Hungry for Love


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And there were plenty other ways a girl could have fun. I just called up a bunch of the gals, we grabbed something to eat and then went shopping for a bit.

While we strolled through the stores, I had to admit that my heart wasn't all that into it. As much as I'd feasted on Jessica, the hunger shouldn't have been back yet. And I wasn't. Still, all I could think about was my upcoming date with Trix.

Something was weird. It was normal that I looked forwards to my meals. Who doesn't? Especially when it's something this tasty. But I shouldn't have been this eager. There was something about her that my other meals didn't have. Maybe it was just the way she'd been able to keep up with my guerrilla flirting. She definitely had some confidence going on. And she was hot in her own way. Especially when she had this smile on her lips that makes you want to ride her right then and there.

Not that any of this was enough of a reason to shake like a school girl before her first kiss. I'd keep cool and use the time for the important things. What I was going to wear, for example. Not that I was gonna wear it for most of my date. Fera'd have the clothes stuff covered. Still, my outfit was the first thing she was going to see when we met and I also needed to look presentable when I came over to her.

Trix had said something about drawing Space Amazons. I could work with that. Not that it was easy to find stuff of that caliber, but we had all afternoon to hit the stores and it gave me something to do so the anticipation couldn't get the better of me.

If you needed any more proof that there was something wrong with me: I arrived at our meet-up point ten minutes early. Ten minutes early! Like an absolute loser who's starved for attention.

At least Trix had come even earlier. I could see her from afar, pacing up and down the sidewalk. So adorable. And boy, had she given herself a makeover. Well, she still had a bit of an army vibe with her brown hot pants and her firm boots. They had a hint of heels now, though. And her tight top finally gave me a glimpse at her tits. Their size was modest even for my liking, but if they were as firm as they looked, I wasn't going to complain.

She did a little double take when she spotted me. "Wow, that's... something," was the most she brought out in the first shock.

"You like it? I bought it specifically for you."

People liked to lust after me when I walked past, but I'd rarely been so much the center of all attention as I'd been that day on my way to our date. I guess the only reason my outfit was legal at all was, that there exist cosplays which are even sluttier. Not many, admittedly, but still.

"You look incredible. I hope that's okay." She waved her hands over her clothes.

"Girl, you're on fire."

I pulled her into my arms and gave her a nice long kiss. Trix proved once again that she was the best I could've wished for. I loved assaulting my girlfriends like this right at the beginning of our relationship. It was always cute how they froze up and then stare at me with open mouth and shining eyes as if I was the sexy coming of Jesus. Which to them I was, I guess. Not Trix, though. She only took a few seconds to get herself together and kiss back.

When she used her tongue, there was no stopping me. If she asked for it this much, I had to show her what she'd gotten herself into. She did her best to push back, but the tongue war was over in a flash. She was still only human after all. If I wanted to mouth-fuck her, there was nothing she could do.

After at least a minute of hardcore face sucking she finally looked like I'd given her a sexual epiphany. "Wow. Can all porn stars do this?"

Welp. Maybe I should've held back at least a little bit. Having a tongue that's potentially three times as long and ten times as strong as it should be was great, but it also made it much too easy to get carried away and do stuff that shouldn't be possible.

"Nah, that's my special technique."

Trix didn't question it anymore, so maybe I hadn't gone that overboard. Or I'd overwhelmed her enough that she hadn't noticed. God, it was time I got her under my spell. This whole charade was such a hassle every time.

"So we're really together now, hm?" She almost managed to keep her cool when she said it.

"That's the point of a date, isn't it? From now on you can do with me whatever you want."

"And if I want to kiss you again?"

How could I've said no when she looked at me with this naughty smile?

Being almost discovered once was enough, so this time I held back a bit. Trix didn't. She pushed her tongue into my mouth with a force like she'd spent all her life eating pussy. As I struggled not to suffocate on her love, she reached around and grabbed my ass with both hands. And when I say grab, I mean she really dug into my cheeks with her fingers. Of course I couldn't just stand there and take it.

If we hadn't been out on the streets, there was no way this kiss wouldn't have led us directly into sex. We felt each other up until we couldn't think straight anymore, but neither of us wanted to give up, so we kept going at it like two bunnies in heat until we finally had to break it off, if only because we both needed to breathe.

"Are you always this fiery with your girlfriends?" I asked her. Going by her aura, she'd had just a handful of partners yet. Her lips spoke a different story.

"If I can. But most girls get intimidated if I'm like this."

"Lucky that I'm not like most girls, then." I took her by the hand. "The rest's gonna have to wait, though. Gotta go to work."


That small step she made towards me. She wanted to kiss me again. I licked my lips, just to tease her even more before I took her to the studio. Not that I didn't want to kiss her, too. I did. Almost a bit too much. No human should have such sexy lips. But it was the same thing as why I'd left her alone after our coffee. Anticipation is a powerful weapon. Get the fire burning in her so she's blazing hot by the time I gave her what she wanted. And I didn't even need to read her aura to know how hot the fire burned inside her. It was just a bit scary how much I was burning as well.

We walked to the studio hand in hand, like the adorable, sexily clad couple we were. Trix didn't say much as I led her through the door into the inconspicuous building. We were a porn studio, not a brothel, so we didn't need to broadcast what we were doing to the world. Okay, actually, that was exactly our job. I meant that the outside of the building didn't have to give a hint as to what was going on inside. Anyway.

"Hi, Fera! Hope you don't mind that I brought my girlfriend with me. She's a premium member, so I figured she'd love a backstage tour. So yeah, Fera, that's Trix, Trix, that's Luzferato, our director, but everyone calls him Fera."

He extended his big hand and Trix shook it. She looked more than just a bit overwhelmed.

"Nice to meet you," Fera said. "Known Cherry for long?"

"We're fresh in a relationship," I gave the keyword.

Fera returned a tiny nod. "I see. Do I not live up to your expectations? You look a tad taken aback."

Trix swallowed, but she got over her anxiety like the sexy trooper she was. Not that I could blame her. Meeting an incubus had an effect, even on lesbians. Not a sexual one, of course, but you couldn't ignore how much of a presence he was.

"No, I'm just surprised, that's all. I guessed Fera was a girl name."

Fera gave her a bright grin. "Well, it is. It's also the best nick we found for Luzferato. And it kind of legitimizes me working here."

That, plus his general expertise as a director and, last but not least, that he was gay. It always helps when the director doesn't get turned on too much by the things he's directing. Keeps it more professional.

"He's the only male staff in this part of the Naughtiverse Studios, in case you're wondering," I told Trix. "Anyway, I think it's time you met the girls."

My shot with Missy was the second for tonight, so she wasn't even here yet. Strictly speaking I didn't have to be, either, but I'd wanted to give Trix as much of a show as possible and I loved hanging around in the studio anyway.

We must've been kissing longer than I'd thought. There was barely any time to have a chat with Lilly, Siren and Vixen before they were off to their shot. On her way out, Lilly asked me to work my magic on them. Technically she asked me to "cheer them on", since I'd also given them the keyword about Trix. I told her that I would. With a big helping of Jessica behind me and a truly glorious meal in the near future there was no reason to be stingy with my powers.

While Fera gave them their final briefing, I took Trix to the waiting room. From there you could see everything that was going on through a big window, but it was sound proof, so we could talk to our hearts content.

"And now we wait," I said as we sat down. "Our videos are about half an hour, but they usually take about two hours to make. Hope you won't get bored."

Trix grinned like a madwoman. "Don't think so. And if I do, you'll just have to entertain me." She took my hand again.

"Will do," I said and leaned to her. It must've taken her so much willpower not to kiss me when my lips were so close to hers.

"Won't they mind if we make out here?"

"With all the lights in there, that window's basically a one way mirror."

That was all she needed to hear. She didn't get as touchy as outside, though. Maybe she was afraid that Fera could burst in every moment. Didn't stop her from kissing me pretty much continuously.

In the background the three girls did their thing. Today they had a wholesome threesome compilation with lots of naked cuddles and some head being between someone else's legs more or less all the time. Once they really got going, I reached out and gave them a little nudge to make sure they had fun in there. And since I was already at it, I sent a bit into Trix as well. Not that it was necessary, with how much she already burned for me, but it was fun how her tongue got even more forceful.

"That was a great idea for a date," Trix said between kisses. "It's like watching porn together. Only better."

"Yeah, there should be more porn live performances." I licked her lips, which immediately got me another forceful kiss. Most other girls would've had a sore jaw at this point, but Trix hadn't even slowed down.

"And I love how much fun they have," she said once she'd let me go again. "I always thought most of it was just an act, but they look so happy even between the takes. Almost like real lovers."

"That's the secret of our success: We only hire girls who're really into it."

Well, that, and frequent magical assistant to make sure they stayed really, really into it. Even the horniest human struggles with their sex drive when they've got to do the same scene several times. That's how you usually end up with bad acting, faked orgasms and, the biggest sin of all, badly faked orgasms. But with a dedicated succubus around, the most harmless acts could feel like the sexiest thing ever.

"If it's always like that, I might need to get a part-time here."

I couldn't tell if she was joking or not. Not that it made much of a difference.

"In that case, I might be able to get you in. But I've got to warn you: You'll have to convince me of your skills first. And my auditions are pretty intense."

"How am I holding up so far?"

"Well, I haven't seen much yet, but your oral stamina is impressive. That's good. We can always use another carpet cleaner around here."

Trix frowned at me, but that smile never left her lips. "If you're this sassy, maybe I need to make you clean my carpet."

"Is that a punishment or a reward?"

She looked like she was going to shoot something back, but instead giggled like a hyena on ecstasy. I had no idea what was going on, but her laughter was contagious.

"Hey, it wasn't that funny," I said with a big stupid grin that I just couldn't keep down.

"Yeah." Trix wiped her eyes. Slowly she calmed down again. "It's just, I'm having the time of my life. Finally there's someone I can be this stupid with."

"I'll be your idiot for as long as you want."

"You're not an idiot, you're perfect." Trix kissed me, but it wasn't one of her forceful lewd kisses. More like a quick peck on the lips. It still made my stomach all fluttery. That was the final sign that something was really, really wrong with me.

"Nah, perfect is a bit much. Did you already forget that my idea of a nice date is taking you to watch me fuck another woman?"

I hoped that a bit of joking around was enough to stop her making these lovey-dovey eyes at me. Not that it worked.

"Excactly. None of my other girlfriends would've dared to do something this dirty. Not even close. If I'd talked with them like I talk with you, they would've been gone in an instant."

"They've got no idea what they're missing out on. And now you've got me."

What was I even doing? Flirting was one thing, but this here was getting dangerously into serious relationship territory. If this went on, I'd end up feeling bad about what I was going to do. Hell, I felt bad already. Yeah, I guess technically I was a parasite, but there's nothing wrong with promising a girl the best sex of her life and then giving her the best sex of her life. In, out, no harm done. Well, except for those few bites of life force, but even that regenerates eventually, so whatever.

And no matter what some people might say about us, I did have some standards and some fucking decency. I didn't want to make a girl hope for a future together and then drop her after a few nights. Especially not if said girl was so happy that she found a girlfriend who could appreciate her inner pervert. And especially especially not if said girl was as cute and hot as Trix.

Fuck, I really was falling for her.

I made sure we spent most of the next ten minutes or so kissing. More tongue action meant less dangerous talking. And kissing her felt way too exciting. Like, I'm never one to say no to a good tongue wrestling, but with Trix it was like I could've sucked her face for ages and not get bored of it.

We only stopped when Missy arrived. The poor girl looked pretty confused when she stumbled onto us like that.

"If you want, I can wait somewhere else," she said after a very quick and slightly awkward introduction session. "If I disturbed something here."

"No, it's no problem." Trix looked a tiny bit flustered. Maybe she did have some shame about getting this lewd in public after all. Or it was Missy's presence. She was our tallest and strongest girl, which could be intimidating when you didn't know her yet.

"I mean, you work here. If anything, I'm disturbing you," Trix continued.

Missy gave her a disarming smile. "Don't worry, you disturb nothing. It's always nice to have someone new to talk to. May I?"

It took Trix a bit to realize that Missy had asked for permission to sit down with us. "Yeah, of course! Whatever you want," she finally spurted out.

I giggled. It showed that Trix knew Missy only from the videos. "It's okay, she won't bite you when she's not on duty."

Missy joined in. It was always a sight when this giant pile of muscles giggled like a little girl. "I see. You're a fan?"

"Not just any fan," I threw in before Trix had a chance to deflect it. "A premium."

"Ah, nice." You gotta hand it to Missy, coming from her it sounded like that was a genuinely nice thing. Which it was, if you asked me, which not many people ever did for some reason. "So you already know me."

"Kind of. But I didn't expect you to be so..."

"Friendly?" Missy completed the sentence with a smile. "Yeah, playing the mean dominant one sells better. And it's a lot of fun. Anyway, how did you meet Cherry?"

In the next half an hour, until the threesome shot was finished, we chatted with Missy. Trix quickly got used to this friendly version of Missy and they got along just fine. I let them do most of the talking. Trix was a strong girl, she could handle herself. And I liked watching her lips move when she talked...

Then it was time. The three girls came back and went to the dressing room, winked at me in passing, and Fera called us in.

"Well, I'm afraid I've got to kidnap your girlfriend now." Missy stood up. "Don't worry, you'll get her back as good as new. If you want I'll try to go easy on her."

"You'd disappoint a lot of our loyal viewers if you do that," I said. "Trix here for example."

Trix grinned. "Yeah, don't mind me. I've been looking forward to this video. That I get to take Cherry home is just a nice bonus."

"I'm just a nice bonus to you? My heart is broken," I joked.

"Aw, let me fix that." She pulled me back to her and gave me another nice, long kiss, one of those with a lot of tongue and ass grabbing, just the way I liked them. "And now go do your job. When you're finished, I'll come and pick up the pieces."

She sent me off with a smack on my ass. For that alone I wanted to proclaim my undying love for her.

I could see why Trix would've looked forward to this video. Each of the girls specialized in one or two things. Makes it easier to market. Gotta have a brand and such. Anyway, Missy's deal was that she was merciless with a strap-on. If you wanted to see a woman getting fucked by another one until she can't walk anymore, you watched Missy's videos.

My thing was being really into everything. I had sex with the camera at least as much as with my partners. On the other side of the camera were the nice people paying us, so of course I'd make sure they got every penny's worth out of it. And it helped that I always used my powers to get my partners worked up. All that led to my videos being the most intense ones. And the most popular, if I was allowed to brag a bit. Maybe I wasn't, since it was kinda an unfair advantages I had. Anyway.

Fera later told me that it was possibly the best video we ever made. I believed him. I'd dedicated it to Trix after all.

She wasn't visible through the glass and I had to look at the camera anyway, but I made sure to give it my all for her. I wanted her to get my loudest moans, my lewdest faces and all of the sex.

Maybe I overdid it a bit with how much magic I worked on Missy. The going easy part was long forgotten. She was brutal. Normally she held back unless the camera was focused directly on the action. She had to, since no human girl would've survived getting her holes destroyed for two hours straight.

Well, I wasn't a human girl.

Didn't mean it was easy.

Missy rammed into both of my holes with the fury of an entire Amazon tribe. I could take a lot of punishment, but after that session even I walked like a cowboy after a week on his horse. Didn't help that I made her take the big, twisted one. The one that got most women singing Hallelujah after a couple of thrusts. I only hoped that Trix didn't want to fuck me that violently as well. Or maybe I hoped that she did.

The reward for my troubles came as soon as I went back into the waiting room. Trix pretty much jumped at me. "God, that was the hottest thing I've ever seen!"

With my heightened senses for these things I noticed the smell immediately. I still made a point of sniffing a few times, just to make sure Trix noticed that I'd noticed. "Could it be that you touched yourself when you watched us?"

"Well... maybe a bit..." Her eyes darted to Missy, who excused herself with a big grin.

"I mean, how could I not? It's almost a reflex. I see you in this room and I gotta do what I gotta do. And it was really fucking hot."

"But if you've already taken care of yourself, you don't need me anymore, right?"

"As if. I can't wait till I get you home." Her look got a bit more serious. "Unless you've got enough for one night, of course. I'd totally get it. That looked pretty intense and it's not like there aren't other nights for us. And I mean, you're the reason I finished myself off, so I guess technically we did have sex already."