Her Birthday Pony Present

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The perfect Ponyboy Present.
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My girlfriend Mallory and I have been dating for almost five years next week and I wanted to get her the perfect gift for her birthday which also just so happens to be our anniversary. We often got each other spicy presents as we are very kinky and love trying out new gear and outfits as often as we can. One time she rented out an Airbnb for my birthday that had a dungeon in the basement. Safe to say no sleeping got done that night.

Mallory was the dominant one in the relationship from the start, she was the one who introduced me to BDSM and helped me explore that further. Whether out in public or at home she was always in charge or took the commanding role in our relationship.

The longer we dated the more severe some of her kinky interests had grown. She had been purchasing heavier metal gear, medical restraints, and police-grade cuffs to use in the bedroom in addition to joining various bondage forums looking for experiences as she called them.

I had heard her bring up the idea of a ponyboy more than a few times but to her dismay living in the suburbs there was no real area to properly do what she wanted or dreamed of. One night while borrowing her computer to complete some late-night work I found tabs open containing fanfiction about ponyboys. Fanart and photos of naked or rubber-clad boys with halters and bells adoring them, their hands and feet in rubber hoof shoes and a bit gag in their mouth, often hooked up to carts or in stalls. She had gone as far as looking on Etsy and favoriting a few items of gear that were to her liking, more of a wish list but she had still saved them nonetheless.

However what caught my eye was a website pulled up called Northwestern PonySlave Reserve, this appeared to be a place where kinky couples could visit and have one train as a bondage pony and get to experience the fantasy in a safe environment with all products and gear provided while the other took on a training role. I took note of the website and the next day when Mallory was at work I pulled it up on my computer and dug a bit deeper.

This reserve was just about two hours outside of town on a gorgeous mountainside estate with sloping hills and a breathtaking backdrop. It had plenty of photos and an easy lecture on how the excursion worked included on the webpage.

It was a three-day stay for the pony and a two-day experience. The first day the proposed pony would arrive and be sized up for gear and get their tack as well as spend the whole day training ending the night spent in the stalls. A letter would be sent to the spouse or trainer that evening and they would arrive the next day, after taking a morning class they would get to spend the rest of the experience however they pleased.

They would be able to place gear on their ponies, practice training their ponies, hook them up to a cart, and go on rides around the property. A large lodge located on the property provided on-location living quarters for the trainer while the ponies were kept in a temperature-circulated stable.

For those who did not have anyone interested in being a pony in their life, there was also an option to rent a pony. After a full-day training course, you were able to rent a pony for the three days, the ponies available for that had to have at least five visits to the reserve and extensive training but it seemed like a great idea and option for some.

The place looked amazing, with good staff, and gorgeous views and I had to admit some ponies that looked very hot in their gear no matter whether they were a ponyboy or ponygirl. The price however was quite large which is what I figured was the reason Mallory had not booked it, however, my grandmother had just passed and left me a large amount of money which I had not yet told Mallory about, and no better way to tell her than to show her by offering to be her pony.

I spent almost an hour filling out the paperwork and medical forms as they were very thorough in making sure one was in good enough health to visit the reserve. I submitted photos and watched the videos before I submitted my application.

It took about four days until I received a reply. I had been waiting anxiously as this was my only present idea, and with it being so perfect it had to work. Luckily they had one opening for this weekend starting on Saturday, Mallory's Birthday. I got the items I needed together and late that night while she was asleep slipped out of the door and Ubered to a hotel close to the reserve turning my phone off after leaving her a vague message about her gift but making sure she didn't panic when I was not in bed come morning.

The next morning it was a short ride to the grounds where the car pulled into a gravel drive leading up to a large campus-style layout, to the right atop the hill was the lodge with the stables. Off to the left on more of a plateau with large trees blocking the view from prying eyes by the road where pastures and training corrals. I saw cart trails leading back behind the stables down the slope of the hill. To my surprise, I saw 2 ponies in a corral to the left of the stables looking like they were about to start training. I tried to catch a quick glance but the stable blocked my view as we pulled in.

I unloaded my luggage and was met with a tall slender woman walking out of the stables, dressed in black leather riding boots accompanied by a tight rubber skirt and a cloud white button-up satin shirt. "Welcome you must be Ken, I am the Director here, Sylvia". I greeted her as she explained how most of the items I bought would not be needed and were just in case but would be stored for when I may need them or for when I was prepared to leave.

She also described the system they employed here at the reserve "Each of the tack or gear on each pony is a unique color, the gear for all the ponies and the outfit for all the trainers is the same and required to be worn at all times for ponies and at all times except for in lodging accommodations for trainers. The trainers' shirts are matching colors with the gear of their pony that way staff and anyone on site can identify the matching pony to their trainer easily."

"We also only allow only ten couples on the reserve at all times to help prevent overcrowding and can help make sure each pony and trainer gets the attention they deserve so it is lucky we had someone drop and an opening this weekend to squeeze you in." I nodded in agreement. "Head on into the stalls where our lead trainer Amber will get your gear picked out for you, explain the rules as well as get you settled into a stall. You will start your training promptly so we can get you ready for the arrival of Miss Mallory whom a letter has already been sent to with instructions for her arrival tomorrow.

I entered the stables where I was met with a short girl with flame-red hair dressed in the same trainer attire and wearing a black shirt. "Welcome Sir, I am Amber, let's head back to the tack room and get you all set up." She explained a short bit about how the reserve was started and how she often brings her girlfriend here and rents her out on weekends for a little extra spending money for herself.

As we arrived in the tack room I was told to strip and place my clothes in a bin labeled with my information, I would receive all of my belongings back at the end of my stay. Then Amber sized me for and then locked on a soft silicon and plastic mix chastity cage around my cock. "We find being naked over clothes for our ponies provides no resistance while running or moving with gear on as well as all ponies being fitted with a low-impact chastity device to prevent any unwanted distractions while not getting in the way of exercise. The cage while preventing an erection was soft enough that it would not prevent me from running or rubbing on the inside of my thighs while doing any type of physical activity.

Amber had already prepared my gear on the wall, my color for my stay would be purple which just so happened to be Mallory's favorite color. Amber first fitted a waist belt above my hips, wrapping around and locking to my cage keeping my locked cock in place. The gear was made from heavy leather with silver buckles and locks, it had two D-rings on either side which Amber informed me was for the carts to be attached to when pulling. My arms were then folded behind my band and bent to a position making me hold my elbows and a sleeve was slid overtop holding them in place as the straps connected to a harness wrapped around the front and buckled keeping them tight in place and behind my back with the rest of my harness tightly across my chest.

A posture collar was then placed around my neck forcing me to keep my head forward and up at all times, added upon by a head harness that wrapped overtop with a strap underneath and two loops on each side for reins to be attached allowing the trainer to steer their pony. A rubber-bit gag allowed the pony to only get out a whinny-like sound but prevented them from accidentally chipping a tooth if biting down too hard while running or jumping.

I had opted for the headgear without the blinders, to be honest I was hoping I would see some ponygirls as I had never seen one in person and was a bit curious. In fact, Amber placing all this gear on my naked body had me excited, belting each piece on and it perfectly fitted each part of me, each piece being secured with a lock where the key would be given to Mallory later that would allow her to remove any piece of my gear as she pleased. The locks and metal buckles rustling and clanging made my cock try to stir in its prison but it stayed locked up tight.

The last piece was my set of hooves, they were posture boots made in a way that slid up and belted around the ponies thigh. My feet slipped in and the boots were laced up the back, it was almost the same as regular running shoes with inserts in the bottom but the shoe had been replaced with a mold of a hoof and was surprisingly easy to balance and walk on.

Amber then lubed up a large rubber plug with a Purple synthetic tail attached and inserted it in my ass, I was not a fan of plugs but Mallory adored them so I figured I might as well suffer for three days since she would enjoy it so much, not to mention what was a pony without their tail?

Just like that, I was a pony! "You will be referred to as pony #16 from now on by everyone on the reserve. This gear will stay on until your visit is finished except for the arm sleeve which will be taken off and your hands will be cuffed in front of you when you are in your stall for the night as well as the bit removed from your head harness. That is unless your trainer wishes to remove something else to which she has a key. You will no longer be able to speak not even to your trainer as from here on out you are a pony and you will only listen to those wearing a trainer outfit you are not to converse with other ponies after hours in the stalls".

Amber finished up the rest of the rules attached a lead to my posture collar and led me out of the stable, we turned the corner and entered a corral where she hooked me up to a hanging lead from a machine that forced me to walk in circles. As I walked she kept the machine on low keeping me focused on correct posture with my head held forward and knees picked up high, when needed she corrected my posture with her whip. She then sped up the machine teaching me to trot and eventually run. The feel of my hoofs on the hard ground was unusual yet satisfying. With every step, it was more of a stomp and made me feel strong in a strange sort of way.

After a while, I was sweating as Amber stopped the machine, unhooked me and led me into a small pen outdoors, unhooking my lead and told me she would return shortly. I spent the next hour or so testing out my bonds and light jogging around the pen trying to get more comfortable on my feet.

I then caught a glimpse of what I was hoping for, Amber was leading a ponygirl out of the stable. She was dressed in the same gear as me except for a chastity belt over her pussy with thin rubber-coated wires coming between her legs and around her waist under her leather belt harness in addition to blinders connected to the sides of her head harness making sure she could only see ahead at all times without distractions.

Her gear was a bright lime green color that shone in the sun only accentuating her dirty blond hair that was braided as her curvy hips complemented her large breasts which were held firmly in place by her chest harness as I was trying not to drool from behind my gag.

She was led to a cart in which many were lined up outside of the stable. The carts were small with two wheels connected to springs for suspension and a small footrest. A small padded seat sat atop with two poles running on either side which were connected to either side of the pony's waist harness and allowed them to pull without the use of their hands.

She was clipped into the cart and reins were attached to her halter as Amber handed the reins to an older gentleman in riding gear all of which was the same as Ambers, I realized the Head of the estate must be the only one allowed to wear a skirt while all other trainers wore pants. His shirt was the same scale of green as his pony's gear as he hopped on the cart giving a whip of the reins as she turned pulling the cart out of the drive and heading back for the trails. I tried to yell out but a muffled whinny was the only sound I could make from behind my gag.

Amber made her way back over to my pen. "Don't you be getting too excited pony #16 or I will be recommending to your trainer we put blinders on you to prevent any further distractions." With that suggestion, I quieted down.

Amber led me out of the pen and over to another cart attaching it to both sides of my harness and clipping reins on my headgear. As she climbed into the cart I felt the weight pull down and press on my hips but it was not uncomfortable or painful, just unusual. She pulled on the reins and smacked my rear with the whip as she led me up and down the drive teaching me the commands for starting and stopping as well as turning the cart.

The trainers would use verbal commands as well as the whip to communicate with their ponies. All of this plus anything Mallory needed to know would be linked to the message she received earlier today with a video in addition to the short hands-on course tomorrow morning she would have to take. She would practice with one of the more experienced ponies before she would officially take control of me for the remainder of our stay.

As soon as Amber felt I was ready she steered me onto the trails forcing me to work harder to pull the cart up and down the shallow trails as the beat of my hooves and the crack of the whip were the only sounds heard among the chirping birds. I was a very physically fit person or at least I would say so. Therefore pulling the cart was not a hard chore for me in fact my chest harness was quite large and had to be adjusted, Amber had said in order to strap around my large chest. As the sun was beginning to set Amber turned us back for the Reserve and pulled just as the sun dipped below the trees.

I was unclipped from the cart and led back into the stable where I was wiped down, my plug removed, and received my evening enema which ponies received twice a day at the start and end. My hands were removed from the sling and cuffed in front of me with locking leather restraints that were chained to the wall anchoring me in place unable to exit the stall. Amber removed my gag and fed me dinner of mash on a small tray. After I was all finished she closed the door to my stall and left.

Later in the afternoon, a few more ponies were led into the stable. I could hear their hooves on the concrete outside as they were marched into their stalls and the loud clanging of the stall doors being shut echoed throughout the stables.

The stalls were somewhat small but had enough room to lay down with wooden walls and a door that went fully up to the ceiling and latched from the outside. The floor was a soft foam covered in hay with a small table attached to the inside of the door below the viewing window for the food trays to be placed upon. A small trough was tucked into the corner for the ponies to squat over and relieve themselves as any matters with number two were resolved in the morning or at night with the enema.

To be honest the stalls felt more like prison cells but were nice enough I guess. I kept quiet as I heard no other ponies talking even though no one else had their bit gags in anymore so I figured the not talking was a hard set rule not to mention many ponies had to be tired as I was exhausted already. I laid down in the soft hay and was soon asleep.

As the sun peeked through the windows outside I heard ponies rising as Amber came in, taking each pony out and over to the grated area inside the stable for their morning enema. As I was led out I saw two ponygirls being led away, the bright green pony from yesterday who I learned was pony #13 as well as another ponygirl dressed in yellow gear. I also managed to catch a glimpse of a small ponygirl dressed in blue through the viewing window of her stall.

As I was later told I was the only ponyboy on the reserve at the time in fact it was often rare to see a ponyboy so I was certainly going to be an eye-catcher for other female trainers, staff and not to mention horny belted ponygirls.

I was given my morning enema and my arms were placed back in their sleeve as I was put in my stall to wait for Mallory to arrive. About two hours later I heard boots enter the stable and make their way to my stall as I stood the door swung open and there stood Mallory. Black riding boots with tight black pants tucked with a silky purple button-up shirt as her large breasts poked out the top. Her gorgeous brown hair in a high ponytail all adorned by a huge smile.

She ran forward and wrapped her arms around me, giving me a huge hug and planting a huge kiss on my gagged mouth. "Oh my god Ken this is the best gift ever! This is a dream come true and you look so fucking hot I have to admit. I want to fuck you so bad right now but I know you want it more so we are going to keep that cage on your cock until we leave here!

When I got the letter I was so confused about how you found out about this place, I assumed you found it snooping on my laptop and then I saw you booked us a stay and I could never have been happier you are the perfect boyfriend!" I let out a whinny of excitement as she stepped back and admired my gear. She looked me up and down and smiled as she expressed her approval. "I was confused about how you paid for this but when I asked they told me about the accounts so I decided to add a little extra, I extended our stay to a full week. I hope you don't mind." She exclaimed as she planted another kiss on my bit gag.

I was taken aback for a second but honestly was excited. I liked being a pony and wouldn't mind seeing some more of those ponygirls, not to mention Mallory in that outfit. I was snapped out of daydreaming to Mallory smacking me with her whip on my caged cock. "Stop thinking about those slutty ponygirls, your only goal is to me this week." I had never been more turned on by her. I loved the idea of her in control and now the thought of being here for a full week had me hornier than ever.

With that Mallory grabbed my lead jerking me out of the stall marching me out of the stable and into the sun, it was certainly going to be an exciting week and this was turning out to be the best birthday present ever and not just for her.

"Oh and did I forget to mention I already made a booking for next month! I have some friends who I have already promised rides!" I smiled into my gag as I was truly in ponyboy heaven.

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perroCastidadperroCastidadabout 1 month ago

Wow, what a great story... I hope you continue it and we can read what will happen in the week and the visit that Mallory booked for next month with her friends.

DragonLadDragonLadabout 1 month ago

I love loving kink, even in fantasy. This was exciting and I can't wait for more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

I sure hope there will be at least one or two more chapters, to this great story. Mallory should really step up his Excitement and denial, by attaching a small Vibrator to the front of his chastity cage, to keep him Constantly hard and dripping and denied all week. With him seeing the key to his cage hanging around her next just Teasing him. Maybe she could even ask for their Special ponytail butt plug. That has a remote control Vibrator in it, to really fuck with him. One other thought if she thought he could Accept her being cuckold, she could let herself being strapped to a breeding bench, and get breed by other ponyboy with a much bigger horse cocks. While ponyboy #16 is tied up close by to watch her, with both Vibrators going full speed inside him. Then while she's still strapped to to breeding bench dripping cum out pussy of her. They untied #16 to see if her would go to her, and clean her pussy out, without being told to, as all were Previously planned out by Mallory..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

A very nice pony play story. Love to read more.

mrwidehorizonsmrwidehorizonsabout 2 months ago

I love pony play! Such a rare but hot topic, great story!

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