small 'hup' she would hoist me into the air, her hands under my thighs. The spatula slips from my hand to fall to the floor. Her cock twitches inside my pussy, the current lowest point of my body. My hands would throw back and hook themselves around her neck to keep myself from falling forward.

I couldn't stop my pelvis from doing microscopic twists and twitches, an involuntary reaction to my imagined scenario. My arousal intensified. And Lexi responded in kind, her hands squeezing around mine, our scents mixing together in a heady cloud of what smelled like pure sex.

Her hand would then be free to tease a nipple while the other could descend to my wanton clit that had, until now, been neglected as it crowned my plundered sex. White teeth could find my sensitive earlobe and give it a little tug, a little spice to season the experience. Slipping over the edge I would fall into my release. My eyes would close, only opening after a felt the warm spurts of her seed inside me.

My arousal was so intense that my pussy ached with desire, flooding the bed with my wanting. Focusing on Lexi, I could tell that my labors were having an effect, her breathing shallow and her legs twisted and rubbed against mine.

She's almost there, all she 'kneeds' is a little nudge.

Later I would groan at the terrible joke, for now, however, I was proud at the cleverness of the pun. Moving my knee, I smooshed my thigh into her leaking pussy, making a mess and providing the necessary stimulus to push Lexi over the top. A delicate sigh slipped from her lips as her cock jerked and twitched, spitting her milky white cum across her stomach.

Quite messy tonight, aren't we?

The sympathetic feedback was enough to do it for me, letting me slip into a small but welcome release. I had to painfully bite my lower lip to keep any sound from slipping out. Once our bliss had run its course, I was finally able to relax, remaining close to Lexi as she slipped into a less sexual dream.

"You're a heartless tease Sydney," Annita spoke up into the otherwise quiet room, her voice husky with desire.

Her voice drew my attention to the strange scent that intermingled with the familiar one of Lexi's release. The last of the strange energy that fueled my transformation told me it was her arousal, even as it drained from my body.

I smiled, reaching back I found her hand and set it on my hip. "I make no apologies. Now be quiet and go to sleep."

"... Heartless," she muttered. That didn't stop her from scooting up against my back.

The demon in my heart grinned as I took her hand again, this time setting it on my chest, just below my clavicle where my breasts started to swell out. "No, I have a heart. See? You can feel it."

She didn't have a response. Eventually, we both joined Lexi in sleep. And if it took Annita a much longer time to get there than me, that could hardly be considered my fault, could it?

I was alone in bed in the morning. And, as the night's activities raced through my brain, I blushed a deep red and threw the blanket over my head, hoping in vain that it was nothing more than an arousing dream.

I'm never going to be able to look Mocha in the face again.

While not entirely true, the next week or so between us was exceedingly awkward. Many shy glances and awkward stammering during our workouts were had. For her part, she was mostly understanding, but I could tell her infatuation with me had deepened and I wasn't ready to handle that yet. Which in turn led to a lot of hiding behind Lexi, who only giggled at my silliness but played the part of my big strong protector without complaint. During this week I had an idea about tracking down the evil lair, as I'd so dubbed it when discussing the situation with Lexi and Annita. So I sent out an email, not expecting much to come of it.

Then, five and a half days or so after I sent it, I got a reply. It was a simple link to a google map coordinate with a small message and signature attached.

Good hunting - Joshua

I closed the laptop with shaky hands and walked on wooden feet to give Lexi the news.

We have a location, and everything just got a whole more real.

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PurplefizzPurplefizzover 2 years ago

Loving it so far, although it feels as if the story speed is slowing as it incorporates more characters, Lexi & Syd progressed very quickly to begin with but the story has gently slowed as Belini, Sendra, Annita, Mom, Sariel et al have occupied more page space. Although that could be the author reacting to good reviews and upping his/her game?

Anyway, thanks for writing and posting, cheers Ppfzz.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Love this story. Reading it a 2nd time, been waiting for the next chapter

QueenNovels1QueenNovels1about 3 years ago

Love this story so much, and 'forced change' so so much. Can't wait for the next chapters✨✨✨

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Top Notch

Forced Changes and now this are among my favorite stories on this site. Eagerly awaiting the next installment!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Great build-up. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
You never disappoint

Great chapter AGAIN!

Love the cliffhanger and cannot wait for more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

By far my favorite erotic series I've ever read. Absolutely love it!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

10/10 as usual wish youd be more fequent though!

capn_doggycapn_doggyabout 4 years agoAuthor
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