Heather Goes to School Naked


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Her teacher stuck the clothes pin to her tongue.

"Now be a good girl, and stay quiet while I teach my class," her teacher instructed her as he walked out to the whiteboard.

Heather nodded as drool started collecting around her outstretched tongue. She would do anything to be a good girl for him. This clothespin felt slightly painful.

Walking around naked proudly and voluntarily is one thing, but being sat down, scolded, and punished while twenty classmates watched was a completely other experience. She hadn't accounted for this.

Her gaze dodged around the room nervously as she continued to sit on her stool, her hands were at her side, placed squarely on the stool. Her teacher began the block of instruction as she felt a string of spit fall from her open mouth, draping across her red, flushed chest.

She felt so humiliated, it was hard to bear. She was sitting completely naked in front of the class drooling on herself.

She felt tears slowly starting to well up in her eyes when she noticed something. All of the boys in her class were looking at her with an unusually hungry gaze. Heather looked down, strings of spit were draping across her naked body, falling from her still outstretched and pinned tongue.

This was so dirty. From the layers of humiliation and fear, a sense of arousal started to slowly bubble up. She had no idea what her teacher was talking about, but it was clear how much people were enjoying the site of a young naked girl accepting her punishment so obediently.

Heather began to stick her breasts out more confidently as arousal started to return to her body. Her mouth watered more as she started to lose herself in her current situation. She curled her toes around the bottom bar of her stool, as she felt a continuous stream of drool leave her open mouth, coating the entire front of her naked body.

She'd never felt a combination of sensations like this before. She felt wet and slimy from her own spit. She couldn't believe how long her teacher was letting this go on. Her body was glistening. She liked this feeling. She wanted more.

Heather looked to her teacher, wishing he'd notice how good she'd been. How she endured this state of disgrace and humiliation just for him.

Her teacher finally walked back towards Heather. He looked down at his naked student and removed the clothes pin.

"Go take your seat Heather," he spoke.

Heather wiped the excess drool from her mouth and chin as she stood up. She faced her teacher.

"Yes sir.." Heather whispered, staring up at her teacher with a devilish smile. She clenched her hands behind her back. Her teacher looked down at the mess he had turned her into.

Heather walked to her desk, twirling her hair, smiling back at her classmates. It was clear that they had enjoyed the show.

She sat down at her desk as her teacher turned his back and resumed the lesson, not missing a beat. Heather took the opportunity to feel her current state. She ran her hands up and down her body, feeling the layer of now spit glazing her body.

She looked at her fingers as the drool stuck in strings between her fingers. She looked to her side, her classmate looked like he was about to start drooling himself. Heather was loving the attention she was getting playing with her own mess.

Heather leaned back in her seat. Leaving her body on full display as she continued running her hands up and down her body.

Her mind drifted, thinking about what she just did. She thought about her day, how proud she was of herself, how she can forever say she had the balls to do something other people could only dream of. She thought back to lunch break, masturbating so boldly out in the open. God, who was this girl.

She wasn't in the clear yet. School might have been almost over, but she still had to make it home. She thought of what it might feel like walking back down the sidewalk feeling the warm sun and onlookers' eyes on her naked body.

Without realizing it, one of Heather's hands found its way to her pussy. Thinking about how excited she was to walk down the street naked again, Heather started playing with herself. She couldn't wait to surprise onlookers with her tight body, feeling the warm cement under her bare feet.

"Heather!" Her teacher's voice rang out.

Heather froze. She couldn't believe she'd let herself lose control to this degree. What was the possible defense sitting naked in class and getting caught playing with yourself?

"What were you just doing?" Her teacher inquired, a stern look overtaking his face.

There was nothing Heather could say. She sat there in silence, blushing deeply, hands at her sides.

Most of the class was looking around in confusion, they couldn't fully see what was going on.

"Why don't you come up to the front of the class and show everyone what you were doing, since you think that's an appropriate thing to do!" Her teacher ordered.

She couldn't tell if he was kidding. Heather was mortified. Did her teacher really just tell her to masturbate in class? She continued staring at her teacher in disbelief.

"Go ahead! Be a good girl, and show everyone what you were doing!" Her teacher's hard demeanor started to crack, a slight grin started to show.

Heather was in a daze. She slowly stood up, her body was flushed with embarrassment and arousal. There was no way she was about to do this. She felt like she was floating. She slowly placed one bare foot in front of the other, slowly making it to the front of the class.

Without a word, Heather turned facing her classmates, standing next to her teacher. She stared up submissively at her teacher, wondering if he really wanted her to go through with this.

"Well, go ahead! I'm sure if you really wanted to play with yourself in class, that everyone would want to see!" Her teacher demanded.

Heather was completely lost, she was naked from head to toe in front of her entire class, being ordered to masturbate by an attractive older man.

"Fuck it!" She thought, if she was willing to come this far, she might as well go all the way.

Heather's hand found it's way down to her pussy, slowly beginning to rub her clit in front of everyone. Heather slightly spread her legs as her eyes raised to meet the gaze of her classmates. This was more intense than making herself cum on her breaks for her friends. There were twenty students and an older man watching her stand there naked, playing with herself intently.

Heather's teacher stood over here with his arms crossed, practically demanding that she continue. She felt so dirty, so exposed. What kind of slut would masturbate in front of her entire class? The more humiliated she felt, the more aroused she started to get.

It started. Heather felt scared. How was it possible that she was really going to cum in front of her entire class. She felt scared for a split second.

Heather leaned over, grabbing her teacher's coat with one hand, fingering herself with the other.

The initial wave of her orgasm crashed over her body.

"I want to be a good girl for you.." Heather moaned at her teacher, not breaking eye contact.

Her fingers sped up, sending her further over the edge.

"I'll do anything to make you happy.." Heather moaned at her teacher.

Heather started moaning loudly. Her left hand was holding her teacher's jacket with a death grip, while her right hand was quickly rubbing her clit.

"Fuck!" Heather yelled out. The peak of her orgasm crashed over her young body.

Her legs gave out as she wrapped both arms around her teacher. Her face only made it up to the bottom of his chest.

She pressed her face and body into her teacher as she writhed in ecstasy, holding him tightly as wave after wave of her orgasm washed over her. She rubbed her pussy up and down on her teacher's leg.

As her orgasm finally began to subside, Heather looked up sweetly at her teacher. The classroom was completely silent as people watched, mostly in disbelief at the sight of the nice, innocent girl putting on such a show for everyone.

Heather loosened the death grip she had on her teacher's coat.

"Thank you sir.." She looked up, biting her lip. Even if he was grumpy, she was glad that he'd always have this image of her in his mind.

A few of her classmates started clapping, others offered compliments of her bravery, her class was clearly impressed with Heather's performance.

Heather stood at the front of the class, still breathing heavily and flushed from her orgasm, she clasped her hands behind her back, giggling and swaying slightly back and forth, making sure everyone got to see her. She was at a loss for words. How is it possible that she just got away with masturbating in front of twenty people so brazenly? She still had a small layer of spit on her breasts. She felt dirty, but indestructible.

Heather looked up at the clock. To her surprise, class had been over for nearly fifteen minutes! Oh god! How long had she been lost in this moment, exposed and pleasuring herself infront of her audience.

Heather had lost track of time, but one thing was clear, no one was in a hurry to head home, or miss the show.

As she slowly started collecting and putting herself back together, Heather smiled and talked with some of her classmates. She talked enthusiastically about how much fun she'd been having, and how she never wanted to wear clothes again.

Finally it became time for the final part of her journey. Heather didn't bring anything with her, or to cover up with, so that meant one thing, going back exactly how she came.

Heather made her way to the door, looking back one last time at her teacher and remaining students, smiling before once again disappearing back into the hall.

The halls were less crowded than before, since school had already ended. This meant that she didn't have the perceived cover that the thick crowd had brought earlier. Now everyone, all the way down to each end of the hall could see her. This made her feel much more exposed.

She loved this feeling. She resumed twirling her hair and smiling sweetly at those she passed.

Before long Heather reached the front doors of her school once again. She stood there for a second, looking out the windows at the bustling crowd outside. Students, faculty, and parents alike were out there, all preparing to head home. As long as she was in her school, she was protected under her own school's rules. But once she stepped outside, she was back in public. Nudity became an act of rebellion once again.

How was everyone going to react when they saw her? Even people's parents were going to know how much of a slut Heather was being. She started getting wet at the thought. God, what was wrong with her?

Heather bit her lip and swung the door open. She was firm in her resolve not to cover up. She was proud of her body, and wanted everyone to see her.

People didn't notice for a few moments, but before long, traffic and pedestrians came to a complete stop as the site of a beautiful naked teenager made her way down the front stairs of the school's entrance.

Heather's heart felt like it was going to explode. There were far more adults staring at her now than at any time before. As she made it to the side walk, a city bus passed. Heather saw her reflection in the windows and dozens of people stared at her through the windows. Seeing her reflection was a stark reminder of how exposed and vulnerable she was.

Heather walked swiftly. Her small tits and firm ass jiggled enticingly as she made her way down the sidewalk. She felt so provocative. Heather passed by the parents of one of her friends, they clearly recognized her. She smiled and waved at them as she started to blush deeply.

Slowly she made it back into her neighborhood. She was a little relieved to be back somewhere a little less crazy.

Her walk slowed as she enjoyed the warm afternoon sun bathing every inch of her naked body. Her nude feet made a very distinctive pitter patter as she stepped on the cement.

Before Heather knew it, she was standing in front of her home once again. She couldn't believe it. She was so proud of herself for being brave enough to leave her home naked and go to school. She stood there smiling from ear to ear, soaking in the feeling for one last minute.

Finally a car passed, snapping the nude girl from her trance.

Heather giggled, and rushed back inside.

Heather wondered what people were saying. She hadn't looked at her phone all day. She found she had nearly a hundred messages and missed calls. Clearly word got around. Heather laughed as she scrolled through her messages, they were mainly just asking what was going on.

Finally she noticed a message from one of her friends with a link in it. Heather's heart jumped. What was this going to be? She nervously bit her finger as the link loaded in her phone's browser.

She gasped. It was obvious her adventures didn't go unnoticed. Heather looked down at her phone in dismay. One of the students had created a drop box where anyone who managed to snap a picture or video of her were uploading their files to.

Heather scrolled through the files, she couldn't believe her eyes. This was insane! This was really her! She couldn't help but think how good she looked. She started to like that people uploaded pictures of her. It meant that people could look at her body whenever they wanted. She was exposed forever.

She knew there was definitely no keeping her adventure or exhibitionism a secret now. But what would this mean for the future?

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tyedwards35tyedwards3510 months ago

Thanks for the smoking hot story! I agree with other commenters that events like these could never really happen, but isn't that part of the reason erotic fiction exists? My enjoyment in reading stories like this come from imagining quasi-plausible scenarios not too far from reality. Nobody belittles producers of other types of fiction for imagining flying elephants, magical wizards, or other conceivable but impossible characters or situations. Why should erotic fiction be held to another standard?

From a more personal perspective, I found the hallway scenes intriguing, arousing an interesting internal conflict that I do haven't quite worked out: In reality, I'd never dream of groping or even touching even a clothed woman without her explicit consent, and I'd probably offer the shirt of my back to any woman I found totally nude. In this fictional world, however, my lecherous hands would be the first to cop a feel of this nude beauty, exploiting her vulnerability for my own sexual arousal without any consideration for her consent. Perhaps it's the mob's feeding frenzy that lets me rationalize assaulting Heather in this way? Even within the bounds of this fictional world, I can't imagine how I'd accept students raping Heather, for example, during her last class and perhaps at the command of her teacher/crush. But I can't reconcile how I think groping her is so hot when it would still amount to sexual assault... Thanks for providing me food for thought!

NakedDanNakedDanabout 1 year ago

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Thank you ExhibitionistErika.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story, want to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Great story, please write more.

NekkedTruckerNekkedTruckerover 1 year ago

Loved the story! Ignore the “English teachers” trying to bring your story down. I’d be upset if I had to pay for this story but you’re not making commission off everyone reading your free online story so who cares?

I’ve often walked down the road at night naked but everyone knows that if a man did this, we’d be in handcuffs before we reached the school. I’m not being a downer, it’s just the truth. A woman can almost get entirely away with it.

Keep up the great stories!

Putney62Putney62over 1 year ago

Excellent presentation of emotions and feelings recreated the tensions and emotions in me as I read. That is real writing! I’m looking forward to the next experience.

Jane_WJane_Walmost 2 years ago

I love this story. The way you describe it is how I think I'd feel if I did it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

@Cyberweasel89, I think part of the reason smaller boobs feature more heavily in exhibitionist-type stories is because that's where small boobs shine. They can sometimes disappear with much clothing on. It's hard to get much cleavage. But smaller boobs don't need a bra and they look great naked. Big boobs can look great naked, too, but they can also look great in a bra, in top with lots of cleavage, fully covered in tight clothing (creating a sexy, buxom shape), etc. Small boobs are most sexy in braless or topless/nude situations, which are going to tend to have at least some element of exhibitionism/voyeurism to them. So I think folks who like smaller boobs are more likely to be into exhibitionism/voyeurism fantasies.

At least that's the case for me. Most women I see in public who are clearly braless are generally small to medium-sized boobs. I rarely see women with big boobs going braless in public. And when they do, it's usually not a sexy situation. It's more of a lady going to the store in her ugly house clothes. She looks more like a slob who needs a bath rather than a daring, sexy woman. So, to me, the former incites fantasies in my mind of the girl being a little more daring and showing off a little more (or being pushed to). The latter is a turn off to me.

Regarding demographics, I'm fine with stories that feature 18-20 year olds, but I tend to prefer stories involving women in their late 20s to early 40s (which is my age range).

Cyberweasel89Cyberweasel89almost 2 years ago

Why are all the female protags in ENF/exhibitionism stories C-cup or smaller on this site? It's just strange to me that three breast sizes are so ubiquitous to one genre. The anthropologist in me is fascinated about what it might mean about the demographics who use this site!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Loved this story. My new favorite.

I have to point out, however, that Heather turns 18 at the start of the story and again the day she goes to school in her "birthday suit." Also, surely someone at the school would call her parents when they got her email to check and see if she was serious and if she was ok. This could be solved in a part 2 by her parents meeting her at home and admitting that they knew about her plans and, being ok with it, wanted to see if she was brave enough to go through with it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This was a GREAT story and the way you described each situation so vividly. I certainly hope you continue writing ExhibitionistErica.

nakedguyatxnakedguyatxabout 2 years ago

Loved it! This and the Erika stories are super hot. Please keep writing Erikaexhibitionist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Wow! Loved the story! Seems like you left some options for future chapters with Heather becoming her teacher's submissive play thing? ;)

chris61991chris61991over 2 years ago

Incredible! I think the situation is every exhibitionist's, nudist's, and naturist's dream/fantasy! Some people have a nightmare about being naked in school, but people who like being nude/naked as much as possible would love this idea! Great telling of the story! I know the future was left open, but here's hoping the school leaves the rule in place. Maybe Heather would never have to wear clothes again, at least while in high school... Maybe a follow-up could be her going away to college and becoming the dorm "nudist".

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So, will she ever wear clothes again? ;)

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