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"Oh...that feels so good!" She groaned, then looked up at me and said, "Shondra said you and her had a really good time. Thank you for making my sister so happy."

"Why do I have to keep telling you two that it isn't you should be thanking me but the other way around? Damn girl, there isn't a man alive who wouldn't kill to be in my place!" I replied as I slid slowly in and out of her.

"Well," She said with a grin, "We'll argue that point later. Right now, kiss me...and fuck me."

45 minutes later completely sexually sated, Charleen slipped out of my bed and pulled on her clothes saying, "Breakfast is in 15 minutes. You better take a shower cause you smell like sex!"

Breakfast was great, as always. After eating Charlie, Carl and I did the chores and began to harvest the hay. The day went by in companionable work. That evening we had a pork roast and Ida made a sweet potato pie. We sat in the evening dark talking until it was time for bed. I turned in at 10:00 PM and was almost asleep when I heard my door open. I looked up to see Shondra standing in the opening.

"Can I...join you?" She asked hesitantly.

"Anytime. Anytime at all." I said holding the sheet up as an invite.

"I...I didn't know if you'd want me again so soon." She said as she pulled her gown off and slipped into the bed.

"Listen to me very carefully." Said, "You are a very sexy, sensual, beautiful young woman and I will be happy to be with you anytime you want. BUT," I said with a mock frown on my face, "You are going to have to tell me what you want first. So what will it be?"

She looked up at me with her large brown eyes and whispered," Could you...you know...use your mouth on me?"

"You want me to eat your pussy again?" I asked.

She giggled and nodded. I grinned and slid downward, ready to tongue her to one or more climaxes.

An hour and a half later as she pulled on her gown she said, "You know that either me or Charleen will be in your bed every night you are here, don't you?"

"I didn't know that. I had hoped."

She leaned over and kissed me a long lingering kiss before she drew back and said, "Good night."

For the rest of the time I was there, either Shondra or Charleen would appear at night and climb into my bed. I'd go to the creek fishing every few days and when I did Latisha would mysteriously appear and we'd spend the afternoon fucking. After the third time I suspected that one of the girls were calling their friend and telling her where to find me. I was enjoying it so much it came as a shock when I realized I would have to leave the next day to make the trip to my new post at Fort Riley Kansas.

As we sat on the porch in the evening dark Ida said, "Trent, you are welcome here anytime you want to come. As far as I'm concerned, you're now family."

Yeah," Carl chimed in, "I never thought I'd say this about a white boy, but you are my brother."

"You know I agree." Charlie added.

"Us too!" Shondra and Charleen said together.

"Well, you'd best get a good nights before you leave. Ok everybody, to bed." Ida said.

Everyone stood and filed off into the house.

I started to step off the porch and head to my bed but Ida put her hand on my arm and said, "Wait a moment."

When the others were gone, she turned to me, "Trent, you've made everyone here better in your time here. When you enticed me," she saw the look of disagreement on my face and added sharply, "You did to and you know you did! I'm not saying that as blame, you did, and I have to tell you thank you for it and that I enjoyed every minute of it. You woke something in me that was sleeping. Because of that I have a fantastic relationship with a fabulous man. There's a bit of me that wishes I had taken you up on your invitation, but I didn't and can't now because of George."

She took a deep breath and looked out into the dark as she continued, "And you have won over Carl. I didn't think he would ever see a white man as anything but a target. You've changed him, for the better and for that I thank you. Charlie is Charlie and he's your friend. He loves you like a friend."

She turned to me and pinned me with her gaze, "I also know you've been having sex with both my daughters and their friend Latisha."

I felt my cheeks grow red as the embarrassment of the moment filled me.

"Ida I..."

"Don't!" she barked and I closed my mouth and waited for the bomb that was sure to come.

"Like I said," She continued with a frown, "I know you've been having sex with them, but they don't know I know. I overheard the three of them scheming to have Latisha stumble on you out by the creek and I heard Shondra and Charleen comparing notes about you. They didn't say your name but I knew who they were talking about."

I knew she was getting close to dropping the hammer and there wasn't a damn thing I could do but stand there and take it.

"I've not seen my daughters so happy in a long time. I think it's because of you. So I'm not going to shoot you for bedding my girls. After all they are both of age. I will say thank you for making them happy."

I was stunned. I was sure she was going to give me hell, instead it was a thank you for having some of the best sex I had ever had.

She stepped closer to me, grabbed the front of my t shirt and pulled me to her. A moment later I found her mouth on mine as she kissed me passionately.

She finally broke the kiss and stepped back as she said, "When I heard my girls talking the only thing I could think about was how good it would have been with you. I think it was because you were the one who kindled the fire after a long dry spell. You were a gentleman and made me feel special, but whatever it was, thank you."

"Like I said, anytime you want this place is waiting. You need a home it's here. Now go get some sleep so you're not tired on your trip."

As I walked across the yard I realized I had begun to think of the place as home. I pulled off my clothes and laid on the bed. I wasn't sleepy, my mind was filled with thoughts of the past month. As I lay there, I heard the door open and I looked up to see Shondra entering. She walked to the bedside and without a word pulled off her nighty then slipped into bed next to me.

"I couldn't let you leave without one more time with you." She said.

"What about Charleen?" I asked.

"We drew straws. She won." Shondra said.

"She won?" I asked puzzled.

"Yea, she gets to wake you tomorrow morning!" Shondra giggled.

I kissed her and as our lips were together, I pulled her on top of and astride me. I heard her moan, then felt her hips move as she rubbed her slit the length of my hard rod. After a few moments of that she reached down and moved my cock so the tip was against her tight entrance, then she pushed down with her hips, sliding the length of my rod into her warm depths.

I let her control what we did. She rode me slowly, building the tension in both of us until I heard her moans crest, felt her body stiffen as she climaxed. I had not yet reached my peak as I lay there, my cock inside her warm tight pussy.

Shondra pulled her mouth from mine and whispered, "You didn't cum yet."

"No, not yet."

"How do you want me? I'll do it anyway you want."

"Shondra, I'd love to put you on your back, pin your legs to the mattress on each side of you and fuck you hard, but I don't want to scare you or bring back those feels about what Clarence did to you."

She smiled as she climbed off and laid down beside me.

"Trent, I could never be scared of you. And as for thinking about Clarence, when I'm with you I don't think about him at all."

"Are you sure?"

She smiled, pulled at my arm to get me to mount her as she replied," Positive. Now come over here and fuck me."

I rolled between her legs put my arms under her legs and pushed them up until she was spread wide before me. I used my fingertips to guide my cock to her entrance then watched it as it slid balls deep into her pussy. I began to fuck into her slowly, gently like I had always done. She would have none of it.

She laced her fingers behind my neck, pulled my face down until her eyes were locked on mine as she whispered, "Fuck me Trent. Fuck me hard!"

As I stared into her eyes the speed of my strokes increased until I was slamming into her. I held her gaze as I slammed into her over and over, pushing me closer and closer to my orgasm.

"Oh...ffffff...fuck!" I groaned as I rammed balls deep into her and my cock exploded.

As she felt my cock throb the first time, she pulled herself up and locked her mouth to mine. My tongue slipped between her full lips and I was in her mouth as my cock was in her pussy. It felt like I came for hours.

When my cock throbbed it's last, she pulled back from our kiss and said, "I like that."

I rolled off and lay next to her, gently stroking one of her nipples.

Her face was buried in my chest as I heard her muffled, "I hate to see you go."

"I hate to go, but I have to. The Army would not be kind if I didn't go, or if I was late."

"It's time I went into the house." She sighed as she moved up and kissed me.

"Tomorrow you leave, but who knows what life will bring." She added cryptically.

"Yeah, who knows." I replied, not sure what she meant.

She rose quietly, pulled on her nighty, stopped at the door and said just before she stepped out, "Goodnight."

I figured that would be the last time she and I were to spend in bed together. As the memories and thoughts of the last month coursed through my head it took me several hours to drift off to sleep.

I woke with a start the next morning as Charleen stepped in the door. She locked the door and without a word stripped off her clothes. She climbed in bed next to me, took hold of my arm and urged me between her legs. As I slipped between her soft thighs, I felt her hand wrap around my already hard cock. She positioned the head against her entrance and then using her heels pulled me into her.

"Charleen I..." I began to say only to have her put her hand against my mouth to stop me.

"Don't talk." She said shortly, "Fuck."

I reached down and filled my hands with the cheeks of her ass and began to fuck her. In response she raised her legs and spread them wide. After all the sex I had been having it took me a long time before I was close to cumming. I fucked her steadily for 20 minutes before I was close. During that time the only sounds were our grunts, groans, gasps, the slap of my flesh on hers and the slippery sloshing of my cock sliding in and out of her wet pussy.

She came first 5 minutes after we started. Her body stiffened and I could feel her pussy pulsing around my cock as she climaxed. I didn't stop or slow down. I kept right on fucking her. She came the second time just before I did. When mine hit I groaned and rammed as deep into her as I cold as my cock throbbed, spilling rope after rope of cum deep inside her.

As I lay still sheathed in her pussy I said, "Charleen..." She stopped me with her fingers on my mouth.

"Don't. Say anything. I have enjoyed this time with you. You are a good man Trent, a very good man. But now it's time for you to go. I don't want to talk. I just want to remember this as it is. Besides who knows? We might see each other again, I hope."

She urged me off and I rolled to one side. She rose, pulled on her clothes, leaned down and kissed me deeply, then without another word left.

When I got up and went into the house a half hour later, Ida had breakfast ready. We all ate and talked, much like we had for the last month. After breakfast I went to the sink to do the dishes only to have Ida take them out of my hand.

"You have no time to do that. It' s time to go." She said, her eyes misting.

I hugged her, "Thank you for everything."

She hugged me back then pushed me toward the door, "GO! Before I cry."

Carl, Shondra and Charleen were waiting on the porch. The girls hugged me, Carl acted like he was going to shake my hand but instead with a grin he grabbed me in a bear hug.

Charlie was waiting in the pickup to take me to the bus station. As we pulled out of the yard I looked back to see all of them waving from the porch.

"You know they love you." Charlie said.

"I know I do them." I replied.

At the bus station Charlie shook my hand and said, "You heard mom, anytime you want our home is yours."

I smiled and said, "I will take you up on that."

The bus trip to Fort Riley was 2 days and I thought about them the whole way. When I stepped off the bus at the fort terminal, I was mentally ready to do my last year in the service.

I checked in at my company, then found the first Sargent. I asked if there was any reason I couldn't live off post. He said that because I was an NCO I was authorized to live off post if I wanted to. I stayed in the transient barracks while I looked for an apartment. I finally found a nice clean two-bedroom single wide mobile home for rent in Manhattan (a small college town, The University of Kansas is there) 12 miles from the post. I was looking for a single bedroom apartment but it seems most were rented to college students so the mobile was my only choice. I moved my stuff in and over the next few months fell into the Army routine.

It was a Friday afternoon in late September. I had just completed a week of field exercises and was tired and dirty. When I got home, I showered dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, then thought about going up to the pizza joint on the corner for some supper. As I sat there sipping a beer a knock sounded on my door. When I opened it Shondra stood on my porch smiling at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked surprised.

"I was accepted at the University of Kansas!" she replied with a huge smile.

Visions of what we had done filled my head, followed by what the possibilities were with her living here in Manhattan.

I ushered her inside, got her a drink, then asked, "So where are you living? On campus?"

"For now." Shondra replied," But I want to get a place away from the campus. It's hard though. It seems most of the small apartments are already taken."

An epiphany blossomed in my head.

"Well, I just happen to know a guy who has a spare bedroom." I said with a grin.

She stared at me for a moment, then with a smile and a look of realization filing her face she replied, "Do I know him?"

"Yes you do!" I shot back.

"I'll take it!" Her smile growing wider.

We talked and then drove over to get her belongings. By that evening she were moved in and settled.

As we sat having a drink, I wanted to ask a question but didn't know how to approach it.

I decided the best way was bluntly, "Would you like to share my bed this evening?"

"No." Shondra replied, which made my heart drop, then she added, "Unless I can share it every night."

"Girl I would love that!" I said with a grin.

A thought hit me, "Where's Charleen?"

"She was accepted to the University of Florida. But she said she was going to come visit on the next break."

She giggled and added, "Yes, I will share you with her when she gets here. We're twins; we share everything."

I stood, grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet as I said, "I don't think we should wait for bedtime."

She stepped closer, wrapped her arms around my chest and I heard her muffled reply, "Let's not."

As I took her hand and headed down the hallway to the bedroom, I knew the last year in the Army was going to be alright, and that life was good.

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madtowncunilinguistmadtowncunilinguist2 months ago

Thank you for the time and effort you've put into this excellent piece of writing. I read it a few years back already, but when I came across it again today I enjoyed it even more. I think it's one of my favorites here. Besides character development and good grammar, it has a good balance between a gripping story line and believable sex situations. Hope you keep using your amazing power of writing for us to share here. thanks again!

dirtyoldman1949dirtyoldman19493 months ago
This story

Is a great story line it has a bit of everything that you can put in one Love , Kindness, Sex and Action also Family. Thank you .

ToughSailorToughSailor4 months ago

Absolutely beautiful prose. Probably the most pleasant read I've come across in this genre. My only regret is that he and Ida didn't get to connect . . . .

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Very good. Thanks for the effort and for sharing with us.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A great story - well written. I enjoyed it. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good Good story. Loved it. Please keep it going. But no bad stuff, only good stuff.

Pharmboy69Pharmboy69over 1 year ago

Not sure why this is in this category but was a fantastic story. Thank you for writing and glad I saw it.

JGnCTJGnCTabout 2 years ago

Long but very well written. Maybe a follow up when Charlene comes to visit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Enjoyed it however University of Kansas is in Lawrence. KSU is in Manhattan.

4certain4certainover 2 years ago

Great story (5*) that I feel might better fit in the interracial category. As a story with a military focus, I feel the narrator not spelling his rank, "sergeant", correctly, is more difficult to believe than anything else in the tale. The characters are likeable, so I'd like to see them in a future story.

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