Hartan Expanding Ch. 03


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"Plus the karma of a good time?"

She scoffed, "Sure, that! But, not that, it's the memory of a person, of you, concerned about me, concerned about the life being created, about what was best for that life and me, outside of your... well, your constraints, or life-goals, or whatever."

I nodded, and we stood, hugging, for a while. Her skin, still soft, her boobs, pressed against my chest. I thought about those boobs as breasts, as nurturing a kid, feeding milk.

Boobs made milk. I'd watched Shay nursing. It was totally cool - beyond cool - that boobs could make milk, that infants needed that, and that it just was them sucking it and getting fed.

Nipples with little spritzer-pfffft's of milk, into an upset mouth that really wants something damnit now damnit waaa-waaa-....oh, boob...oh... mnmmmmm....

Watching nursing is fun on another level from other things.

It wasn't sex - but it had a fulfilling aspect that punched my warm fuzzy happy buttons.

As for Brie, she was more than a beautiful body and face then, more than an interesting person to talk to. She became in my intellectual minds-eye (besides being a beautiful and seemingly interesting full-fledged grown-up person) a kind of container, a growth medium, a Petri dish writ large.

Pulling away a little, I reached and cupped her medium-sized breasts in my hands and looked directly at the nipples, back and forth, then said forthrightly to them: "Make Good Milk!"

She laughed with me and we kept giggling as we got up.

She kissed me, and we grabbed our robes. I headed back for the hall bath and got my clothes off the shelf where it had said to leave them. As I left, we kissed goodbye. I didn't really know her very well, but the experience was memorable, to say the least.

== Chapter: Workouts ==

After my next set of classes, then lunch, I ran into Alissa again. She was already sitting down at our lab table when I got there. I started to get our equipment set up, but she stopped me, a big smile on her face, "Hold on, kiddo."

"What, no lab today?"

"Sure, lab. Get that, but you have some work to do first."


"Did you even check in with the 18Club status page? You have notifications. You have tasks."

"Oh." I didn't realize it. Putting down the stuff, I got my device to the correct page, saw what she meant, and realized the icons I had disregarded as fluff on my main device page actually told me I had work to do and it was urgent. I had to give feedback on Maria last night and this morning, and evaluate Brie in our 'encounter', and how the collection process went.

After doing a quick retscan, I opened and started answering the questions quickly. Most were pretty easy, only needing yes/no or single-word answers, plus some quotes from her. About Brie, it even wanted to know if she'd asked about being a donor for her and my answer.

Ratings were required for caring, emotional context, mental/emotional 'presence' in the room, ability to make me comfortable, feedback during sex, number of obvious orgasms and possible additional ones for both persons, sample collected or not, condition of sample, continuous witness of it going intact into the room's strongbox, cleanliness of the room, of each other, reactions, beauty evaluation, most striking physically attractive features and any even slight turn-offs, etc.

Eval took me about 10 minutes. It seemed that all the questions were already there and easily answerable.

As I finished, I heard a bell from Alissa's device, and she read through something. I had no doubt what it was, the timing was too close. She nodded, smiled a bit, and even gave the mild-surprise head-twist-and-nod twice.

Looking up at me, she said, reasonably happy, "Okay then. Looks like you've created some more work for yourself."

"Uh... what?" Her tone had been pleasant, but... did she mean I'd disappointed Brie? Done something wrong?

"Optional work. If you want it. Check your device."

I looked again. It was a message from Maria, saying, "Good to hear your sample collection was a success. I have a free period today, during your dinner hour. Want to meet at a respite room?" She listed the location right after that. I replied, "Sure! See you then."

Looking up at Alissa, "What? Why do you know about this?" I wasn't upset, the news from Maria was obviously very cool, but how she knew bugged me a little.

"I get copied on all your messages for the first 2 weeks, and then until you have a second handler. There has to be 2 handlers, I'm the default second one. It's a rule to prevent domination, sabotage, misunderstandings, that sort of thing. I'm not trying to snoop, I'm forced to. It protects both of you."

"Oh." I thought for a second. "...And, what happens if you're unethical?"

She laughed, "Oh, I am. I know that already. Remember? Ethics 101? We all have ideals we can never meet, and rules we constantly revise?"

The lectures came back to me, "Sure, I get that, I mean, what happens..."

She interrupted, "I know, just being funny. I'm not unethical. Plus, I have to answer to my supervisor, too. We all have a reporting chain, and discussion sections, pulling in personnel issues and chatting about them. Life is NOT simple, but... you're making it nicer than I expected. So far. Thank you."

"You're welcome?"

"We've all seen stuff. I mean, girls who've been in this for 2 years or so like me, we've all seen at least a little bad shit go down, or heard about it from friends and discussion sections. Some things go sideways oddly. After a while you get to be able to spot the psychopaths, or the asswipes, no matter how well they try to hide. Both genders, I might add, definitely both."

"Oh. So, I guess, how is it that she gets a 'free period'?"

"Because, next week is her period. It's in her schedule, I can see, the automation allows for it. Since you might be frustrated during that time, the system allows for a certain number of 'vouchers' for respites, she can save them or not as she pleases. As you can see, she's using one. Easy. All this stuff was solved a long time ago. You don't have to be exclusive these first 2 weeks, but usually both partners try to keep each other happy as best they can."

It made more sense then.

It suddenly struck me I'd forgotten to ask her the major thing I'd wondered about profiles, "Uh, I have another question. The app warns me that, if I look at a girl's profile, they'll be notified."


"Is it rude to look?"

She was confused a second, then said, "No! It's never rude?! It's a compliment, and a pretty decent sized one. It used to be, if you liked someone and felt good about them, the only way to find out more about them was to either talk with them or ask their friends what they were like. Instead, the app lets you do that, but it's more fair 'cuz it lets the person know you're asking about them."

"But, what if you're not sure you're interested? If, like, you just have an idle curiosity?"

"Everybody has that. It goes away after a while. You get some confidence on seeing people and interacting with them, and you can read the summary info about them and get the basic idea without delving into what they had for breakfast that morning."

"So, we should snoop, and then we won't want to snoop because it's boring?"

"Reading this stuff isn't snooping, it's like saying, 'hey, I'm interested in you enough to read about you.' Nothing is expected from it, exactly. But, you should know - it's generally true that if you read someone's deep status info and it notifies them, you're implicitly giving the person permission to look you up, plus you should expect they're probably going to come up and start a conversation. If you're not interested, be very, VERY polite. You don't EVER want to burn bridges. This is a close-knit community we all live in, and if you're the type to ever burn a bridge, unless it's a really good reason, that means you could be a person who does that to other people."

I understood that. Social dynamics. But, I wondered if there were limits. "So, I can look at any info on anyone? Teachers? Absolutely anyone?"

"Almost. Mostly local people. It'd get complicated if you tried to look up someone from another city, there might be alarms somewhere? Dunno. But, yeah. Almost anyone, if you feel it's important to understand the history and background of your stats teacher, that's kind of odd, but it's okay. You might be interested in that as a career and wonder how they got where they are."

"They will find out, of course, but part of 18Club is figuring out who the weirdos are. Everybody does weird stuff sometimes, but there's software and processes in place to find who is consistently and antisocially weird."


"One more thing. Like I kind-of implied, there are ways around some of the safeguards, for a variety of reasons. So, technically, you can avoid sending them notification. There's a way to do that. But it's almost certainly the wrong thing to do unless there's a severe mitigating circumstance, and finding out someone looked without an ack-notify, that's how it could be a snoop, or an insult, or a good and proper verification if you suspect someone of unethical behavior. Really, though, you probably don't want to be that guy too often."

"Oh." That kind of made sense.

We wrapped up the conversation with rules for how to use respite rooms, where to go and what to expect. She said that there was a warehouse with a lot of respite rooms in special shipping containers, but that some school buildings had them, too.

Once I had the gist of it, we went back to our lab work, and again, Alissa was all business.

After my afternoon workout and a quick shower, I headed over to the respite location.

Sure enough, Alissa was right, it was a giant warehouse space. There were 5 levels of containers, stacked and cross-linked with sparse gantry walkways, filling up the entire warehouse volume. Spiral staircases went between levels, and scaffolding let people get in the side doors, and I saw a lot of people moving around going in and out.

Walking in, I had to go through a security booth with a set of wall-mount retscan terminals at different heights, and was handed a bag which obviously had a towel in it. After the scan, a token dropped down, pre-embossed with a row, floor, and room number.

The line going in through this process had almost equal numbers of guys and girls, which was odd since most of the time in classes there were far more girls than guys. it felt odd to be in a place where the mix was more one-to-one.

Everyone got a sack, and we all fanned out down rows, up the stairs, and into the "rooms".

I found mine quickly enough - an orange container still with a faded over-painted shadow of MAERSK written on the side.

A camera picked up my face and click-unlocked the door; I walked into an ante-room and a giant sign announced the rules. It started with, "ALL CLOTHES OFF HERE including shoes. Fold onto shelf. BRING IN SACK."

I stripped, putting my clothes next to what had to be Maria's, and pushed the swinging door open to the inner area. Ahead of me in the open space were partial line-of-sight limiting walls that read, "WASH HANDS AND FACE WITH SOAP, BEFORE AND AFTER. NO EXCEPTIONS!"

Walking around them, I saw Maria, sitting on a towel on one of two odd-looking chaise-lounge-benches in the center of the room. She jumped up when she saw me, and pointed at the sink. I washed as it said, with nice warm water and soap, hands and face, then turned around to see her in all her glory.

Walking over, we embraced, then kissed, and I ran my hands up and down the ultra-smooth skin of her back, down to her butt, and, grabbing and pulling her butt to me during our kiss, got an "OooOOmph!" out of it, and a giggle.

She said, broadly smiling, "Heya, gorgeous hunka-man, rumor has it you made an impression this morning."


"Not everyone gives their collector a double-O. That's what's called, 'generosity'. It is noted, and remembered."

I rubbed her back, still holding her against me, and said, "I suspect the old idea of 'no kiss and tell' might be gone forever."

"Sort of."

"There are secrets? It looks like there aren't any, now."

"Sure, there's lots of secrets. But, you have to look for what isn't said, that's the subtext. Brie wrote very kind things about you, even though she used very few words. For the people that aren't nice, or give less than happy experiences, she would have left gaps and things unsaid. But, her terms were nice, all the good stuff, and she made it plain there weren't any un-nice things."

"Oh." I paused, "I guess I'm happy I benefitted otherwise, but it was a great time for me, too. The lack of privacy is really kind of a little disturbing, though."

Maria nodded. Her boobs shifted slightly when she did that and it distracted me, my eyes going down her front and then coming back up to meet her eyes again. She shimmied her chest, and her boobs went side to side, and my eyes, of course, went back to watch. Her hands pointed at her face and I looked up, smiling again.

She continued, "The close-quarters thing is probably going to be forever, and it looks like sometimes, a lot of people from one area can be taken up into orbit at the same time. So, knowing each other now might be something that keeps on being useful if we're all stationed in the same place. Hell, last year, they took like 1400 different 19-year old girls, nearly at the same time, all from three nearby school districts. It cleaned out some neighborhoods."

I shook my head, "I've never seen that."

"Happened right after a cycle day. I only found out because one of the people taken was a fellow-handler, and I talked with a housemate of hers, and she knew another person who'd gone at the same time."

This was making more sense. But, my cock was rubbing against her abdomen and leg, and it was rising just from my looking at her, let alone pressing up against her.

Leaning in, we kissed, but I broke it and started to kiss down her neck. It was far too tempting. I kept being temped, though, when I got to the base of her neck, and I kept kissing downwards, crouching sideways to lick one of her boob and knead the other, then let my hands flow down her front and back, meeting underneath, at her crotch, her lips already damp to the touch, wet as I ran my fingers across her nether lips.

"Oooh," I said, still sucking on one nipple ever so gently, flat of my tongue moving slowly across her areola to touch her nipple but then go back away.

She stumbled backwards a little, swooning at the feelings.

We moved back so she could sit on the end of the steel couch. I thought it might be cold, but the towel was warm, like it was warm underneath. Sitting first, she leaned back, her legs on either side of it since it narrowed a bit at the end.

The chair was a single swoop, a high-backed lounge-chair that curved down for a butt, then up again half as high for the 'footrest' section, where it narrowed so much feet probably wouldn't stay there. Sitting by the foot end, Maria was laying with her head slightly lower than her butt, her knees on either side, and her hands casually holding a small set of pegs set into the sides. I stared at her beautiful form, held up for me to see - her breasts, pointed up and nipply, her back arched, and her crotch open and held high.

This was an incredible chair!

I had to feast on her well-opened lips, so I bent down. But, at the base, I noticed a double notched pair of depressions, just the right configuration for knee rests.

This was fantastic!

I knelt into the depressions, and bending slightly, my mouth was the perfect height for her sex. Between gasps at my initial forays, she told me what she wanted - the long slow flat medium with a high-flicker on the 3 count and repeat, more or less, though it changed every once in a while. Fingers were next, to the upside and down, in and out to a double rhythm with my tongue.

It took about 6 minutes, maybe 8, and she was gasping, crying out, pulling her legs upwards onto my shoulders, and then, Boom! "Arrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhggaaaaaaa!!!!", she screamed, loudly, coming in a trembling, convulsing complexity of movement.

I watched her stomach muscles tense and pull her towards a situp, only to crash back as low-pitched, uprising moans of joy, her face lit up like an ecstatic concerned furrowed-brow panting animal. Her legs went across my shoulders and stuck straight out, the muscles standing out as she did. The moans came and went in fast waves, each wave pulling my fingers in with her cunt muscles clenching tightly and holding me.

At last, spent, she lay there, breathing, trying to catch her sanity, slack jawed and amazed. I lowered her legs to the floor and she put her hands over her face.

I said, smiling at the joyful outburst I'd just inspired, "Wowzers!"

She laughed, half-there, half-not.

I waited for her to come to her senses a little, and then she did, pulling down her hands and looking at me with an Oh-My-God open-mouthed, shaking-head amazement expression. I smiled.

She said, "You are getting better every time you do this, Kev."

"Thank you."

"I want you in me. NOW."

"Umm... Okay." I stood up, smiling widely, and pulled her up a little as she moved toward the end of the couch, her crotch still in the air a bit. I judged the position about right, and stepped forward a bit. Sure enough, she was lined up perfectly for me, and I rubbed the tip up and down her vulva, flicking at the top to make a point.

She shuddered and said, "Stop playing, give it to me. I Need That Cock."

"M-kay." I was happy to help. It was the first time I'd had sex where I was putting my penis in from the front and where I was in charge. It was really interesting. I had kind of this misconception, from looking at pictures I guess, that the opening was just slightly down from the top, but as I looked, no, it wasn't, it was at the base of her vulva. I slipped in, but then immediately felt her tighten up on me, so very tight, holding me, resisting as I pushed.

She lifted a lithe leg upwards. I ran my hand up her ankle and pulled up as well, stroking as I moved it to bend back and open her up and out, past my shoulders.

Her other leg automatically came up, too, so I pushed it out as well, wide open and spread so my cock could stroke in her beautiful pouty hole, tendons stretched to make her hips mine to thrust and bang happily into.

With her legs up straight, her breasts were between them, bright headlights of yummy I had no extra hands for (damnit).

Looking down at my length going in, and stroking out to repeat, I could watch her clit popping up from its hood, prominent and red and I just wanted to play with it, too.

Again, no extra hands!

I could only make the best of things by pressing in at a slightly better angle to ensure I got ALL the depth and slammed my lower abdomen into that clit at the bottom of the stroke.

THIS was what she wanted!

The grunting she was giving changed in timbre, and I realized there was a tickle at the end of my cock, like the tip was getting some extra bit of stimulation, some kind of ... Oh - yeah - Her Cervix! I was in deep enough my tip was rubbing across her cervix. It wasn't just banging, though, it wasn't the stress like when I pushed down on the top of my erection. It was more like there was a different surface to run up beside.

Her eyes, really more her eyebrows, showed my once-a-second rhythm was giving the exact thing she wanted. It was funny-interesting to watch it play out, an expression of almost wanting to sneeze combined with pure joy playing out on her smile and in her unintelligible grunts that added up to a strong 'YES!'

My eyes closed about then, the sensations were overwhelming me, but I had to re-open them to watch her beautiful hardbody undulate against mine. Her boobs shook very slightly each time I hit bottom; her hands grasped at them soon after to pinch and roll her nipples.
