Hero Worship Pt. 04

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Aly struggles to come out. The art fair arrives.
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Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/26/2020
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So here is part four of eight. If you haven't read the first three parts you'll be lost. All characters involved in explicit scenes are over eighteen. Enjoy, and please rate and comment.

- Aly -

I'd love to say I woke up still in Taylor's arms, but we'd separated during the night. I reached out and slid my hand over her firm, flat stomach, and she rolled towards me. Moments later she'd gathered me back into her embrace, and I shuddered as her warmth infused me. Her leg slid over mine, my head resting on her arm. I breathed deeply, luxuriating in her scent. There might have been a residual note of her cologne, but mostly it was just her skin, with stale sweat and sex in the background. It was wonderful.

I fell back asleep. And this time, when I woke up, I was still where I wanted to be. I stirred, and she kissed me gently on my forehead, making me sigh.

"Good morning, baby."

Mmm, baby. I was her baby. I can't tell you how that made me feel. The world was a scary place, and it had gotten a lot more so since I realized I was gay. But here, in Taylor's arms, I was safe, and loved, and so, so happy.

I looked up into her beautiful blue eyes. "Good morning, My Lady."

She pulled me tight and I snuggled in deeper. "Did my baby enjoy last night?"

"Oh, yes, so much."

"I'm glad." Taylor kissed me, gently but with such passion. I didn't know that was possible. I loved her. And I'd told her last night. And she said it back. And it hadn't been flippant, an auto response, or anything. She'd really meant it. And the way she was kissing me now. I could feel the truth. Oh, god, maybe that was totally naïve, but this felt so good I didn't care.

"When do you have to be back at school?"


"We have a little time then."

I ran a finger down her side. "Yeah."

"Go start the shower, clean up, and then I'll join you, and you can wash and pleasure me." I felt my whole body shiver with happiness at the order. Well, it wasn't quite an order; there was still a little questioning in Taylor's voice. But I was going to treat it as one.

"Yes, My Lady." I slipped out from between the sheets and walked naked towards the bathroom, letting my ass swing behind me, my hands folded demurely in front. I could feel her eyes on me as I went, which was awesome.

I washed quickly, as I wanted to get to the good part as quickly as possible. As soon as I was done I stood to the side, hands behind my back, and called out. "My Lady, your shower is prepared."

I felt myself shiver as Taylor entered the bathroom. She was magnificent, tall and lean, with amazing shoulders, a flat, toned stomach, and powerful legs. I wanted, needed to touch her, to worship her. She stepped into the shower, and it took everything I had not to put my hands on her immediately.

"You may begin."

Wow, that had been an order, and it made me tingle all over. I loaded the shower sponge with body wash and slowly touched her skin. I could barely breathe. God, who was I? I was a together girl, always top grades, president or vice president of stuff. I made the decisions. But around Taylor all that went away. I just wanted to bask in her. The weird thing was that she didn't make me feel weak. Being around her made me feel strong and confident, like I could do anything, because she loved me. And right now, I just wanted to wash her. So that's what I did. A simple act of devotion and service for My Lady, and it filled my soul. Hair, shoulders, arms, torso, legs, feet, I worshipped everything.

I could feel her relax as I continued, and she slowly gave herself over to my care. Once I'd finished I rinsed her, taking the liberty to run my hands over her smooth, perfect body. I kissed her gently on the shoulder, making her sigh. Her fingers wove into my wet hair, and she gently guided my head to her breast, which I greedily sucked into my mouth.

Taylor pulled in a deep breath and sighed as I did, my tongue massaging her before I nibbled a little. Her other arm wrapped around me and held me to her. I did the same, encircling her waist and losing myself in the touch of her skin, the feel of her nipple in my mouth. She pulled my head away, and I reluctantly let her breast pop free. My mind was just registering the loss when she put my mouth to the other side and I happily continued.

When she finally tilted my head up, she was looking down at me with her beautiful eyes. They were shining with love and happiness, and I melted inside. Her kiss was magic, and I reveled in it. Her fingers twined through my hair as she broke away, and I stared up at her. She stroked the side of my face once, and then her hands rested on my shoulders, pushing me gently down as I sank to my knees before her, never looking away from her glorious eyes.

She placed her foot on the tile shelf, giving me better access to her sex, and I took full advantage, leaning forward and burying my mouth in her delicious folds. My arms wrapped around her thighs. This was perfect, it was right, on my knees worshipping and pleasuring My Lady. I reveled in every moan, sigh, and gasp, every little sign that told me My Lady was pleased with what I was doing.

And she was, I could tell as she shuddered against me. I needed her pleasure to go on and on, so I refrained from increasing the stimulation, even though I could tell that's what she wanted. Longer and longer I held her at bay before she whispered into the mist. "Please, baby."

The begging in My Lady's voice was too much, and I pulled her clit into my mouth and wrapped it in my tongue as she came apart. I held the contact as she screamed her ecstasy into the air. There was fire in her eyes as she stared down at me, and she lifted me to my feet. Her hand rested on my shoulders for a moment before she turned me around so my back was pressed up against her.

I could feel her hard nipples against my back as My Lady's hands played over my skin. She cupped my breast, and began working the tip between her fingers, making me gasp and lean my head back into her. She kissed my temple and began to whisper in my ear.

"Baby, do you have any idea how wonderful you are? How much I love to touch you? You make me feel like I could fly, baby, and I'm never letting you go. You're all mine, my baby, my one and only."

Tears rolled down my cheeks as she continued to whisper sweet nothings into my ear. It's strange people call them that, 'nothings,' because they meant everything. My mind was reeling at how badly I needed to be hers, to make her happy, my body humming at the contact of her body and hands. My soul, in contrast, was absolutely at peace, safe in My Lady's arms. Her hand slid over my belly as the steady stream of beautiful words poured from her mouth, and when it dipped between my legs my whole body melted into her.

My breath was coming in jerky, ragged gasps and I was being fully supported by my lover. My body was moving in rhythm with those beautiful fingers when they dipped inside me, My Lady's thumb massaging my nub.

"Come for me, baby. I want to feel you pulse in my arms. Nothing makes me happier."

With those words I lost the last of my resistance and dissolved into orgasmic bliss.

When I finished Taylor was still holding me, her kiss the sweetest thing I'd ever tasted. She washed and rinsed me gently before we stepped out of the shower and dried each other. After we finished the little things, like brushing teeth and such, I still needed to dry my hair, where Taylor could get by with a simple towel dry.

As I plugged in the hair dryer she hugged me from behind. "I'll work on breakfast. I love you."

I cooed at those words. "Ooh, love you too."

She left and I stared at myself in the mirror, noting the flush in my skin and the sparkle in my eyes. Once my hair was dried I got dressed and made my way out to the kitchen, where Taylor was waiting with eggs and sausage.

"Do you have a bunch of classes today?"

"Yeah, three. I've got four total, plus my senior project. First meeting for that is Thursday afternoon. I'm a little nervous about it. Next semester will be better. "

"Do you get to choose what you're going to do? I mean, for your project?"

"Yeah, and I have an idea. Hopefully he'll approve it."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you if he agrees. I'll need your help."

"Well, I'm sure it'll be amazing."

"Thanks, sweetie."

My drive back to campus seemed to take no time at all. The bad part is that Rush started this weekend, so we had events Friday and Saturday nights for the next three weekends, plus selection and initiation after that. After September, things should start to quiet down, but I was going to keep my Tuesday afternoons open if I had to kill people to do it.

By Thursday afternoon I was pretty nervous, sitting outside Professor Del Vecchio's office waiting for my initial meeting. He called me in precisely at two o'clock.

"Miss Winterberg. Please have a seat." I did so, not letting myself break eye contact. "So, by contract I only have to take a senior design student every other year. Last year I had Nathan Blaire, so I did not have to agree to this. However I was very impressed by your performance in my design class last year, so I decided to take a chance. I trust I won't regret it."

"No, Professor."

"So, I imagine you've given some thought to what you would like to take on for your senior project? Just be aware that this will probably be the last thing you get to design for years, as new graduates have a long road before they get their own projects in the real world. Many never do. So make it good."

"Yes, sir. My girlfriend is a lifeguard up on Tagalong beach in North Vista, and she was saying that they could really use a new HQ. So I came up with this." I handed him a hardcopy of the CAD drawing I'd been working on.

If he was thrown at all by the word 'girlfriend' he didn't show it. He looked over what I'd given him for what seemed like hours before he said anything.

"This is a very ambitious project, young lady. More so than I think you realize." He gave me an appraising look. "I expect excellence in my students, and I don't settle for less. Get started. First steps?"

We talked for another hour, laying out the groundwork of what needed to be done. The first step, of course, was to interview the client, so I needed to talk to Taylor's boss, and to Taylor herself. As I left the Professor's office, I couldn't wait to tell Taylor about my idea.

I went ahead and sent her a text, even though I knew she wouldn't see it until after six.

Aly -- Call me when you can. Something exciting to tell you.

I headed back to the house and went up to my room, grabbing an apple and flopping down on my bed. It was just a little after four, and Sadie wouldn't get back until six, so I'd put off dinner until then. I pulled up my statics homework, trying to get a jump on it, which would make for a far more enjoyable evening. I got about half done before I lost focus and started flitting around the internet.

What I landed on was some BDSM websites. I was amazed how much I loved serving Taylor, feeling owned by her. Thinking back it made perfect sense. I'd always gotten a thrill out of serving the girls on the sports teams I'd been on. I'd do anything they asked me too. So I definitely saw myself in some of the stories I read, but not everything. I was so not into pain. I still cried when I had to get a flu shot. Not as much as I did when I was eight, but yeah. And the public humiliation stuff was not even mildly interesting.

But the idea of being owned, totally submitting to the will of another, that made me all gooey inside. Especially if that person were Taylor. I was casually thumbing through the world of virtual kink, totally lost in my own little universe when the door suddenly opened. It took me a moment to realize what was happening as Sadie walked in, and she got an eyeful before I had the good sense to slam my computer shut.

"What the hell were you looking at?"

"Nothing. So how was Advanced Crazy People? Good class?" My heart was thumping.

"Sure. Don't change the subject. You were looking at porn."

"No I wasn't." I stared down at my feet. "It was research."

"Porn research?"

I wasn't sure what exact shade of scarlet my face was turning, but I could feel the heat rising fast. I wasn't getting away with anything,

"Aly, I saw the leather. So, is Taylor making you call her mistress and leaving you tied up for hours?"

I tried to look hurt. "How do you know I don't make her call me mistress?" Sadie just smirked at me for that comment. "Yeah, okay. But I don't call her mistress."

"What do you call her?"

The heat in my cheeks kicked up another notch. "My Lady. And she calls me her baby. And, god, when she does I'd do anything for her."


"Well, almost. But she'd never ask me to do anything I didn't want to do. That's the weird, wonderful thing. I'm completely in her control, and I've literally never felt so safe and free. She loves me." I was hugging my knees to my chest, imagining Taylor's arms around me.

Sadie jumped onto her bed, legs akimbo and her eyes wide with curiosity. "What does she make you do?"

I couldn't help the smile pulling across my face. "Stuff. Like washing her in the shower."

"Wow. That's sexy."

"Oh, it's so amazing."

"Do you like, go down on her?"

"When she tells me to." Sadie's mouth opened, and I knew I'd blown her mind a little. I'd given Taylor oral a bunch of times now, but the ones where she'd told me to, mmm. I mean, I'd enjoyed it every time, but those were just better somehow. "Why? Don't you do that for Noah?"

"Um, yeah, sure, but not when he tells me too."

"I like it when she tells me to do things."

"So you're like a sub then?"

I nodded. "I think so."

"Does that mean I can get you to do my laundry?"

We both laughed as I answered in an emphatic negative. Sadie crossed the room and jumped onto my bed and opened my laptop. "So what exactly were you researching?" We spent the next thirty minutes looking at various pictures and reading articles, which is what we were doing when my phone rang.

"Hey, sweetheart. How was your day?" I rolled off the bed and sat in my desk chair as I listened to Taylor's lovely alto voice. I told her about the meeting with Prof. Del Vecchio. "So you remember that thing we talked about, the nature center slash command post slash community center? That's what I'm going to do for a senior project. I'm going to design it."

"That's great, baby. Really."

"I mean, it's not like I'm actually going to get to build it, but still. It'll be fun. And I want you to help me with it. And I'll need to talk to Jennifer, so I know what's needed and stuff." I was getting more and more excited as I talked about it, and I realized why. I was doing this for her, wanting to make her idea, her vision a reality.

I listened to her tell a funny story about something that had happened at the beach today, and completely lost the fact that Sadie was in the room with me. That is until she hopped up and sat on my desk, trying to hijack my conversation.

"Hi, Taylor!"

"Who's that?"

"That is my annoying roommate."

"You should see what I caught Aly looking at on the computer!"

I made a mean face at her. "Would you stop!"

She stuck out her tongue and I went back to my bed.

"Did you tell her about me, about, um ..."

"That you're a she and not a he? Yes I did. I'm sorry I forgot to let you know, but you're distracting."

"So what were you looking up on the computer?"

"Oh, nothing."

"Baby, don't lie to me." Her voice was playful, but there was an edge of command in it that made me tingle deep inside.

"I was looking up stuff about BDSM."

"Really, see anything you like?"

"Yeah, and a few things I didn't. I'd like to talk about it sometime."

Unfortunately Rush made the weekend a bust, but Tuesday afternoon was still open for both of us, and we made plans.

- Taylor -

"Hey, Can I talk to you guys tonight?"

I heard Jen asking Vicky before she responded. "Sure, Taylor, we were just finishing dinner. Come down?"

"Yeah, okay." I'd planned on heading out to the warehouse, but after talking with Aly, well it turned my head around a little. BDSM? What exactly did she mean? I mean, I know what that is, but I'd never done anything like that. I don't exactly see myself walking around in black leather slapping a riding crop against my palm. What if she wanted me to hurt her? I don't think I could do that.

But I have to admit, the way she looked at me, the adoration, it felt great. It might be the only part of my life I was in control of, but I liked it. I loved taking care of her, too, giving her pleasure. The way she just cuddled into me, the total surrender in her eyes when we made love, they were beyond intoxicating. And it wasn't like Aly was some spineless little girl crawling around at my feet. She was tough, and could totally could hold her own, like what she did at that party. I mean, she'd gotten me to try shrimp, and that was saying something.

I couldn't really imagine her crawling after me on all fours on a leash. Did people even do that? Basically I was freaked out as to what she might want, and if I could do it. Was I really going to talk about all this to Jen and Vicky?

As it turns out, the answer was yes.

"This doesn't surprise me, really, Taylor." Jen set her coffee down. "You're always wanting to take care of people. It's important to you. And you have an edge of command about you. It's why you're such a damn good lifeguard."

"And that makes me a dominatrix?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I didn't say that. And from what you're telling me, I don't think that's what Aly is asking for."

Vicky leaned forward. "Jen's right. And think about it. Would you be happy in a relationship where your partner didn't need you to take care of her? Or didn't want you to?"

"But it's a relationship. Shouldn't we be taking care of each other?"

Jen smirked at me. "Aly doesn't take care of you?"

I grimaced. Oh, god, she so did. She'd scold me when I lost myself in my art and forgot to eat, or remind me to put on sunblock when we were out.

More than that though, she made me feel like no one ever had. The way she looked at me, it made me feel like I could fly. I wanted to be her everything, protector, lover, friend. I wanted to teach her about art, and let her infect me with that innocent enthusiasm of hers. She makes me smile, and that's been so rare recently.

"Ok, yeah, but I don't know how to do this! I don't know what she wants."

Vicky gave me a smug smile. "There's a simple way to fix that, my love."

"Yeah, yeah." I made a face back at her. "Besides, I'm not sure she even knows what she wants. It doesn't strike me that she's done this before."

"Well, then you figure it out together." I really wish Vicky'd stop smiling at me like that. "That's a lot of the fun."

She slid her hand into Jen's and squeezed.

Jen looked back at me. "When do you see her again?"


"Okay, well you have a few days to think about it."

And I thought about it. A lot. One of the good or bad things about being a lifeguard is that you have a lot of time to think. Aly had rush parties to coordinate, so I doubted I'd hear from her from the next few days, so I headed straight out to the warehouse after work. Aly's sculpture was coming together quicker than I'd thought possible, probably due to the fact that her face was so etched into my brain that I never had to stop to refer to my sketches.

September was quickly flowing away, and the second Saturday in October was the North Vista Art Fair, which is what I'd been gearing up for all year. Mr. Beville was one of the sponsors, and the work displayed there went a long way to determine to which up and coming artists would get a showing at his gallery. So I had to start spending some time on my smaller sculptures, which is what I made myself do. The weird thing is that now even they were different. I'd stopped referring to my original sketches on several of them; they just felt wrong somehow.