How My Sister Took Over Ch. 03


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I was moving slow the next morning and was still getting cleaned up when Stacie called to tell me to "get a move on". I dressed and entered the kitchen to find both girls there. Evelyn had made breakfast.

I was told to sit down, which I did. Very carefully, a point not missed by either girl. Stacie began "Okay, you have just undergone a very thorough punishment that has taken you down."

"Yeah, all the way to bedrock." quipped Evelyn. 'My point is," Stacie continued, "This is the first day of our college career. We expect you to embrace it, work hard and excel. While that cock cage and of course you being hairless is going to remind you who is in charge, we want you to think and act like you know you should."

"As long as you act responsibly, do as told, and study hard you don't have to worry about us. Just like for most of the summer until you did that drinking thing and it all turned around on you." said Evelyn. " We both really do want the best for you and expect the best from you." Both girls gave me tight hugs then went upstairs.

I was trying to get my head screwed on straight. I had suffered so much yesterday, the the day between registration and the start of class. Changing my focus was going to be difficult. But I knew what was required.

Although I had a little difficulty (well, to be honest it hurt like hell) sitting in those hard chairs I actually enjoyed my first day of college. Some of the other freshmen appeared even more nervous than I was. Especially as we got the syllabus in each class and realized that on the first day we were already a week behind on reading. I had anticipated that thanks to Evelyn. I sat by them in the classes we shared.

I was already reading when the girls got home. Evelyn made suggestions on how to keep track of assignments and exams. I actually felt pretty good about things the next few days.

Then Ms Hodges called Thursday evening while the girls were fixing supper to remind them I was due to be at her apartment by 6:00 am Saturday morning. When she got home from school, Stacie showed the series of texts and told about the phone calls. I noticed Ms Hodges communicated directly both Stacie and Evelyn but never once with me. Ms Hodges said that if the girls preferred, they could drop me off Friday evening so they could sleep in Saturday morning.

I immediately got indignant and asked why I was expected to 'be dropped off and picked up" and could not drive myself. Stacie replied that she had already had that discussion with her mother. In an email she sent, Ms Hodges stated that a major part of their social development hinged around their control of their significant other especially if that person was a male. Ms Hodges had just declared only a female was allowed unaccompanied access, so one or the other would have to drive me and let me inside. It was up to them to decide which would do it or when just as long as I was at my post by 6:00 am in my designated uniform. I read the email and growled, " I am betting that means nude." Stacie laughed " Apart from the chastity cage, yes."

I said that basically meant one of the girls had to get up extra early to drive me over and have her sleep disrupted or take me over the night before to be a toy that much longer. "What a manipulative bitch!" I exploded. Stacie said, "Mom might agree with that and actually might like your assessment. BUT unless you are saying it directly to her, if I hear you say that again and in that manner, I will slap your balls up into your stomach. You WILL show respect to every female, understand?" I nodded. "I am serious. YOU are the one who submitted to her. Like I told you before you deal with the consequences."

Friday, Evelyn had not come home from school yet. She had been asked to meet privately with Ms Hodges so she dropped Stacie at home and continued on. After a few hours, I wanted to text her to check on her but Stacie told me she would later as she suspected her Mom and Evelyn were busy. Stacie and I had fixed supper before Evelyn got home at almost six. I tried to engage her in conversation, but Evelyn was not talkative. She would only say she and Ms Hodges had a discussion about empowerment and responsibility. I was puzzled and wanted to pursue the issue but Stacie shook her head. Stacie said Evelyn should take some time to contemplate the whole matter and could tell us when and if she was ready. Evelyn nodded.

Over supper I was asked how I felt my studies were going so far and I answered surprisingly well. Only a couple days in and my reading was caught up I had copied all my notes from school lectures over to make them more legible and filled in things I remembered being mentioned so I could go back over the material later. I was all caught up so I planned to just take it easy this evening and maybe watch a movie on my computer. "You can watch one you are caught up with your duties.You have a full day tomorrow." Stacie said. I shuddered knowing what she meant. "Remember, don't argue." Stacie said. "Mom is going to really press she is in charge." I nodded.

By this time I was clearing the remnants of our meal and had most of the dishes rinsed and in the dishwasher as I listened to them talk. I commented again about them having to drop me off at Ms Hodges like I could not be trusted to find my way on time. I had no idea when I opened my mouth what might happen.

"Do you want to talk about trust? Or responsibility? Or thinking through an issue? Let' s take a little backward march over the past few weeks, shall we?" Evelyn declared. Just 3 days ago on Tuesday you were screaming your lungs out while getting your butt blistered for acting on your own decision to take that cage off. "Four days before that on Friday you got your butt blistered for drinking while at a damn class for DUI. That same evening you plopped your balls into a woman's hand and submitted like a bitch agreeing to obey her. Just 4 days or so before that you disobeyed and refused an order and got another spanking while 3 days prior you got yourself the DUI that set all this in motion. And now you are going to start complaining when it comes down to serving your time? NO WAY!!!" She was angrier than I thought she should be. It was MY ass on the line after all.

"I don't know if it just takes you three or four days to forget. OR now that because you have your dick locked up and can't jerk off, the sperm is building up and clouding your brain." What is going on here?, I wondered. What sparked this tirade?

Evelyn stepped up to me and poked me in the chest hard as she hissed. " Just who gave up control to whom at the end of last school year? and in writing for that matter? Answer me!!"

"I did," I admitted sheepishly, " to you."

" Damn straight you did. And now you are making ME look weak and ineffective. Like I can not handle your butt"

"Well, that is going to change right NOW. I will bet you did not log your activities on Monday like you were supposed to, did you? I know I did not take any pictures and I doubt you took selfies after you went to bed. Did you even write a report?" I shook my head.

"Well,instead of any movie, here is what is going to happen tonight. You are going into your log in a few minutes and catch it up completely. Since you don't have any pictures to illustrate with, you will compose such a detailed accounting that I will have a movie running in my head as I read it. If I do not like what you write, you will get another story to add when you get home tomorrow evening. And I mean in addition to what happens with Ms Hodges.

"Am I perfectly clear? Do you understand?" She demanded. I nodded. She reached down and grabbed my cage and shaking it, said she might have to do like Ms Hodges and squeeze my balls to get a full answer."

I quickly answered. " I understand. I will get it done." She nodded and walked away, going upstairs to cool off.

I turned to Stacie who had observed it all and asked what all that was about. Stacie said she had an inkling her Mom's talk today had a lot of influence.

I worked diligently for the next few hours, recalling every detail I could remember of my activities Tuesday. I even described performing for Ms Hodges licking her to multiple orgasms, or as she called it "earning the cage seal". And of course the milkings that followed. I finally felt I had done a good job and offered to show Evelyn. She handed me a flash drive and told me to make a copy for safekeeping. When I returned the drive, I was ordered to my room to take a shower and then wait. She would talk to me after she had the chance to read my log entry.

I was out of the shower and laying on my bed when Evelyn entered and told me to remove my tshirt and underwear as she felt it appropriate for me to be nude during our talk. Reaching into her pocket she showed me the small key and said it was one that came with the cage. Ms Hodges had given it to her this afternoon. " Today Ms Hodges made me earn it."

"Ms Hodges suggested a couple activities for me to reassert my position. The first was for me to remove the cage and put your cock in the palm of my hand and give it several sharp swats with either a ruler or better yet, a strap and suggested a belt might work well." I was horrified she would consider that. "Then we talked about giving you the opportunity to prove you could be a good boy on your own." I said I would prefer that..

Evelyn told me to get on wide spread knees with head and chest on the bed in the position I should know well by now.. I started to plead.. She said it was going to happen and my choice was now or after having my penis punished. I began to breathe hard trying to control myself and then broke down sobbing in humiliation. I remembered Ms Hodges suggesting a few nights ago that Evelyn take advantage of having a male at her disposal to examine sexual anatomy and here she was going to do it.

I reluctantly and slowly got into position..Evelyn tapped the inside of my thighs to make me spread even further then reached up and lightly tapped my scrotum with her fingertips saying. "Do not move. I will be right back to drain these." She returned within seconds from the kitchen holding a large tube of lubricant and latex gloves.

Stacie followed her into the room. "I want to watch. I have never actually seen it done."

I felt the bed sag as Evelyn got behind me. Without saying a word she started to prod my hole, Then without any warning jammed her fingers inside. I squealed loudly at the sudden pain. "I think you are supposed to work them in and lube him up first," said Stacie from the side, I could feel her breath as she got close to see.

"Well, he is lubed now," Evelyn stated as she worked her fingers in and out a few times. Then "Let's see... is this it?" My anguished groan told her she had found the target. "Yep, that's it... just like your Mom described" Then she her ran fingers back and forth and pressed harder than I cared for.

I could not even finish my complaint, "Not so hard...nnnnggghhh!!!!..." as it turned into a moan as suddenly semen began to pour out of my flaccid penis.

"Keep going!" urged Stacie. "That is totally cool!" I thought Evelyn must have pressed and rubbed my prostate flat.

When Evelyn withdrew her fingers I flattened myself on the bed, wanting so much to reach back to cup my rectum even though I knew it would not help. "That was too hard!!", I complained.

"It worked though', laughed Evelyn.

"Sure did!" exclaimed Stacie, "Look at all this." Stacie held out a cupped hand containing my load.

As I lay there listening Evelyn slapped my butt and told me to get up and turn around. They discussed the amount and consistency of my discharge. I was sure Evelyn had never touched the stuff before. She asked Stacie about the amount as she had only seen a man ejaculate on videos and wondered how much was staged and also since this was not sprayed all over, it looked like a lot. Then Evelyn said, "Your mom says she makes John lick it up. Think we should?"

Stacie suggested, "I think you ought to taste it since this is your first. No, not with a finger. Bend down and just stick your tongue all the way in to both feel it and taste it." I had rolled onto my side now to watch. Evelyn shrugged, bent over opened her mouth and stuck her tongue into Stacie's hand. Like the bride feeding her husband wedding cake, Stacie crammed her hand up smearing the cum into Evelyn's opened mouth and nose and across her face. "EWWW!" Evelyn yelled and grabbed Stacie trying to hold her to wipe her face onto the other girl's. They laughed and wrestled with each other a bit.

I would have been amused if circumstances were different. Both girls laughed and then kissed. Evelyn grinned and said now she has tasted sperm and it isn't bad but would not want to make a meal out of it. The girls said they were going to wipe their faces and would be right back. I asked if i could get up and clean up and they said no. "Ms Hodges said we should do it at least a couple times but suggested we allow you a little while to rest in between." When I moaned, they laughed.

Stacie claimed a turn and I begged her to not be rough. As she got in place behind me she commented seeing signs of a little hair and remarked it would not be long before I would need another full body wax. She was a little slower going in than Evelyn, then teased me asking how I liked being finger fucked as she slid her fingers in and out. Then she got down to business and in no time I had ejaculated again. Once again they started making observations on consistency and volume.

By the time I was allowed to shower and go to bed later, each girl had made two assaults on my prostate and pronounced me "milked and emptied.'

When I got u the next morning my anus itched a little from all activity the night before but I had no pain. The only thing that still hurt was my pride. I really hated being made to submit to a milking once much less multiple times. That was how I explained it to Stacie as we drank our coffee. I really did not want this discussion but Stacie had insisted. I sat nude. My clothing laid on a chair. I would be allowed to get dressed soon as I was due at Ms Hodge's house.

"I gotta say it was super arousing to see it done and totally empowering to do it," Stacie offered.

"Not for me," I grumbled. Stacie just shrugged and said she and Evelyn had a little talk late last night. Evelyn's meeting with Ms Hodges had left her feeling ineffective in her role as disciplinarian. She had let her position slip and had resolved to reaffirm it.

"You know she threatened to hit my dick!!" I said. Stacie nodded and told me Evelyn fully intended to do it too if she had to reinforce her position. She and Ms Hodges had discussed ways to make it sting without doing damage.

"Mom spanked Evelyn and apparently made her lick her too. That was how she earned her key." Stacie said.

"How did you earn your key?" I laughed. Stacie glared. I wondered how far Ms Hodges would go to establish herself as the top woman.

Stacie told me she and Evelyn discussed an early movie later. I said I wondered if I would be invited as she had made it sound like it was just the two of them going. Stacie laughed and said that was in reference to one of the things that her mom had said to Evelyn. Ms Hodges said something like if the girls wanted wanted to go out on a date, she would "be happy to babysit your boy."

"Great. that was a real boost to my ego," I muttered. Then I realized what that might mean. "You aren't saying you are going to leave me over there this evening? I'm supposed to be finished at six!!" Stacie shrugged and said she would do her best to pick me up on time.

Evelyn came downstairs. She had heard this last part. "If we go, we'll try to be finished on time since you were such a good boy last night." I came very close to a retort, and barely managed to not even show any facial expression. I knew Evelyn was in the mood to pounce on the slightest negative response on my part. I did not want to arrive at ms Hodges' house with a reddened butt. I just nodded and said, "sure".

They delivered me a few minutes early and accompanied me inside. Evelyn pointed out the sheet on the kitchen counter she told me would be waiting. It was a list of duties, the first stating "make a pot of coffee and bring me a cup at 6:00 or as soon as it is brewed". I was told to strip, fold my clothes and put them away in a lower cabinet. Evelyn said she intended to go back to bed for a while and they left.

I walked into the bedroom precisely at 6:00 to find Ms Hodges waiting, fully awake. I suspected she had heard my arrival. The bed covers were pulled back and she lay there in a nightgown that covered her to the mid thigh. She pointed to the nightstand indicating where I was to place the cup. "Let's begin our day with a kiss," she said, patting herself on the crotch.

Before she set me to my work, she looked close at my chastity cage and commented it had the plastic seal she had attached Tuesday, so she knew the girls had not decided to remove it. "Did she milk you well?" I nodded. Then she had me recount the event. I could tell she was getting aroused with my telling as her nipples obviously erected again under her gown.

She worked me hard that morning cleaning but I did not mind the labor. What I minded were her comments like when she came up behind me while I was bent over cleaning the tub. She would say something like how seeing my butt wave around while I scrubbed tempted her to want to 'stick something into that little hole.' Or how my cock and balls looked when I was vacuuming the floor aroused her and she might need a little relief. I knew any reaction on my part would only egg her on. And if I did NOT react she would up her game. I resolved to concentrate on what I was doing.

The closest I came to a reaction was when she told me I needed to use enough supplies to get the job done properly but not to waste anything as she was charging me for the disposables. When I questioned that she said of course my work did not include the cleaning materials so she would keep track of the dollar amount, retaining all receipts, and would add that at the end. I would owe her a day for every fifty dollars of supplies I used. I would have to manage materials wisely. I was not sure how much the supplies cost but could tell that I needed to be careful. I came close to asking if she also intended to charge me for coffee and meals but restrained myself. I would find out sooner or later. I wondered if the girls knew about this and had just not told me.

For the most part she left me alone, watching television or occupied on her computer. But I could tell she was evaluating my efficiency. I had just removed all the dishes from the dishwasher when Evelyn and Stacie arrived to pick me up. Ms Hodges praised my work and said her apartment had not been this clean in a long time. I was told to get dressed so I could go home.

I was just putting my shoes on when Ms Hodges added. "Oh by the way, I was busy today and just did not get around to giving John another milking. I know it has only been a day. But you know boys. They jerk off daily if they could. I blushed when I heard the girls snicker and Evelyn said she could take care of me. Then Ms Hodges told Evelyn she had something for her and handed her a bag. I watched as Evelyn reached in and pulled out a black leather paddle identical to the one Ms Hodges had. I knew this was a different paddle as it still had the tags attached. From the way the bag sagged I could tell there were other items but Evelyn did not disclose the rest of the contents.

Upon our arrival home, I could tell the girls had been cooking. Vegetables were simmering on the stove and there was something in the oven. The table was already set and I was told to sit as Stacie pulled salad bowls out of the fridge. As we ate they had me recount my day. Stacie was surprised the only time her mom had me "give her a kiss" was first thing in the morning. The girls stated they had spent most of the day working on their papers and then decided on making a big meal and had even cooked and froze extra meals for later in the week. They opted to not see that movie.
