Hartan Expanding Ch. 03


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After I stopped and she had a chance to breathe hard for a few minutes, she shifted down my body again until she got to my ankles so she could grab my cock in her mouth.

Sucking and bobbing for just a couple of seconds, she climbed back up me and straddled my hips carefully.

The moment of truth was at hand.

I could see, by the hint of the night-light, some details of her body, above me, holding my cock with one hand, positioning it, rubbing up and down her cleft, then, finding the right spot, pushing down with her body onto it.

That feeling, the feeling of my cock going into a vagina, that is The Best Feeling Ever, period, end of discussion.

O. M. G.

I certainly can't come up with anything that's better in the history of my universe. It was Hot, soft, delightfully skin-erotic, passion-full, and mind-bendingly good. I groaned, deep and gutteral, "Ohhhhhhhhhhh..."

Maria said, "He's in."

While I didn't realize I'd be having really public sex for my first time in, it was a little heartening to hear 3 other girls say, more or less, "Yay!"

Maria hadn't moved much, but then she started moving up and down, her hands on the front of my shoulders, her face looking down on my own. My hands were on her hips, feeling her slim body undulating slowly above mine, up so deliciously, up and down, and so embracingly down, and all of the ups and downs and ups again? YES, this was good!

Slowly she built for a minute or two, slightly faster, and then she stopped and said, "The pause that refreshes." She stayed still for over a minute, and I played with her boobs a little, rubbing her nipples like she had.

This drove her a little batty, I think, and she started moving again, up and down, up and down, slamming down on me hard and ... I figured out that she was pulsing on me, gripping me with her vagina muscles. I looked at her sideways and said, "Inside? ... Keigels?"

She said, "Correct-a-mundo." Her breathing was a little ragged.

Starting to move again, she rode me, up and down, working faster and faster, and I just went with it. Minutes of pure joy passed.

It wasn't too much longer and I felt myself start to come. Her arms let loose and she collapsed against my front, responding to my excitement, and really my pulling her close to me, down against my front as my hips thrust upwards.

My hands grabbed at her hips, too, pulling them hard down against me as I came, thrusting into her, "aahahahhahaahaaaaaaa!!!!!!" I couldn't help crying out, the lower register of my voice doubling down with a set of grunts as I found my bliss, redefined to be exactly that feeling.

As I started realizing anything but my own orgasm, I felt Maria stiffen and cry out herself, my spurting into her matched as she grunted onto me as well, shuddering and holding my shoulders closely.

Into her, thrusting jerkily, I was uncertain when the pleasure would stop since it flowed in waves that crested but then reality intervened, then it went again to no-vision ecstasy, and back to 'oh, I'm lying here again'.

We settled down, my cock still in her, and she relaxed against me, a content sigh followed by her slow and happy "hmmm...."

She moved her head and kissed me, softly, slowly, without urgency or goal. "That, Mr. Cooper, was top-notch."

"Oh, I concur, Miss Maria, I do concur."

She lay there for another minute or two, then pulled off and scooted to my side, and pulled up the covers. I felt her doing something with the towel on the bed, then I ...don't remember the rest.

== Chapter: Morningtime Awakenings ==

I came awake before the alarm, Maria was moving against me, her hand jacking my cock slightly. I was already hard. It felt like I'd slept a while -- the clock said we had 10 minutes until the alarm clock went off. She said, seeing me crane for the clock, "Ten minutes. Time enough for another ride. You up?"

"Damn straight! You can tell I'm up."

"Hmmm...." Her face went down, pushing the covers back, and she sucked my cock a moment before crawling up on me again, just like the previous night, positioning my cock, and sitting down on me. I thought, but didn't say, "Ohhhh, yes!", followed by any number of accurately descriptive terms elucidating my current state of being. What came out, though, was another guttural groan just barely loud enough for her to hear.

Up and down, she rode me, her pussy starting out utterly wet and ready, and going from there to pulsing with a low deliberate squeeze, her smiling slight-wince giving away she was doing it on purpose.

Her body - her athletic, muscular, gymnastics-trained, beautiful body -- ground against me, up and down, building slowly in speed. Just a couple of minutes later, I again felt the pressure build, and SPURT, and SPURT again, "Ahhh!" I cried out as gently and softly as I could, pushing myself into her, raising my hips as far as I could, Spurt! And I was in, there, in her, and hugging her body tightly, so tightly I might break her but I didn't. Her breasts pressed against my chest, her hips against mine, her pubic bone grinding into mine.

We stopped, and she settled down, then in a moment she slipped off to the side, breathing hard and turning to sit.

A moment after that, the alarm went off.

I ignored it for a moment, making sure the noise was something everyone heard, before struggling (I was still sort-of under Maria's leg) to turn around and shut it off. She could have done it, but I could tell she was enjoying the skin time against me.

On the bunk opposite us, the light turned on, and then someone was up and turned on the room light. Maria languidly kissed me, smiling and looking softly in my eyes, and then pushed herself up, crawling down the ladder, her boobs dangling slightly with a wonderful sway to them.

I followed her, getting down the ladder, and realized I was still at nearly full-staff standing there. There wasn't much I could do about that, but since everyone in the room had certainly heard us having sex, it was only slightly embarrassing to be naked and erect as 4 other girls shuffled around, took off nightshirts and underwear, got their towels wrapped, and started heading for the bathroom line. I only had to grab my towel, but I realized my politeness was going to cost me a place in line for the shower, so I edged through and excused myself as I went.

Ohira bent over just as I passed and bumped her butt into my penis, prominently bulging out the towel in a way that left no question as to what it was, any more than a towel wrapped over boobs left any question about what boobs were shaped like.

Changing the wrap so the extra towel fold was right in front and thus slightly obscuring, I tried to arrange something that could not easily be arranged.

This idea had been observed by the girls around me and I hoped, walking into the hall, I had enough cover of anonymity from numbers that it didn't make a difference.

The extra people meant the line was extra long.


After a couple of minutes, it was my turn. I got through quickly like normal, and Consuella got in after me, with Akari and then Maria in line behind her. As I passed Maria in line, she stepped forward and gave me a quick kiss. I had wondered if I should do that, but her move made it okay, I thought, that everyone knew that we were being intimate, or at least, that we were familiar enough to be kissing.

Behind Maria were 4 more people, all girls of various ages and all covered up with towels to be private, but I made sure to not stare anyway. It wasn't polite. Besides that, I'd just had sex, and WOW that was fine, so I could close my eyes and see the image echoes of Maria, on me, boob-a-licious dangly over my chest and eyes of fire. Well - not fire, maybe but flaring happy at least.

Among the difficult people to not-stare-at was Bree, whose big boobs made a statement when she stood with her arms crossed under them, either in a towel or a uniform shirt.

Distracted by the interactions in the bathroom, I stepped around the corner into my room and pulled off my towel just as I walked in.

This meant that when I saw Shay, she saw me.

My mental conception of her was as that she was a 'lady', meaning, older. More objectively, I considered her in the light of having just had sex, and in that instant, I pictured what she'd be like, bouncing on me.


Really, she wasn't that old, somewhere in her late 30's. She was putting clothes in piles on the open closet shelves, labeled with our names on white masking tape. My shelf was different since I didn't have a pile for bras, but otherwise it was the same.

We each had initials on a tag in the garment, all written with a color to make sorting easier.

There was space on the shelves for individual things - I had some books just like some other girls; they had bras, hygiene, jewelry and a few things they liked.

No one touched anyone else's things. It was HUGE as a social convention. It was Not Done.

(I asked a Muslim housemate once about services and they described taking off shoes as they went in the building and putting them in cubbyholes. I asked if anyone ever stole the shoes. She looked at me like I had described a murder. "Stealing SHOES? At a MOSQUE!?!??!?!" The answer was so definitively No it answered my question with a whole complex cultural datapoint instead of what otherwise would have been a simple yes/no.)

Shay looked at me (I was quite naked and still kind of shower-damp) and said, smiling kindly, "Buenos Dias, senor Kevin." She didn't seem to mind at all that I was naked, either, though she was fully dressed. I guessed it probably came from being older, and it occurred to me to wonder something.

I said, "Yes, of course, Buenos Dias to you too. Thank you." I paused, moving the towel in front of me to avoid uncomfortableness being so close and her being on her knees to get to the lower shelves. I asked kind of gently, "Uh, Shay, may I ask a question?"

She turned to me and stood.

I'd had a long-standing question, and I decided to ask it while I got my clothes. She stepped away to let me, and I asked, "Uh, I was wondering... I'm sorry if this is a hard question to answer, but... a long time ago, when you arrived, you said that you had a husband and a kid, and that you were separated in the process of escaping. I worry about you, sometimes, that the... loss, there... hurts you? Do you think you'll ever see them again? I'm so sorry if the answer is painful, but... I worried, and I thought I'd... ask?"

She inhaled sharply, her head tilting up and her eyes going sideways like this was a complicated question.

Her face softened a bit, with some significant pain on it, but she was going to power her way through an answer.

She said, "My mother and father are gone. They were in a ship that we know sank trying to leave. My husband, he took my son and older daughter, she was 14, north, walking. We agreed he would head for Bolivia. I took our younger daughter, Noeme, she was 11, and we came by container to a camp near Houston. They sorted us, and we had to be cleaned and haircut, and our clothes put in harsh bleach while we cleaned. It was a process."

I got that.

"They took us in stages, sets of people at a time. We would go in groups, by age, through medical machines and things, and walking between buildings, we could only wear shoes. We got temporary barcode tattoos, and had lots of things to do. Each stage, we met again with different groups, and we were told it would be chaotic and they were sorry. There were so many people."

She took a breath. I didn't know this was going to be a longer story.

"And, at the end of a long day of this, they led our group of women, older women, we got our clothes from a bag and dressed again, and then we got on buses. I never saw my daughter again after that day."

"I asked people, and they said, 'all I know is we are going that way.', and we drove. I had no choice, we were herded on the buses soooo fast. It was very crowded, and it pulled another bus behind it, towing it. We drove for a long time, and we got here. Many people were crying, but most were just staring at nothing, or sleeping. I was watching - I had never seen so many cars and trucks and giant cities. When we stopped, at the end, it was here, in this town. Your mother, God Bless Her Soul, she said she was told to come get me. I got off the bus and she met me, and hugged me. I felt welcomed, and cared about. She walked me here, to this house. She is a child of Christ."

Maria came back in the room just at the last part of this and started getting her things. Shay turned back to putting the last things away, and then stood. I didn't know what to say to her. She put her hands on my shoulders and looked me square in the eyes, searching mine, "You, Kevin. You are smart. You work hard. You care about Maria. You care about people. You, too, are a child of Christ. Be that thing." Her eyes dripped tears. "You make us proud." She nodded, then let go of my shoulders and, despite Maria being naked, hugged Maria and whispered something in her ear, then put on a stiff pursed-lip smile and left with the basket.

Maria was a little shocked, but then started getting dressed again. I didn't ask her about the whisper, her body language was all business, which made sense since very soon there were others crowding around to get clothes. I took my stuff and finished dressing in the front room. Mom wasn't there again, but when Maria was ready we headed off to school.

On the way, I asked Maria what Shay had said. Maria said, "She told me, 'You two would make beautiful babies.'

I nodded, thinking, 'Huh. Maybe so, maybe not.', but I didn't say anything.

Maria didn't say anything either.

After a while, I asked, "Do you think she's right?"

"I'm going to have to find out, at some point in the next year, maybe only a few months, exactly what kind of babies my body will make. Whatever happens, I'll love them and nurse them, and hopefully they'll grow up in a safer place than I'm in right now."

"Can't ask for more than that." I thought for a second and added, "Any baby you make, Maria, will be guaranteed beautiful, if she's anything like you."

I got a hand-squeeze for that one, and then Maria said, "What about you? You think your babies will be beautiful?"

Not wanting to be too flippant, I said, "My mom said I was a cute baby. She's undoubtedly a biased observer. But, I'm not really sure what an ugly baby looks like, if one exists. I think all babies are cute... or beautiful, or whatever. So, absolutely."

Walking on, I remembered what they said in the sex ed classes, that if you have sex, you'd better be ready to have a baby, because unless you're very careful, those two things go together. As of then, I'd had sex, so I realized I'd probably better get my mind wrapped around the concept that I could have a kid.

The idea of having a kid, really it didn't frighten me that much. Little copies of me, running around, saying 'daddy!' or whatever?

That might be cute!

I liked the little ones, they were fun. But, I also knew the hassle factors, from having them around the house, the unrelenting thinking about what to do next, what was the right thing to say, how they never wanted to clean up their own damn messes, and all that.

Reassuringly, though, Mom said once that the only things you need in order to help a kid grow to be big and strong were love and patience, everything else was just window-dressing. I wasn't sure what window-dressing was, but I imagined it had something to do with paint or curtains or something.

== Chapter: Special Instructions ==

Maria and I both checked our devices as we were walking, sometimes there were messages from one class or another to meet or do something different.

This time, Maria seemed busy on her device, and then did a retscan while she was walking, which wasn't exactly normal.

I was about to ask, but then my device beeped, and showed a message waiting from HealthServ. Apparently, I had an appointment this morning, first thing, I was to skip my first gym class and go to a different building than normal. I mentioned this news to Maria, and my confusion over the coincidence of something new while I was checking my device.

She laughed, "Oh, yeah. I did that. Sorry, I should have mentioned it. Kind of a big thing, I think, too." She stopped walking and said, "Really, I am sorry. I should have warned you."

"About what?"

"Well, I just did a check-in report, just now. That included checking the box that we'd had sex last night and this morning."

I was a little dubious about her needing to do that, but then again, 18Club wanted reports on everything, supposedly, that'd be par for the course. I said, "Retscan for a report, though?"

"Yep. Major events require a plus-authentication." She saw me nodding, and caught my eye again, "And, that's not the only _big_ thing today...." The innuendo in the way she said that was fun.

I rolled my eyes a little, but smiled, "Yeah?"

"Okay, get ready: you're going in to give a sperm sample. They have to make sure you aren't shooting blanks."

My brain didn't quite figure that out for a second, and then I realized what that implied. "How? I go into healthserv and..." my mind looped. "Do I jack off or something?"

"Nope. You'll have 'help'. Not me. Help. You can request a person if you know they're volunteering there, but your first time, just take whoever they assign. It won't be bad, trust me."

"Have you ever?"

Maria said, discretely, "Yes. For AST, we had to do a couple of independent projects, our choice from a group of possibles. One was to volunteer. We get a set of condoms, some toys and a way to clean them, and we get ready, and then help the guys who come in to give their sample."

I thought about that. I had known that Maria had had sex before me, but it was a little odd to hear that there had been several other people.

"...And they use a condom?"

"Absolutely, that's the point. There's a nice place, a bed with clean sheets, soft lights, some music if I want, if we want, I should say. I was supposed to get him hard, put on the condom, and either suck him off over the condom or have sex. At the end, after, I pulled off the condom, tied it off, put it in a labeled container, and we cleaned up and left. It was pretty straightforward, we didn't put much emotion into it, though, I kind of was nervous at the start."

This was a little odd to process. "Uhh... do you know they were safe?"

She laughed, "Silly! Of course! Everyone here is checked out really regularly, every 2 weeks anyway, and besides, there's the condom. And, I have the right to say no. I heard a story about a girl who said her guy came in and he hadn't showered in at least a day or two. He didn't smell good. She apparently said, 'No, dude, bad plan, go it alone, and left the room."

"What happened?"

"He got a stern talking-to by his handlers, even though they were all in the same boat, the house they were living in had lost water and no one could shower or clean clothes or anything. They were all trying to make do, he and his handlers, and it didn't work. He was just clueless and helpless; he'd tried to shower right beforehand but had rushed and missed spots, it wasn't good. Plus, he didn't know he could reschedule."

We started walking again, in silence for a minute or two, and I said, kind of wondering, "How many? Was is often?"

She laughed again, "How many? For me? Oh, I was there 3 different days. It was really kind of odd, to begin with. I didn't kiss the first one... The second guy was pretty dashing, he turned me on just moving in the room. The third one, 't's'okay, kind of laid back? Still, nice enough. He tried to be, at least. I liked him for that. Such an odd position to be in."

"Was it fun? The second guy, the 'dashing' one?"

"Oh, yes. Definitely. Major turn on. I'd never had sex with a stranger before, the first time, I'd always known them a bit, you have to when you're a handler. No time to really get acquainted, then, so we just went to it. Really, all 3 of them had been trained well, I had them help me get going, and we used some lube."