How did Charlotte Lose Her Virginity? Pt. 03


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Charlotte wrinkled her nose slightly at the wet rather cold little rubbery thing in the palm of her hand. She sniffed. It smelt of rubber.

"Not terribly aesthetic or pleasing really but so right for its purpose. Now there's a right side out and a wrong size out but the teat shows which way is up and out."

"Why the teat, sir?"

"Charlotte," he shook his head, "what is going to happen inside the condom."

"I suppose, you're going to ejectulate..."

"Ejaculate. And it's got to go somewhere so the teat is a reservoir. Again, it does not add to the appearance, does it, but very functional."

She was turning it over in her hand. In Graham Randall's mind the thought of demonstrating to thirty schoolgirls in the Upper Sixth. Each with a condom in their hands as he handed out bananas, one by one pulling them from a great bunch. Would they all be like Charlotte had been, surprised at the size, not so much the banana of course, but what it was representing. Who would be the first to ask the question about size? Would he, perhaps, have some slides to put up on a screen, slides of naked, erect men? A series of educational slides perhaps from Sweden or Denmark, certainly not the Department of Education and Science in the UK! Perhaps showing a man and a woman, very Nordic looking no doubt, at first standing side by side naked and then perhaps just the same side by side stance with arms hanging at the sides but with the man erect, perhaps with an arrow pointing at his penis with the word 'Erection' beside it. Perhaps the next slide being of the woman's genitalia in close up with arrows pointing out the various parts, Labium Majus, the two Labium Minora, Urethral Opening, Vaginal Entrance, Anus and Clitoris, followed by the same for the man, his erect penis filling the screen. He could imagine the total silence in the classroom as the girls stared at the slides.

Intercourse on the screen, perhaps even illustrating a couple of positions. How 'educational' were the slides - or were they titillation? Pornography masquerading as educational slides. Illustrations of condom use, perhaps even of ejaculation.

Stunned silence in the classroom - and not simply because of the newly imparted knowledge of the size of the male penis when erect and the dawning realisation of just what substantial things they would have pushed into themselves one day, but also the unexpected explicitness of the whole sex education lesson. Perhaps the girls looking down in embarrassment - perhaps not. And then having them undertake a practice with the banana. And what if one girl, a particularly forward one, asked to see the real thing. The excitement of being undressed in front of the whole, so interested class, perhaps even allowing them all, thirty pairs of hands in succession, rolling a condom onto him as practice. And, of course, he would have to demonstrate ejaculation. Have them all up, crowded around his desk as one of them made him come with her hand, thirty pairs of young eyes glued to the end of his penis as he came, hopefully as forcibly as could be, all along the polished top of his desk.

"Shall we practise then?"

The girl leant over him, her young breasts hanging as she held the rubber ring between the fingers of both hands and brought it to the rounded end of his penis.

"Yes, like that, make sure it is touching before your roll, best if it is not loose and crinkled, you want it smoothly over the knob. That's it, now roll it down. Yes, keep going until you reach a ring of rubber at the end. Yes, that's it, nice and gentle. See it stretches easily. In fact, you could if you warmed it and stretched it a bit, get your whole fist inside. It really has an awful lot of give."

Charlotte eased back, kneeling on the bed and looking. "Did I do that OK?"

"Textbook. Very well done, Charlotte."

"It does look funny with that teat."

"Funny peculiar or funny ha ha?"

Lovely to see her smile, "both really." Lovely too, that she could not seem to keep her hands off it. "Can I try again?"

An unusual sexual activity: rolling a condom back up a penis, taking it off and then putting it back on and repeating the same process several times. An unusual way to be masturbated, not with the sliding skin of the prepuce but with the rolling of the latex.

"You should squeeze the teat, empty it of air first, ready to be filled."

"When it's on, it's all smooth so there's no skin, no foreskin, to move. Is that like how men are who have had it chopped...?" Circumcised, was that the word?

"I think so, Charlotte, unsurprisingly I have neither seen nor felt a circumcised erect penis but I think that is how they are."

"How do they... you know?" Charlotte made the sweetest little movement of her hand, holding thumb and forefinger together in a circle and moving the hand up and down. A very obvious gesture, and what it was showing. It sent a thrill through him. Charlotte reached for the clad penis, "You can't slide your hand up and down. You could at first but it's all dry now."

Graham Randall chuckled, "Of course it would slide nice and easily into you, all that lovely wetness you have."

"Do you want to?"

"Yes but... I think another night, Charlotte. Let's finish today's lesson. Go to the kitchen and bring back the olive oil. That'll be good and slippery and then you can practice making a vagina with your hands and see how the teat works."

Once more Graham Randall watched Charlotte's swaying naked bottom leaving his bedroom. He was being remarkably self-controlled, he thought. Not being like he might have expected - a bull in a china shop with Charlotte or a schoolboy in an unguarded sweet shop! He was not hurrying into sexual intercourse. There were many fun things to enjoy on the way.

"Pour away, girl, shall I leave it up to you how you make my penis ejaculate?"

Charlotte poured oil onto the erection, put the bottle down and then wrapped her hand around the condom clad penis and began to slide it - just like a vagina as her teacher had said. She watched intently at the half real sexual intercourse. Real penis, real condom, real teat: pretend vagina. It slid very easily in her hand.

"How far will it go into me? When we do it."

"We'll have to find out how deep you go inside, Charlotte. I look forward to that!"

A second hand on top of the first making a longer tube, the two hands sliding together up and down the well-oiled latex. A sigh of contentment from the teacher.

"Very nice, Charlotte. Very vagina like, though when we do it for real you are not going to see the real sexual act."

But she was that evening. Even with both hands together forming a tube, Mr. Randall's knob, with the latex stretched tightly over it, perfectly moulding its shape, was still visible out of the top of her two fists, even as her hands moved. Right at the end of the condom clad penis was the empty teat. Charlotte was going to see it fill. Her hands continued to slide as she imagined the penis not there in her hands but between her legs.

"You can imagine, inside your vagina, without a condom, how a penis would bump against your cervix, you have seen the anatomical diagrams; you have seen how strongly a penis ejects the semen, even shooting it into your womb. How easy then to fertilise, to make you pregnant. You see the importance of contraception."

The idea of unsheathed sex within Charlotte was very exciting to Graham Randall. As he lay there being masturbated by the young naked schoolgirl, he could not help thinking of doing that. Lying atop her young body, his penis up inside her, all the way, banging against her cervix; then releasing his 'seed' and very much planting that in her womb, making the young woman with child. It was an intensely sexual thought, and it was, all at once, more than just imagination.

Unable to stop himself, he had after all relinquished control to Charlotte, his penis, latex covered but being beautifully stroked in Charlotte's hands, expanded just a little more, the knob so perfectly moulded by the latex quivered and then began to produce, filling the teat in one strong spurt and then expanding it.

Charlotte watched the expanding bulb as the penis ejaculated in her hands. It fascinated her.

When the bulb ceased to grow, Charlotte's hands slowed and then came away leaving the penis on its own, still sheathed, but now with a wobbly ball at the end. Charlotte reached and felt the semen within all warm and mobile. She squeezed the ball, the swollen bulb, and felt it move between her fingers. It was all rather warm and mobile. Had it been inside her she could imagine it would have been very much everywhere 'up there' way beyond where she had been able to explore with her fingers.

"Even when removing the condom you need to be careful. The semen is as potent like that as when being ejaculated. It does not need to be introduced by a penis. If you were to take it back to your dorm, keeping it all warm perhaps tucked in your brassiere snug between your breasts and, say, all your friends were asleep and stayed asleep, and you then dipped your finger into the warm pool and one by one slipped your hand into their pyjamas or nightdresses and pushed it into their vaginas probably by morning at lease one, perhaps more, would be pregnant."

Already the penis was shrinking, the condom no longer faithfully moulding the veins and wrinkles, and the curved shape of the knob. A wrinkled pink package, all slippery with oil.

"Shall I take it off - undress you?" A bit of tugging and she dropped it on the bedside table. It oozed. It was not a very pretty sight - except by association.

"Another mug of cocoa?"

Naked they walked to the kitchen.

Mr. Randall's cock looked so different now. Gone its proud standing, it had lost all its rigidity and hung there in front of his balls as he made her a second mug of cocoa. She could see the evidence of his ejaculation still at the tip of it even though that, ever so mobile, foreskin had crept back up and over his knob. Her thought again was just how sweet it looked; she was not sure about her earlier frog simile though it certainly had a certain slimy wetness. She saw Mr. Randall look up from the saucepan at her giggle.

"I was looking at your penis, sir. I like it both ways - hard and soft. What I think I'd like is to feel it grow in my mouth. Would it do that, sir, if I sucked?" She saw Mr. Randall shake his head.

"Not yet, Charlotte, men cannot get an erection again for a little while. It varies man to man I believe, but there is something called a 'refraction period.' Men become flaccid and lose interest in sex."

"Oh, have you lost interest in me then? I don't feel like that."

"Not totally, Charlotte," he chuckled, "I still see you as very sexy - and pretty - standing there like that but I'm not raring to go!"

"How long does it take before you can... before your interest returns?"

"My understanding is its shorter when young. Post pubescent boys may need only a few minutes of recovery time, though it was never that quick for me, but older men usually have a longer refractory period, sometimes apparently most of a day or even days. Must be a shame for them!"

"And for you?"

"Forty minutes perhaps."

"So, after forty minutes I can try making you hard again - in my mouth?"

"I was thinking of sending you back to your dorm to sleep but, if you'd like to try, I won't stop you!"

They sat and watched a television programme. Mr. Randall was very amused at the way the young girl kept looking at the clock. Perhaps he should invite her to stay the night. It would be very good to have her suck him off in bed, kiss goodnight and snuggle down with her naked body and then have her do things in the early morning before returning to her dorm. Better though if she had come in running things, so she could pretend she was out for an early morning run and return to the dorm like that in case any of the other girls were awake. Another night perhaps - perhaps when he took her virginity. Not even that thought so much as caused his loins to stir.

"Forty minutes are up, sir."

Graham Randall parted his legs and eased himself forward in his chair, letting his genitalia hang over the edge. "It's all yours to play with, Charlotte, see what you can do!"

Charlotte scooted across the floor and knelt there between her teacher's legs as she lifted the limp thing. Sweet, but so vulnerable, especially when she lifted it all soft and malleable in her fingers and looked at Mr. Randall's wrinkled scrotum with those two egg shapes within. She did not want it to grow all strong and manly in her hand but in her mouth. Perhaps it would grow, perhaps it would not, but she wanted it to do any growing within her mouth, so she just popped it in, all in one go. A bit greedy like, because she got the whole penis in with her lips closed around its base. What would the other girls have thought if they could see her now! Their mouths would be gaping, stretched as wide as hers but not because they had a cock in their mouths - but I amazement!

She could wobble it around in her mouth with her tongue, flick it up to the roof of her mouth and let it drop down again onto her tongue. But not for long. There was a change and Charlotte felt there was not so much room in her mouth as before. Mr. Randall was erecting, just as she hoped, in her hot mouth. She was not going to let go until it came, yes, in her mouth. Charlotte began to slide her lips. She had used her hands as a vagina: now it was the turn of her mouth. Would Mr. Randall really do it for real another night? Would she feel her teacher's penis in her vagina?

How big it had seemed - still seemed - when she first saw it erect: but how she liked it like that. So big and firm in her mouth, how good it felt to be doing that. She was enjoying giving pleasure to her teacher, was enjoying the cock, and was enjoying the privilege of being able to come to Mr. Randall's flat and have special tuition and do 'things.' To 'come' indeed to Mr. Randall's flat and to 'come' and make him 'come.' The word play amused her.

Up and down her lips slid as her teacher lay back, so relaxed (apart from his penis), in his chair. Wonderful too for him. A second orgasm in the offing before bed. It was quite clear the young girl wanted, or was at least happy for him to come in her mouth. It would be quite something next time he scanned her class to see her sitting there all demure with the other girls, yet knowing her sweet mouth had held him and taken his semen. Sitting beside her would be her especial friend, Helen, with no idea what her friend had done or any knowledge of penises and semen. Into his mind the thought of Charlotte with her sweet mouth full of semen leaning across and kissing her friend on the mouth, pushing the warm semen from her mouth to Helen's.

"Charlotte, here I go." The thought and Charlotte's so soft lips had caused him to slip over from stimulation to orgasm and ejaculation. He had promised to tell her when he was coming. So good to find no hint of Charlotte pulling away but rather a slightly faster bobbing of her head and a flicking of her tongue. Almost over-sensation to his so sensitive nerve endings, as that male thing happened - spurt and the no doubt limited quantities of his second ejaculation began to leave his penis and enter Charlotte's mouth. So strong whilst it lasted but the feelings were all too short, and then there was Charlotte looking up at him with his penis clasped in her mouth. Her eyes large. The dear girl did not let him go until he was soft again, her tongue movements close to torture on his over sensitive glans - but he did not want to stop her. She thought that was enjoyable for him - no doubt - and in a way it was. Certainly, visually remarkable to see himself subside whilst held by those lips.

"Only a semi-virgin now, Charlotte. I won't be able to think of your mouth as virginal when I look at you in class."

"You think of me?"

"Not too much Charlotte, I would not want to find myself hard in my trousers and having to hide behind my desk from all you girls."

Charlotte giggled, "I'll watch out for that."

He rather thought she, and perhaps quite a few other girls already did. Their eyes were not always focused on his speaking mouth.

So good to pat the young girl's naked behind and send her off to dress and go to bed.

He stood at his flat door's entrance, naked, watching the young girl disappear, dressed again in her uniform. She could probably have walked safely back naked the whole way. Perhaps on a warm night it would be good to go for a naked walk with the girl, out across the playing fields. Best though if there was not much moonlight! It would not be good if one of the sisters looked out and saw a naked couple strolling across the middle of the hockey pitch especially if Charlotte were holding his penis. Graham Randall smiled and closed the door. He would have to be careful. His enjoyment of Charlotte needed to remain clandestine. It would not do his record good to be dismissed from the temporary teaching post.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Stiff Competition.........

Wonder who Mr. Randall will knock up first, Helen or Charlotte?????

maddictmaddictover 3 years ago

I always have a after thought.

Fellucia has the hands free action you described in such lushious detail

maddictmaddictover 3 years ago

This is how sex education should be taught, and I am willing to assist in the education of young women in need of a thorugh education.

I'm in agreement with other comments, Helen could easily enjoy a combined class with Charlotte

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Nice job of slowly building tension. I’d love to see a little 69 before the actual deflowering.

Only_connectOnly_connectover 3 years ago

Excellent! I especially like the innocent thoughts attributed to them both. So naive and charming, so sexy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great prose...onwards and inwards!!

Very seeing a patient (even though perverted) teacher so dedicated. You've planted the seeds for her complete conquest, and seeing as you are insatiable and Charlotte has a naïve but very suggestible mind, I am sure she will lead Helen to the altar....perhaps (at Randall's bidding) shaved and well-licked,,,, ready to have her first man-driven orgasm..... and, we can only hope, more!! Bravo....Bring on Chapter 4!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
very well written

love it

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