How to Make a Sissy


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Note: Here is one of those complications moments! Are you jealous of the fact your husband shot so hard and willingly down someone else's throat? If you are, good luck turning him off this path, now. If you try to turn him aside now there's a really good chance he will just be a crossdresser and get other crossdressers and transgirls to suck and, possibly, fuck him behind your back!

Once you have had a satisfying orgasm (or have pretended to. Just one, you greedy bitch! ). You need to keep his attention on you, and away from Abby, until he's ready to go again.

Once you have him to the stage where all he can clearly think about is his need to come again you can ramp up his conversion from 'unwilling but willing to allow it because he's horny and needs to come' to 'willing participant'. So drop down to the part of 25x where you're standing next to Abby holding your man's cock.

25x. This first part assumes he won't let Abby suck him off, just yet, but hasn't freaked out either. If he has, this part won't be needed.

If he refuses don't push the issue here. Very soon he'll be doing a whole lot more than letting some 'cock in a frock', blow him. He'll be inside her ass!

Continue to ramp up his need to come as high as you dare. Once you know he's almost at 'that' critical stage tell him to stand up. Move yourself across, next to Abby. Position yourself on the couch in such a way that you're that you're kneeling facing the back of the couch with your ass towards your man. Spread your legs and lower your hips so your ass is level with his groin. Hold the hand that isn't closest to Abby behind you and open and close it a few times.

If he doesn't get the hint tell him "Put your beautiful girlie cock in my hand, my gorgeous Becky girl!" Then say, "Fuck Mama's hand, my sexy slut girl."

Be careful to not let him come, remind him not to, if you think it's necessary.

Instruct Abby to get up beside you in the same position. Once she is in place pull your skirt up above your thong and pull hers over her briefs as well. Let go of your man's cock and say to him. "Fuck me my beautiful lesbian lover!"

Reach back between your legs, pull your thong aside and spread your pussy lips if you can reach.

There's a pretty good chance he's going to try and slip it in your ass. Do not let him! Yes he's still going to try! 

Time to combine telling him to 'fuck me harder' with telling him how good it feels and "Don't you dare come yet, bitch!"

Allow yourself to come on her cock and be loud about it (you'd better hope all the edging practice you've been making him have works).

Just one, you greedy bitch!  Too much longer than that and there's no way he's going to be able to hold on!

Once you've come, push him off you, grab his cock and stand up next to Abby dragging him with you.

Make sure you're both pretty close to Abby so that you're looking down at her back and the top of her ass, not at the globes of her ass.

Play with her ass over her briefs as he watches, slip your hands a little way into her briefs, look at him with a serious expression and say to him "Feel her ass baby! Doesn't she have a sexy ass? Not as sexy as yours, but still really nice though, huh?

Place one of his hands on her ass.

If he seems hesitant don't let him think! Get his cock in your mouth and a finger on his rosebud as quickly as you can so he goes back to just wanting and needing to come, then try again.

Once he's openly feeling Abby's ass pull her control brief down so the cleft of her ass and the top of her rosebud are showing and say "I want to watch you fuck her in the ass, baby."

You want him to fuck her in the ass because she doesn't have a pussy, remember? He should be keen to go for it because he hasn't had anal since you started him on this journey.

"You've been so good to me, baby, I want to give you what you've always wanted, another woman to fuck at the same time as me!"

Assume it's a given that he is going to want to fuck her and pull Abby's briefs down.

This is why you told Abby to put her hand over her cock cage when she felt her control brief being pulled down. In a standing position her caged dick and balls won't be obvious.

Start to guide his cock into her ass. Give him a lot of quiet encouragement. "Do it, baby! I want you to have her. Your cock looks so big against her hole. Fuck that sexy ass for me, please, baby? I'm going to stick my tongue in your ass as soon as you're inside her!"

You have once again reached a critical point. If he suddenly slips out of Becky mode and back into Brian, both you and Abby, are in deep shit! Even if he doesn't assault her, and possibly you too, your marriage is, most likely, done!

I warned you right at the beginning, remember?

25y. He fucks a 'man'.

If he slides into her you need to make sure he absolutely gives it to her. That he 'slut fucks' her. You want him to give her an absolute pounding! So be as vocal in your encouragement as you can. Egg him on and get him as lost as possible in the moment and the sensations.

Once he establishes a solid pounding rhythm instruct Abby to start getting loud too. Say to her "Doesn't Becky's cock feel so good in your ass, you slut? Sluts like you love a good anal pounding, don't you? Tell me how good having your slut arse fucked feels!"

Threaten that you're going to make Becky stop and fuck you instead, if she won't.

Once you can tell he's getting close to orgasm. Squat down behind him and tongue his ass until it's well lubed.

I know I said earlier to never 'make him come' but... rules... blah blah!

Stand up and slip a finger into his ass, try to reach his prostate if you can. Put a hand on his ass, lean forward and say "Fill that slut up with your girlie cock juice, Miss Becky Cockslut! Own that bitch's ass, make her slave to your beautiful girl cock!"

Continue to finger his ass until he shoots his load deep into her ass. As he comes, finger him a bit harder, and keep talking dirty to him until he's shot most of his load into her ass. Before he has totally spent his load push Abby off your man, lie on your back on the couch and guide him into your pussy. Clench down on his shaft with the walls of your pussy, pull his head down to yours and give him a big hickey on his neck and beg him "To fuck shit out of me!"

This is why you insisted on her douching. Abby's ass, and therefore your man's dick, is clean.

Try to ride him all the way back to hardness again but, regardless of how hard he is, make sure you come at least once (pretend blah blah!). Make absolutely no complaint if he goes soft just use all of your finely honed skills to get him 'bubbling along again' as soon as possible.

This is the reason I've had you denying him orgasms, keeping him sexually frustrated and having him edge for long periods of time. It's so that he's going to be unable to think about much more that his urgent need to come at these crucial points.

It's time for his conversion from someone who is 'unwilling but willing to allow it because he's horny and needs to come' to 'willing participant'.

The above (25v to 25y) will be where the two scenarios merge. The one where he did go and change with the following one, where he refused.

In some ways this scenario is actually easier as it's a lot more direct and involves a lot more emotional blackmail. The risk is that he's no longer willingly going along with things because he's horny and doing what you want gets him lots of release. Instead, you're going to be forcing him to your will so there's a lot more chance of resistance and that he snaps out of the sexual trance you've woven him into and will want to go back to being 'Brian'.

  1. The other scenario.

If your man refused to go and get changed you need to wrap this visit up as soon as is politely possible. Send Abby to get changed and escort her to the door. Apologise for nothing happening but that you'll keep working on him until he comes around and to stay in touch.

Make sure you stay in contact with her because you're going to need her again at some stage in the future.

Your man is currently holding doubts about what is going on, and all the things 'you have made him do' right now and he's out of his cage, remember? So you're going to need to get him horny and making love to you as soon as possible.

Yes I know I said to never let him fuck you unless blah blah... but you're in an emergency situation here and unless you want to lose all your hard work and not complete his transformation you need him 1)horny 2) Thoroughly enjoying a good fuck and 3) Back in his cage ASAP!

  1. Getting him back on track.

Once you've finished satiating him venture a smile and offer him his cage. If he refuses don't make any kind of fuss about it at all. Just put it down in his dresser, hug him, lie with your head on his chest and ask him what's going on? Listen to him carefully and quietly while you continue to stroke his chest and stomach (stay away from his dick), play with his pecs (not his nipples) and squeeze his biceps. He'll have a litany of complaints. He's not a pooftah so why do you keep insisting he dresses like one? Why the fuck was there some fucking sissy faggot in his home? And 'I don't want to do any of this shit anymore so it ends now!'

FFS! Remain calm! He's spoiling for a fight so he can exert his masculine dominance over you with aggressive behaviours and tones and volume. If he starts yelling tell him you're going to go sleep in the spare room and you'll discuss it some more in the morning when he's calm.

Remember men are like steam engines blah blah!

Once he's wound down sit up facing him and say "I dress you pretty because I like it and it makes me horny and the more often, and sexier you dress, the hornier I get! Don't tell me you don't like it when I'm horny! Because we both know that's bullshit!

I know you're not a pooftah, honey, no pooftah could have fucked me as well or as often as you have over the last few weeks (months/years if it's been that long).

Abby was here, at our invitation (reminding him that he said "yes" when you asked if you should invite her over), because I thought meeting someone else who does the same things we do would make it more normal for you and that you'd be less weirded out about it!"

Now you need to look sad and say "Of course you can put all of this away and we can stop playing sex games if you want to give all this up. Your choice!"

Change to a severe expression. "But if you think our sex life is going to go back to the way it was before you have another think coming, Mister! I like being pleasured, I like you making me come first and I like you cleaning me up with your tongue afterwards and you're going to keep doing it or you're not getting anywhere near me!"

You make the demands about your sex life not going back to what it was so you, at the very least, get something out of this whole charade.

"Now, are we going to continue our fantasy sex games, or am I sleeping in the spare room until you've calmed down?"

Silence is once again your friend here. Casually cup and push up your breasts to remind him what he's going to be missing out on

You're at another of those crucial points here. He needs to willingly admit to you that he wants to continue. If he won't, you've lost not only this battle, but the war!

The below assumes he has caved and said he wants to continue. If he doesn't cave then let's hope your marriage survives this experiment and he continues to make love to you properly for the rest of your time together so you've at least gained some positives out of it!

  1. On this path you're going to need to go down the woman on woman route.

You'll need to take a female lover and enjoy it in other words!

So you can use that to emotionally blackmail him into allowing you to add an extra male in during one of your play sessions. So here's what you do.

Probably on AMM, but definitely on one of the more kinky dating sites, purchase a full 3 month membership for yourself and your hubby (as a couple) and look for as beautiful a female playmate as you possibly can.

Note: Often what a woman considers attractive in another woman is completely different to what a man finds attractive in a woman so make sure he chooses your potential lover (if he's not attracted to her he won't want to have sex with her).

Another note: The men outnumber the women on these sites by a factor of about 125 to 1 so any woman you approach is going to have to wade through 100s of messages every day to find yours, so make sure it's a good one!

You don't really care if she's married, single or other, just that she is 100% bisexual and willing to play with you and your man alone (her hubby or partner is not invited, for now).

Again, this is no time for someone who is inexperienced or 'bicurious' you want someone who is really into FFM sex!

28a. First contact with your potential female lover.

Once you've made contact with someone who seems willing to help you experiment ensure she knows that "Yes, you are doing this for your husband but you really want to try because you think it might be fun!"

If you're not going to even try to enjoy yourself then don't bother with this charade. It's time for you to cave and hope some of the lessons on how to sexually please you hold!

Get to know her a little through messages and at least 2 phone calls then ramp things up some. See if you can't get into a little flirty chat with her. Ask her what wicked things she would like to do to you and imagine them happening and see if you can't get at least a little turned on. Make sure she knows that you're a complete newbie so you're not sure how far you can go but that you're willing to give most things a go!

Invite her over to your place for a chat. Explain to her that your man will be there but emphasise to her, and to your husband as well, that it will be only for a chat and a couple of drinks so you can both confirm there is some sexual chemistry between you. Confirm with her that she is, at this stage, only going to get to play with you and only you and only if both you and she think it will be good.

I mean sexual chemistry between you and her! Not you and him and her or between him and her. You have to know you can allow this woman to make love to you and that you can return the favour eagerly!

For this to work you need your man to be Brian for the duration of her visit, so normal male clothes, except for his knickers, of course. Take his cock cage off for him.

When she turns up (I'm going to call her Ann for convenience sake) offer her a drink and a seat on your lounge. Sit as close to Ann as you and her both feel comfortable with, but keep in mind that you'll need to eventually move close enough to touch and even kiss her if it feels right. Talk about this and that until you both start to get to know each other a little and relax.

Allow yourself to start getting a little turned on. Imagine how soft her lips will feel when she kisses you. Think about how hard your man is going to get seeing you two kiss and how all of this is going to lead to you being serviced by numerous big dicked bulls.

If Ann and/or the situation you're in is not turning you then there is no chemistry between you two and it's time to wrap it up and send her home.

It's okay to do this once or twice but you're going to have to choose someone and follow through with your 'promise' sometime soon or you're just fooling yourself and it's time to pack it in and give up on this project.

Move a little closer to Ann and touch her hand then take hold of her hand and snuggle in a little closer. Lay your head on her shoulder and sigh. Give her a little soft kiss on her neck.

Remember that your man is beside himself right now. He won't be able to believe his eyes and is probably about to lose his load into his knickers and, it's probably all he can do to not race over and join in, so you need to bring this to a fairly quick close.

Share a soft gentle kiss with Ann and turn it into a passionate one.

This is where it may become difficult for you as you need to be the dominant one with Ann just as you are with 'Becky' and 'Abby'. So suck it up, Princess, and hold the ultimate goal firmly in your mind and go for this!

Turn towards Ann and pull her to you. Kiss her passionately and play with her breasts through her clothing. Get into what you're doing for about 3 minutes then pull back, straighten your outfit up, glance at your husband and say primly "Well that's enough of that! This was only for a drink and a chat, remember!"

Be warm about it but show her out of the house.

Take your man to bed and fuck him hard. Ride him to as many orgasms as you can have, be loud about it!

Yes, I know I said above that you should never have vaginal sex with him except on special occasions and that you should never 'make him come. But you're in a different scenario here and you need him stay unaware of what you're actual goal is. Besides, this is a special occasion! You've just experienced your first kissing and petting session with a woman! Or was it? 

Let him come inside you, make him clean you up and hand him his cock cage. He will try to protest, of course, so say 'Nah ahh! My man! If you're going to turn me into a pussy licker (carpet muncher, mutt growler... pick your epithet) then you're going to give me what I want and having you in this makes you give it to me!"

Demand, with absolute conviction you will be obeyed, that he puts it on.

Cuddle up with your man and say "That was actually pretty hot (kissing and petting Ann). I started to get into it there for a bit before I remembered whom I was doing it with."

Pause for a few seconds and ask "What do you think? Shall I get her over again and let her take me to bed?"

You should be toying with his cage and nipples whilst you are saying this. Try to make him think you're contemplating taking his cage back off so he can fuck you again.

Of course he's going to say yes so invite Ann over on the following Saturday night. Explain to her that things are really going to heat up this time and she's going to get to play with both of you for absolute certain, in fact you want her to screw your man that night!

28b. Arranging the scene so you can blackmail him.

All week you are going to absolutely drive your man sexually nuts. Spend as much time as you can winding him up sexually and try to keep him in a constant state of arousal and frustration (because he is caged and can't get relief.)

Confide in him that you keep having dreams about kissing Ann, cupping her breasts in your hands then ravishing them with your tongue. Make him use his tongue to service you at least once, preferably twice, a day. Refuse to tell him what's got you so hot. If he asks if it's Ann smile shyly and say "Maybe". Ask "Would you like to fuck her? Tell me the truth here, baby! I saw how hard you were and how it was all you could do not to jump on the couch with us!"

Make him admit he would love to then say "I think I might have to lock you in the cage on Saturday to make sure you don't forget yourself, what do you think?" and laugh wickedly.

Remind him again that your deal is that you would agree to 'play' with a woman for his visual enjoyment not that you were going to let him fuck some slut in the pretence of encouraging me to have lesbian sex because I might enjoy it! Then hesitate for a second and ask "Unless you'd like to find a guy to fuck me first? Seeing as I've found a woman, wouldn't that be fair?" And laugh outrageously as if it was all a big joke.