Hold Me Now


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"That it was like watching a train wreck and someone had to tell him?"

"Did someone tell you?" Gideon asked me. I shrugged.

"Uh. I worked it out." I said. "Better late than never right?"

"Right." Elijah squeezed Gideon's arm.

They dropped me off outside and wouldn't drive away until I actually went in, despite protesting that maybe I'd have a cigarette.

"So we'll wait." Elijah smirked at me. Dammit. Everyone was in my court. Obnoxiously so. I skipped the cigarette and went in, and it was almost empty bar a guy at the counter... and Harrison.

He grinned at me and immediately dropped what he was doing, launching himself into the tiny restaurant. This time I braced myself, and as he ran up to greet me, and jumped into my arms I realised I could absolutely hold him. He still weighed way too much, but that was overruled by how amazing it was to have someone throw themselves at you and press their head into your neck.

"Missed you." He pecked my cheek as I let him down.

"Yeah, shit, been almost 12 hours." I rolled my eyes.

"More than long enough to miss you." He jumped back behind the bar and leant on it, ignoring the other customer who was trying to order. "What'll it be, B? The usual?"

"Just a wine, whatever... like after..." I gestured with my head towards the guy, who was looking annoyed.

"Yeah, sorry." He laughed and went to get the order. "Chris, this is my boyfriend Bailey, Bailey, this is my worst customer, Chris."

"Well the worst bartender here deserves the worst customer." Chris mumbled. Harrsion took his order, laughing, and poured us each a wine before he went to make the sando Chris had ordered. Chris frowned at me. "Beau of Harrison." He scoffed. "He moves on fast. Just last week he was moaning about some guy he'd been desperately in love with for months apparently." I blushed. That sounded familiar.

"Um, that guy... did he... mention what he looked like?" I wondered. It had to be me, right? Or was Harrison as dire as I was?

"Tall, sandy haired, and freckled and...." He glanced at me. "Oh." He said flatly. "And an artist?"

"Oh." I smiled. "Months huh?"

"Huh." Chris agreed.


Harrison closed up in about two minutes after Chris had left and tucked his arm into mine.

"Nightcap at Ascot?" He suggested.

"Yeah, sounds good."

We talked all night, and he didn't come back to mine but only because he was actually in dire need of a change of clothes- since he was still wearing the same ones he'd had on Saturday night. I did offer that he just borrow mine but he laughed at me.

"Uh, B, you're a foot taller." He nudged me. "And broader. I need to like, actually go home at some point, I still pay rent you know."

"Yeah, ok."

"But- well. Keep coming in to see me yeah?"

"Well, even if you weren't there it's the second best sandwiches and third best wine list in town."

"Ouch, who wins best subs?"

"Fred's." I said firmly. Harrison wrinkled his nose.

"Dammit, you're right." He sighed. "You know they're applying for a license. Fuck, I'll never see you. You'll fall for some guy there."

"I won't." I grinned and grabbed his hands. "Because even if he's buying me wine all the time and spends all his free time with me I probably won't get the message."

"I never thought I'd see the day I was grateful you're a fucking moron." He grinned. "Hey... uh... what changed? Just out of interest." I looked at him thoughtfully.

"I'm not sure." I said slowly. "I really was sure you were straight. But... I suppose..." I blushed, but we were knee deep in wine now. "You just make my heart go so damn crazy." I mumbled. "So when you called me like, out of the blue, just to tell me off for not being at your party... I guess. I guess it just clicked. I didn't really want to have feelings if you didn't, so I shut it down every time anyone suggested it." I took a deep breath. "And they did suggest it. Kind of a lot."

"I told them not to." He sighed. "I told EVERYONE. I figured I just wasn't your type. It was awful." He grinned at me. "But I make your heart go crazy?" I smiled.

"Wanna feel?" I pressed his hand to my chest and he started laughing.

"Oh yeah! Oh dude, you're so into me!"

"Yep." I laughed. "Embarrassingly into you."

"More into you." He grinned. "Gah. Maybe your clothes will fit after all?" He wrinkled his nose as he looked at me. "No they absolutely won't. And like, do you have to buy custom made briefs to handle all your cock?" I choked on the wine. "Winding you up." He laughed. "But you should be proud."

"I didn't get a say in what I ended up with." I mumbled.

"Yeah you hit the jackpot." He grinned. "Right. Homeward bound. Think of me when you jerk that porn star dick."

"For fucks sake."

"And I'll think of you." He winked at me. "With a 12 inch dildo hanging out of my ass."


"Walk me to my bike." He demanded, and I sighed and followed him. God. I think I was in love.

---- ---- ---- ----

It was pissing buckets down a couple of nights later and I was just finishing up my Uni work at close to midnight when he called me. I frowned at my phone and answered. Late for... well, for whatever he had in mind. I yawned. Not toooo late though.

"What's up?" I answered. I could hear him sigh on the other end.

"Sorry, this is really not your problem. My bike seat broke and I'm stuck in town. I can Uber home I just don't want to leave my bike parked on Cuba Street all night."

"Oh!" I rolled my eyes at him privately. "Yeah, come over. Park up here, we can pull your bike inside overnight."

"Thanks, B." He sighed with relief. "God, I super owe you. I'll head up now." He hung up and I drifted downstairs. It was pretty chilly out of my room, but I couldn't quite face the power bill we'd be racking up if I turned on the heating so I just threw on another layer and waited for him. He must have sprinted here because it didn't take long before my phone buzzed with a message to tell me he was outside. I opened the door and saw he'd already locked the bike to my fence. He gestured at it vaguely and I smiled at him. He was drenched.

"Hey..." I started to say, but he interrupted.

"So- that's there." He said. "Um. Can I wait inside while I call an Uber?" I snorted.

"No way, you're staying the night." I pulled him inside and he stood awkwardly in the doorway as I tried to hustle him inside.

"It's ok, B..." I glanced at him as he pushed his hair off his face and I folded my arms

"Anyone would think you didn't want to stay over." I said cautiously. "Your jeans will dry out by tomorrow and you can definitely borrow a t-shirt." He bit his lip and looked over his shoulder. "It's pissing down." I said. "Please stay with me?" Harrison glanced at me and I could see the hesitation in his eyes. "Please?" I reached out and awkwardly squeezed his arm. "I'd like it if you stayed."

"Thanks." He shrugged his bag off his shoulder and let me lead him inside. I helped him with his coat and started to boil the jug as he perched at the kitchen table. He pulled a kebab out of his bag and glanced at me.

"Sorry- skipped dinner- you mind if I...?"

"Oh yeah. course." I smiled at him and he started to peel away the wrapper. I turned away to make tea and when I turned back he was staring thoughtfully at the wall, his hands frozen as he unwrapped the kebab. "Uh... you ok Harrison?" He grinned and slowly looked over at me. He had a really sheepish look on his face.

"Yeaaah." He said. "All good, B." He smiled at me. "What tea have you got?"

"Gumboot?" I shrugged. "Sorry, that's it." He grinned and nodded, pushing his kebab to one side.

"Seriously, you should eat." I sat down next to him with the tea and pushed one towards him.

"Oh- actually, it's so late. I'll keep you up."

"Already up." I smiled. "And it's not like I have anything on early tomorrow. I planned my degree around sleeping in." He grinned at me and sipped on the tea.

"And anyway, it's weird eating when you're not."

"It's not, weirdo."

"I'm not even that hungry anymore." As he said that his stomach growled dramatically and he blushed slightly. I opened my mouth to argue with him and force him to eat the stupid soggy kebab but he was already standing up and putting it in the fridge. He grinned at me.

"Nothing better than a cold kebab for breakfast, trust me." I was about to argue the point again when I noticed he was dripping all over the floor.

"Oh, you're drowning!" I winced. "You want a shower? Or at least let's go to my room, it's warm in there." Harrison nodded eagerly and let me escort him to my room, and he sighed happily as he settled in front of the heater and I fussed with him, peeling away his wet clothes and hanging them up near the dehumidifier. It was the closest we'd been, and I started to blush as I realised I was stripping him. I let him wrangle off his shoes and socks and we glanced at each other as his hands drifted to his jeans.

"Nothing I haven't seen." I grinned. Harrison smiled and shucked them, and I quickly grabbed them off the floor before they made the rug all damp which was guaranteed to lead to mould in this grotty falling apart flat. I glanced at him over my shoulder as I hung them up and he was sitting in front of the heater, his arms wrapped around himself in his boxer briefs. I bit my lip.

"Don't suppose those are wet too?" Harrison grinned at me.

"Not yet." He said. "But you keep looking at me like that and they will be." I laughed and moved to sit beside him. Gah. I was so rusty at this. I couldn't believe I actually had a boy I liked right there, basically naked, and he liked me too... and I suddenly couldn't remember like the first step in seducing him. I guess lucky for me it was Harrison and he basically had a PhD in seduction. He leant his head on my shoulder and I stroked his hair. He shivered and I wrapped my arms tighter around him.

"It's very impolite of the host to get me naked and not extend the same courtesy." Harrison muttered. I grinned and sat away from him, peeling my shirt off. He watched me appreciatively and grinned as I stood up and folded my clothes, putting them away in just my trunks. "Freak." He said.


"Never heard of a floordrobe?" He teased. I folded my arms.

"God forbid I like to spend my time in a nice room." I huffed. He reached for me and motioned for me to join him again next to the heater.

"You're so put together." He wrapped his arms around me and I leaned into him, breathing in his scent of wet hair and cigarettes. Probably that was the worst smell in the world but right now I loved it. I pressed my face to his neck and kissed it chastely. He sighed and before I knew it, I was on the floor, my legs spread, and Harrison was on top of me, kissing my chest and gently pawing at my underwear. I let myself enjoy him for a minute as he toyed with me, just stroking my body, and kissing me, and rolling his palm over my cock. I moaned as he started to peel down my underwear and helped him, wriggling out of them and grinning shyly at him. "You're not still nervous are you?" He ran his hands over my thighs and I choked out a laugh.

"Uh... I mean, yeah?" Harrison grinned and knelt over me again, his dick just gently rubbing against mine. I moaned as I realised he was right- he was leaking like crazy and his underwear was almost dripping with pre. That was so fucking hot.

"Would it make it worse if I asked you pretty please where you keep lube and condoms?" I blushed and glanced at the bedside table. Somewhere in there. Maybe. I hadn't had call to use my own stash for literal months so...

Harrison leapt up and pulled me to my feet before he pushed us both into the bed and started making out with me again, feverishly. There's something about a guy who's so madly into you he can't take any part of his body away for too long that made all the nerves and weird I don't know what I'm doing thoughts melt away, and we grappled with each other, my hands sliding over his body, my thumbs hooking in his underwear, and my fingers rubbing him through the thin material. Harrison was pink and panting, moaning slightly as I held him and slowly going limp as I played him like a damn fiddle. He let me roll him over and push his hair off his face- wanting to see what he looked like as I ran my thumb over his sensitive nipples and he gasped. His eyes were closed and his bottom lip was quivering.

"Oh... B..." He whispered. "Please." I frowned, trying to read his mind and see what the hell 'please' meant. I tugged on his underwear gently, and he helped me, twisting over and lying beneath me as he shimmied them off, grinding onto the mattress. I ran my hand over his back and he sighed softly, drawing his legs up and kneeling in front of me. He pressed his cheek into the pillow and reached for himself slowly. I bit back a moan as he spread his cheeks, exposing his soft pink little hole. Oh, please... that kind of please. Oh no, it had been so long- I was so out of practice... I swallowed my pride and knelt behind him, reminding myself how much I used to love doing this. I pressed my nose into his crack and slowly reached my tongue out- and he moaned loudly. Oh yeah. No, I really loved doing this. Even though he hadn't showered he still seemed clean, and even if he wasn't I had to let that go because Harrison was... God, everything I ever wanted. So soft and needy and aching for me- shivering with every touch as I stroked his body, and moaning softly as I dove into him, savouring him like he was my first meal after weeks of starvation- which he kind of was. The muscle memory came back to me as I pushed my tongue into his hole, and he gasped, and I teased him and worshipped him as he opened up for me, so relaxed, and so warm and so fucking desperate... my hand reached between my thighs and I stroked myself as I ate his ass, savouring the way he tasted and felt, making out with his little hole, and occasionally brushing my fingers against his balls, and his leaking cock, and even his hole which made him louder.

"Now!" He panted. "B!" I stifled a laugh and wrapped my hand around his dick- which really seemed to be a hair trigger- he was shuddering as I touched him. But a tiny little warning light that I couldn't ignore was going off in my head. I was... I mean I don't want to sound cocky but.... I mean. I was the biggest he'd had. Probably. And he was exhausted. "B, fuck me!" He angrily whispered and I knelt up and pulled him tight against me, pressing my lips to his neck and rubbing my tongue over his throat, and up to his ear. He squirmed and panted and pressed himself into me. "B..." He sighed.

"Are you sure?" I whispered. "I can make you cum like this." He chuckled weakly.

"No shit." He said.

"Would you like that?" I ran my hand over his torso, pausing to flick his nipple and he grunted in frustration.

"Yes." He gritted his teeth. "But I didn't skip that fucking delicious greasy kebab so you could play with my nipples all night. Please B?"

"Are you sure you're ready?" I whispered, rubbing my hard cock up between his cheeks. He moaned.

"I am so sure." He said. "I told you I'd be easy next time."

"Cute." I moaned as I held him, pressing my lips to his ear. "Don't tell me you practised." He giggled.

"All week." He said. "Bet I can't even feel you now." Mmm. I knew he was winding me up, but it absolutely worked because I was shoving him back to his knees and reaching for the bedside table before I knew it. Ugh. Still there. Untouched and ready to go...

"That so?" I grunted as I wrapped up. I could practically feel his eyes flashing and his smug little smile.

"Yeah." He said. "Actually, B, maybe you're not enough for me, baby. Maybe..." I wrapped my hand around his mouth and he moaned in delight as he felt me press my dick to his crack again. I teased him, refusing to slip in, just touching his hole and feeling it desperately trying to grasp at me.

"Say that again, I fucking dare you." I whispered, and I let my hand slip from his mouth. He kissed my fingers as I removed them and twisted his head to look at me.

"Prove me wrong." He whispered. I smiled and slowly wrapped his hair around my fist.

"Beg me." I demanded. Harrison bit his lip.

"Mmm..." He was half moaning, and still trying to pretend. He opened his mouth and I tugged on his hair. He gasped and his head fell forward as I released him. "Oh B..." He moaned. I moved my hands to his waist and held him there, trying to calm myself down as my cock got ahead of my brain. My brain might be a dumb, arty sometimes kind of less than masc guy but my dick is just a man's dick. And sometimes it just knows what it wants, which was this tight inviting hole that was definitely begging for me, even if Harrison wasn't. I sank into him slowly, about halfway, and he groaned loudly, his legs already shaking. Lucky he WAS a hair trigger because he was soooo tight, and so soft and so inviting spread out before me.

"More B." He panted.

"More?" I teased him, running my fingers through his hair. "I suggest you beg." He moaned and hung his head, trying to push back on me but I grasped his hips and held him firm.

"Please, Bailey."

More than good enough for my dick. I grunted as I let myself fill him, barely checking to see if he was ok, but he was thrusting back before I knew it, so he was more than ok. He was an absolute power bottom, so demanding, trying to pull me closer and ride me harder and faster even as his legs were shaking and his neck was red from the effort. Neither of us spoke, and the room was filled with the sounds of us panting and whining, my thighs slapping into his and my hands grasping his ass and forcing myself as deep as he wanted. His knees slipped at some point, and I wrapped my arm around him, holding him tight, and keeping him prone as I fucked him. My hand wrapped around his throat gently- which he loved, based on the way his eyes rolled back into his head and his hips started gyrating wildly. He kissed my fingers, the only part of me he could reach and moaned and shook in my arms.

"Fuck." He choked out, and my hand pulled him towards me and I paused in my domination, pulling him close so I could hold him, and kiss his lips, and try to express that I'd never felt like this. He softened as we kissed. His body went limp and he let me cradle him as I rocked back and forth- shallow strokes that were just- hitting me in the right way and I felt my own legs begin to shake and my hips move erratically. Harrison moaned as he felt the change in my movements and his eyes stayed shut. "Yes... yesss..." He moaned. I grunted and closed my own eyes as I felt the build up, felt my whole body tense, and I sighed deeply as I released, rocking him still, holding his soft body as he accepted me, forcing him to take everything- to lie there and take my expression of love as I came- so hard- and- ugh. As the waves washed over me I pinned him to the bed, letting my body fall on top of him, just gently feeling his hair and stroking his ass. The pleasure gave way to a deep drowsiness and I was seconds from falling asleep when I felt him wriggling under me- and he pushed me off with a huff. I rolled over and grinned goofily at him as he caught his breath.

"You weigh a million pounds." He complained.

"Sorry." I smiled at him.

"You are not." He rolled his eyes and punched me.

"I am a little bit." I reached for him to pull him close and he nestled into my chest. Man, I'd really dropped the ball on short guys huh? He was the perfect size for me to cradle like this, my legs wrapped around him and... I winced as I realised I still had the condom on and sat up so discard it. Harrison watched me and I went hot as I realised what a selfish asshole I was.

"Um...." I pushed my hair off my face. "I'm pretty good at blowjobs too..." I offered as I tied up the condom and reached for some tissues to clean myself off. Harrison grinned at me.