Head Coach


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"You bastard," she gasped. "This doesn't mean I'm straight now."

"Perish the thought. Pretend I'm a girl with a strap-on."

"Fuck you." She laid her head on his shoulder as they sat there, his cock still inside her. He chuckled, avoiding the obvious reply, as he ran his fingers up and down her back.

When she didn't feel him softening, she asked, "You didn't?"

"Shh. It's fine. This isn't about me."

"No. It's not fine. Look, on the orgasm chart, I'm ahead by like, 50 to 0." She made a face, gasping as she slid off him.

She looked at him bemusedly. "Wow, that was... strange. When you weren't in me anymore, I felt..." She shook her head. "I can't describe it. Doesn't matter. Tell me what I can do." She reached down and fondled his length. "Does this feel good?"

"Absolutely! It's not creeping you out?"

She shook her head. "Not anymore."

Then, almost shyly, Hunter asked, "You know what I'd really like? As long as you're okay with it?"

"You're not fucking my ass, you dickhead!"

He laughed out loud, surprised. "What? No! That's not... No, I wasn't even thinking anything remotely like that, I swear."

Her scowl vanished. "Oh. Sorry. So, what is it then?"

"Can... can we do it one more time? Missionary? I just want to make love to you while I'm looking into your eyes."

She was silent for a long time. He was looking up at the ceiling, giving her time, so he was again surprised when he heard a sniffle. He looked over, and she was wiping at her eyes.

"Yes, goddamnit. Yes. Thanks for making me cry, by the way."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

"That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me, that's all."

"Oh. Well, you deserve it." And he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. He laid her on the bed and gazed down at her. "You're so damn beautiful," he murmured.

When she started to fidget, he climbed onto the bed with her and moved over her. Her thighs spread and one hand reached down to guide him. The other curled around the back of his neck.

Mostly to herself, she whispered, "I can't believe this..." Then to him, "You know I'm a boy-virgin, right? Well, until a few minutes ago."

Hunter stopped cold. "Really?"

She nodded.

"Wow. Coline, that's huge. I don't know what to say, other than 'thank you' and I'm honored, and I hope I was okay for you."

She snickered. "You couldn't tell?"

He blushed. "Well, it sounded like you enjoyed it, but I didn't want to presume."

"Hunter... it was amazing. I'm shocked, and more than a little confused, to be honest." Then, shyly, "And yes, I'd like to go again."

He lay between her thighs, resting on his elbows. One hand gently stroked her face as she guided him into her. He slowly slid deep, watching her face as her eyes closed and she let out an "mmmm" of satisfaction. Her head tilted back, and he kissed her neck, then nipped at her ear. Her hands entwined in his hair, and her heels hooked behind his knees.

Much, much later, he said, "You know, the next time I ask if you want to go for a ride, it's gonna take on a whole new meaning."

"Fuck you!" she laughed.


The next morning, they were in her kitchen, sipping coffee. He was shirtless, well, because Coline was wearing his t-shirt, and nothing else. She was very distracting and smirked at him from behind her mug, but he persevered. "Okay so now what? Is it time to talk to our respective partners?" Hunter posed.

"I think... yeah. I know this was supposed to be all clinical and shit, but I'm starting to have feelings for you, and I don't know what to do!" She gave him a distressed look, and he reached for her hand, rubbing his thumb over her knuckles.

"I get that too, and I'm developing feelings for you as well. So yeah, time to come clean with them. Should we do it at the same time?"

"Yeah, I guess. Rip the band-aid off," she answered.

Hunter sighed, nodding.

"Shit." Coline looked out the window, chewing on a fingertip. She mumbled to herself, "Wendy is not gonna handle this well."

Hunter's head jerked up. "Your girlfriend's name is Wendy?" Realizing that after all this time, they'd never actually spoken the names of their significant others. He guessed he had always called her 'The Bitch' or his 'soon-to-be ex', and Coline had always been naturally circumspect about her love life.

She gulped. "Hunter, what's wrong?" His face had gone white.

"Coline... Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck," he muttered. He asked if she had a picture.

When she complied, he just stared. First at the picture, then at her. Finally getting it, Coline let out a moan and laid her head down on the table, tucking her face into the crook of her elbow.

Hunter started laughing and couldn't stop.


"I have to ask, and it's more for me, to figure out whether I can move past it... but have you been seeing her still? I mean while we've been, you know..."

She nodded, clearly uncomfortable. "Yeah. I have."

"Shit. I'm sorry, Col. This is such a strange feeling. Damn it! Should I be pissed at you? I feel like I should be pissed at you. But I'm not! After all, she's been lying to you as well. I mean, she's still cheating on me, even though she says she wants to stay married to me. But I'm cheating too now, even though she did it first."

He barked a short laugh. "Listen to me; I sound like a six-year-old. She started it, Mom!" he said in a squeaky small child's voice. "But it's a bit surreal that Wendy and I are both cheating on each other with the same person." He shook his head. "I am more than a little mixed up right now!"

"YOU'RE mixed up??? I'm cheating ON you and WITH you! How messed up is that?" She stared at him in bewilderment.

They sat there for a while, pondering the situation. Hunter fought the bubbles of laughter that kept threatening to escape.

"You know... when this all started... teaching me to... you know." He looked down, then back at her. "It was a pretty fuckin' stupid idea, wasn't it?"

Coline smiled and nodded. "Probably. But we were pretty drunk, and I was kinda horny, and for some reason I still don't understand, I got curious. And, like I said, I keep my promises. And THEN... I started to like it. Hunter, I liked it a lot, and it confused the shit out of me."

"Well, I certainly didn't hate going down on you over and over, but my messed-up reason for asking? Yeah. Not my finest hour, and I'm sorry for that, Col."

She blushed at the compliment, but waved away his apology. "I could have said no, any time, and you would have stopped. I know you that well, anyway."

He nodded. "I would have." After a minute, he continued, "You know, I think I've finally come to the realization that I'm not what Wendy wants, not completely. It doesn't matter how good at oral I got. God, that sounded so shallow." He shook his head. "The funny part is I never used any of my new... skills... on anyone but you." He squeezed her hand.

"Anyway, I don't think I can get past the continued betrayal." He leaned back in his chair; fingers interlaced behind his head. "Is it fucked up that I don't really care?"

She was staring at him a little guardedly, so he slid his chair over next to hers and tried to give her a hug. She flinched a little, but finally accepted it, relaxing and leaning into him, resting her head on his shoulder. Her arms slowly crept around his waist.

"I'm sorry, Hunter," she whispered. "I swear, I didn't know."

"Shh. I believe you. But... where is your heart? I know we've said we're starting to have feelings for each other, but... are you in love with her, and more importantly, can you stay with her, knowing what she's done? She's been lying to you about the divorce this whole time.

"Me personally," he continued, "I'm pretty sure I'm done with her. Karma, I guess, that she's going to actually get a divorce. But the weird part is, I'm not mad at you, not even a little. I should be, right? I can't explain it. But if you want to stay with her... whew..." he took a deep breath, "Then I will wish you the best of luck, and hope that we can stay friends."

Colene burst into tears. Hunter was flabbergasted; she was the strongest person he knew.

He moved to hug her again, but just as quickly as it started, her tears stopped. "Shit, I hate crying. You asshole, Hunter!"

He goggled at her, and she laughed shakily, wiping at her eyes. "Why do you have to be such a stand-up guy? I wish I was straight because then it would be an easy decision."

Hunter thought about that. "Col... does it matter though? Whether you're gay or straight or bi or bi-curious, or... or... ahh, hell. I mean... fuck labels. Your feelings are your feelings, regardless, right?"

She considered that for a long time. "Yeah, I guess so. As far as Wendy goes, I think I'm going to break up with her too, because of the lying. And because I don't think I could keep seeing her, knowing what she did to you. I'm like you; I can't be with someone I don't trust. But what you're saying about feelings, and how it applies to us, you and me... I have to think about that. I assume you're asking if we have a future together?"

He nodded, smiling gently. "I really like you, Col."

"I like you too, you big doofus. Give us some time?"

"Of course. I have to lose 120 pounds first, anyway."

She chuckled and reached out to grasp his hand in hers. "Me too."


Hunter called Wendy and asked if they could talk.

"Oh, yes please, Honey, thank you, when do you want to meet? I can make dinner and..."

"Don't worry about cooking; I'll grab something after work. I'll come by the house around 7:30."

"O-okay, if that's what you want, I'll see you then."

Wendy got home early, showered, did her makeup and her hair, and put on her prettiest dress. Then she opened a bottle of wine and went over what she wanted to say. She had to make him understand!

Right at 7:30, the doorbell rang.

"Hunter, why are you ringing the..." Then she saw who was with him, and she turned white.

They stood there staring at each other, until Hunter asked, "May we come in?"

That broke the spell, and Wendy silently stepped aside.

They all sat down, and like a rabbit in a trap, Wendy stared at them. Eyes flicking back and forth from one to the other. Finally, Coline spoke, "Wendy," she said, "There's no way to sugar-coat this. I'm breaking up with you."

"And I'm leaving you," Hunter added.

Wendy fainted.

She came out of it slowly, to find Hunter holding a wet towel to her forehead. Coline was still across the table, arms folded, just looking at her. She looked... regretful, but resolved.

Again, her confused gaze went from one to the other. Finally, she settled on Hunter. "I d-don't understand!"

"I'm sorry, Wendy, but the truth is that you've gone from wanting to have us both to having neither."

Coline spoke next. "You lied to me about your divorce, after I told you I wouldn't date a married woman. You were telling Hunter that you wanted to stay married the whole time we were together! I'm sorry Wendy, but lying is something I can't accept.

"And... I think I'm in love with Hunter."

Hunter gave her a tender smile. "I know I'm in love with you. I can't explain it, there's just... something." He turned to gaze at his future ex-wife, wondering if she remembered using those same words, once upon a time.

But she just had her elbows on the table, head in her hands, and was rocking back and forth. "This can't be happening," she whispered.

"I told you that you needed to come clean, Wendy. More than once. But you didn't, and now? Well, now, the decision has been made for you, instead of by you."



Wendy fought it, which slowed things down. Hunter wasn't about to drag Coline into a legal battle, so he had filed for a no-fault divorce. At first, he was hoping that they could just go to arbitration, and he explained his reasoning to Wendy. "We don't have a lot of money, you know. Divorce would really hurt us, financially. If we go to arbitration, we can move on without having to worry about bankrupting ourselves."

She didn't care; wanted to go to counseling, the whole nine. So, he had to find a lawyer and try to minimize the damage. While they battled it out, he told Wendy that she could keep the apartment, and he moved in with Coline. Into the guest room.

Coline was incredibly patient. They commuted to and from work together, shared meals, and kept up their riding. He even convinced her to ride pillion on his BMW, and it was surprisingly nice. He loved the feel of her snuggled up behind him as they soared through the curves of their favorite roads.

Afterward that first tandem ride, she hugged him and said, "That was amazing, Hunter. Your bike is so smooth... I felt like we were floating, almost, especially when I closed my eyes. Don't get me wrong; I love my bike, and the adrenalin of thrashing her through the twisties, but... I take back what I said about yours. It's a wonderful change of pace."

They kept things platonic. Of course, they knew they were shutting the barn door after the horses were gone, but Coline especially, felt that it was important. Symbolic, maybe.

Through Audrey and her husband Jeff, they joined a small motorcycle club that did poker runs, and they often stopped at Harry's. Audrey and Jeff became good friends.

But eventually, the divorce was finalized. The day that Hunter got the paperwork, they went to a nice restaurant and then dancing, to celebrate. He held her close, looking into her eyes, and said, "Coline... I just wanted to thank you for being there for me through all of this. I'm really, really grateful, and honestly, I don't know what I'd have done without you."

She didn't say anything; just smiled, leaned her head on his chest, and held him a little tighter.

After they got home, Hunter was in his room getting ready for bed, when he heard a soft knock. He looked up to see a completely naked Coline gazing at him from the doorway.

"Hey," she whispered.

Hunter had to swallow twice before he could talk. "Hey," he whispered back.

"Wanna see if last time was a fluke?"

He could only nod.

It wasn't.


Wendy kept trying. She pleaded with Hunter to give their relationship another try. She told Coline that since she was divorced now, she should give her a second chance. When that didn't work, she tried to convince them to let her move in with the both of them, and they could all be together like they were meant to be.

Hunter and Coline, as gently as possible, told her that wasn't going to happen, and that she might need to go find a counselor, stat.

Well, that sent her into a tailspin, and she started stalking them. Phone calls; hanging out by their cars at work, or Coline's place, to the point where they had to get a restraining order. After she broke it the second time, they felt like they had to press charges, and Wendy wound up spending the night in jail.

Wendy's parents were both gone, so Hunter called her older sister. After explaining everything - well, not everything - he said, "Look, I'm really sorry it came to this. I know we've never been close, but you need to come get her before she does something. I'm really worried. I'm happy to drop the charges if you can help her get the help she needs."

A few days later, she was gone.


About a year later, they did hear back from Wendy's sister. She said Wendy was still in therapy, but seemed to be doing better; had a new job and was casually dating. Hunter resisted the urge to ask if she was seeing men or women. It didn't matter.


The night Wendy left, he and Coline were snuggled on the couch. She sighed and rested her head on his shoulder. "I feel like a huge weight has been lifted. I feel bad for her though."

"Me too. To both thoughts."

They sat together in quiet contemplation until Hunter snickered.

Coline looked at him questioningly. "What in the world are you laughing at, you goofball?"

He continued to chuckle. "Sorry, I know it's a little irreverent, after the discussion we've been having but..." he paused.

"But what??" she prompted.

"Coline, we need to come up with a story for how we met. No one is gonna believe that I'm in love with the woman that my wife was cheating on me with."

She punched him in the shoulder. "Where the hell did THAT come from?"

He just shrugged.

She thought a minute though, and then, "You know, you may be on to something. No one is going to believe I'm in love with a guy!"

They both laughed, and she laid her head back down on his shoulder.

"You can't make this shit up."


Sorry to disappoint those who were anticipating them all living together as a throuple. As far-fetched as this is already, that would have been just a bit too much.

I know people don't just change their sexuality. That's why this is fiction. Also... maybe Coline has an open mind?

I wanted Hunter to have a motorcycle. Then I thought, wouldn't it be cool if Coline did too, and they could ride together? But I wanted her to have a very nice, slightly obscure (at least to Americans) bike, hence the Aprilia. And since it's an Italian motorcycle, I HAD to give a little nod to a very fine storyteller, cagivagurl. Check her out.

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WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitabout 2 months ago

Good stuff, I liked it. I think a lot of people confuse sexuality with attraction. Some prefer the same sex more, but it doesn’t mean they can’t develop feelings deep enough to maintain a lifelong relationship with the opposite gender. Everyone is different, has different experiences, and may prioritize gender more highly than others. The really surprising part in the story, is that Hunter never mentioned Wendy’s name throughout his lengthy talks with Coline. Likewise, Coline never mentioned her gf’s name. I’d expect one of them to have let Wendy’s name slip out much earlier, especially on drunk night.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Actually I don't think a throuple would have been anymore unbelievable. I mean in the whole history of the world the numbers of lesbians that have been turned straight through personal choice has to be close to zero. While the numbers of cheaters that have stayed with their partners is surprisingly high as is the numbers of people that have had harems and poly relationships.

No what's surprising is that anyone imagines that this relationship will last, that she won't cheat on him with&, or just leave him for another woman down the road. Or worst of all, they'll have kids she'll get to 55 have an affair and leave him telling him he knew all along she was a lesbian and he should just suck it up.

Honestly, the throuple would have been a more realistic ending because it would have left everyone satisfied on the sexual level.

Trust is over rated, he trusted his wife not to cheat and look how that worked out.

The best you can hope for is that your partner is sane and rational and that you can provide everything that they need to not cheat. Because you better believe that every person if given the opportunity to, and the credible belief that they could have a serious relationship with a 'better' person they would take it. The only obstacle would be overcoming the sense of guilt that some would have.

vanyevanye2 months ago

People don't change their sexuality, true, but if they don't meet people that turn them on, they could have undiscovered aspects of their sexuality.

Sad that Wendy couldn't come clean, but the story was excellent.

26thNC26thNC3 months ago

Great twist in a great story. Poor Wendy lost them both just because she was a lying cheating bitch. Thanks for not taking it poly.

inka2222inka22223 months ago

@anon - trouples CAN work. But they are a delicate thing to get right, and require right people AND right attitude AND effort. But when they work they WORK - better than mono couples on average (there are many benefits to a trouple, both emotional, physical, AND not least, purely real-life, such as improved finances/more leisure time/etc....)

inka2222inka22223 months ago

1. First regarding the last paragraph - who said she "changed her sexuality"? Sexual attraction in complex, there's all sorts of shades - she could have been pansexual, slightly bisexual, or demisexual, or about a thousand other things where she wasn't into most men but into this ONE specific one. Just because she THOUGHT she was 100% lesbian, doesn't mean she actually was, so what changed was what she knew about her sexuality - not her sexuality itself.

2. 4 stars for the story itself. I took off 1 star for him only being "maybe we will not stay married if you dump your gf" and "I still luuuuuuuve her" instead of "you cheated, bye bye I don't love you you anymore backstabbing lying skank". However I gave an extra star because the author was an evil bastard and REALLY made me believe that they would end up as a trouple (which I would have hated), but then finally resolved things the correct, good, righteous way. So 5 stars total. You mentioned NoTalentHack - I'm not expert enough to compare this story to his writing - but it was VERY well written and enjoyable (other than 2 points mentioned at the start of this paragraph, which plague 80+% of LW stories).

Jalibar62Jalibar623 months agoAuthor

@NTH: Too late!

NoTalentHackNoTalentHack3 months ago

Man, don’t binge my stuff. That’ll send you to therapy. Great story, though!

ViolentKnightViolentKnight3 months ago

This was a surprisingly good story. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I kept waiting for Wendy to be the common factor, and I was right.

I kept waiting for the big threesome finish, and I was WRONG! THAT caught me off guard, but it makes perfect sense. Mark and Coline were honest with each other, every step of the way, and every step of the way Wendy lied. They were too good for her!

This was great, though, snappy and fluid with a good sense of humor and character. Easy 5 stars!

Tarloso2Tarloso23 months ago

Obvious in the end but a good but if fun

XluckyleeXluckylee3 months ago

4 stars from Xluckylee for a pretty good story

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good story, despite the trite plot "twist". I feel for Wendy a little. It's like when two of your friends meet, become friends themselves and leave you behind.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Amazingly well-written story. And I am SO happy we didn't get yet another contrived polyamori trope.


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