All Comments on 'How Did It Ever Come To This'

by Cagivagurl

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LenardSpencerLenardSpencerabout 2 years ago

Wonderful, well written story. The title was almost a repeat of the line from LOTR, The Twin Towers. When Theodin, while at the battle of Helm's Deep, mutters "How did it come to this?" Just before he got ready to ride out on a last charge. Thanks for sharing your writing. Cheers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago
Good writer, but...

...a very morbid tale.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I think I going to open an account here...where I do nothing but write stories about women. Where I take the absolute worst cliches and most ridiculous and nearly unbelievably weak story lines about women. And write them all out. Over and over. Painting them as hormonal. Weak willed. Unable to control their basest emotions. Ruled by their menstrual cycles. Lazy. Gold digging. Or the domineering harpy. Or the sexless doormat. The bitchy wife who can't ever say anything nice. Just the absolute EXTREME cliches.

You know. All of the truly vile things that women haters spew.

After I've written about 100 stories and spent years denigrating stories that just show the worst in the female of the species...maybe I will come close to being the bizzaro (opposite) cagivagurl.

That's what he/she/it does when writing about men. "Write a story about an innocent righteous beautiful woman...while writing a story about a jealous unreasonable cave man type who loses everything because he can't get past his empty nest wife wanting to have a job."

How about this "Write a story about a saint of a man who is patient beyond belief with his wife and children. Who has a prestigious education and an amazing career where he is respected by all. He earns more money than he can spend in 2 lifetimes and when his children leave home his jealous harpy of a wife implores him to retire and spend all of his time and money focused on her. When he refuses saying he needs the daily challenge of work but that he will cut his time at work in half. She becomes completely unreasonable and doubles down on the disparaging remarks. She hires multiple private investigators to follow him. Bugs his offices and harasses his employees...convinced that the only reason he wants to keep his business is that he must be having an affair. Her irrationality leads to increased paranoia. Culminating in first an embarrassing confrontation with a female accountant (and her loving husband) at a company holiday party. Only to be followed up with her moving out of the family home into a condo to "show him" she won't put uo with his indiscretions. When that doesn't work...she files for divorce. She proceeds to stalk him to the point he has to get a restraining order becoming afraid of her alarming behavior. He asks her to get help. Her children try and get her help. Sadly he grants her divorce even tho it isn't what she wants. She just wants him to admit to the affairs and to stop his cheating. Even tho he takes multiple lie detector exams exonerating himself. And there is zero evidence. She ends up with a less than equal share in the divorce. Has little education and hasn't had a job outside of her home for 2 decades. She lives lonely and sad. Until finally...her daughter convinces her to see a doctor. She undergoes a battery of tests...only to be told...she has severe "women's problems"...all of her irrationality is based on her hormones being out of whack. She is undergoing the change a few years early. She is cured with a few supplements, but she already ruined her life because she wouldn't listen."

How's that for cliche storyline? A fair match for this POS left here for us by Cagivagurl.

KittyCampbellKittyCampbellabout 2 years ago

She's a stupid bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

She went out with an other man and still got away with it, How on earth was James supposed to know that when she went on that date (YES a DATE) that she wasn't cheating? And then destroy him ... soo sad story but Cagivagurl normaly writes storys that shows the man as an ass so why should this one be different.... 1 star

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What a giant loser lol.

Loved reading about his life going down the toilet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Great story of a classic situation in a long held relationship. While it appears unreasonable of him to not want her to work, he does compromise, as is necessary in such relationships, and she becomes a real estate agent. As a loving husband he naturally has feelings of jealousy and suspicion when she dresses to draw attention. Rather than compromise, because she loves him too, she continues and attributes part of her success to her dressing up. Then her boss throws a party for her success, inflaming his thoughts. The mail in the coffin is when she dances with her boss without a thought for her husband, even though she could see what it was doing to him, adding fuel to the fire, total disrespect. I would go ballistic. Then follows her much cliched arguments that he doesn’t own her, etc. and digs in. Now this is all too common in arguments between two people in a relationship. If you value and respect the relationship, then you know that you “own” each other. You only do certain things with each other not with others. After a year of apprehension, her behavior was simply unacceptable in a relationship. The fact that she dug in only made matters worse. Though in reality nothing actually happened, it was too late for him. After 20 years together, it is clear she knows her husband well. Why didn’t she compromise and stay with him rather than dance with another man? If she loved him and could see how he felt, why did she dance with her boss? Not very clever. If he had compromised for a year, and had come to her celebratory party, why did she have to rub his face in it? That was the end for him. She wanted her cake and wanted to eat it. BTW dancing with another man/woman is a mating ritual. I can understand why he wouldn’t want his wife to dance with another man. That is why in many cultures, married people don’t normally dance with others.

sdc97230sdc97230about 2 years ago
Should have seen it coming

James was basically the equivalent of a Neanderthal who couldn't/wouldn't evolve. But after 20 years of marriage, Erin should have known that about him; he didn't suddenly become that way because the kids left home. Once she became determined to have an empty-nester career (and there was really no good reason for her not to want one), she should have realized that she had outgrown her husband and saved herself a lot of grief by filing on the grounds of irreconcilable differences.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hard to like this story, so I don’t.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Nice try to make all this James' fault. The true heart of this is the disrespect and lack of empathy of this heartless bitch of a wife. They didn't need the money from a job, how about some volunteer work? If she had any compassion for her husband she would have seen what she did as an attack on his manhood and the ability to provide for his family. That would start the erosion of his confidence as a man and almost inevitably lead him to think if he couldn't financially take care of her, she was leaving the house to have her sexual needs met. All this story focuses on is her needs. And yhrough this whole story, I never saw anything that said she never had sex with Graeme. Because his wife didn't know, of course she would vouch for the slut who was fucking her husband behind her back.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

We can only hope that there will be a part 2! The story developed well but it is fascinating that there was not a single clue as to why the husband behaved so bizarrely.

Rw43Rw43about 2 years ago

CG, I 5*ed you even though I hated your story. I've told you before that I love the first 80% of your stories but then one of the characters in conflict will inexplicably collapse; well, there's nothing of that sort in this one. The conflict remains unresolved right up to the end..


That really wasn't the point of my criticism though. In this story,, I think we all would have loved to know what drove James to be so unreasonable about his wife's job. Certainly the catalyst that drove him to be a great provider also had the negative effect of causing his distrust of his wife in the workplace.


CG, Frequently you are on the cutting edge of storytelling. You find original ways to end the [perhaps exaggerated] marital bliss of your fictional characters. But you are also one of the reasons I now call the Loving Wives category "Divorce Central." It seems that in all of our cultures, we are no longer willing to work at understanding our spouse's needs. We have become like water, always seeking the easiest escape path. Not only conflict resolution, but the desire for and value of conflict resolution is sometimes missing from your stories. And yeah, I get it, that's what makes fictional stories realistic, but it also makes them depressing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What a cunt?? Anyone can say they didnt have an affair even with notiaried docs. U suck cunt

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Pointless, boring and without any sort of nuance in the story. And what a one dimensional troll you made of James... Here is some more ideas for you to make him look even worse, he could push an old lady, steal an apple, scare kids, fight a clown, crash a wedding and kill a cat? Actually, that might make it into a more entertaining story! :D

ChimeraLoveMeeChimeraLoveMeeabout 2 years ago

My ex used to be a divorce lawyer and used to tell me about husbands like this - bitter paranoid misogynists who hated everything and many destroyed themselves. Great story.

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuabout 2 years ago

'Okay, I probably went overboard a couple of times, one of which was on purpose to torment James. '


- and in admitting to this she got a handsome younger husband, got half of all the ex-husband worked hard all his life and her boss got easy money from the ex- husband, she is happy and don't care one iota of crap about her ex husband got disrespected by her and got humiliated and destroyed while she danced, enjoying all the half of everything her ex-husband worked hard.


I wondered why she hadn't hired someone to beat up the ex husband and crushed his testicles so that the ex-husband cannot find someone and start a family and be happy once again. SMH.

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989about 2 years ago

Obviously a mentally disturbed man. One who in a sense was taken advantage of by his wife. He was wrong and stubborn and should not have reacted the way he did, but did not deserve to be taken to the cleaners.

KarnevilKarnevilabout 2 years ago

A decent enough effort, but a bit repetitive, I really don't think we needed it hammered home quite so much about how stubborn James was. The kids reaction too was rather clichéd, perhaps my own children have been raised better because I've don't believe they'd react with the amount of abuse and disrespect shown here, but then it seems to be prevelent in the loving wives genre. That apart it was a nice change to read about a respectable and decent woman being wronged, instead of the tiresome upstanding, perfect husband sacrificing his happiness because a cheating slut.

The writing and narrative were, as usual very good but I felt it just petered out a bit, without any substantial climax. A good read but although it had a satisfactory solution, it left me feeling bit empty.

Hooked1957Hooked1957about 2 years ago

Incredibly thought provoking. A great read about a man living on the fringes of his own fear.


lujon2019lujon2019about 2 years ago

Funny how the oh so often the only men you write how get divorced are the ones who didnt have a cheating whore of a wife, had she cheated you would have had him stay


Im curious though if your story started out with the intention to never answer the question posed in the title, or if thats just where it meandered to

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

pathetic - 1*

FeltfixerFeltfixerabout 2 years ago

This is an intriguing story.

Reading between the lines it is obvious Erin and Graeme were in some sort of liaison.

Her progression through the company in such a short time could only be at the behest of her boss, however she bemoans his looks.

James was NOT invited to the dinner, she just said come with me if he didn’t believe her as she went out of the house.

Mandy also was NOT invited.

Erin knew perfectly well how James would react to a one on one meeting with a man, as most people would if their partner was doing such a thing.

I feel that Erin has manipulated the whole situation that resulted in a secure financial outcome.

James should have confronted Graeme early on behind

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Just a horrible story with no ryhme or reason to it. No consideration of illness. No consideration of her husband moving away or simply disappearing. Nothing. No excuses. Just a bitter old man? Not much of a story line. Barely a loving wives story. Not your best work. If I wanted some realistic story about crazy people I'd be somewhere else. Please don't do this again. 1 star

Lifestyle66Lifestyle66about 2 years ago

Interesting first person POV (wife's) of a failed marriage.

He told her that if she went to that dinner, it was over. Why did she lie to the kids saying she didn't know why their father left? She blissfully ignored the cost of her husband's financial success over the years. So, she was equally clueless and selfish, and ruined him financially by refusing to accept his divorce offer UNTIL her boss told her he was going to take it all! And her kids are equally ignorant that her choices cost them any inheritance from their father.

It came to this by her choices. And it happens when someone grows out of their marriage, with a disregard for their spouse. But the happily ever after in this story is that she'll blissfully live without regrets. So, I'll give it a 4.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Congrats to the author for the reversal of the usual LW gender roles. For once the author developed a strong, independent female antagonist with a well developed sense of fidelity and mated her to a emotional, egotistical, illogical male driven by unfounded fears. 👍🏻

Wh00sherWh00sherabout 2 years ago

The implausibility of this (to me anyway) makes it difficult to enjoy the story.

Without any understanding of why he took the stance he did, I just found myself shaking my head as I read it.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 2 years ago

I so wanted to give you 5* for once, but again I’m not able to do it. Not explaining James’ actions is just too big of gap for me. Maybe next time? 5*

CunnyLinguistTooCunnyLinguistTooabout 2 years ago

Arrrrghhh, such an enticing story, but to end it like that? I suppose in real life people do go off the deep end for no explainable reason, but damn, I hate not knowing why! Thanks for an interesting story, one of your better ones I think!

muskyboymuskyboyabout 2 years ago

She couldn't have cared less about her husband and she told him so. She could have cared less about what HE wanted. She obviously didn't really love or care about him. She was totally disgusting.

RodJohnRodJohnabout 2 years ago

Use to love your stories. Still well written, but in my view you seem to keep demeaning your main male. Agreed in this story he over reacted, but the wife was also turned into a miserable character.

Regguy69Regguy69about 2 years ago

The kids forced him to see a councilor, but apparently it did no good. I kept waiting for the “brain tumor” revelation, but no. Maybe early onset of dementia or something? You did a good job of expressing her frustration with his bizarre behavior. It had to have been heartbreaking for her, and her kids, once everyone knew the truth. This was truly a sad tale of human failure.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What a shit story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Nice enough story but feels incomplete without some clue as to why hubby was so fixated. Some clue as to his irrationality would by nice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A tale from the other side. What’s fair is fair. Well written. Relentlessly one-sided, but based on the character of the husband quickly going mad, understandable. I probably would have written a different ending, perhaps with hubby being confined in a looney bin and wifey coming to his rescue.

kencorokencoroabout 2 years ago

>polygraph tests

C'mon man.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I’m not really sure what to say about this one, except it was very depressing.

robinhodrobinhodabout 2 years ago

Usual high quality. I just wasn't convinced by the immediate turn around of the children's attitude.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You write awesome stories I hope you keep it as I really enjoy reading them thank you 😊

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hated this story.

secretsalsecretsalabout 2 years ago

Was a good twist on the usual formula, although James comes across pretty flat. I'm still missing something fundamental from their relationship, though - James being verbally uncommunicative with his affection and being unwilling to listen seems like it should have been a problem a lot earlier with them. Doesn't seem like his jealousy and insecurities were a problem before Erin started working, either. Or if they were, it wasn't mentioned.

Even though he holds the lion's share of the blame, it does seem a bit of a bum hand. The lifetime of slaving away so that his family could have the things they wanted/needed doesn't seem to have to have gotten him much, except some support from his kids during the turbulent times. And the offhand part from Erin at the end about upgrading to a younger handsome guy seems a bit tacky while juxtaposed with James' purgatory. Yeah, many of the stories where the guy is the one who moves on have similar endings, and it's equally corny there.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing...

Almost but not quite. Some say that vanity is the greatest sin of all.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958about 2 years ago

A very good story, Cagivagurl. The comments are just as hilarious as expected. You held up a mirror, James (all the predictable usual suspects) saw his own reflection and hated it. All the ugly misogyny, all the bitter insecurity, was too much for his fragile psyche, and he cracked, made all these comments and exposed himself for what he really is. Great job, Cagivagurl. I suspect James will comment many more times before the bitter gall leaves his mouth. Randi.

@Feltfixer: Hahaha! "Reading between the lines..." Okay then. You mean, "Making shit up the author directly said didn't happen," right?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Lol. The comments might be better than the story! "ShE dIsReSPecTEd hIm! Durrrrr!" It's truly a miracle that all women aren't lesbians. We give them little reason not to be.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I know the story from years ago. James, ok he did not want Erin to go to work. But that’s life. James had strong opinions In my opinion he was right.

Erin should have respected her husband’s wishes. Went out to dinner. That was dinner was more important to her marriage meant ZERO. She had a low value of her husband regardless of how hard he had worked. She wanted someone else in her bed and money with it.

James was the loser he should not have been.

I don’t normally read a story when I see Randi involement.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I'm begging for a part 2. I caught one typo, other than that, all good.

WargamerWargamerabout 2 years ago

Honestly, the plot was just too damn stupid, over the top for most, with an air of unreality. The story just didn’t sit right at all.

What woman agrees to go out to dinner with another man and not tell her husband well beforehand?

Dolls herself up and sets up her husband with a fait accompli.

The story spiralled stupidly from that ridiculous point.

This was well written, but didn’t do it for me, just too silly.

Scores 3/5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

How could James' parents be with him if his father died when he was young forcing him to work at an early age to help his family? Kept waiting for the other side of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Its amazing how deep your own thoughts can take you with no evidence. It can crush you without reason other than one's own fears. Been there ,got the scars and tee-shirt for it.

johntcookseyjohntcookseyabout 2 years ago

The sad reality, within that narrow minded misogynistic sector of the Literotica LW critics, is that if you changed James name to Jane, and Erin’s to Aaron, Jane would be vilified and labeled ‘hysterical’, and Aaron would be pitied for being falsely accused and then lauded for his ‘happy ever after’ good fortune. This isn’t a he vs. she story. This is the tragic account of the mental collapse of a theretofore good person. Deeply compelling and deftly told. Again, thank you.

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 2 years ago

Or she could have gone to work in his business. Clearly she got what was most important to her. He certainly had issues but that was his fucking problem. She had her own life to live. Fuck compromise and figuring out a way.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

The hypocrisy of some on here is mind blowing. If that had been the man "burning the bitch" so many "anonymous" commenters would be salivating with their righteous indignation. This made a pleasant change from the suddenly "evil wicked bitch" and "Saint husband" stories that are so common here. Luvved it - and the hilarious reactions from some. These halfwits can only be Trump or Putin supporters!

Schwanze1Schwanze1about 2 years ago


Yeah she’s an ungrateful cunt but you have zero clues to how a real estate brokerage works.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Seems you either write a story where the man is a stubborn/idiotic fool who ends up being ruined and losing everything...... Just trolling I guess.

Alternatively the man is slowly beaten (figuratively) into accepting a lifestyle he never wanted, but then is portrayed as somehow being happy and better for it.

It's a repetitive formula that's become very boring.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamerabout 2 years ago

Re: Comment by Guilty

At least comment on the story the author submitted; in that story there is no indication of anything out of line between heroine and Grarme.

Now you could write a completely different story using your plot line and it would be a good read and completely in line with the usual LW stories.

Anyway, Gagivagurl, you have a darn good story and for those who bitch about the ‘same old same old’ I invite them to read this one. Thanks for the read! cd

JohnAmalfi4104JohnAmalfi4104about 2 years ago

I liked it! James was incredibly frustrating, as he was designed to be. Erin was no angel either, but when your spouse drops divorce papers on you, running with it is always an allowed option.

I get the feeling the imagined issues with Graeme would have become real issues had Graeme been a looker rather than just a supportive boss.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

its sad when a wife put hubby in bad place and its all hubby problem.she was this,she was that,she was a whilly too her hubby.wife wanted too move on all along.writer played the hubby. wife wasn't happy and this was a way out.

JohnAmalfi4104JohnAmalfi4104about 2 years ago

To the Anonymous who proposed the "bizarro Cagivagurl" story: honestly, I've read that story on here, and enjoyed it, right down to the hormonal imbalance, and I would gladly read another. You should do so.

SunnyU2SunnyU2about 2 years ago

Fix the plot holes in "Best Friend’s", please!

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 2 years ago

It’s a well written story. The problem is under the same guidelines, you’d try the husband for even less. You can’t find two women, that would be OK if their husbands acted like she did. 4****

Nasty56Nasty56about 2 years ago

I don’t get how a supposedly “loving wife” went from to murderous bitch mode in such a short time. Making him lose his business just for the kick of it. Testifying against her ex in favour of Graeme…..lots is suspicious in her behaviour. Story doesn’t make sense, even the husband character could have been developed more to understand why he acted like he did…something from his past maybe. Anyway…

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 2 years ago

some time these ppl, then i remember that im on a porn site lol this shouldnt have to small score it has

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Wonderful writing, wonderful story. James worked his ass off to build a business to take care of the family. If she wanted to go to work, work in the family business. She liked to flirt and received top salesperson awards. I doesn't add up.I believe she hid her fucking well, and was fucking her boss and other people. After ruining her husband, she found a younger man that loved sex, because she had a lot to make up for. I would like to read a sequel to this, maybe Saddletramp or Omegaman56 could write one!

enderlocke77enderlocke77about 2 years ago

lol male porn heads dont like female versions lol sexist asses, again a porn site what did i expect

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Interesting story. Definitely has a real feel about it when you know some that allowed extreme and unchecked jealousy ruin lives. He has no one else to blame for his own hatred.

I see the women haters are all fired up as usual on here. Turn the story around and have the husband just out with the boss and wife and dancing once with said boss and they would still blame the woman for reacting just as the dope husband did. Guess when you live in mom's basement and only have contact with other guys that are as dense as James was then you have plenty of time to turn reality on it's head and spew venom at the female half of the world.

uga2001uga2001about 2 years ago

I loved this story. I am in corner of the wife. James is an idiot and destroyed his own marriage for no reason.

The wife deserved better and I am glad she got it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Sorry but not very believable. The husband was mentally ill and the kids did not do anything to help him get better, the family did not have solid foundations *

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Oh oh, someone triggered the btb crowd, yet flip the genders and they’d think it was a masterpiece. Great story

iameaseliameaselabout 2 years ago

Decent enough story. It got a bit redundant at times though.

My major issue, beyond the cop out of not giving us a why at the end, was the cliched trope of the whole family just turning against her based solely on what he said, regardless of what she said.

Other writers pull the same inane crap but usually they turn against the husband and its always annoying, but either way its a weak string in every plot its used in.

This could have been so much more than it ended up being, and generally I expect better from you, and this did let me down.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

FireFox59 hit this one right on the head. In real life James would have snapped and killed all of them when the divorce settlement and civil case went against him. The man you portrayed James to be isn't just going to sit around sulking or running away with his tail between his legs. He's going to lash out and someone is going to get seriously hurt. Anyone that doubts that has never been around men like James. It happens every day in real life somewhere in the world.

timrivtimrivabout 2 years ago

Idiot husband. Deserved all he got.

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

If the stories on here are any indication, men tend to go off the deep end with assumptions and allegations far too often, whether it be BTB or other.

It paints all men in a bad light, and in reality, most men are not that stupid or weak.

DickSnugfitDickSnugfitabout 2 years ago

Well I am sorry but I personally got nothing out of this tale but bitter angst and deep frustration which, naturally I did NOT want, nor do I enjoy the feeling of being let down flat, when I have doggedly persevered to the bitter end, which in the end, was all there was!

I am pleased for the author's sake that not everyone found it as tiresome as I did, but I speak with no animosity, just state truthfully how I feel.

The grammar, spelling, use of language were fine, the writing itself was fine, I just didn't get any interest in the story. Sorry!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

the bitch was guilty as sin. She purposely did that to her husband. She deserves to be tarred and feathered and beaten

MaxiMilfMaxiMilfabout 2 years ago

Great STORY but I think you should write a sequel where James shows the proof of the affair.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

As the King of Siam said: "Tis a puzzlement". We don't know enough about James' past or his drive to succeed and protect those he loves. There had to be a reason for his determination that Erin not become a working wife. Erin's determination to work in spite of James opposition says that she doesn't care what he feels and will get the job to show how she in in control. Both seem to have forgotten how to communicate their feeling and beliefs before the total breakdown of their relationship. If I were James I would be thinking about getting as much cash as possible, give it to his employees and then burn the company to the ground. If Erin wants to follow a scorched earth policy then he can give her all she wants. There should be a reason but neither of them is willing to listen and explain to the other.

nativensdnativensdabout 2 years ago

Sadly I'm disappointed. I usually love all your stories, but this one doesn't cut it. The way you made James into such an ass, without coming back to reality and righting himself in the end. No man would be so delusional and such a hardass. You usually spin a good story that goes back and forth, has the goods and the bads. But not this one. It was all bad from start to finish. I hope I see your better work on future stories.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 2 years ago

I love this author, but I could have done without this story. Life if bleak enough without reading it. What a downer. However, it is very well written and still 5 stars.

012Say012Sayabout 2 years ago

Great! The premise is outstanding and not often used here - People interpreting the same action differently; perhaps, the most common reason for disastrous disagreement. James cannot get beyond his belief that his role is that of provider; his wife working denies his manhood. He cannot let facts dissuade him and ruins himself, instead. An all-time favorite story here, You Can Go Home Again, by Blackrandi1958, has a similar misinterpretation (of a woman leaving to find herself), with a happy ending. Voters here tend to give higher scores to bad women punished by good men. This tragedy, clearly a 5, has no true villain - only a man trapped by his own determination and a bad belief.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Some of the comments are quite... fascinating and sometimes a little disturbing in their outbursts.

The story itself, either coincidental or so contrived, can be read to mean that she was really a "bit lucky" to be such a rising star in the company. But in the end, he had no evidence of her guilt and she had witnesses/legal evidence.

Since the story is written from her point of view, I'm tentatively assuming that she didn't do "the nasty" and he went completely off the deep end.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Consistent from this author. Smart women and moronic men

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Several other commenters have already mentioned this but I just want to highlight it again. Anyone that believes CGurl's fantasy ending to this story where the bitch wife marries a younger man and goes happily from orgasm to orgasm the rest of her life is delusional. A man like James is going to fuck some people up starting with the bitch wife and the little cunt Graeme. CGurl backed herself into a corner on this one and fell flat on her face. James has a set of balls unlike most of the wimpy, cuck husbands she has in her other stories. She's delusional to think James is going to just go away and be a bitter old man. Again she truly has no idea how real men think or function. James isn't going to fold up like an accordion. He's going to come out fighting and fuck the people that wronged him up big time. He's going to be taking some people to the train station. If you don't understand the meaning of that statement I suggest you go watch the the TV series Yellowstone.

taylorsamtaylorsamabout 2 years ago

Wow, excellent story.

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraabout 2 years ago

Like a root canal without anesthesia. It's easy to create drama when one side is all black and the other side is all white. Unlike so many of your other beautiful works, this one dealt with an opposition of absolutes. Mental illness is the only logical explanation for such demonstrably aberrant behavior, and MC's totally abandoning her husband when he was obviously suffering from a deep psychosis paints her in an awful light. Writing was excellent, but the characters were two-dimensional. 4/5.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Why did James react in such an extreme manner, obviously he’s an avid reader of Cagivagurl’s LW stories, enough to make anyone go off the reservation.

Bham487Bham487about 2 years ago

A sad excuse of a story from a writer who doesn’t understand respect. As with all of her other stories she blames the men for being cave men, childish, and being jealous. Usually it’s the women who are in the wrong but she doesn’t see it in her own stories. It’s like she has these ideals of being mature, open minded, and respectful but doesn’t have the experience. The women are usually selfish, manipulative, and very immature. She sounds like the stereotypical millennial, all lofty ideas but no action.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Yeah, yeah. And rainbows come our her bum when she farts.

Buster2UBuster2Uabout 2 years ago

So on obvious to me hinby was threatened by his wifes independence from getting her own job. He was a hard working man and used to being a head of his house. The wife knew what she was doing. Destroying her hubby's self confidence by claiming she wasn't doing anything wrong. Not in anyone else's opinion but the Hubby's. All she was doing was proving she didn't.need the man that she had been with for 20 years so she shows her appreciation by destroying him. 5 stars

Buster2UBuster2Uabout 2 years ago

She wasn't a decent woman at all. She was heartless and manipulative to the max. She knew exactly what she was doing and totally destroyed the man that supported her and her children for 20 years

Rw43Rw43about 2 years ago

Further thoughts:

Neither spouse actually loved the other, in spite of 20+ 'happy years.' They shared common goals at first, so each took advantage of the other's strengths, and I'm sure that at times they compromised in order to keep the peace train rolling.


So frankly, it was naive of them to think they were going to reach their dotage without some hiccups in their life goals. We can blame James for intransigence re. Erin's job, but Erin is the one who sought to change their family dynamic without adequate discussion. Sure, it never should have snowballed from there, but Erin should never expect support or congratulations from a man whose approval she never cultivated in the first place. That in itself is a divorce-worthy offense. So if this didn't cause their breakup, some other disagreement would have.


This is not an unusual dilemma. I find it very realistic. But you Aussies and Kiwis are supposed to be better communicators than your English progenitors.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


I love your stories, but I honestly think you let this one get away from you. It seemed to me that this just stopped without a real ending. There needs to be an explanation of why he was so upset about her getting a job.

Did it have something to do with something between his parents ?

Was he just a total closet misogynist ?

It just seemed to limp off into the sunset unlike any of your other stories.

I will continue to look for stories by you… maybe you'll even pick this one up and tell it from his side in explanation of his actions.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

This author is mentally deranged - 1*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

She was fucking her boss. I don't believe the bitch. To bad hubby did not have an ax.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Well written but a strange disturbing story.

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowabout 2 years ago

Where's there smoke, there's fire. There was definitely smoke...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

James is a dick....

WetheNorthWetheNorthabout 2 years ago
Very well written

However, when she yelled at him 'quite being so childish' I would have walked just from that epithet

centralsquareguycentralsquareguyabout 2 years ago
I love your stories...


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