All Comments on 'Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 116'

by writerannabelle

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lanncerlanncerabout 1 month ago

A fitting end. Epic.

"It's not how many summer times we had to give to fall

The early morning smiles we tearfully recall

What matters most is that we loved at all.

What matters most is that we loved at all."

TheSecretBunnyTheSecretBunnyabout 1 month ago

A proper ending to this book, I had some ninjas with onions threatening me.

But I beat them off, this was a joyous ending for Cyrus. But I fear that if Jenny gets closure the ninjas will be back, while she deserves closure it will be sad.

I hope the start of the next book will be boring normal stuff, with just house keeping and a little honeymoon for Leilani.

Keep writing Anabelle, all these books have been a constant joy to read..

USMCVetUSMCVetabout 1 month ago

Wow! Thank you, Annabelle!

dwoelfledwoelfleabout 1 month ago

What an awesome denouement for this book. The tease of what comes next is very exciting. Thank you for sharing your monstrous talent with us all.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Well that's the 4th or 5th time I've cried reading this series. Bravo for a well written ending to book 7

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Thank you! That was really a soulful read :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Holy hell. I started reading this story so long ago and got absolutely hooked. This latest chapter was 100% amazing like all the rest and a tear jerker there at the end upon realizing the fate of Papa Cyrus. I hope you see this since it's gonna post as an anon, me not having an account on the site and all like a lame bucket, but bravo I look forward to the next chapter. Also, not sure if it's already happened or not but if it ever does then shut up and take my money, I would absolutely love to see this series on physical copy and would definitely buy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Ah. That's why we had storms the last few days - someone gave Quetzalli early access to the chapter 😭

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I was desperately hoping Cyrus had one more up his sleeve, but alas…. What a send off!

The Fae/Order scene was COOKING!

So many threads for 8, does Mikes soul vision still not see that Lily was once human? Does Dana have Tasia’s number or WHAT? Is Tinks child Tink2.0 or is she going gray from the HORMONES!? Beth Beth Beth Beth Beth

I’m also submitting my vote for Beth and Mike double teaming MORE OFTEN.

I remember finding your page when you had just 10 Chapters, lit better be forking over some traffic revenue is all I’m saying.

Keep Killing it !

VeloGoneRogueVeloGoneRogueabout 1 month ago

Fuck I’m crying actually. Really loved that ending, outdoing yourself as always. Can’t wait for what’s next

KyrissanKyrissanabout 1 month ago

That „Sixth Sense“ twist got me shedding a tear or more…

Poor Cyrus, but well a well craft ending for him.

Thank you very much for some of the best time of my life reading your stories 😊

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Thank you for the proper journey that you gave to Master Cyrus.

Also, I like how you are shaping up Mike Radley.

To think that Lily was being left behind, now we will see a whole new instalment on her.

And once again I say you are one of the best writers out there who know how to strike all the right cords

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

So so good! Left tears in my eyes and joy in my heart!

Thank you so much for sharing these stories, these characters and your art with us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

tears again...

great end to the book

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Cyrus took another sip of his beer and smiled.


MCRidersClubMCRidersClubabout 1 month ago

The thing I love most about these books is the redemption arcs that Annabelle writes into every chapter and book. Even though I was hoping / praying that Cyrus would be OK and get to spend some time in the house, I ended up loving how Annabelle ended his arc. And who knows? Maybe he'll make an appearance many chapters in the future. Keep up the great work, Annabelle.

Pincher73Pincher73about 1 month ago

Wow……. I am blown away again by the ease at which you stir what little emotional depth I possess. You are truely talented and should be proud of the characters you created in this HFHM world. I’ll see you for the start of the next book.

BlowPopJBlowPopJabout 1 month ago

Definitely shed a tear at the ending, but it was fitting.

FuddyDuddyDudeFuddyDuddyDudeabout 1 month ago


I'm not ashamed to say full on tears rolled reading the last part with master Cyrus. Bless you and your family and here to the Radley family long may they keep on kicking ass!



Redneck_390Redneck_390about 1 month ago

Oh my God, this was amazing. I'm so happy for Tink, called it clear back in the Christmas story.

And Cyrus... so heartbreaking yet so happy. And just when I'd about dried my eyes you spring Darren on us? I'm a mess. Glad I stayed up way past my bedtime to finish this rather than at work tonight. Trying to explain a breakdown to my coworker would be embarrassing.

Thank you

HemmingswayHemmingswayabout 1 month ago

So Mike and family have been to the North Pole and then inside a Hawaiian volcano. One of the things that makes this story so wonderful is Annabelle's creativity. It gives the story weight and keeps it fresh on a level that most authors touch. I couldn't venture a guess where in the world the next setting will be???? Fantastic job, keep it rolling.

noahbudienoahbudieabout 1 month ago

Dammit, I didn’t want to cry.

FirstClassFlirtFirstClassFlirtabout 1 month ago

Don’t get me wrong. It was a beautifully written chapter. It’s wonderful the mermaids have a safe home, and that Mike is safe from fire, and that Tink is pregnant, and everything. And, if Cyrus had to die, you wrote his exit in a kind, loving and wondrous way. But I’m mourning him. I’d just finished rereading “Last of her Kind”, and it reminded me of how Cyrus was for most of his career. But he’d been pulled from an orphanage and indoctrinated in the Orders ways and they were the only family he’d ever had, so it’s hardly surprising he was how he was. But the man learned another way to look at the world, and many don’t. He had mourned the loss of what his life could be. And, while he thought he still thought he was alive he believed he’d found the family he’d yearned for. While I’m sure his eternity will be peaceful and happy…and having Darren greet him was a nice touch…I still feel he got cheated. I’m sorry, but that hurt. I know characters have to die sometimes in stories where violence happens often, and I certainly preferred it to be him over most of the rest, but I wish he’d had more time to revel in the family before moving on. Looks like Que will be moving on in a different way too. So the chapter made me sad more than anything.

DucatastiDucatastiabout 1 month ago

Outstanding once again @writerannabelle the arcs yo7 create are spellbinding (pun intended) and the tail just keeps getting better. Have a great Summer, recharge and read you later 😎

NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFireabout 1 month ago

Wasn’t ready for that ending.

dontyouwishyouknewdontyouwishyouknewabout 1 month ago

Wow! Annabelle, I think you stepped on all my feels with this chapter. The happy ones, the sad ones, etc. All of em. Just wow!

DawamDawamabout 1 month ago

Wow! Exquisite! Thank you Annabelle.

Totally didn't see the Tatania role in resolution of this bubble of your story coming, but it feels righteous and broadens narrative intrigue without necessarily forcing storyline. Much admiration for plotting on the book and conciseness of this wrap chapter, complete with it's nurture of ongoing story. So little of most modern fantasy even hints at being epic, plus awesome and wonderful are too often hyperbolised into illegitimacy.

Refreshing (and rare) to be anticipating further stories solely because of enjoyment without feeling part of plot has been deliberately kicked down the road to entice.

First-class imagineering and storytelling (why does a general increase in audiobook sales appear not to have enhanced this?). [A suitable conclusion for an up-to-this-point re-read. I hope to live long enough to own rights to do so offline (and that the only fierce warrior-women involved are within your story).]

Hopefully circumstances of your life will promote a fruitful continuation of this story to yet unseen horizons. Thank you again for sharing your efforts thus far.

PanKage1234PanKage1234about 1 month ago

You know how to get a person in their feelings that’s for sure. This might be one of my favorite chapters, at least top 10. 5 stars as always.

Kellymeg1Kellymeg1about 1 month ago

This has really been a lovely read. I'm glad Cyrus got a happy ending.

Brought me close to tears.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I am completely devastated. Cyrus’ send off was beautiful and poignant. The intrigue going forward is immense. And I am absolutely petrified about Tink’s hair.

joshmose93joshmose93about 1 month ago

Well done with Cyrus, well done.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

What a beautiful ending!

Was Poseidon the ship?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Damn you for making me cry...

And as always, thankyou so much for sharing this wonderful world, and these incredible characters with us. That was a perfect ending to the book, I can't wait to see what you've got in store for us next!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Gods damn it my eyes are red nose running and a lump in my throat that I just can't shake and it's all your fault!!!!!!!! If you hadn't been such a good story weaver I might have seen this coming but I like so many of your readers sighed with relief, that Cyrus survived, that they were blinded to your diabolical mind. Gods what a great send off though truly, just like the others, you made there passing incredible touching. You also fulfill one of my dearest hopes with the long awaited re......(union) pun intended of Mike and Zel. I wanted to see if they would get together again (maybe try for another child 🙏) and tink finally getting a child of her own I've waited for that since learning of Zel's pregnancy, cause it shows were there is a true love connection with mike over the just for funsy with most of the other girls there (so when will it be kisa's, beth's and lily's turn cause those have to happen eventually too). Love your writing love your mind, take the snacks put them away for now have your WELL DESERVED restbit let your hands heal because while there there is no huge cliff hanger this time I still am one of the many patiently waiting readers for what that diabolical mind will bring us next

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

An amazing finish to an amazing story. You have a talent rarely seen in this world. I cannot wait to see how the story continues in the future books.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Thanks for the tears, somehow I needed them.

Awesome story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

10 books Annabelle... That is absolutely amazing! It has been an enormous pleasure reading all of your works and I for 1 am so grateful for you bringing this creative story to life. You have truly only gotten better with each and every new chapter and I so look forward to what you have in store next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

That was a fantastic send-off for Cyrus. He was one of my favorite characters in this series, and I was glad to see him welcomed by Darren as family in whatever is next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Said by someone before, Wow just wow. Hard to believe but you made a 74 year old Marine cry.

H_RoarkH_Roarkabout 1 month ago

Wow what an ending. Made me cry. I kept wondering about Cyrus after a lot of comments in the last episode and I kept rereading it. You did a masterful job of leaving it open to interpretation. I was rooting for him to live but this is a better ending. Redemption and forgiveness as well as friends in the afterlife.

I've attended many board meetings at an executive level. What a terrifying joy it would have been for the queen of the Fae to appear and act as she did. Holy crap. I'm thinking there is going to be some house cleaning inside the Order now. Nothing like that kind of wakeup call.

Looks like The Curator is not giving up his quest for domination. However as Hestia noted there are other players in the game so who else is out there? Another meeting with a mysterious player in the garden of the gods maybe?

Maybe Mike will go to Ireland next and we'll learn about his holding there.

And a baby goblin on the way.

Will the house grow again now that there is another child?

Love the expanding universe.

Thanks for the joy ride.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Superb as always. Cyrus' departure was sublime and truly tear jerking. I look forward to the continuing saga. Thanks.

PhoenixpapaPhoenixpapaabout 1 month ago broke my heart and made me smile with this one. Another perfect ending. This series is without a doubt my main addiction on this site and I look forward to every chapter. Please keep this amazing series going.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Such a joy to follow this story as it unfolds!

(Nice use of "susurration", as a nod to Sir Terry, I assume!)

Looking forward to seeing how the effects of Pele's kiss show up in Mike's sex life!

MiksterAMiksterAabout 1 month ago

Wow... that's a lot to digest.

Firstly, thank you, thank you, thank you for the gift of your stories. Even now, my hairs are standing on end thinking about it. I'll need to read through this part a few more times.

When Titania showed up, I almost yelled aloud. The Order needed to be taken to the woodshed, and they were.

There are so many threads woven in, and I don't want to comment on them lest I ruin the surprise for someone.

At this point, I almost measure my days by "Days until the next installment of HfHM."

Please keep doing what you've been doing. I'll be here, eagerly awaiting every word.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Thanks for not learning your lesson by still writing.

A delightful conclusion to the story of Cyrus.

Thousands of tremendously thunderous thanks.

Lissome_LapineLissome_Lapineabout 1 month ago

Positively sublime! Masterfully written, goosebumps from the queen's entry and a real tear or two at the end. Thank you, thank you, thank you

DaddyKruhlDaddyKruhlabout 1 month ago

Curse you for that ending

reallimey6886reallimey6886about 1 month ago

Epic work, great arc for Cyrus. Cant wait for the next chapter. Love your work, thanks so much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Wow, that was an amazing chapter. One of the best you have written. You have improved with every chapter. And I can honestly say that Fae hospitality is terrifying.

ClearmuseClearmuseabout 1 month ago

You broke me.

I'm grateful and appreciate you.

ClearmuseClearmuseabout 1 month ago

Besides the beautiful ending, I did get chills when the Queen said she came bearing a gift. That alone is terrifying.

sandmaniv69sandmaniv69about 1 month ago

beautiful ending to this book.... thanks for making me cry damnit.

TheMaxx_013TheMaxx_013about 1 month ago

Thank you for a great story!! Can't wait for the next adventures!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Oh no tink magic always has a PRICE damn it.

RdelaufysonRdelaufysonabout 1 month ago

Five stars is not enough in my opinion. You are an amazing storyteller. Thank you for Cyrus the send off that he deserved. I am looking forward to the next book.

TheMaxx_013TheMaxx_013about 1 month ago

Thank you for a great story!! Can't wait for the next adventures

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I've already read this chapter twice. That was an amazing finish, that brough tears to my eyes. You are an amazing writer please keep going as long as possible.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Cyrus send-off made me cry. I lost my father two months ago and I used to visualize Cyrus as my father because of the character description. Reading the final part of the chapter I couldn't contain my tears.

Thank you...

alp2vaalp2vaabout 1 month ago

Every time I think we've gotten proper closure to Ana and Darren's story, you bring out something like this. I tear up whenever they show up and it's no different now. Excellent work, Anabelle. No man left behind

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

It is only my opinion but I think this was your best story yet, keep up the great work. PS i have never commented on a story ever if that means anything to you.

TurartLiectusTurartLiectusabout 1 month ago

I've been a lurker for a long time on this site. I've finally registered recently. I'm more interested in story and characters than random sex scenes. What I really enjoy with your stories are you seem more interested in plot and character development than finding the hooks to add sex. Those too are well done. But the characters are more important. I teared up when Cyrus left the stage. I don’t believe gone for good, but taking a well deserved rest. Thank you for writing and I look forward to your next work.


E3_SierraE3_Sierraabout 1 month ago

A truly beautiful and fitting end. Can't wait for what comes next...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Damn you. Such a beautiful ending for Papa Cyrus.

Can we have some happy chapters before jumping head first in the next installment?

What's going to happen with all of the places and things he acquired from defeating Francois?

Will we see a return of the trans witch? Meet some new creatures?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

That was a better ending to this book than I could've ever hoped for. Master Cyrus's arc was amazing. Thank you for writing Annabelle :)

Irenae21Irenae21about 1 month ago

Ohh how I cried for Cyrus!! Thank you Annabelle!!!!!

tunisalouatunisalouaabout 1 month ago

Powerful! You brought a tightness in my chest and tears to the corners of my eyes, Annabelle. This is a mark of truly great writing. The entire story was wonderful, but I was sad to see Master Cyrus go. I had really hoped that Lily would give him a reward. (Being a bit gray-haired, I would have enjoyed that vicariously.)

You not only wrapped this book up well, but you have given us many hints as to what is to come. I look forward to seeing how you bring this together in the next book. Thank you for what you have done and will do.

1952M1952Mabout 1 month ago

6 stars if my Apple would let me

katzkinkatzkinabout 1 month ago

Grace, Papa Cyrus, family and closer. This post brought tears of joy & anguish!

This old marine salutes you.


CherrypahhaCherrypahhaabout 1 month ago

I loved your ending… and the directions opened for the next book.

BronnieBBronnieBabout 1 month ago

I need 5-7 business days to process this. Darren greeting Cyrus is the afterlife is perfect. A new home being built out of Poseidon’s body and the mermaid sanctuary are great. Tink is finally getting her baby! Some other stuff…I’m not ready for what book 8 may bring, or not bring. Amazing work, as always! Thank you 🥰

nahnahnahnahabout 1 month ago

Wow! great chapter & great wrapup. Beautiful and funny. I especially loved the family time and gentle goodbyes for Papa Cyrus. Former enemy accepted so completely and lovingly into the family, even the final breath-taking forgiveness by Darren. My eyes were running with tears. (yeah I'm a mush) While I'm very sorry Cyrus won't be around for future stories (probably? not like being dead would necessarily keep him away), that was a truly beautiful ending for him.

Related, I've just gotta say that while I'm looking forward to Tink's child coming, I really hope the hints about gray in her hair aren't hints forewarning that she might be 'written out' of the story in the next book. Please don't take our Tink!!!

I definitely look forward to seeing what your imagination comes up with for what pregnancy and young child of our super-determined, feisty, protective, take-no-prisoners, genius, goblin mom will be like. The possibilities of what her child could be like are exciting and terrifying. One child? 2? 3? I'm almost afraid to remind you that in some story realms goblins have litters. ;-)

BronnieBBronnieBabout 1 month ago

Wait…what the hell was the bet between Lily and Eulalie?

angelwingsubangelwingsubabout 1 month ago

Okay, I need to put my phone down and stop crying.

OpenWillingAndAbleOpenWillingAndAbleabout 1 month ago

This one was a great way to end book 7. Cyrus passing beyond the veil, made me cry a lot. I really dug his character and the whole Last Of Her Kind storyline too. So letting go of another piece of it was a bit hard. I had thought he died saving the children. And had even seen that coming. So when he seemed not to I guess I wanted to believe in the illusion as much as he did. Even though his sudden recovery and making it out didn't really fit. As I said I wasn't ready to let go. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago


skippersdadskippersdadabout 1 month ago

That was Great I want to give 20 Stars, I have read all your stories, and they are all wonderfully written. You put Emotion to them, very glad you keep Sharing your Talents. Thank you.

Argonaut_1975Argonaut_1975about 1 month ago

That was a good ending.

Thanks Annabelle.

FbjsFbjsabout 1 month ago

Besides echoing what many other commenters have said (yeah, got me crying too)... I am extremely hopeful for Lily's future :D

Also throwing it out there, the Fae king is still missing. Any connection to the Curator?

Thanks again <3

RobcolesRobcolesabout 1 month ago

How can a grown man of 58 cry at a story he knows isn’t real? I knew master C was dead but hoped to see him remain forever building friendships and fighting battles along the way. His send off was perfect and the Lilly touch made the tears worse. Dean meeting him was the icing on the cake. Please don’t ever start to write tear-jerkers, you’re just too good at the emotional stuff and would rip peoples hearts out.

I can’t thank you enough for continuing to publish here free of charge for your loyal subjects. You have the rat king and the rat queen, you my gorgeous Annabelle, are the literary queen. ☺️

SlofredSlofredabout 1 month ago

DAMN you woman. I knew he was dead from the break out of the hidden prison but you were still able to make me cry. Such an amazing ending to an amazing chapter of an amazing saga. I can not say enough great things about this and all of your stories. Thank you for sharing this with the rest of us. I am soooooo waiting for the next segment/s to start .

ForgottenOne005ForgottenOne005about 1 month ago

Another amazing chapter and an end to another amazing book

I knew it was coming but my eyes still got teary from the ending, you once again have grown tremendously as a writer

Looking forward to more hijinks in the next book

SDTRSDTRabout 1 month ago

The further we go the better it gets. And no it's not to long, I say it wasn't long enough ...

I'm speechless that's what I can say to you Annabelle Hawthorne.

Thank you one more time for such a fantastic tale, trip and joy you gives us.

Another deep chapter and amazing ending.

RIP Master Cyrus … We'll miss you...

veiledswordveiledswordabout 1 month ago

You’re a marvelous writer.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I cried more when Cyrus was invited into the home than when he left. so. that's good. more happy tears :')

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

So Annabelle what’s next? I would like to know if mike gets beth pregnant. Love your story. Can’t wait until the next chapter of the radley family

bear1999bear1999about 1 month ago

My thanks to you for giving us a story with such breath and depth...till the next time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Well, that was just amazing. It will be another chapter we don't talk about, like the Christmas story chapter (purposely not referencing it so as not to break the rule).

Who else waiting for a return to the castle Mike has only visited briefly?

The grey hair references were a bit disturbing. Tink is my absolute favorite so be nice to her.

Back to the tying off loose ends in Hawaii, loved all the little details you threw in there, like the koa wood surfboard and others too. Enjoy your break this summer but keep in mind that you got us all addicted to this story, so you will have to be the one to feed this addiction. No one has a story this addictive for me. Again, you are getting ripped off. Lit should have a 10 star rating for your story. Thanks for entertaining us again.


JJJackson61JJJackson61about 1 month ago

Another masterpiece! I don't try to predict what's going to happen, but, would rather let you do the storytelling. Although I do cheer out loud when a new chapter comes out I'll wait patiently for the new book. Enjoy your summer!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I cried. 😭

JohnBJohnJohnBJohnabout 1 month ago

Another excellent entry! This was a nice wrap-up of the book and a great send-off for Cyrus. You had me tearing up at the end. I really appreciate your time and creativity!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Really enjoyed this story. I wasn’t expecting the arc with Cyrus, but you did a good job on it. Thank you.

fanofyours927fanofyours927about 1 month ago

I have a tab open just for your page. i saw this was up and had to read it. i am crying now before bed and cant sleep. got to say i was confused like Cyrus was. as it was revealed i had to stop several times to cry. 5 stars as always. i am going to miss Cyrus. i am happy he found his family. i am glad he got a year with them even if he was dead. i appreciate the length of this chapter as well. i feel like it had everything i needed. please keep writing this series as long as you can. i look forward to it every month. the comedy, the love, the "plot" ;) but also just the amount of story that keeps me pulled in.

i bought all the audio books and my wife has recently stated reading/listening to them. she had me read the ACOTAR series and i told her that's bland compared to your stuff.

she is on the wardrobe book now.

she is talking about getting the "shelf trophies" as she calls them. i was looking online. didn't see like a set of all the books. looks like they sell as the individuals. wanted to know if you would even make a "collectors box set" (especially with book 8 coming out) like all of the spines of the book line up and make a picture or something. i would love to see something like that. maybe a special set with artwork for more money. i want it. i know others who would. certain scenes having artwork would be amazing. even non-nude scenes like the mimic clock diagram or the observation tower or any of the dragons or the labyrinth. the various pocket dimensions. and of course all of the characters. it would be worth the money i would have to pay for it. even up for different art styles. i love your world building but i am also the type that struggles to form the image in my head.

do you have a tiktok? i feel like you would be very popular there. but i haven't seen much there. let me know if i am missing any of that.

love your work. look forward to more. please keep going. And if you ever get a deal for like HBO or something please make it last longer than game of thrones.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

THANKYOU, you are probably on of the most dependable writers here, you tell a great story and make me laugh and cry every chapter.

p.s. Is it wrong my favorite character is death.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

beyond good when I stop crying will try again to add something

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

So did Grace proximally kill Cyrus when she lit off the wand in Lizzy's yap? Despite a lack of any choice that could be an issue later.

DManganDManganabout 1 month ago

Damn onion ninjas got me.

CoyotecomCoyotecomabout 1 month ago

Two chapters in a row that had me crying. You truly have come into your own as a wordsmith.

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