Have Faith...


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“Well about time you two got here, I have to say grace before we eat.” Monica said placing the two sisters plates on the table, then sitting down as the two sisters did.

“Sorry mom…we had to wash up.” Cynthia said fibbing to her mother. Monica looked at her. A bit more gently then she did her sister.

“You should both hurry up next time. Ok, everyone ready?” Monica said as everyone bowed their heads. “Thank you lord for this wonderful substance, and praise you for the beautiful day that you have created in which we can partake of this meal. We pray that we can be worthy of these blessings amid the varied transgressions we have all performed in your eyes. Thank you God for your greatness and forgiveness. Amen.” Monica spoke aloud, then lifted her head. The others each had their own thoughts about why she had said the grace quite this way this morning, But they didn’t mind partaking in Monica’s blessings…as long as they could eat at the end of it.

After they all finished the meal and Monica started collecting the plates to be washed, John stretched and yawned loudly. Cassidy smiled at her sister who also smiled, the silent thought of Why he was so tired popped into both of their heads.

“Late night in the study working dad? Did you get all of your work down in there?” Cassidy said smiling at her father. She still had a little food left on her plate and continued now eating it. John began coughing and his face flushed. He wasn’t sure how to answer that and hesitated. Cynthia lowered her head, NOT believing her sister had brought that up that way. Cynthia knew Cas had a big mouth…but Jesus. Monica remembering the remark last night he made last night about something with the study, perked her ear up and waited for her husbands response.

“Umm…yes Cas… I finished everything I had to do. Why do you ask?” John said, now convinced she was the one that had caught him in his study. But he didn’t think she would embarrass him this way.

“Oh no reason, I just thought I heard you up late last night.” Cassidy said, not smiling now, realizing she had let her stuck her foot in her big mouth. “I...I just figured it was you is all, and had been working late.” Cassidy said, now not feeling good, partly for possible embarrassing her father who she loved very much. “Excuse me; I have to use the bathroom.” She said and handed her plate to her mom as she left. Cassidy noticed she gave her a weird look and Cassidy felt like throwing up, wondering why she had brought the subject up. She rushed out of the room, honestly thinking she was going to throw up.

Cynthia not wanting to be in the room right now tried to think of a good reason to rush out of the room, without helping with the dishes.

“I…I better go see if she’s ok.” Cynthia said as she handed her plate to her mother and followed her sister out of the room. John just sat there for a minute feeling his wife’s eyes on him. He got up and moved next to her and took up a plate to rinse it and then put in the rack. Monica couldn’t hold her question in any longer and asked her husband.

“John…why did she ask you about working in the study…I remember you mentioning something happening in there last night. Is there anything you need to tell me?” Monica asked her husband, not really sure what was going on, but she wondered if Cassidy knew something she didn’t….and that thought disturbed her.

“Nothing happened last night…at least not in the study. Hell you know what…lets just say nothing at all happened last night and leave it at that.” John said, nervous that he might be found out that he was masturbating in his study, but what made it worse was that one of their daughters had seen him doing it. Monica would be pissed at him that he had ALLOWED that to happen. So he tried to change the subject any way he could.

“Don’t you swear at me John, I’m not the one that started…THAT… last night. I’ve already asked forgiveness from God and I hope he has given it. But don’t think for a minute that you will try that ever again. If you do...I will call the police and report that you raped me!” Monica said, her anger rising. John turned to her, his mouth wide open in total shock.

“You would tell the police I RAPED you…when we had just good old regular sex. My God…no…your god…you really have flipped out Monica.” John said, trying not to shout and alert the girls.

“Yes I will, John if you take advantage of me again while I’m weak.” Monica whispered to her husband, also not wanting to alert the children of their argument.

“Monica…you really are lost to me aren’t you. Alright, you don’t have to be worried about me taking advantage of your “weaknesses” from her on out, because from now on Ill be sleeping in the spare bedroom. Now if you’ll excuse me…I need to pack some things for my new room.” John said softly, then turned and walked out of the room, heading for their bedroom. Monica stood there for a minute, and then started crying into her hands.

When Cassidy left the breakfast table she quickly walked to the hall bathroom and knelt before the toilet. She tried to fight throwing up, but couldn’t stop herself, and had to hug the toilet as her breakfast came back up. Just as she had started throwing up Cynthia walked into the door of the bathroom and watched her throw up. When Cassidy stopped and leaned up, Cynthia got her a wash cloth and wet it with cool water. Cassidy leaned her head back as Cynthia brought her hand with the wash cloth around and cleaned her sisters face up. Cassidy then moved and sat on the floor, leaning against the wall. Cynthia then brought her sister a paper cup with water and Cassidy rinsed her mouth out and spat it out into the toilet, then drank the rest.

“Thanks sis…I’m sorry you had to see that, but thank you.” Cassidy said weakly to her sister. Cynthia stared at her sister.

“Sorry for what, for being sick…or making an ass of yourself and embarrassing dad?” Cynthia asked, not holding the sarcasm back. Cassidy looked up at her sister and smiled.

“If you can help me up…you can berate me in my room. I need to lay down.” Cassidy said holding out her hand for her sister to take. Cynthia shook her head and helped her stand, then helped her too her room, and then helped her lay on her bed. Cynthia closed the door and sat beside her sister on the bed, as Cassidy lay down. Cynthia spoke first.

“Alright…what were you thinking Cas. Why did you do that to daddy, he didn’t need that, he has mother to do that too him.” Cynthia said to her sister, brushing the hair away from Cassidy’s eyes. Cynthia saw that Cassidy had begun to cry.

“I don’t know…why I did it. I …I got real excited about you telling me about you watching dad…it just came out of my mouth and I couldn’t bring it back. I didn’t want to embarrass dad, or even myself. I’m not sure…I think maybe…maybe I was jealous that you got to see that and share something like that with dad…and I didn’t.” Cassidy said as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Cynthia looked at her.

“Well weather you wanted to or not you did….and I hate to tell you, but…I think mom might know something’s up…the way she looked at you and daddy. Who knows what’s going on in her head. But why are you jealous of me watching daddy…WE didn’t do anything. I just watched him?” Cynthia asked her sister wondering why her sister would be so envious. Cassidy=y looked very uncomfortable… and looked at her sister.

“If I tell you….you cant tell a soul…promise.” Cassidy told her sister.

“I promise…I wont say anything too anyone about what you’re about to say.” Cynthia held her hand over her heart as she spoke. Cassidy shook her head.

“I…for a long time, but especially after dad spent so much time from work and all, at the hospital and at home helping me get back walking and recovering. Well before that, but I really understood my feelings for dad after the accident….I love dad.” Cassidy said looking at her sister.

“Of course you love daddy, most kids love…” Cynthia started saying to her sister, but Cassidy interrupted her.

“No Cindy….I don’t just love dad…I LOVE dad! Do you understand?” Cassidy said taking Cynthia’s arm and squeezing it slightly. Cynthia’s eyes grew wide and her mouth opened as she mouthed what her sister just said.

“You have the hots for daddy?” Cynthia asked her sister.

“More then the hots Cindy, I dream about him almost every night…being with me…being inside me. Cindy I can’t get him out of my head and I don’t want to. I joke around him, because I get butterflies in my stomach whenever he’s around. I have for years now. That’s partly why I hate mom so much, for hurting dad. And me, but more for hurting him I think.” Cassidy said to her sister, and then looked at the ceiling. Cynthia looked at her sister.

“But Cas…you cant do that…he’s our father…we all would get into trouble if we did something like that.” Cynthia said and Cassidy looked over at her. She looked thoughtful for a minute as she looked at Cynthia.

“You said “we” twice, instead of you two or something. Why did you include yourself when you said “we would get into trouble”, only me and dad would get busted if…we did anything” Cassidy asked her sister, half expecting the answer.

“I love, love dad too, maybe not as much as you. Maybe it could be called more lust as mom would say, but I would love for daddy to be my first.” Cynthia blushed as she told her sister. Cassidy smiled at her sister.

“How long have you…wanted to …fuck dad? And he really would be your first…you never have done it before?” Cassidy asked her sister curiously.

‘I’m not sure, not too long, and I really wasn’t sure till last night. But seeing him and all, yes I do want daddy. I want him to be my first.” Cynthia smiled proudly at her sister and Cassidy smiled back. About this time they heard a clunking sound in the hall and it grew louder. Cynthia opened the door to see what it was and saw her father as he was dragging a heavy suitcase into the spare bedroom.

“Daddy…what are you doing?” Cynthia asked her father. He looked up at his youngest daughter, and she could see that he had been crying some.

“im no longer sleeping with your mother. This is going to be my new home…at least for now. Im sorry you had to see this sweetie, but your father is out of patients with the current situation. Now im going in here and just want to be alone for awhile ok Cyn.” John said to his daughter as he walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind him. Cynthia closed the door behind her and loked at Cassidy, who was now sitting up in bed.

“I know…I heard. I guess mom got her wish, that dad move out, which it sounded as if he might soon.” Cassidy said shaking her head. “God I hate that bitch, why does she have to do this too dad…to all of us?” Cassidy said, and looked like she was about to cry again. Cynthia knew how she felt, but she wasn’t sad enough to cry. She was thinking and the gears were turning inside her head.

“You know Cas…with daddy sleeping in the room down the hall, instead of with mother…She would never know if daddy was to do anything while in there.” Cynthia said looking at her sister, but Cassidy gave her a confused look.

“I don’t understand Cindy.” Cassidy said as she cleared the tears away. Cynthia sat on the bed next to her.

“I mean…that if daddy was having sex with someone…mother would never know. Even if he was having sex…with us!” Cynthia said spelling it out for her sister. Cassidy’s eyes got wider and so did her smile.

“You think we could pull it off…would dad go for it you think?” Cassidy asked her sister, and Cynthia now thought it interesting that Cassidy was asking her advice on sex.

“Well daddy hasn’t been getting a lot form mother it seems…and as you sort of said in the kitchen, daddy does spend a LOT of time in his study. I bet it can’t all be work. I bet he… jacks off every night in there.” Cynthia said, still not used to saying naughty words, but she was getting practice in. Cassidy grinned at her sister, and hugged her.

“Maybe we can come up with a plan…to seduce dad. And mom will never know. And if dad does move out…we’ll go with him of course. I wouldn’t want to live with that witch.” Cassidy said as she pulled from the hug. Cynthia gave her sister a strange look, she had liked her sisters contact.

“Yes, we’ll go with dad…but I still wish you wouldn’t call mom names. She’s still our mother…and I do still love her. Like dad, I still hope she’ll come back too us one dad.” Cynthia said looking at her sister.

“Ok Cindy, Ill try…but from here on out we have a goal...to get dad to have sex with us. Now all we need is a plan.” Cassidy said as she stood up, excited that maybe…soon, she would get the man she had loved for so long. Cynthia watched her sister, and felt her excitement, for her father…and for Cassidy. A plan was forming in her head that might get her both of them.

“Yeah a plan….I might just have one Cas….I might just have one.” Cynthia said as she looked at the door to the hallway. “But as mother would say, have faith Cassidy…in the end, we’ll get what we want….in the end.” Cynthia said as she smiled at Cassidy.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The further I read, tripping over your poor grammar and wrong word choices (not quite malapropisms, by strict definition), it became apparent that you combined elements of similar stories on this site into your rather poor attempt. Were you in my creative writing classes, I would fail you on principle alone. You obviously never learned the difference between to, two and too. Nor did you learn when to properly use than and then. Your typos are off putting and without excuse in today’s day and age of word processing software with spell and grammar check. Overall, two stars because your story was too difficult to read (see how I used two, too and to? That wasn’t too difficult, was it?)

RanDog025RanDog025almost 4 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Good start but please get someone to proof read, can this be edited now it is posted?

EyelanderEyelanderover 10 years ago
Yeah fuck monica!

The mother is really pissing me off with her hardcore religious crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Go ahead, girls. Give Dad what he needs.

I have known several hyper-religious women but all of them that I knew still loved to fuck, thank you. Lucky me, I guess. I had to almost divorce my wife for other reasons but things worked out well once I got her away from that damned church (after many years of crap). At least it did not slow her sex drive, LOL. That came many years later, I regret to say. I am 75 and should not worry about it but I have made other arraignments. For the last 15 years. Good story, I hate religious fanatics, especially wives that deny sex to their husband. Bf

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
bible study might have helped

Well written. Mental illness is certainly hard on families

lev1astanalev1astanaalmost 13 years ago

I like this story a lot. Can't wait to start the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

it is to long i think!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Good Story

As previous readers have commented, you need an editor. The use of some words, i.e. weather, is incorrect. It should be whether. This is just one example. Your sentence structure and phraseology needs correction at times. That being said the story is good with good character development. Can't wait to read more.

Scorpio44Scorpio44almost 14 years ago
Too many typos

good story so far. I have two areas of criticism: Needs spell check or a good editor and it seemed to suddenly end.

keairankeairanalmost 17 years ago
Good, But

What you wrote was a great erotic build-up, but the amount of typos inside of it did detract from the over-all eroticism of the story. Try an editor for your next one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
More please

I'm a french man and your storie is beautiful.

I don't wrote English well but I understand completely your writing.

I hope Have Faith 2 and 3 ...


AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
one of the BEST

Wow...these is one of the BEST stories ive read here, and i've been here a while. Great characters and rhthym to the story telling. it was so good i had to stop reading it until i could have some time to myself (nudge nudge)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
nice buildup

Nice buildup..I can't wait to see more.

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