Hey Angel


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"Let me get dressed and I'll fill you in on what's about to break loose." As he turned and left to get dressed, he continued, "I'll be right back."

I turned to Candise, and tried to get her to fill me in on what was going on, but true to her word she just said. "You'll see."

Candise finished getting a snack together for the three of us. All I could do was wonder about what Ron was going to tell me. That's when I opened one of the folders. Right on top was a photo of my darling husband with his cock inside a woman that wasn't me. It was the contorted facial expression of Karen Schmitt, staring back from that piece of glossy paper.

I flipped through three or four other equally damning photos of my husband in different positions of sexual bliss. The interesting part was none of the women involved were the same person. I did, however, know the names of all of them. Two of these were married to men I also had seen on the side or in a hotel room.

When I got to the point I couldn't stand to see any more, I was overcome by guilt, or maybe it was shame in what I had been doing for the last two years. I knew these could have just as easily been photos of me and my own lovers.

Candise could see the pain in my face, and she thought it was because of what I was seeing, but it was what I was feeling. "We're here for you April...I promise Ron and I won't let you down."

"What do you mean?"

Before she could answer, Ron came back into the room with a look on his face that he was ready to take on the devil. He picked up an open bottle of beer, took a big pull and sighed like he was ready to start whatever he had in mind.

"Okay, April... I wasn't getting an attorney; I was following your husband." He again turned the bottle up and took an even bigger swig of his beer. "I had been hired by one of his clients that thought there was some money missing from his company accounts. That put me on the case, and the rest just fell into place."

"What do you mean.... fell in place?"

"Your hubby had been to his lawyer's office, and I just happened to be standing outside when you were brushing off your lunch date. I gave Candise a call and asked her if she wanted a guest for lunch. I didn't get a positive response till I told her it was you."

"You mean to tell me you were stalking my husband and me at the same time."

He grinned like that cat in the Disney movie, and said, "I'm one lucky S-O-B. Now let me tell you what I found out about your husband that is going to open a lot more than your eyes."

With a sideways glance... "Okay, go ahead."

"The night of the party, he was feeling pretty good. He was feeling even better after everyone went home and he was getting his dick sucked by my wife." He paused and Candise just grinned.

"You know your husband thinks he's God's answer to fucking.... Give him a couple of drinks and he's an open book...." There was another pause. "Okay, after he left, Candise and I figured you were about to be destroyed. He was going to tear you apart with a shower of lies and innuendos that you wouldn't be able to fight."

"Ron...I'm guilty as hell."

"Only if you're caught." He pointed out. "Your hubby is not only on the hook, but he's also being gutted. For years, he has been skimming off money from his clients and hiding the cash all over the place.... He has accounts everywhere." The look on his face was blank, like expecting an answer I couldn't give. "Do you know anything about the money your husband is handling?"

"He never has talked with me about money, his business or anything. He referred to me a long time ago as, arm candy."

"Well, my dear Angel, your husband's business involves money.... other people's money, and he takes more than his rightful share." Another swig of beer, stopping only when the bottle was empty. "We have all his records and I think, all the passwords that will let you rip his heart out. Let's face it, he hasn't been very good in hiding shit from anybody."

For the next two hours, Ron explained a plan that would turn the tables on my husband. He had given his report to his client that morning. We figured that was the reason he was locked in his office at the house.

Ron had found numerous irregularities in the way my husband was moving money around for his clients. He made several comments about how Asshole had taken good notes while he was in college. He knew what he was doing. He just couldn't keep his mouth shut.

When everything was finished, we had a plan. I realized I didn't have my car. I decided I was going to need a car early the next morning, but when Ron offered a ride, I declined.

Candise was eager to offer help, and I accepted.

The look on Ron's face was that of surprise.

"Don't worry big boy, if we pull your plan off, you'll get more of this pussy than you can handle.

Candise smiled, put her arm through mine and escorted me to her car in the garage.

"What about my car?" Ron yelled as the door closed behind us.

"Don't worry about him... he'll figure it out." Candise opened the door on the passenger side of the car and planted a sloppy kiss on my lips as I tried to get into the seat. Maybe I should have just called Uber.

When I got home the house was dark except for Asshole's home office. I crept through the quiet to the bedroom. A shower would have to wait as I gathered some clothes for the following day and quietly slipped into the guest room. There was no way in hell I was going to sleep anywhere near that husband of mine. To my surprise, I didn't remember putting my head on my pillow. I was fast asleep.

I set an alarm to get the kids their breakfast, and soon got them delivered to school. Since I didn't have anything scheduled for the afternoon, I told them I'd pick them up after school. Now it was time to head back home for the comfort of a shower and a quick check on progress from Ron and Candise.

By the time I got around to looking at my phone, there were two missed calls: both from Ron.

I dialed Ron's number, and he answered on just the second ring. "Angel, we need to get going right now."

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"My client is not messing around."

"What do you mean?"

"My client.... You know the one that got me on this case to start with?


"Well, he was thinking ahead. He was expecting your husband to be guilty of skimming. He started his lawyers working on this at the same time he hired me. So, he is moving right now to get your hubby behind bars."

"What do I need to do?"

"Are you at your house?"


"I'll be right there. We need to get into your husband's computer and reverse all the crap he was doing last night." There was the sound of him hanging up his phone, and three minutes later he was ringing my doorbell.

When my husband was at home, he used his tower, but when out of the house he used a laptop.

Ron didn't say hi, or anything.... he headed straight for asshole's office. When he found the door locked from the outside, he just put his shoulder into it, and he was in.

My experience with intellectuals, they talk to themselves a lot. Ron was no exception. Once he had hubby's computer running, he took out a notebook and he never stopped (talking to himself, that is).

I was fascinated by what he was doing. I fixed him a sandwich, but it sat uneaten. The only thing he was interested in was the task at hand.

Once he raised his head and smiled.... "Lady you are one rich woman." He just smiled and went back to what he was doing. A half hour later, Candise showed up and we went off to the family room to visit. I was afraid she might want to do something a little sexy, but surprise, surprise, we talked about my situation. She knew even more details about what my husband had been doing than I did. That's not hard to figure...I was the Sargent Shultz of the Angel house.

Soon it was time for me to pick up the kids from school, but Ron thought I should stay close. When I knew they would be waiting for me outside, I called my son and told him Candise would be coming by to pick up him and his sister.

It wasn't long after that that Ron came out of the Asshole's home office. I think we got all we could, but he cleaned out enough to hire a good attorney."

"What does that mean?" I inquired.

"He had an insurance scam going on and most of it has been closed. They probably won't want to waste the time and money to reopen any of those cases. None of the scams were large enough to mess with. The thing he had going for him was there so many of them. If you look at the entire picture, over the past sixteen years, he probably took out of their pockets about seven million dollars. That's just a drop in the bucket to these guys. He would have gotten away with everything if he knew how to keep his mouth shut and his dick in his pants."

That statement alone got my interest up. "What do you mean, 'keep his mouth shut and his dick in his pants'?"

"One of his girlfriends is or was married to the CEO of the company that hired me. Most of those pictures came from the PI he hired before me. They must have been having a good time till he got drunk and spilled the beans." Ron paused with a studious look on his face and continued. "It looks like he found out his wife was playing patty cakes with your hubby, and that's where the pictures came from."

"Well, where in the hell does that leave me?"

The phone rang. It was Asshole giving me instructions on what I was to do to get him out of jail.

I looked at the phone and then at Ron and Candise. "Sorry, honey.... I think I'm getting a UTI (urinary tract infection)." I hung up on him.

Ron shook his head in disbelief. "Let Candise and I take you and the kids out to dinner tonight." He grinned again, (there's no better way to explain his expression) that shit-eating grin. "After dinner we can discuss sleeping arrangements."

All three of us began laughing.... really laughing.


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SaltierSaltier5 months ago

This is the worst story I have read here. 1 star because it is the least one can give.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

... my suspicion is that some of bad grading is because the rest of author's stories seem pretty evil (pro-cuck, pro-cheating, misandrist stuff, based on descriptions).

inka2222inka22226 months ago

Wow, you seem to manage ALL the idiots. Pro-female-cheaters because she didn't get to screw over an innocent man, idiots among moderate BTBers because she should have burned his ass over first cheating, taking all he had in divorce; idiots among hardline BTBers because she "cheated" too (although as a hardline BTBer, I don't consider retaliatory cheating as "bad cheating", in my moral/ethical book. The one who cheated first, broke the marriage contract, so any subsequent retaliatory sex isn't violating that already-broken contract. It may be stupid to do, but it isn't unethical).


4.5 stars, because there's no indication of him losing all his money or ending up in jail in the end; and no punishment for any other cheaters mentioned like CEO's wife. But I liked the plot.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

My cheated on me for guide a long time because I trusted her! 53 years wasted!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Yeah, I think she had more than a UTI. Herpes at the very least.

RanDog025RanDog02511 months ago

Damn, I wanna thank all the honest comments here, really! Thanks y'all for the heads up!

IndyOnIndyOn11 months ago

Good start....When will part two be ready?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago


Ridiculous69Ridiculous6911 months ago

No likable characters, over blown plot and just too unbelievable ending. Writer must be a slut fan because she burns the bastard but has the slut escape any circumstances. Nonsense

GamblnluckGamblnluck11 months ago

I barely got through the first page before I saw the bullshit some guy was trying to palm off as a woman's perspective. The wife says a woman has to be Miss Universe to get a guy with a few bucks in his pocket. BS!

He cheats with everything that walks and has a pussy so she cheats. It might happen but I doubt it.

If she took her husband down in a divorce, he'd lose half his stuff and be paying child support and maybe even maintenance (alimony) for a few years. He wouldn't have a few bucks to throw away to wine and dine a hot chick unless he didn't want to eat or drive a decent car.

She got the video from her son and did nothing with it but instead became a cheating cunt herself.. oh yes, totally believable. She cold have done all that while making her husband;s life miserable.

Buster2UBuster2U11 months ago

Hubby is screwing every woman he can. So wife starts screwing around. I wonder how often this happens in real life? I sure it does, way more often than we would think. 5 Big Blazing Stars to this writer for a very good job of writing, good Story, Good ending, Good descriptions, Felt like I was there! LOL Thanks for the Effort! Buster2U

hindsight2020hindsight202011 months ago

Bad guy wins does not often make a winning story.

PolpolpPolpolp11 months ago

So the husband get burn but not the wife ? Really ?

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