High School Confidential


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"Alex! Alex is that you?" I started jogging to the counter. I watched her face turn to my voice, and I could tell by the shocked look on their face... it was her.

"Shawn?" She gasped as the flight attendant scanned her boarding pass. "What are you doing here?" She looked flabbergasted.

"I don't have your phone number, or email or... anything. I'm not done fighting for you, for us. Pease Alex.!"

The airline employee's eyes shot open with my declaration and gave us a small smile.

"Shawn... I... it just won't work. We..."

"No. No, not again. I let you walk out of my life 10 years ago and I couldn't live with myself, if I did it again! Please Alex... just something so I can reach out to you when I've taken care of what needs to be done!" I was about to go down on one knee when the attendant spoke up.

"Oh, Sweetie this guy's worth it! This is the most romantic thing I've seen in years." She smiled at us both. "You'll regret it if you don't... plus I'm getting in trouble from the pilot for holding up the plane."

"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry. I... I don't have a card or anything. I..." The attendant handed her a pen and a wad of paper. "Oh... thank you."

I watched Alex's face as she scribbled her info on the paper. She handed it to me and looked stressed.

"Go. I'll call you in a few days. I promise."

Alex gave a cautious smile and started walking down the breezeway.

"And Alex?" She looked over her shoulder. "I love you!"

She looked stunned, turned, and walked towards the plane. I watched her perfect bottom sway beneath her coat until she turned the corner and was out of my sight. The airline employee cleared her throat and I smiled at her.

"Thank you... thank you so much..." I looked at her name tag. "Paula! Thank you!"

Paula was beaming the largest smile my way. "What can I say, I'm a sucker for love and a happy ending. Now go get your stuff in order! Don't make her wait any longer!" She tapped my chest, and it was my turn to beam.


"Oh, Fuck! Fuck! Yes baby! Harder... harder!"

For the third time today and the dozen or so in the last 6 days, I watched my huge, fat cock obliterate the tiny hole in front of me. Her bikini bottoms pulled to the side to give me full access.

All obstacles had been dealt with, and Alex and I had a lot to catch up on.


When I left the airport that day, I knew I had to make changes. I had to shake my life up to get what I wanted... and I did just that.

No sooner had I touched down in Boulder, I was in Lucy's condo having the talk I originally wanted to avoid, but it was liberating. In the end, it wasn't that she cheated on me, it was about not truly being compatible. It was like forcing a puzzle piece that was close to the right shape, but not quite. As we talked it out, I think she could see it too and while breaking up is never easy, we both knew it was the right call.

I spent 3 hours in my bosses office taking about my options. The company did have a few branches I could transfer to. There was one in New Mexico and another in Florida. Neither were really attractive for me and sensing my likely choice to depart the company, he basically offered me a proposal I couldn't refuse. The CEO and board loved me and, in an effort to keep me on, they gave me 8 weeks off (paid), effective immediately. When I returned, I would continue being the senior project manager. Not just for Colorado, but Florida and New Mexico too. I'd be able to work from home, since I'd have to travel a lot, and I could hire my own assistant (per company budget). Needless to say, I shook the man's hand and took off for my 8 weeks... it wasn't until I read his email did, I find out that it also came with a huge pay increase. Apparently, I left so fast he never got a chance to tell me.

My first order of business, I called Alex to let her know I was coming, and with my basics packed, I jumped on a plane to Madison, Wisconsin. After a moving reunion at the airport, I was hustled off to her place where I met her parents. Mom was won over the minute I walked in the door, but the army dad was a tougher nut to crack.

I stayed for a few days, making sure I spent every moment with Alex and dedicated my time to winning over her dad. In my favor was my rugged manliness, physical stature, and a promising career. In the end it wasn't about who I was, so much as it was how I treated Alex. Their concern, of course, was that I was infatuated in the moment, but as I shared the heartbreak of our prom and how l spent the last ten years trying to find that feeling again, spoke volumes.

"So, you truly think there's a long-term future in this green energy field you're in? Alex's father asked me while we were having dinner.

"Yes sir. It's pretty hard to deny the need. Do I think we'll ever move totally away from fossil fuel or natural gas... no. But the planet needs some major energy backup and governments around the world are investing incredible amounts of money to fund or subsidize these adventures. Combine that with private money and stock options and the writing is on the wall." I could see he was impressed with my sales pitch. It was all true, but my passion for it was my sales pitch.

"In fact, when I get back to work, I'll be overseeing projects over three different states."

"Sounds like you're going to be married to your work son." Forever the defensive father... I really liked him.

"I'll be busy, that's for sure. That's why I get to hire my own assistant who will work and travel with me." I turned to Alex as she slipped a noodle into her mouth.

"Wha? Do I have food on my face?" Alex started wiping random spots, causing me to chuckle.

"No... I need to hire a personal assistant." I stared at her. "Someone I can trust and work closely with." She went back to eating her noodles. I looked at her mom and then her father, and they clearly caught what I was saying.

"Alex?" She looked at me again. "I'm asking you if you'd be my assistant."

Her eyes went huge, and she spit the last bit of noodles out. "What? I don't know anything about green energy or even what an assistant does."

"Can you talk on a phone and make appointments?" She nodded. "Can you type and search the internet?" Once again, she nodded. "Can you boss me around and tell me to get my shit together?" She giggled at that one.

"Oh, I can do that!" She smiled.

"Then why couldn't you be my assistant?"

After a moment or two of stubbornness, she jumped in my lap and gave me a huge kiss, much to the delight of her parents.

The next day we were off to New York to deal with her life there. She teased my cock the whole time, under a blanket, while we were on the plane. I suffered the pain and embarrassment of walking through the airport, into a cab and finally to her little apartment with a hard on so stiff and long, I thought I could choke a camel with it. As soon as her apartment door was shut, Alex was on her knees shoving me in down to the balls (eat your heart out camel). In no time I was swearing to the almighty as I flooded her stomach. She knelt there with my cock down her throat and sighed like she's the one who just had the orgasm. She slowly slipped my cock from her mouth when someone came down the hall.

"What's all the noise about... holy shit!"

This girl, likely Alex's roommate walked into the room with fuzzy slippers, ragged shorts, and a tee, with her blonde hair flared up like an old 80's thing. I didn't have to follow her eyes to know what she was staring at.

"You gonna share the wealth, Alex?

"Shawn, this Darcy. Darcy, Shawn... and no." She stood up and pulled me down the hall. "Excuse us but my ass can't wait any longer!"

It took us three days to pack and ship what she wanted to keep to a storage place in Boulder, where we planned to pick up and organize later. We wore the last of her bed's springs out and tormented her roommate with the sounds of fucking and moaning. She even went down on me while the three of us were watching a movie last night. Needless to say, none of us could tell you what the movie was about. Alex was in the zone and edged me for well over an hour, while Darcy started playing with herself, but soon pulled a dildo from the end table and fucked herself as she watched the debauchery on the couch.

With all the important things completed, I surprised Alex with an all-inclusive trip to Tulum, Mexico. When I was finally able to pull her off my body, we went on a little shopping spree and purchased all the beach wear, shorts, and bikinis, we'd ever need and threw them into one suitcase. We couldn't wait to go.


I bent Alex over the end of the chair and power fucked her sweetly as she moaned in the direction of the ocean. We were like newly weds... no we were worse (better?). We fucked and sucked (well Alex did) nonstop all day. Neither of us could get enough... it was like we were making up for the 10 years we lost.

We had made several acquaintances at the resort, there were al lot of couples around our age. Alex fit in with all the women and not a one was the wiser of her true story. We had discussed this many times and it was Alex's decision to keep her secret, our secret. She was beyond passible, but she was worried that it may impact me professionally. I never got that impression from my employer, but I couldn't convince her to think otherwise. Obviously, her parents knew and in time I would also be telling mine the truth. I loved and trusted my parents and knew that they would accept Alex with open arms.

We were sitting in massive hot tub with 5 other couples, and we all shot the shit, joking and laughing as we got to know one another. I felt Alex's hand massaging my, always excitable cock, and to be honest I don't think she was the only one as many of the women's hands looked suspiciously placed.

"Shawn... my drinks done." She gave me her sexy pouty face, as she held her glass up. "Can you get me another? Wait... Does anybody else want another round?"

All the women voiced their approval. I looked at Alex. "Really?" I whispered. "You know I'm raging right now."

Alex gave me her devilish smile and bit her lower lip. "Please baby! The girls and I are thirsty!"

"I'll go with you." Jim, the guy on the other side of the woman sitting next to Alex, offered.

"Perfect. Thanks. How about you fella's? Anybody want another beer while we're up?" On that note, all of the guys decided it was good time to stretch their legs, except for one... he wasn't much of a drinker.

I gave Alex one last look, and she just raised her eyebrow at me like she was daring me. Not one to ever be shy, I stood up in the pool, to make my way out. The combination of the tight, wet material of my shorts and my serious bulge, left nothing to the imagination and I heard an audible gasp as I turned to get out.

Jim looked to his girl, the source of the noise. "You ok honey?" She nodded that she was but her flushed cheeks said something else.

Jim, I, and the two other guys, headed to the bar to get the drinks with the sounds of giggles and whispers behind us.

On our way back, we were talking football stuff and I couldn't help but notice that all the girls were huddled around Alex and the lone guy looked like he wanted to be somewhere else.

"What's so funny?" Jim asked the collective group as we got closer.

Based on the grin on Alex's beautiful face and the focal point of every woman's eye, I knew my girl was being bad.

"They'll all going on and on about the big guys huge dick!" The loner male outed the hen party.

"Jesus William!" His wife looked to him in scorn.

Now I know why William wanted to be anywhere else while we went to get drinks. I shrugged to myself... he could've come with the guys.

"Well, it's true! And women say men are pigs!" The smaller man continued to complain.

"Jealousy doesn't suit you, William! It makes you look petty!" His wife gave him one final glare.

I handed out the drinks I had and settled back in beside my little troublemaker. Her beautiful lips were curled into a smile, as her free hand travelled back to its home... on my cock.

"So... Shawn? Do you need a special permit to carry? The drunk redhead got everyone to laugh except for William of course.

"No... no nothing like that." I replied. "I just had to register it as a deadly weapon." Everyone spit their drinks out laughing as I took a long pull on my beer.

"You two are so cute together! You're both so funny!" The redhead complimented us. "Where'd you two love birds meet?"

Alex looked at me cautiously but elected to let me handle that one. "Actually," I started, "I met her at the carnival." Alex giggled and started taking a sip of her drink. "Yeah, she was a carnie... a sword swallower in fact." Alex choked on her drink and started coughing. "It was love at first sight!" I finished. Everyone was laughing hysterically, even William had to smile.

After an afternoon of drinks and fun with our new friends, we made plans to meet for dinner in a few hours and we all started to go our separate ways.

"If you show up walking funny Alex, we're all going to know what you D..ID!" The redhead accentuated the word in two syllables.

"Oh, I guarantee I'll be walking funny... he's an insatiable ass man!" Alex lifted up on her toes and kissed my cheek. The look of shock on their faces was priceless.

Back in our room, I had slowly eased Alex and her ass down on my lap (for the 4th time today). We were sitting on the end of the bed with her straddled and facing me, kissing passionately as my cock throbbed deep in her bowels.

"Someone was being a troublemaker today." I bit her lip.

"It was just some girl talk, is all." She teased me back.

"I don't think William saw it that way." My observation made her giggle.

"Yeah, I guess not. Maybe because his wife was the most vocal. I bet she'd be down for a three-some." She looked me in the eyes as she grinded herself on me. "Would you ever do a three-some with me Shawn?"

"Is it something you want? To be honest, you are all I need... likely all I could handle." I chuckled. "You check off every box a man like me could ever want. I'm completely and utterly fascinated by your beauty. My life is complete." I smiled as I saw her eyes tear up.

"That... was a good answer." She kissed me again. "Now flip us over and really give it to me! I promised I'd walk funny tonight!"

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FlamethrowFlamethrow2 months ago

I’m a sucker for a happy ending and loved the way Shawn dealt with his former high school idiot friends.

jrrtolkien420jrrtolkien4205 months ago

Fantastic Story

Well written

I loved the plot line

5 Starz read

Hope to get more chapters

Thanks for sharing

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Everyone just gonna ignore the fact that bro's in love with a pornstar

Retired or not that's just disappointing

He just a big dicked simp

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Pretty good

Would've been better for me without the anal fingering, but otherwise it was good

pho3niliapho3nilia5 months ago

This is exactly what i need after a long and tired day. I enjoy the talking and emotions more than the sex scenes! thanks author for this masterpiece

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Decently written but a little too much White Knighting from Mr. Perfect. (in this case a little = wayyyy too much)

CaseyjoCaseyjoabout 1 year ago

Very enjoyable story throughout. Except for the end. Didn't like the swinging questioning. As solid as their relationship was, why bring it up?

Justice9caJustice9caabout 1 year ago

I really enjoyed your story. It was fun , sexy and romantic. Well done. Good read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Excuse the language, but fuck that was a great story. shame they lost the 10 yrs. in between. 5 stars!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Perfect story! wish it ended with a proposal but still giving it 6 stars out of 5! SO beautiful

SiamKittSiamKittabout 1 year ago

Well, what an enjoyable tale..very believable, very honest, quite original..& I loved it. We had the macho/bravado youth, then we saw his true nature, & even though some hurdles were flung in his path he stayed honest & true..& won over the love of his life..Shaun & Alix could do great things together..Pt 2 soon please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really good

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

One of the best stories i read, pacing was perfect

EjschatzEjschatzabout 1 year ago

A thoroughly enjoyable story that I just couldn't put down now I'm going to go back and read what else you have to offer I think you have a talent for writing and I hope you never stop

Femboy_AmandaFemboy_Amandaabout 1 year ago

I cried. I really really cried on this one.

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