Happily Ever After Pt. 05

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A crossdresser at Disney World with his wife and friends.
14.6k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/15/2021
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First, I want to apologize for the really long delay between parts four and five. It was never my intention for it to take so long to get part five out. Unfortunately, a combination of life, work, and a serious case of writer's block all conspired together to the delay. I will try my best to get part six out much quicker.

Happily Ever After- A Princess at Disney World Part 5

I woke just after six o'clock after a restless sleep. My mind seemed to immediately race through all the different thoughts that were running through it. I seemed unable to focus on just one. I thought about the time I had spent with Matt last night and how much I enjoyed it. I thought about my interactions with Sarah this trip, what did they mean? I thought about Sarah texting last night with Eric, what was going on there? I also thought about how much I was enjoying living this week as a woman while at Disney World and how hard it was going to be to go back to being Brad when the week was over.

It took me several minutes to realize that I had not thought about what the plans for today and tomorrow were. That should have been my first thought, I should have woken up excited about what would happen over the next two days. Today was going to be my bachelorette party and tomorrow was my wedding day. Although neither event was real, they were opportunities to live out dreams and fantasies I have had most of my life as a crossdresser.

Sarah, Pat and Lisa had done a lot of work to bring those dreams to life by having Steve propose to me. He did that on Main Street in the Magic Kingdom, in front of Cinderella's Castle, asking me to be his Disney Princess. They had planned a wedding for me tomorrow at the Grand Floridian including a one-night honeymoon with Steve. Today was going to be a day celebrating all that with the girls, and me being able to experience not only a bachelorette party but be the focus of it.

I should have been more excited about all that, including the honeymoon time with Steve. He had allowed me to experience my curiosity of sex with a man now on a number of occasions and it had been wonderful. I definitely enjoyed taking on the role of the woman during sex and bluntly was a fan of Steve's dick. It had struck me yesterday though, that my relationship with Steve was pretty much specifically about sex.

He had proposed to me on Wednesday. We had celebrated that by me giving him a blow job back in the hotel room, which I had very much enjoyed doing. Since that day I had received one text from him. It made me remember that after the cruise, where we had met and had sex for the first time, he had texted me regularly for about a month, but even those texts were sexting most of the time. That dropped off more and more each month and prior to showing up at Disney this week, I had not heard from him in over a month.

Knowing there was no way I was going to be able to get back to sleep I quietly slid out of bed and headed into the shower. I took extra time shaving my legs and underarms. I still loved doing that and the feeling it gave me. While I was in the shower my mind kept going back to last night. Matt and I had met for drinks. It would have to have been considered a date. I was thinking I had made a mistake by not going back to his room after the drinks and I was a little angry with myself for that.

I also thought that I wasn't completely sure what the plans for the day were. I knew that at dinner last night I was told that we would be heading to Epcot around 11:00 to start the bachelorette party. I wasn't sure who else was going with us for that. I assumed Lisa would be there and I was hoping Nancy and Melissa would be a part of it also.

I finished the shower and stepped into the dressing area, shaving my face closely and started on my makeup. I knew that I had a few hours to kill before it would be time to get ready to go to Epcot so I decided I would get some coffee and a light breakfast and stroll around the resort maybe. I went a little heavier on my makeup than normal for a visit to a park. I told myself that it was so I would look good as the bride to be, but I also knew I had other reasons for it. I was disappointed that I couldn't fluff up my hair because I didn't want to wake Sara with the blow dryer, so I pulled it back into a high ponytail.

I quietly pulled out my pink leopard print bra and panty set along with a pink sleeveless v neck t shirt and my khaki shorts. I dressed and took a peek in the mirror. I was happy with how I looked but definitely missed my dress and heels from last night. I grabbed my pink Magic Band and flip flops and slipped quietly out of the room. Sara was still snoring, so I knew I hadn't woken her up.

I made my way to the food court. I was surprised to see Pat sitting at one of the tables outside of it enjoying a cup of coffee. I said hi and went inside to quickly grab a banana, yogurt and a coffee, coming back out and sat down with her.

"Good Morning! You are up early? Everything okay?" I asked.

"Oh yea. I don't know how but I managed to sleep seven straight hours last night. I have no idea the last time I did that but when I woke up there was no way I was getting back to sleep. So, you aren't still wearing your dress, I am assuming you aren't stopping for breakfast on a walk of shame." She laughed heartily.

"No, no walk of shame this morning. Just up early and couldn't sleep anymore." I replied.

"How was the date?" She raised an eyebrow as she asked.

"It was good. Honestly, it was great. I really like him. He is very easy to talk to, he is a great flirt. Actually, he lives near Richmond." I smiled and maybe blushed a little as I said that.

"Really! Wow! That is interesting and convenient." She laughed her wonderful laugh. "So, did you all hook up last night and you left? Or are you playing hard to get? Is he playing hard to get? Spill the details girlfriend!"

"It was obvious he was interested. And we did share a pretty amazing kiss. I just didn't think the timing was right... or something. I have been sort of regretting not going back to his room last night all morning."

"Why didn't you think the timing was right? Sorry you regret not doing that. I hate regrets like that. I think that is why I hooked up with Lisa on the cruise ship. I didn't want to end up wishing I did for the rest of my life." Pat looked right at me as she said that.

I lifted my hand up and displayed my engagement ring to her. "This played a big part in it. I know it isn't real and that tomorrow isn't real, but it just didn't seem like I should have sex with someone else with that getting ready to happen."

Pat laughed. "Really? That is what held you back? I am sorry to laugh but you are right that isn't real. Let me ask you something, do you think if the roles were reversed that Steve would have done the same thing?"

"Probably not, honestly, one thing I have realized in the last day or so is that I only really know what Steve likes and wants when it comes to sex. I am not sure we have really ever talked about anything besides that. Oh, I know he likes pirates we did talk about that when we were in the Bahamas on the cruise." I was looking down at the table.

"Oh sweetie. Wow, you are becoming a girl really fast, aren't you? You want romance with your passion. And here I thought you were just some slut." Again, she laughed.

That was the great thing about Pat she said exactly what was on her mind and she did it in a way that never offended or angered you. She was right, I think. My interest in men before had always been from their neck through their groin area, really their dick and abs are what I was attracted to. With Matt, I realized, I was interested in more that just that.

"This is all so confusing. When you asked the other day about wanting real boobs. I am pretty sure I do. I am already not looking forward to going home and having to put all of my girl stuff away until the next time."

"I know. I can see how happy and comfortable you are as Brandi. I think that is something you are going to have to figure out and work through. BUT I think you need to enjoy the next few days first. Enjoy every minute of it. Grab every opportunity, live in the minute." She reached for my hand.

"Really? I have been debating about tomorrow. I was wondering if I should actually go through with it? I was just really scared of saying anything to Sarah." I held onto her hand.

"Yes, you should go through with it. You are going to get to wear a wedding dress, in public! That has been a dream of yours for what, maybe forever? And be honest, sex with Steve is pretty awesome isn't it? Like you do like his dick, don't you?" She was laughing again.

"Yes, and yes. The sex is definitely good." I smiled.

"Okay, so think of the wedding as a costume party, or Halloween, or whatever, just enjoy getting to have a complete make over and wear a wedding dress. Enjoy everything that goes with being a bride and having a special day. Then let Steve, and that dick you like so much, fuck your brains out." She laughed so hard I was scared that people would start staring at us.

"Well, when you put it like that it makes sense." I laughed a little. "Especially since I fucked up and turned Matt's dick down last night."

"When is he leaving, today? No chance for a quick hook up before he goes?" She was serious.

"Yes, today, this afternoon. And I don't think so. Honestly, I was hoping I might run into him this morning." I replied.

"Well, that explains the makeup, especially the lipstick and eye makeup, this morning. You picked cock sucker red for a reason, didn't you?" Another laugh.

"So, you think it would be okay to have a quickie with him this morning if I did see him?" I know I was blushing as I said it.

"Yes, definitely. And maybe you are just a bit of a slut." She winked at me.

"I love you! Honestly, you are an amazing friend." I smiled at her.

"I know. I love you also. I am still trying to decide if I like Brad or Brandi better. I think Brandi but that might just be because Brandi seems to check out my cleavage and tits. Maybe Brad does also but he isn't as obvious. Speaking of that I need to go find a shirt that shows them off, I am hoping that Lisa will want to suck on them later tonight and burry her head between my legs after that."

I am sure my eyes got really wide as she said that. "Really?"

"Yes, I told you I don't want to go home regretting not having another amazing orgasm like the last time I was with her." Her eyes suddenly widened. "And remember that in about sixty seconds. Don't regret not taking advantage of opportunities.

"What? Why in sixty seconds?" I asked.

She laughed as she stood up and walked away. "See you later this morning. Have fun."

I watched her get up and leave and as I turned in my chair, I suddenly understood what she meant. I saw Steve walking towards where we were sitting. He stopped and said a few words to Pat, they shared a quick hug, then he continued towards me.

I smiled and waved at him. He was wearing a sleeveless t shirt and gym short and when he smiled back at me, I felt my heart rate pick up. He told me he was going to grab a quick cup of coffee and come back out.

"Good Morning, I was hoping I might see you this morning." He said when he got back to the table. "Mind if I sit with you?"

"Not at all. I was thinking I might see you this morning also." I replied, trying to sound calm. "Kids and your sister head off to breakfast? I still think you made a mistake not going. It really is good and you get to meet Mary Poppins."

"Yes. They took a Minnie Van, it met them right outside the room. If I had gone with them, I wouldn't have gotten to see you though. Mary Poppins might be practically perfect in every way, but you are a perfect in every way." He smiled at me.

I laughed while feeling warm all over. "Okay, that was a little thick, but thank you. I am far from perfect, just ask Sarah."

"Is she still sleeping? Speaking of that, how did you sleep last night?" he asked.

"Yes. I slept okay, was a little restless. I couldn't settle my mind down and I woke up early and it was worse."

I realized that since I had sat down, I hadn't eaten my yogurt or my banana. I had a thought come to my mind and couldn't decide if I was brazened enough to do it. I peeled the banana and then held it in my hand looking at him.

"What was on your mind? Anything I could help with?" He looked right at me as he said that.

I brought the banana to my mouth and then took most of into it. I never broke eye contact with him before slowly sliding it out and biting off a small portion from the end and quickly chewed it. His eyes widened and I saw a small gulp in his throat.

I spoke. "A lot of things. My plans for today and tomorrow. How much I have enjoyed meeting you, how much I enjoyed spending time with you last night. Mainly though, I was thinking about missed opportunities."

I brought the banana back to my mouth and repeated what I had done, I was even more deliberate this time.

"What are you plans for today and tomorrow?" His eyes were still wide, and he was blushing a little.

I did the thing banana one more time but a third of it was now so I took a few more quick bites and finished it. It also gave a me a minute to think if was going to tell him the truth. I decided I was.

"Today, we are going to Epcot for my bachelorette party." I stopped and let that sink in. "Tomorrow I am getting married."

He didn't say anything for a second. "Is this part of what happened the other day with the proposal and the ring, and all that?"

"Yes, it was all part of what Sarah, Pat, and our friend Lisa set up. Letting me get in as many girl experiences as I could."

He didn't say anything. Just took a sip of his coffee. His eyes stared at his cup as he sat it back on the table. The silence was a little uncomfortable. I decided to continue to be honest with him.

"I was pretty excited about all of it but then I met this man who I can't get out of my head. In fact, he is so much in my head that I was thinking about calling it all off. Pat convinced me this morning not to do that. She said I should just pretend like it was a costume party or something and enjoy it."

"Hmm, so that is what you are going to do?" He was back to looking me in the eye.

"Yes, I know you wouldn't understand any of this. It probably sounds silly, or stupid, or even crazy. All my life I have been jealous of what girls get to do. What they get to wear and experience, that they get to outwardly demonstrate femininity, even when a lot of it is stereotypical, like wearing a cheerleading uniform or even a stewardess uniform."

He was listening intently, so I continued. "Especially the occasion moments. The proms and prom dresses, being a bridesmaid and bridesmaid dresses, and of course the ultimate being a bride and wearing a wedding dress. I have an opportunity to do that, at my favorite place in the world, so I am going to do it."

He looked up and smiled. "I do understand that, and I am glad you are getting to experience it. When you said you were thinking about missed opportunities earlier that is what you meant, you don't want to miss this opportunity."

I smiled then shyly said. "God you are wonderful. No, I mean yes, I don't want to miss this opportunity, but what I was talking about then was... I feel like I missed an opportunity last night."

"What opportunity was that?" He grinned at me, so I knew he was playing with me a little.

"Are you going to make me say it?" I batted my eyes at him.

"Yes." He brought his coffee cup to his mouth, but his eyes never left mine.

"Okay, I missed the opportunity kiss you passionately, to take you in my mouth, to find out what you taste like, to make you feel physical pleasure." I smiled at him.

He set the coffee cup down. "It sounds like I am the one that missed out. I would have loved all of those things."

I remembered what Pat said earlier and made a decision. For some reason I wanted him to be the one to suggest it though. I just had to make sure he knew that it was an option.

"I am sorry I caused you to miss out. You had a hotel room all to your own last night and we didn't take advantage of that. Wish I could make that up to you somehow." I raised my coffee cup to my mouth while looking into his eyes.

"Yes, traveling with kids it is sometimes hard to get alone time. It probably was a mistake to not take advantage of that. Not sure when that will happen again. Oh, wait, it is happening right now. My kids are gone and probably won't be back for at least an hour." He raised his eyebrow as he finished speaking.

I still wanted him to be the one to suggest it, so I didn't respond. Instead, a took a bite of my yogurt and tongued the spoon to lick all of it off. Looking right at him as I did it.

"Umm, Brandi, between watching you eat the banana and the yogurt... listen, I love flirting with you but... fuck, I am just going to say it. I want you. I want you to come back to my room right now. Do you want to, ahh, do that?"

He was nervous as he spoke which I found very cute. For some reason I was feeling more confidence than I expected. I think it was because of how comfortable I felt with him and how he looked at me, it was obvious that he desired me.

"I was hoping you would suggest that. Yes, I very much want to be alone with you!" I stood and gathered my stuff and took it over to the trash can.

When I turned around it was obvious, he had watched me walk over. I saw him stand up and when I got back to the table, he gently placed a hand on my back and steered me in the direction to his room. We didn't talk on the way to it just exchanged a few awkward smiles and grins. The tension building with every step.

It was probably a five-minute walk, his room was at the far end of the resort, but it felt like it only took five seconds. When we arrived at his door, he touched his Magic Band to the sensor and pushed it open, letting me step into it first. I took a quick glance around the room and liked that it was fairly neat and organized, he hadn't just strewn luggage and clothes everywhere. It was obvious that he had kept things tidy.

I heard the door close behind us and felt his hand on my shoulder, turning my body towards him, suddenly his mouth was on mine, kissing me hard. Our kiss last night had been romantic, this was about passion and desire. I moved my hands to his shoulders and his hands dropped to my waist pulling us close together. As our bodies touched his hands fell to my ass and he squeezed it as he pressed against me, I could tell he was already hard.

I worried that my panties and shorts wouldn't keep my growing arousal in check, and I didn't want him to feel that. I broke our embrace and taking his hand led him to the bed. A part of me wanted to be on my knees in front of him, serving him, worshiping him, but the hard wood floor didn't look inviting for that.

I pulled his shirt over his head and dropped it on the floor. He smiled at me and we kissed again while my hands went to his belt and I undid it and the button on his shorts. My hand brushed against his hard dick as I unzipped him and then his shorts fell to his ankles.

I broke away from the kiss and pushed him into a seated position on the bed. I took a moment to admire his chest and stomach. He reached for the bottom of my shirt and started to pull it up.

"No sweetie leave that on, I ugh didn't take the time to make, umm things look exactly right this morning. Next time, okay? Let's make this time about making you feel good." I smiled at him.

I put my hand on the band of his underwear and began to pull them down. His erect penis caught the band momentarily and I lifted the elastic up and over it. As I pulled the briefs down his legs, I looked at his hard cock. I was surprised that I immediately compared it to Steve's. It appeared a little shorter but was probably over six inches hard. It looked to be thicker though, and the circumcised head was more pronounced. Steve's had more veins, but Matt's veins were larger.