Hungry for Love


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"Sure we can't salvage some of it?" I wrote back. "I worked on that thing all night."

Almost five minutes passed, during which the "Alice is typing..." message popped up several times. Finally I got a "I'll do my best."

I sighed. Well, to be honest, the entire thing had been stupid from the beginning. Guess it was best to cut my losses there and move on.

"Don't bother too much. I know that I'm not the best essay writer. Just do whatever you think is best."

Alice took some time to respond again, but at least this time she didn't go into ten re-writes to make sure she didn't hurt my feelings too much.

"I will. And don't be too harsh on yourself. There's some good basics in there. With a bit of practice I'm sure you'll do a great job in the future."

I wrote a "thanks" back and put my phone away. There was a giant list of things I'd rather think about than the fact that eventually I'd have to write more essays on my own.

I'd made sure to arrive more than half an hour early. Ideally I'd get all the information before the shot, did my job, and still had enough time for some drawn out night action with Trix.

Fera was already there, of course, setting things up. After the usual greetings I saw no reason to beat around the bush.

"Hey, Fera, you don't happen to know anything about succubus masters and how to become one?"

Fera stopped whatever technical stuff he was doing with the main camera. "What's that? Didn't think you'd be the type to settle down."

"Not settle down. I just... some things came up and I want to know all my options."

"Some things." Fera grinned at me. "Are these things perhaps related to the girl you brought last week?"

"Perhaps." Not that I had any chance to hide it.

"And you already want to turn her into your mistress? That's some commitment there." He laughed. Well, if he treated it as a joke, at least he wasn't as likely to ask too many uncomfortable questions.

"As I said, I want to know my options."

"Well, I tell you, it's not an option, unless you're really committed and she's really good." Fera went back to fiddling with the camera.

To him that might've settled it, but I wasn't going to give up that easily. "Okay, but let's assume that I was really committed and that she was really good. What does it even mean, to be a succubus master?"

"Wait, you don't even know that?" With another laugh Fera focused his attention back on me. "Maybe you should just drop the idea for now. Doesn't sound like you're ready to get in this deep."

First Alice and now him. Was there a cubi high school I'd somehow missed to attend where they taught you these things?

"Are you gonna tell me something useful any time soon or are you just going to keep shit-talking?"

"Nothing against a good shit-talk." Fera had apparently finished whatever the hell he'd been doing with the camera and moved on the lighting control. Before he started pushing random buttons or whatever, he looked back at me. "If you really want to know, I can tell you."

"No, I don't want to know. I'm just asking all these questions to keep the air circulating."

"Okay, no need to get sarcastic on me. So, basically..." Fera kept checking the lights as he talked. The constant colorful flashes were kinda distracting. "A succubus master, or, a succubus mistress in your case, I guess, is... just that, really. If you bind yourself to a mistress, then she controls you. Completely."

"So I'd have to do everything she says?"

Fera grinned. "For a start, yes. Or she could literally take over and control your body. She could also control your arousal levels with a wave of her hand. I've heard there are masters who lock up a bunch of cubi and turn them on until they get into a continuous orgy."

I swallowed. That was a ridiculous amount of power. Would Trix abuse it? Well, of course she would. Anyone would. Especially Trix. And especially if she felt that I deserved it. That was a scary thought. Scary, but also kinda intriguing.

"But is it true that I wouldn't need life force anymore?"

"In principle, yes. Your hunger level is one of the things your mistress could control."

That was one way to do it. It left the question if getting your hunger magically set to zero felt as satisfying as consuming life force. Then again, it wasn't as if Fera would know that. Guess I'd have to see. If we actually went through with this crazy idea.

"I see. So... how does someone become such a mistress again?"

Fera turned away from the lighting board. "Cherry, girl, it's none of my business, but please, don't do anything rash. Were talking about serious stuff here. Creating a succubus mistress and binding yourself to her is nothing you do on a whim."

He sounded a lot more serious than before. Must've figured out that this was more than a thought experiment to me.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything unless I'm really, really sure. I just wanted to know that if I became really, really sure, I'd know what to do."

Fera sighed. He'd stopped whatever preparations he had left. "Again: I don't think that's a good idea. But it's your life. And it's not like I can help you much. You'd have to take your girlfriend to the temple of Astarte. Once you're there, the Goddess will test if she's worthy."

"You mean the temple on the cubic plane?"

"Do you know another one?"

So I'd have to take Trix on a trip into our plane of existence. That was going to be fun. Or something.

"And don't get your hopes up. Only a very small number of humans make it through these tests."

Case and point: Alice's uncle.

"And if they don't make it?"

"Then they get to go home in shame, with the knowledge that they're not cut out for this." Fera must've noticed that this sounded too good to be true, because he quickly added "That doesn't mean you can just try it out and no harm done. Astarte doesn't go easy on the candidates. Only send your girl there if you're one hundred percent sure that she's one of the toughest and strong-willed humans there are."

If I was the judge, Trix definitely fell into this category. But at the end of the day she was still a human with all the limitations that entailed. I believed that she had the potential to make it through the tests, but if she didn't want to risk it, I couldn't blame her. And yes, having such a powerful mistress sounded like an exciting adventure, but I for my part would've been perfectly fine to go on as we were and regularly find myself a snack on the side.

"I'll think about it."

"You do that." Fera gave me a wide smile. "Just take care of yourself. I'd hate to see one of my best girls unhappy."

The shooting was fun enough. We did a fresh interpretation of one of the modern classics in cinematic writing: Siren and Vixen were two bully students who ganged up on me, fucked me and forced me to eat them out. We had to do more takes than usual because it was too hard to say some of our lines with a straight face, but by nine o' clock Fera had all the material he needed.

The others asked if I wanted to join them on their planned night club tour, but I excused myself. Trix had already sent me a message telling me that I could come over anytime.

I did a quick detour to my own apartment. After brief considerations I picked my massaging set to take with me. It wasn't too otherworldly to start off with, but still something totally new and exciting for Trix.

The Gods of public transport were on my side once again and it didn't take long before I stood in front of Trix's door with my present.

I was a bit disappointed that Trix didn't open up in an explicitly sexy getup. Or none at all. But, yeah, we still had a bit of talking to do. After a bunch of hugs and kisses we sat down on the bed and Trix made me tell her what I'd learned from Fera. I gave her a quick recap. Of course I didn't leave out what kind of power came with the title.

"Wow, that's crazy," Trix said. "Would you even want me to have this much power over you?"

"Don't you want to? I think it has a lot of sexy potential. You could turn me into your horny sex toy."

"You're already my horny sex toy," Trix joked, but the glimmer in her eyes showed that she was intrigued by the idea.

"Sure I am. But you can always take it a step further. And I'd love to find out what you'd do to me if I belonged to you."

"Aren't you afraid that I'd abuse that power?"

"I'm hoping that you do."

Trix grinned. "You really are my horny sex toy already."

"Yep." I leaned in closer and licked over her cheek. "So, do you want to give it a try?"

Trix pulled back a bit and her tone got more serious. "I'm not sure. It sounds exciting, but... you know nothing about these trials, right? This Goddess of yours could do absolutely anything to me. I mean, that alone is crazy enough: You'd take me to an actual fucking Goddess."

"Not a fucking Goddess. Astarte is the fucking Goddess." My joke fell kinda flat, so I quickly continued. "But yeah, I have no idea what will happen. Alice's uncle survived failing it, though, and Alice would've noticed it he'd gotten all that traumatized. And you've got to know, Astarte isn't a malicious Goddess. I mean, just look at us cubi. We might be sexual predators, but we only prey on people who want us to prey on them."

Trix gave me a skewed look. "Don't you mind-control people to keep them complacent?"

I'd never hear the end of it when it came to the spell. "Yes, but we only start things if the other one wants us to have sex with them. And we can read their auras, so there's no guesswork there. My point is, I don't think Astarte will do anything to you that you really don't want. At least not without giving you an easy way out. She might play pretty hard within your boundaries, though."

"Hmm." Trix idly played with my fingers while she thought. "I mean, it would be cool. And... I guess I'd even like to know what these trials are." She laughed nervously.

"Of course you do." I picked up her hand and kissed it. A kiss that quickly turned into me sucking her fingers. "Because you're the coolest girl I've ever met."

"Thanks." Trix took her hand back and pulled me into a proper kiss. One of her hot, long ones with a lot of tongue.

"I'll think about it," she said when we parted lips again. Her forehead wrinkled slightly. "But unless I do it, you'll have to feed from others, right?"

"That's how it works. But I'll do it like we said. I take what I need and then wipe their memories. No mind-control necessary. They won't even know what hit them."

"Except for the side effects."

"Except for them, yes. But it's not that bad the first time."

Trix sighed. She thought about something for a couple second. "Can you take my life force again? I want to see what you're doing to your food. What it feels like. Now that I know what's going on."

I was less than thrilled by the idea. "You're not fully regenerated yet. If I drain you now, the side effects might take an entire day to wear off."

"Just the better," Trix said. "If after that day I say that it's not all that bad, then we don't have a problem. But if it turns out that its something I never want to go through again, then I have no right to force that experience on others."

"So, if you decide it sucks, you'll give that succubus mistress thing a shot?"

"Do you have a problem with this plan?"

I had the problem that I already knew the outcome. Life force withdrawal sucked, that was just a fact of life. We could've just as well jumped forward to the point where Trix asked me to take her to Astarte's temple.

I told Trix pretty much this, but she shook her head. "I want to try if out anyway. Also, both me and Alice have gone through it once already and both of us made it through without any greater issue. And thousands of people go through it all the time, with all the succubi and incubi and whatever else walking around. So maybe it's not that bad after all."

"You're the boss," I said. My opinion hadn't changed, but at least in one aspect Trix was right: She wouldn't suffer any lasting damage from this experiment. If you asked me, there was no need for her to suffer at all, but if she insisted, I'd let her have her wish.

"Now don't look so down, this is supposed to be fun." Trix put an arm around me, so her hand rested right on my breast. "Come on, show me what you've got in that case you brought."

She was right. No time to be brooding around, there was sex to be had. I got the case and opened it on my lap.

"I call it my massaging set. These here-" I pointed at three clay pots that were wrapped up in a lot of soft silk to keep them safe "are different oils and lotions that all have a fun effect if you get them on your skin."

"And these things?" Trix pointed at the cotton strands at the bottom of the case.

I gave her my naughtiest grin. "Magical comfort restraints. If you wrap it around a part of the body, they stay there. It's completely impossible for the bound one to move them, no matter how hard they strain. And they're so soft that they don't hurt the slightest bit. No rope burns from these babies."

"Fair enough, but why would we even need that many restraints?"

"Believe me, these lotions are something else. If I don't restrain you, you'll flail around so much that you'd be a danger to yourself and others."

Trix swallowed. "They're that bad?"

"No, they're that fun. A bit extreme maybe, but I'm sure you can handle it. And I promise, it'll be the most pleasure you've ever felt in you life."

The spark returned to her eyes. "Sounds scary. But the good kind of scary."

"I knew I could count on you. I'll just give you a quick run down what I have here and then you can pick your toy for the night."

Trix fidgeted around for a moment. "No, I'll take the middle one."

You had to give it to her: She had initiative. And guts.

"Is an informed choice too boring to you?"

Trix grinned maniacally. "It's more fun this way. And if I'm doing this trial business, I'll have to be able to take anything. See it as a rehearsal."

"I see it as a fuckton of fun coming up." I took the middle pot out of the case and opened it. A faint, lemony smell filled the room. "So you've picked your fate and there's no going back now, yes?"

Trix made a sound that was about half a giggle. "Yes."

"Okay, then. Just so you know: You've picked what I call the liquid vibrator. A fun little invention that seeps into your skin and stays there for an hour or two. And whenever I pour some magic into it, well, it's kinda like it vibrates. But under your skin, just where the nerves are."

Trix looked appropriately startled by my words. "But won't that make me come in an instant?"

"I'll do my best to draw it out. But yeah, you should probably try and resist for as long as you can. I don't intend to stop so soon."

"I'd never expect you to." She slipped out of her top, so only a thin black bra hid her firm breasts from me. "In the bed, or is that a bad idea?"

"Why not. You should be comfortable when you get a massage, after all," I said while Trix stripped off the rest of her clothes. "We might need to change the sheets afterwards, though."

"So what?" She let herself fall back into the bed and pushed pillows and the blanket to the side. "How do you want me to lie?"

"Spreadeagled. As wide as you can."

"Of course you'd say that."

Trix gave me a wide grin and stretched her body taut. I took a moment to take in this beautiful picture in front of me. Nothing against girls who were a bit chubby. Just the opposite, really. It made them much more grabbable and I loved holding on to them when we fucked. But I could also appreciate how the tension hid even the last few ounces of fat in Trix's slim body and there was nothing but this firm, muscular flesh sprawled out before me.

I took out one of the shorter cotton strands and wrapped it around her wrist. They didn't have a lock mechanism, which would just get in the way. A tiny touch of magic was enough to merge the ends, so you ended up with a perfect loop, one hundred percent soft everywhere with no irritating edges whatsoever.

"What the fuck?" Trix made a fist and pulled her hand with visible effort, but it kept lying there on the sheets, the loop moving not a single millimeter. She broke her position and sat up, only to find that her right wrist stayed right there, no matter what the rest of her body did. "This is crazy."

"No, this is magic." I kissed down the back of her neck. Gotta take the chance before she lay down again. "And it's really comfortable, isn't it?"

"Kinda." Trix made another fruitless attempt to lift her hand. "I barely feel anything. It's so weird."

"Too weird for you?"

Trix turned around and looked me straight in the eyes. She looked almost threatening, even with her right arm weirdly thrust out behind her. "Do you really think I'd chicken out so easily?"

Her free arm pulled me into a wild kiss. Before she let go again, she bit my lower lip and pulled it back with her teeth. "Go on! I'm ready for anything."

"That's my girl." I flicked my tongue over her lips and shoved her back down onto the mattress. "Back in position!"

Trix followed my command, but she rubbed her legs together a few times before she stretched them out again. I wondered if she'd be dripping before we even started.

Her second wrist was quickly fixated and after a minute I'd finished with her ankles as well. Trix wriggled around in her innocent looking bounds. "You should've shown me these things earlier. They're amazing! I can't move at all."

"Actually, you still can, but not for long." I took one of the longer strands and stretched it over her hips.

"Is that really necessary? I can lift my hips a couple centimeters at best."

"That's a couple centimeters too much. I can't have you thrashing around. At all." Another minute later and she had another strand at her chest, right under her shoulders, and two more around her upper thighs. The last one went around her neck. Trix quickly tried out that it wouldn't constrict or hinder her breathing it all. It was just to make sure she couldn't thrash around with her head and hurt her spine.

"Feeling helpless already?" I asked when I'd finished my work.

Trix flexed her muscles, but except for the tiniest shiver nothing happened. The only parts of her she could still move were her fingers and toes and binding them as well seemed like overkill.

"Feeling exited." Trix's pussy twitched, as if to agree with her. She wasn't gushing, but the first drop already shimmered on her cunt.

I ran my fingers over her inner thighs. Her breath quickened. It's almost like magic, how being totally helpless heightens your senses.

"This is going to get intense," I whispered.

"I know. Now stop stalling and do it already!"

I loved her so much. "As you wish."

Still taking my time, I took out the middle pot, and put a small amount of the blue gel on my fingers. When I moved my hand back towards her thigh, Trix strained her muscles again. She gasped when I touched her and for a few seconds I felt like I could hear her heart beating.

"Calm down. Just relax and enjoy." I spread the gel over her strong thighs and slowly rubbed it into her skin.

After a couple minutes Trix's breathing had slowed down to almost normal. Maybe she'd even calmed down too much, because she asked me when I'd get started.

"So impatient. Don't you like getting massaged?"

A twitch went through her body, which was the full extent of her movement. "It's nice and all, but you promised a bit more."

I hadn't missed how the drop on her pussy had gotten company. Her aura was burning up as well and her skin had already soaked up all of the gel. There was no reason to keep her waiting any longer.

"Whatever you want, milady." I activated the gel.

To an outsider it must've been the strangest sight. Within the fraction of a second and with me not even touching her, Trix went from pretty relaxed to panting like crazy. You couldn't hear or see the "vibrations" and even I only knew they were there because of my magical connection with the gel. But Trix felt them, all right. I let her taste the gel's effect for ten seconds or so before I gave her a break. "Better?"