Husband's Choice Ch. 05


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Starting on the outside I ran the tip of my tongue just along her outer lips before finally plunging into her. Her loud moan was music to my ears as I started working my tongue into her tight hole and I lapped up the flood of juice, enjoying her sweet flavor. Reaching deep into my memory I began using every trick I could remember from the many, many nights my college roommate and I spent together. Many girls experimented in college, we were into full-scale research. Making a man orgasm is far easier than a woman, with some it damn near being an art, but her young body was in no way prepared for my collegiate level tongue and was soon trashing and moaning as I brought her to orgasm over and over.

"Love." It was that single word that finally made me stop. Of all the women I'd ever been with she had by far the sweetest tasting juice and I'd been unrelenting in my desire to lap up every drop.

"Fine," I said in my snarkiest tone and had to smile when I saw his cock standing up straight, his pajamas nowhere to be found. Moving back up I was impressed with the intensity with which she kissed me. Her pale skin was flush with color and it took long moments before she caught her breath enough to talk.

"Holy fuck that was incredible. I've never cum like that before."

"I've had a bit more practice than the girls you've been with."

"I'm not going to be anywhere nearly as good."

"It's okay..." Alexi said as he crossed over to the bed, "You know it just occurred to me that I have no idea what your name is."

"Ashley. I know who you are."

"It's okay Ashley if you're not as good, she's not expecting you to be. Just being willing to try says a lot but love, I want your mouth right here." Patting the edge of the bed I knew exactly what he was planning.

"Just enjoy yourself. You've got nothing to prove to...Ulgh. " Alexi was done waiting because I found myself pulled to the side of the bed and when I began to protest his cock slid into my mouth. I was so entranced by the taste of his cock I momentarily forgot Ashley was there until her tongue began to explore, quickly locating a couple of my hot spots. With her enthusiasm making up for any lack of skill it didn't take long at all before a strong orgasm shot through me and I was screaming around Alexi's cock.

"Enough." It was clear the vibrations from my near-constant moaning were getting to him and backing away for a minute would do wonders for his endurance. Sitting up I pulled Ashley into my lap, her legs wrapped around my waist as I kissed her tenderly. I doubt I'll ever get tired of tasting my flavor on another woman's lips.

"Ashley, how old are you?" She was almost purring as I placed kisses along her neck.


Shifting a bit to get more centered on the bed, I laid back pulling her on top of me. "Are you certain you want what's going to happen next to happen?"

"Why what's going..." her question cut off as Alexi joined us on the bed.

"Ashley, listen. Nothing will happen that you don't want to have happen and if it gets to be too much don't be afraid to say something. He's big, really big and you, my dear are really tight."

"I want to try."

"Then I'll share but promise me if it starts to be too much you'll tell him to stop."

"Too much?"

"He's going to stretch you, hell he stretches me but it's better to admit it's too much than suffer through it in the hope it'll start to feel good. It won't."



"I promise."

Slowly running my fingers down her spine and up along her sides, I was drawing circles as I watched her face until I felt Alexi take my hand. Of all the things I'd considered that might happen, holding hands while I shared him had not been on the list. It was strangely cute to watch her face change as he began to push his cock into her and she realized just how big he truly was. "Oh, holy fuck. You weren't lying." Her face never quite had a pained look on it and when she began to make small moves against him I took it as a good sign.


"If she were any fucking tighter this would be impossible but fuck she feels good. Hold on Ashley." I think she started to respond but any words were lost in her moan as he began to move in earnest. I loved seeing the expressions on her face as he fucked her, knowing full well I'd looked the same over the weekend.

"Fuck your husband's cock is amazing," she groaned coming down from a strong orgasm, her head resting on my shoulder. Seeing his eyes light up it was clear he hadn't heard her earlier questions or my response. Wiggling my left hand, he glanced down and chuckled when he realized I was still wearing my ring.

Giving his hand a squeeze I made sure he was looking right at me before I responded. "Yes, it certainly is and so is he." Hearing Ashley gasp, I wasn't sure what he was doing until I felt him plunge his cock deep into me. "Oh fuck yes, so good." He only stayed inside of me for a few strokes before pushing back into Ashley and for the next several minutes he took turns fucking us both.

"Fuck I'm getting close," Alexi finally said.

"Don't pull out, I'm on the pill." I was glad she spoke up because the question had never occurred to me as I didn't want him cumming anywhere else than inside of me.

"I want to watch," I said before turning around under her. With each stroke, I could see how stretched she was and how her lips clung to him as I used my tongue to enjoy their combined flavors.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, OOOHhhhh." This was hardly my first threesome but for some reason knowing that each strong pulse was sending Alexi's cum deep inside of her fascinated me and as she began to overflow I did my best to catch every drop. When he finally withdrew I pulled her down and clamped my mouth onto her pussy working my tongue into her trying to get every drop of his cum. There was a lot of movement on the bed which I correctly assumed to be him changing positions so she could clean off his cock. Managing to bring her off one last time allowed me to savor their combined flavors before she collapsed onto the bed.

"Holy fuck, holy fuck that was intense," Ashley said, taking deep breaths as she drew me on top of her, "Thank you for sharing him." The deep kiss that followed with Alexi joining in told me just how appreciative she was. It was getting closer to our checkout time and Ashley was starting to get dressed to leave when Alexi suggested we all take a shower before leaving. I'd been momentarily tempted to say no but saw the look as she silently pleaded for me to say yes. I think he just wanted another chance to fuck us both but this time it was Ashley making me scream as she sucked Alexi's cum from my body.

"Give me a call if you get into trouble and I'll make sure your boss knows you were just helping uphold the excellent customer service the hotel is known for," I told Ashley as we headed down in the elevator.

"Luther did say you could hire an intern."

Seeing her eyes go wide I suddenly felt like I'd be kicking her puppy if I said no so I went with the standard parental deflection. "We'll see, but seriously send me a text later so I know you're alright. It's our fault you took hours to do a simple room service delivery." Pinning her to the wall I gave her a last hard kiss leaving her breathless as the doors opened at the lobby.

"Are you sure you want me to come in?" I wasn't completely sure how things were going to go but delaying the inevitable wasn't going to change things.

"Absolutely," I said climbing out of the jeep, "Robert wanted me to fall in love with you. It's only fair I tell him that I have with you by my side."

"Are you sure about that? Are you sure it's not just the afterglow from an amazing weekend?"

"Positive but can I ask you something though?"


"What would have happened if Ashley hadn't delivered the room service? What if it had been a guy? Would you have let him fuck me?"

"I considered that possibility before I even asked you and yes if it had been a guy I would have let him fuck you. Would I have joined in to see you get properly spit-roasted and possibly DP'd? Yes, and after he left I would have taken you into my arms and reclaimed you as mine." It was the answer I expected and the answer I'd wanted.

"Okay then. Let's go talk to Robert." Pulling my bag out of the jeep I couldn't stop my smile when he took my hand as we walked towards the house. Closing the door nothing seemed out of place but the house still had that strange echo that empty houses sometimes get. "Robert, I'm home. Honey, Alex is with me. Can we talk?" My calls were met with silence. "Can you see if his car is here? I'll check upstairs. Maybe he's taking a nap."

"Sure thing."

Walking up the stairs I had this strange sensation of dread come over me. Like whatever was at the top of the stairs I wasn't going to like. "Robert are you in here?" Opening the door to our bedroom, the room appeared untouched and the bed still made. That in itself was unusual because Robert was never one for making the bed but then I noticed the sheet on my side was slightly pulled down. Pulled down the same way that happens every time I sit on the bed to put on my shoes, exactly as it had been when I left on Friday night. Grabbing my phone I turned it on and sat on the bed.

"His car's in the garage and he's not out back."

"I don't think he's been here since Friday. He hasn't slept in the bed."

"Where do you..."

"I don't know." I shouldn't be snapping at him but I was growing concerned. Finally coming up I opened my phone and after dismissing all the usual notifications I saw there was a single voicemail from Luther. Listening to the message I couldn't help but feel my entire crumble and a loud sob filled the room.


"I, I need to get to Riverview Hospital. R-Robert's there." I tried to stand up but I was shaking and my knees didn't seem to want to work.

"Come on love, I'll take you." Helping me to my feet Alexi somehow managed to get me downstairs and back into his jeep. My entire world was blurry but I managed to clear my eyes enough to see when the voicemail was sent, less than an hour ago. How long had he been in the hospital? Since Friday? Did he go right after I left with Alexi? The drive was only about twenty minutes and yet seemed to take eons.

"What room did they say he was in?"

"Room 1412. Why? Why do these elevators always move so fucking slow?"

"Because that was our room number." I couldn't help but be stunned by that revelation. It was in all likelihood just a coincidence but it was still shocking. As the doors finally opened on our floor I stood there frozen until Alexi took my hand and began guiding me through the maze of corridors. "There's Luther."

To say I was shocked at his appearance was putting it mildly. The tall and somber black gentleman who'd I'd never seen in anything less than a well-tailored business suit was wearing ratty jeans and an AC/DC t-shirt. He was talking with someone and waved me over as soon as he saw me. "Thank goodness you made it in time. Dr. Samar, this is Nikki, Robert's wife.

"Mrs. Reynolds, are you aware of your husband's condition?"

"No. I mean he's been looking a little worn out lately but he said after his last appointment that everything was fine. Can I see him?"

"Of course but understand he doesn't have much time left. The cancers are just too far gone."

"Cancer? What the hell are you talking about? He never said anything about that."

"Nikki." It felt like a kick in the stomach to hear Robert's voice. He was always so strong but you could tell he was struggling to be loud enough to be heard in the hallway. Rushing into the room I couldn't believe how frail and almost skeletal he looked.

"I'm here Robert." Moving to the bed I wrapped my fingers in his.

"Is Alexi with you?" That was certainly not what I was expecting.

"Yes, he's here. Why didn't you tell me you were sick? Why did you lie to me?" I was having trouble seeing through my tears when I felt Alexi's strong hand come to rest on my shoulder. Out of reflex, I reached up and intertwined my fingers with his and I realized I was holding hands with the two men I love more than anything.

"I don't have a lot of time left but Luther has a letter for you that explains everything. Please just stay with me."

"I'm not going anywhere love."

"I'd like to stay too if that's alright."

"Of course it is, Ale..." It was difficult to watch as Robert went through a violent coughing fit and even more so to see the collection of red-stained rags in the biohazard disposal after the nurse cleaned him up. Had he been like this all weekend? "Of course it is, Alexi. I want you here. It makes me relieved to know you're here for her."

"Just rest Robert. We'll be here." Time crawled as I watched his eyes drift closed and the rise and fall of his chest grow slower and slower. I was almost able to convince myself he was just taking a little nap until his hand went limp and his chest failed to rise. I truly believed he'd hung on for as long as he had just for me I knew he had a DNR on file and had noticed the conspicuous sticker on his chart so there was no flurry of activity as the heart monitor played its dreadful tone. I suppose it was the false hope that it would begin to beep again that kept me from breaking down until the nurse silenced it.

I'm not sure how long I sat there just holding Robert's hand as the tears flowed. In just a couple of hours, everything in my world had been turned on its head. "Nicole I'm going to step out and talk to Luther.

"Okay." I felt numb but at the same time was beyond grateful for him to be here. The few minutes I remained passed slowly and I appreciated the nurses giving me the time I needed to pull myself together. I knew I would be an utter wreck later on but for now, I was as okay as I could be. Joining Alexi and Luther in the hallway I felt as if I'd aged decades. "He said you had a letter for me."

"It's right here." The envelope was thin and my name was written on the front in Robert's large, looping handwriting. "Robert asked me to tell you he wanted Alex to be with you when you read it."

"I'd like to say I'm surprised but I'm not. Do you know how long I have to make arrangements for the funeral?"

"It's already been taken care of. Robert made all of the arrangements a long time ago."

"How long ago Luther? How long has he been sick?"

"I think all of the answers you're looking for are in the letter."

"Just answer me one thing. Did you know how sick he was?"

"Robert has been sick since before I met him. He'd have good years and bad years. Since the last few had been so good he thought he was past it all but to answer your question. No, I didn't realize just how bad it was until Friday night. He called and asked me to drive him here after Alex picked you up. I'm not sure even he realized how bad it was until we got here."

"I want to be pissed at you right now but I realize it's not you that I'm angry at."

"Nikki, go home. Go home and read the letter and hopefully you'll get some closure from that. I know Robert wouldn't just leave you wondering. He loved you too much for that."

"Nicole. I think Nikki died in that room with her husband."

"I understand. Can I take it that Alex is gone as well? Robert said that might happen."

'Yeah, just call me Alexi."

"I always wondered if that picture on the wall was you. I guess I have my answer. Alexi, please take Nicole home." I don't remember the drive home. I don't remember getting in the jeep, going through the drive-thru to get sandwiches, getting to the house or anything. One moment I was talking to Luther and the next I was sitting on the couch at home turning the letter over and over in my hands.

"Do you want me to read it to you?" I doubt he had any idea just how much I wanted to scream, "YES!!" and just hand him the letter but that would have been the cowards way out.

"No, no I'll read it. I just..."

"You're not sure if you're ready for what it says."

"Something like that." Taking a deep breath I opened the envelope and pulled out the handwritten pages.

My beloved Nikki,

I know you have many questions and I will do my best to try and answer them but please understand that everything I've done has been out of my love for you. I realize as I write this that perhaps it hasn't seemed like it but it is the truth.

I know you've noticed that over the last few weeks I've grown progressively more ill. This is nothing new for me. My family is genetically predisposed to various forms of cancer and I've been sick for most of my life. When we met I'd been in remission for a long while which is why I chose not to divulge my previous illnesses. I didn't want to risk scaring you off so please forgive me.

Before the incident last month I'd honestly thought I was finally free and clear but the tests showed my cancers had come roaring back with a frightening severity and I knew my time was short. That was when I began to put my plan into play.

I've long since known of your developing feelings for Alexi. I doubt you ever realized it but you never complained to me as a wife complaining to her husband. Instead, it was as if you were complaining to a girlfriend about your lover and at first, I felt threatened by him but soon realized you did not recognize your growing attraction to him. For a long time, I was content with this but as I began to grow sicker I realized that something positive could come out of this and it was then that I instructed you to begin edging.

I decided that if I could get you to not only acknowledge your attraction to Alexi but act on it as well then you wouldn't be left alone when I finally passed. It was with this in mind that I insisted upon the date and as I write this you and Alexi have just left. I meant what I said that you look far better on his arm than you ever did on mine and I hope you can grow to love him as he loves you. He has some dark and painful memories from his time overseas but I think if he has you to lean on you can help him as I hope you let him help you during all of this.

I also want you to know that you were never the reason we could not conceive a child. I decided long ago that I would never pass this curse of genetics on to another generation and as such, I had a vasectomy not long after my eighteenth birthday. I never told my parents about this as I knew it would crush them. So there will be nothing stopping you and Alexi from having the family I know you both desire.

Things have been progressing far faster than I anticipated and I can only hope that I will still be here on Sunday when you and Alexi return. Luther is my oldest friend and while he may not have agreed with my logic he understood my reasoning so please do not blame him for not telling you what was happening with me. I've made sure all of my final arrangements are taken care of so that is something you will not have to worry about. Luther has all of the details. He will be here shortly to take me to the hospital so let me finish this up.

I love you Nikki and I hope you and Alexi can find all of the love and happiness you both deserve. I hope he is with you as you read this so please let him know that he is your husband's choice for your future.


Feeling the warmth of his hand wrapped in mine I knew he would be with me as we walked the path ahead. "Alexi, if we have a son I want to name him Robert."

I hope you enjoyed this final chapter and please feel free to vote and comment. I appreciate and read every comment submitted.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Cuck soap opera, with oh-too-typical secrets and diversions. Ending was obvious, telegraphed from Ch. 2. Way too long-winded - should have been half its length. Meh.

Mizdrgn28Mizdrgn286 months ago

A tear jerker of a story that led me gently to its end. I loved the bits of experimenting you allowed Alexi and Nicole along with the tender loving. It gave glimpses into what their future holds for them…a loving relationship that will never grow boring for them as they go forward fearlessly.

Thank you for this.

Carol G

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Checked "Like It" but I really didn't.

Giving it four for the quality of the writing and for the delineation of personalities, but the plot sucked big time for being totally unrealistic and too smarmy Hallmarky to even qualify for inclusion in a "suspended rational thought" category.

If you want to write a Nicholas Sparks tearjerker then warn readers up front instead of hiding its focus behind a "Nonconsent/Reluctance" label--especially if there was no real evidence of true reluctance, and certainly any lack of consent.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A really good story. The terminal illness was not a surprise from the earliest parts of the story. I gave it a 4, but would have been a 5 if it weren't for the unnecessary three way with the girl from room service.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Bloody hell, I am happy nobody can see me right now because I am weeping. I don't know what else to say. Thank you for this incredible story, sir.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing this exciting story, this is a very beautiful snapshot of life. I enjoyed reading about how things evolved between Nicole, Alexi an Robert, I think you did a really good job at keeping us engaged and describing their feelings. Characters felt real, and I have to disagree with people complaining abut the room service scene, as it gave the characters real depth. I say this because I believe that loving is sharing, and with your choice of including that scene you moved away from the usual cuckold story-telling pattern, and told us about two people loving each other. I guess I enjoyed reading this so much that I wish there were more chapters to read, and things evolved more slowly. Once again, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I’m going to say I enjoyed the story very much. You obviously gave away the ending very early in the story. I did, however, think the room service girl was a huge error in what would be a very loving store. That complete emotional disconnect was terrible addition to a pair of lovers first time.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I very much enjoyed your story. You did a nice job of conveying the confusing emotions that such a situation might bring. My only suggestion, therefore, would be to find an editor or proofreader. Proper punctuation use often eludes you, which makes it very distracting for some readers, including me. Thank you for your work.

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyover 3 years ago

Really disappointed with the last chapter. The ending was pretty much telegraphed and that was ok. But pulling in the room service girl in the midst of the first weekend together. Just ruined it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
hits home

It didn't take long for me to see where this was going to end but it was very enjoyabel to read. why it brought tears to my eyes i don't know, guess it reminded me of my own past heart break. Thank you.


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