Hungry for Love


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Trix laughed. It was a shaky, breathless laugh, but she was grinning all the while. "God, that's amazing. I think I could come just from that."

I stroked her sides. "Possible, but pretty unlikely. If you want, we can try it out, though. Turn it on for longer and see what happens."

"Or you just use that stuff on more interesting places."

"And there I thought I'd be nice and ease you into it."

Trix made a laugh that was almost a bark. "You should know me better already. I don't want easy. I wanna see what you've got."

I took the pot again. "Then you won't mind if I get that onto your boobies next."

"I won't mind if you pour it over my pussy."

"I know, but first I want to show you how much fun your breasts can be."

I squirted a generous amount of the gel onto her chest. It would take more time to sink in, but that was okay. I didn't mind running my slick fingers over her tits for a bit longer.

Her being stretched out to the max flattened her already not that full breasts even more. It was a bit of a shame that they were too small to dig into them like I'd have wanted to, but it had a nice side effect. Her hard nipples stood up like little towers on a field. It was impossible not to firmly rub over them with every movement of my hands. And I didn't exactly try to avoid them.

Trix didn't have all that sensitive breasts, but I'd never met a women who didn't melt under my touch when I oiled up and kneaded her tits. No magic needed for that, just some patient, enthusiastic stroking and groping.

She held on pretty well, but when I started to pinch her nipples, she strained against her bounds again. Her pussy shimmered in the dim light and I bent down to shove my tongue into her for a second, my fingers still on her nipples. It would've been a sin to waste her nectar. And she made such sweet noises when she tried to hold back her moans. She could try all she wanted to hide how much I affected her already. There was no fooling an expert like me.

I activated the gel in her breast and all attempts to hold back stopped right there. Her moans came out unabashedly and her impressive muscles bulged on her upper arms. I knew how she felt. I was no stranger to that need to reach for your breasts when they feel as if a thousand mouths suck on them at the same time.

This time I left the vibrations on for longer. She had to learn what happened when you provoked me. Especially when you were so completely at my mercy. After not even a minute her moans got deeper and more and more glistening sweaty spots appeared all over her skin. Her breasts had turned a soft shade of pink from all the blood rushing through them and if anything, her nipples had gotten even more hard and erect.

There was no reason to resist. I took one of them between my teeth and gave it a good sucking. Trix's noises barely changed. Of course not. No matter what I did to her with my mouth, it paled in comparison to the stimulating effects of the gel. But why should I've let that stop me when it felt so good to roll my tongue over her shining red nipples?

Soon a steady stream of "Oh fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuck" joined the moans, barely audible at first, but quickly gaining in volume. Her aura was going crazy. If I kept this up for another half minute or so, she'd experience a bona fide nipplegasm. I turned the gel back to zero. It was far too early for her to explode already.

"Why did you stop?" Trix asked as soon as she'd regained enough breath to do so.

I switched the gel in her thighs back on, just so she wouldn't get bored while I talked to her. "Getting greedy already?"

"It just feels so fucking good." Trix stuck her tongue in the corner of her mouth and tried to move her body. Maybe to thrust her breasts up for me. Maybe to get some friction between her vibrating legs. It didn't matter, since nothing happened except for the tiniest shiver.

"I know." I caressed her sides, my thumb on the bottom of her belly, but still outside any indecent territory. "Enjoy!"

I switched her breasts back on, but not at full power. Enough stimulation to make her squirm, but not too much, so I could let her endure it for a longer time. And I didn't want her explode immediately when I bent down and buried my tongue in her pussy again.

By this point her cunt felt like a wet oven. A tasty wet oven. I grabbed the sides of her ass and pushed in again and again. Not a single hot drop was going to escape me.

I only pulled out when Trix started cursing under her breath again. A quick lick over her swollen clit made her yelp, but I stopped all stimulation before she passed the point of no return.

"Fuck!" Trix strained against the bounds with clenched teeth. She'd be sore all over the next day if she went on like that. "Give me more!"

After everything I'd let her do to me, her helpless frustration was a nice change of pace.

"Don't worry, I will."

I dipped my hand back into the pot and spread more of the gel between her legs. Trix kept panting and cursing as a rubbed her pussy lips between my fingers. It wouldn't have taken this long to massage the gel into them, but I loved Trix's frustration too much to hurry up. And she needed some time to cool down a bit anyway.

When I could no longer pretend that her outer lips needed more work, I dipped two fingers into the gel and pushed them deep into her. Suddenly she didn't mind at all when I took my time to make sure every square millimeter of her cunt got its fair share. Her abs tensed up in the rhythm of my fingers, as if she wanted to push up, fuck herself harder. Not that she could. She'd have to be satisfied with what I gave her.

To finish my work (but not yet my girlfriend) I pulled back the hood of her clit and splashed a drop of the gel right on it. Trix might've cooled down somewhat, but that was gone immediately when I rubbed the gel in with rough circles of my thumb. At the end I had to slow down considerably, or she would've come before I even started the vibrations.

"God, you're such a tease." By this point Trix was sweating all over. Well, we'd have to change the sheets anyway.

"Not like there's anything you could do about it." I switched on the gel. All of it. Just for a few seconds.

The noise Trix made wasn't a yelp anymore. The combined assault on all of her sexy spots at once earned me my first scream of that night.

"God fucking fuck!" Trix followed these words with a breathless laugh. "That's amazing! Do it again!"

Her eye twitched, most likely from the sweat running into it from her dripping brow. I reached up and wiped the worst of it away.

"Don't worry, I will." I stroked over her chin and Trix made a playful lunge at my fingers with her teeth.

I'd have expected that by this point she'd be overwhelmed and maybe even a bit intimidated by how intense magical sex toys got. Seemed like I'd underestimated her once again. If I'd been Astarte, I'd have given Trix my seal of approval without further questions.

Speaking of which, since it was going so well, we could just as well get a little crazier.

"You said you wanted this to be a rehearsal for Astarte's tests, didn't you?"

"Yeah. Why? Are we getting to the hard part any time soon?"

I took out the second pot and showed it to her. "So you think you could handle it if I got a little more... extreme?"

Trix raised a brow, which sent another trickle of sweat into her eye. "Sure."

Her arousal hadn't killed all of her self-preservation, though. "What does it do?" she asked.

"It's a magical orgasm blocker. If I use this, I could vibrate you for ten minutes straight at full power and you still wouldn't explode on me. It'll just be pure pleasure that grows. And grows. And grows."

Trix shivered at my words. Her eyes fixated the pot as if it was the Holy Grail. "But you'll let me come in the end, right? I'll kill you if you don't."

"Of course." I tipped my finger into the pot and showed her a drop of the white cream inside. It felt and even smelt kinda like mayonnaise. "I'd only use a tiny bit. Just twenty minutes' worth or so. Should be enough to build a bit of anticipation."

Trix silently moved her lips. To me it looked like she repeated the words "twenty minutes".

"I promise, it'll be the best orgasm you ever had."

She silently talked to herself for a bit longer, before she declared "Fuck it, just do it."

"With pleasure."

Putting on the orgasm blocker cream was a lot quicker than the vibration gel. For once, I was so exited that I could finally do such a crazy thing with a human that I didn't want to waste any more time. And, of course, there was no risk of Trix orgasming prematurely. I could rub the cream into her clit with all the force I wanted. So, of course, I did just that.

When I'd finished with her breasts and pussy, Trix was panting heavily. Her clit was swollen and shone in an angry red. It twitched in the rhythm that Trix contracted and relaxed her cunt with, in a futile attempt to get the last bit of pleasure that would push her over.

"So, how is it?"

Trix tried to squirm. "It's weird. Like there's this wall. Inside me. And I'm running against it."

I gentle stroked over her pussy lips. "Ready to run some more?"

"Bring it on."

I could talk about how Trix moaned and huffed and cursed while I took turns switching the gel in the different areas on and off. How her pussy turned a hot pink and wept in frustration. But honestly, all that paled in comparison to her aura.

When a human has an orgasm, their aura explodes. Quite literally, really. Like a psychic firework. A nice little spectacle, but you get used to it and most of the time I was too into the sex to even notice it anymore.

I'd never seen what it was like when a human should have an orgasm, but doesn't. Imagine a bomb that's frozen in time the exact instant it goes of. This almost-explosion engulfed Trix's core in a pulsating radiation, kinda like light, only more fizzling.

And it reacted to my actions. When I concentrated the vibrations on her tits, the aura got all sizzling around her chest. When I attacked her cunt, it looked like a volcano, erupting in an ultra-violet time loop. And of course I had to try what happened if I switched everything else off and sent all the magic only in the gel right in Trix's clit.

Even her screams just barely registered as a background to her aura. This was what I expected a nuclear core to look like, a nanosecond before meltdown. If in that same nanosecond the core turned a whole barrel of sugar into caramel. A barrel that's the size of a shot glass. Look, I'm no poet, I can't describe that shit. I only knew that I'd spent my next couple of paintings with a futile attempt to bring this wonder to a canvas.

A bang of bad conscience hit me when I realized that all the time I'd been lost in her beautiful aura, Trix had suffered through more pleasure than a human body was made for. I quickly turned all the gel off to give her a break.

Trix was a mess. She kept screaming and cursing incoherently for minutes to come, until her pleasure finally sank back to a level where her body didn't desperately try to come. The crazy shenanigans of her aura ebbed down as well.

"Everything okay?" I gave her a quick kiss. Her lips were extremely wet, most likely from sweat. By this point there was no hope for the sheets anymore. The wet spot under Trix was already twice as big as she was.

"Or something." Trix sounded a bit hoarse. She was still grinning, though, so it couldn't have been all that terrible.

"You want out?"

"Hell no, we're doing this. I just need another minute." Trix took a couple of deep breaths. Or as deep as possible with a pulse of two hundred or something. "What if I'd picked that pot at the start? Would you've used a normal vibrator then?"

"Nah, I would've just kept massaging you. Teased you for a couple hours. Kept you just the tiniest bit over the edge. You know, fun stuff."

"That would've been torture."

I had to snort. "Oh, and this here isn't?"

"It is. But at least it doesn't make me want to bite your head off." Trix took a moment to get her breath back under control. "So, what now?" she panted. "You gonna use the third stuff as well?"

That girl didn't know when to stop. By this point she had probably more sex hormones than blood in her body. I'd have to slow her down a bit before she overestimated herself too much.

"Nah, that would be too cruel. Our game's plenty fun already."

There was this glimmer in her eyes. The glimmer of so much excitement that it bordered on madness. "So cruel that Astarte wouldn't do it?"

She couldn't fool me. In that moment she didn't give two shits about Astarte, a rehearsal or anything else. She'd tasted sexual delirium and now she wanted a full helping of it.

"We can try." I took the third pot out, but left it closed. "I don't think you can handle it, though."

"Wanna bet?"

Of course I wanted. I was always up for a bet. But I wasn't a cheater. She had to know what she was getting herself into and why I was so sure of my victory.

"Just so you know: That's a crazy strong magical aphrodisiac. It's so powerful, if you get it on the palm of you hand, you can orgasm from a minute of hand holding."

"And it overwrites the orgasm blocker?"

"Of course it doesn't"

Her expression was priceless. It seemed like she finally understood that we were talking about things several levels above her weight class.

"So yeah," I said. "Let's stick to the other two for now."

"No, let's do this."

I stared at her in disbelief. "Did you hear what I said?"

"I did. It sounded like fun." Trix's face was flushed red, but I couldn't tell if it was from arousal or her adrenaline rush. "The blocker doesn't last that long anymore, right?"

"A good ten minutes, I'd say. That'd be ten minutes of mind melting, sex-crazed desperation."

The more we talked about it, the less I wanted to be the one playing the voice of reason. Trix was a big girl. If she wanted it, she should have it. And I wanted it, too. I dripped at the thought of how she'd look, what she'd sound like when the sexy torture gnawed away at her sanity. I'd just have to make sure that she didn't suffer any lasting damage from the experience.

"Look, I'll do it. But if it gets too much -- and it will get too much -- you have to say so immediately. I should be able to suppress the effects with my magic until they fade on their own."

"Sure. But if I make it through the ten minutes, you'll be my bitch for a day and I can use all this stuff on you."

How could I say no? One day as Trix's bitch, getting tortured with orgasms and denial and whatever else she thought up? Hell, yeah! We'd have to figure out some logistics since you could only use my mixtures if you had magic, but that was something we could worry about later. If at all. Because as sexy as it'd be, I didn't see much chance for her to make it.

"Deal. And if you give up, you'll be my pussy slave for a night and lick me for as long as I want."

Trix snickered. "That's barely a punishment."

"We'll see about that. I have endless stamina when it comes to getting oral. You'll lick me until your tongue feels like it'll fall out. And then at least another hour longer."

Trix licked her lips. "Whatever. It's not like I'd lose anyway."

I opened the last pot. Its content was yellowish and almost a liquid. Its musky smell filled the room in an instant.

"Just one last thing," Trix said when I brought my lotion-covered hand towards her. "You'll have to gag me. The walls are thick, but I might get so loud, the neighbors are gonna call the police."

With how loud she'd already gotten, that was a valid point. It would've been easy to use another magical cotton strap for this job, but why not take this opportunity to rub it in how she was totally my bitch now? I turned around so I sat beside her, in the perfect position to comfortably shove my foot into her face. I pulled at her lower lip with my toes.

"That'll do. If you want to give up, just bite down."

Trix gave me a death glare. "Bitch!"

"I love you, too," I said and shoved my foot into her mouth.

She made a garbled moan. Her tongue lay against the ball of my foot, but she stretched her mouth open so wide, that her teeth didn't even scrape over my skin.

We both knew how cruel my little idea was. She hadn't asked for the gag just because she worried about the noise. When the sensations got too much, it helped tremendously if you had something hard in your mouth to bite down on. Now that luxury was taken from her. She'd have to suffer my torments and at the same time fight to keep her jaws relaxed, or she'd lose.

"Okay, then. One... two..." I dropped a tiny amount of the lotion onto her nipples. Within seconds an endless stream of whimpers escaped Trix's throat. I shoved my foot in further to keep her quiet.

"And three." I wiped the rest of the lotion into her drenched pussy lips, making sure to give her clit some love as well. "Remember: If you want mercy, just bite down."

"Aib'ate!" she screamed into my foot. "Aib'ate!"

It took me a few attempts to understand that she wanted to be vibrated. When I got it, I immediately turned the vibrating gel up to the max and her desperate screams turned into wanton moans.

I should've thought about this right away. After all, this was a common punishment method among cubi, if one of us'd been bad: They'd tie you up until you couldn't move at all, used the orgasm blocker in combination with the arousal lotion, and then they'd leave you to serve your sentence. We called it "leaving them to marinate."

I'd only suffered this punishment once, when I'd been caught stealing the toys of another succubus. They'd given me two hours. Two hours with my rock-hard nipples throbbing, my clit screaming and every square millimeter of my skin burning for something, anything to satisfy that insane need. Two hours suspended with my head down. By the end I'd dripped so much, my hair'd been tangled from all the pussy juices that'd seeped into them.

The vibrations might've not made anything better in the long term, but I totally got Trix. Brutal overstimulation was unbearable in its own way, but it was a lot less maddening than being left with absolutely nothing, except for that raging need.

Trix's teeth tapped against my skin several times as she desperately tried to keep her mouth open. My foot was the only thing she had to distract herself from the searing pleasure that tore her body apart, and even though she couldn't bite down, she still used it for all its worth. Never before had I had a human suck my toes with such enthusiasm, lap at my sole with this fervor, gobble my foot as if their life depended on it.

I played with my own pussy while I enjoyed the show, both the crazy mental colors in her aura and the desperate love she gave my foot. Trix must've been drooling, but it was barely even visible with all the sweat running down her skin. She was all tensed up, every part of her body a stunning display of shiny muscles. Her strength made my dominance all that much sweeter. I'd tamed one of the sexiest, most strong-willed girls I knew, reduced her to a moaning mess that couldn't stop sucking my toes. And because she was this strong, her revenge would be all that more terrifying when it was my turn to be her bitch. She'd make me suffer all the torments and humiliations that I'd put her through, and more. And I'd love every second of it just like I loved it now.

This thought drove me over the edge. Trix's moans sounded an awful lot as if she was jealous of my orgasm, so of course I had to rub it in more. Literally. I smeared my stained fingers over her nose and lips, without even taking my foot out of her mouth.

Just then her aura shifted. It no longer felt like a reactor right before its melt-down. The melt-down was already initiated. Maybe I'd used less orgasm blocker than I'd thought. Or I'd spent too much time mesmerized by her aura. Either way it was showtime.