I Never Saw It Coming...


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"Where are you?"

"I'm home."

"Are you ok?"

"I don't know."

"Give me your address, I'm coming over."

"I'm like an hour and a half away."

"Ok, I'll see you in an hour. Text me your address."

I reluctantly texted her my address, started drinking again, and she was there almost exactly an hour and a half later. She rang the doorbell and knocked, yelling my name and trying to look through the beveled glass accents on the door. I opened the door to find her still in her pajamas, holding a beat-up backpack over her shoulder, and I dropped the floor in front of her. She knelt in front of me, wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her ample bosom, stroking my hair and shushing me like I did with Hailey all those years ago. She practically carried me into the living room and laid with me on the couch, telling me everything was going to be ok and comforting me the best she could.

I fell asleep and woke up later to her buzzing around the kitchen, pulling open all the cabinets and asking me if I had any food. When I told her that I always ate out, she laughed, and told me that I needed something real every once in a while. Dragging me out the door and forcing me into her little raggedy Toyota, she mused at how ridiculous it was that I didn't even know where the local grocery store was. I pulled it up on my phone and we went on a shopping spree. Returning home, she set about filling my kitchen with delicious smells and clanging pans, telling me I needed a shower or else my stench would ruin her appetite.

Sitting there with enough food for two families she explained to me that she learned to cook from her grandmother who raised her and her 4 older siblings. Her father was never around and her mother had died of cancer when she was still baby. My heart broke for her when she held back the tears telling me that Gran had passed a little over a year ago. Her brothers and sister were off doing their own thing so she was on her own since just before her 17th birthday. She fell into a bad crowd, dropped out of school and almost lost control of her life -- drinking, drugs, shoplifting. She struggled for that first year and then pulled herself together and got her GED. She couch-surfed until she was able to get the job at the bar and save enough money to rent an apartment, something I had made happen much more quickly than she ever imagined.

We sat there, both comforted in knowing someone else who had experienced what felt like a lifetime of pain. We were both in recovery, both still grieving for our losses, and both trying to turn our lives around. As I helped her clear the table, I couldn't stop the nagging thought that kept running through my head. This was nice. It was comfortable. She literally picked me up and wrenched me from the cusp of disaster. She was like my new Dom. We rinsed the dishes and loaded the dishwasher as I told her about Dom. I told her I felt like we came into each other's lives for a reason. We were destined to meet and become friend. She shushed me and told me that's superstitious bullshit, but I really felt like something was happening. She was wiping the counter and I was emptying the trash when I blurted something out about how she should move in with me.

Wendy laughed and ignored it as a passing comment and truth is, it was mostly in jest. However, as we walked around the house tidying up my growing mess, the thought of having a companion in the big lonely house just felt right. I went to the garage and picked up the empties from my car, trying to think if I was going crazy or if I was serious about asking this 18-year-old girl to move in with me. Maybe I was crazy, but when I found her curled up on the couch scrolling through her phone, I made the decision to ask her for real. Sitting down across from her, I thanked her over and over again for what she was doing and finally built the courage to pose the question.

She quickly dismissed it again, noting I was still a little inebriated, but I pushed her further. I agreed that it sounded ludicrous, but my gut told me it was the right thing to do. I needed someone around me who understood what I was going through. I needed a safety net. I needed to not be alone any longer. As we talked, I decided to sweeten the deal, offering to pay for her school informing her that I basically had limitless money at this point and nothing to spend it on. She joked that I was definitely trying to fuck her and tried to change the subject. Several awkward minutes later we were making plans for the day, ignoring that she never actually agreed to moving in with me.

We showered and after figuring out how the boat worked, cruised the lake for a couple of hours, enjoying the sunshine and good company. The sun was setting as I raised the boat onto the lift and we made our way back to the house. Wendy started cooking dinner and I played with my phone, the thought of her moving in still at the tip of my tongue. Finally, after dinner, I pushed her again. She declined, more sternly this time, but offered to stay the night to make sure I was ok. We watched a couple of movies until she fell asleep on the couch. I found a blanket in the closet and tucked her in before I went to bed.

The next morning, I awoke to the smell of bacon and music playing downstairs. A warmth of comfort flowed over me as I rounded the corner to find Wendy flipping some eggs, wearing an oversized t-shirt and little shorts. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her and pressed my face next to hers, wishing her a good morning. She leaned her head into mine, patted my arm, and for the first time since being with Dom, I felt real love. Stepping back and offering my help, I was excited with the potential for her to be more permanent in my life. It took all my strength to not ask again, but I knew I couldn't push her too hard.

When we finished breakfast, she informed me that she had to leave to go to work, but that she would check in on me later. She let me know that her schedule opened up later in the week and she wanted to "hang out again," but didn't want me to drive all the way to the bar again because it was so far. She would keep in touch to make sure I was ok and promised we would spend more time together. For the first half of the week, I spent my days meandering around my new little town and finding new places to eat and getting my bearings.

Wendy stayed in near constant contact, checking in me regularly via text. We talked on the phone every night until that Thursday when she came over and we went out to dinner. We spent the rest of the night again watching movies and she made us breakfast in the morning. That started a new routine for me. We'd talk every day and any time she had off, she'd come over and we'd just hang out. It was like that for almost a month before one night, out of the blue, she asked if my offer to move in was still on the table. It sounded just as crazy as I said it again, but it felt better than ever and something I thought about every time we met up. She said she still wasn't sure, but didn't like all the driving and confided that I had quickly become her best friend.

A few days went by and she asked me if I was still serious, making the decision that she would quit the bar and break the lease on her apartment. Two weeks later she showed up at my door with her car filled to the brim with a couple laundry baskets full of stuff and garbage bags full of clothes. I carried everything into the guest suite across the hall from the master and she spent a couple of hours sorting everything out. The rest of that evening was just like others before, except we joked about me adopting her as an extension of our long-running theme of everyone thinking she was my daughter.

As funny as it was, it was probably true. We were never flirty or gave any indication that we were together in that way, so half the time servers would ask if we wanted separate checks and the other half of the time, we just assumed they figured I was her dad. We, in no way, looked like we were ever together any time we were out. The age was part of it, but our styles were also totally different. I'm polo shirt and jeans, she's band t-shirt and pants she decorated herself with various patches and cartoon characters. I was 'dad' and she was 'rebellious goth daughter.'

All the time together really brought us close. We talked about everything. We cried on each other's shoulders and we laughed until we couldn't breathe. I helped her as best I could with her schoolwork when the summer ended and she kicked my ass at every video game we ever played together. I was happy. We were happy. We were sober.

The holidays were approaching when she asked me about having guests to the house. She had recently been in contact with her cousin who was at school in the mid-west and wanted to invite her down for Thanksgiving, maybe Christmas. I told her that it was just as much her house as it was mine and I'd be happy to meet her family. She made plans and her cousin was going to drive down to stay with us over the long holiday weekend.

That Wednesday the doorbell rang and I heard high-pitched screaming as I came down the stairs. Lucy was standing the doorway framed with two large suitcases. She looked nothing like Wendy. Just 21 years old, she was the first image result when you Googled, "hot college coed." The quintessential girl next door -- pretty, youthful face, medium height, thin, long straight blond hair, and tanned skin. She wore tiny white shorts with the pockets hanging out the bottom and a thin low-cut brown top that ruffled in the front and barely covered her midriff. I immediately felt aroused as she gave me a big hug, I wrapped my arms around her tiny body and felt her oversized tits press against me.

I couldn't help but leer at her as I carried her suitcases up the stairs behind them. Her tight little ass swung side to side just in front of my face as her the crease of her little cheeks teased me just under the fray of her cut-offs. I went to my room as they giggled down the hallway in one of the other rooms. In there, by myself, I was alone with my lustful thoughts. My mind raced with her beauty and my cock stiffened with the snapshots of her cleavage, her perfect tits pressing against me, and that hint of butt cheek under her shorts. I masturbated for the first time in months, standing right in the middle of my bedroom, spunking onto the carpet in less than a minute.

I shook myself off and headed downstairs, leaving my mess and those muffled giggles in the distance. They came down 10 or 15 minutes later and we talked a bit before deciding we should go out to eat. We went to the little Italian place in town and sat across from her as they continued catching up. The waitress came and she ordered a beer. Wendy and I got water, but when Lucy commented that she was the only one drinking, I ordered a beer too. Wendy gave me a questioning look, but was quickly sucked back in to Lucy's infectious chatting. The food came and she ordered another drink. Halfway through dinner she joked about me "wasting a beer."

Wendy didn't say a word or even give me a look when I took that first sip, but 15 minutes later when Lucy excused herself to the bathroom and I ordered another one, she questioned me. She was skeptical when I said I would stop after number two, but said I was "a big boy" and didn't push me further. I did fine with those two beers. We wrapped up dinner, went back to the house, and talked a bit more before Lucy went to bed. Wendy and I stayed up and she filled me in all the news about her dysfunctional family around the country, going to bed a short time later.

Alone in my bed, alone with my thoughts, I was again filled with lust for Lucy. Her sparkling blue eyes. Her bright white smile. Her smooth, tanned skin. Her nice tits that jiggled when she laughed. Her long slender legs. Her perky butt. I finished myself off imagining her coming into my room, completely nude, and climbing on top of me.

In the morning we decided it made no sense to make a full Thanksgiving meal and Wendy remembered seeing a sign earlier in the week saying the country buffet on the outskirts of town would be open. We skipped breakfast, sat around talking, and ended up in the buffet line just after 1pm. It was surprisingly busy and they had all the fixins so we were set. We all ate way too much and ventured back to the house to digest and watch the football game. Apparently, Lucy was a big football fan and also wanted to watch the evening game. She left for the store when the first game was wrapping up and Wendy took the time to ask about the beers from the night before.

I told her it wasn't going to get out of control, but I didn't want to be 'that guy' who you couldn't drink around and drinking by yourself always was awkward. I'd have a couple of beers here and there to be social and Wendy reminded me how that's gone for me in the past. But I was happy. I wasn't drinking to quell the pain. It was just a couple of beers here and there to be social. She reluctantly gave me her blessing and we talked about spending the weekend on the boat as it was unseasonably warm, even for Florida standards.

Lucy returned within an hour carrying bags full of snacks. She asked if I could get the rest out of her trunk and I found myself carrying two cases of beer in the house. Wendy gave me a skeptical glance to which I just raised my eyebrows. It's not like we HAD to drink all of them. A couple, just to be social. Lucy asked me to hand her a beer as I was putting them in the fridge and she was pulling open a bag of Doritos. Back on the couch we passed the chips back and forth and she sipped her beer. She got up during a commercial break, grabbing another beer, and asking if we wanted one. We declined to no objection, but by halftime she was on her fourth and Wendy and I were still dry.

I think we both felt pressure to drink despite Lucy not making a big deal about it. When she got up for her fourth, I looked at Wendy and asked if we should have one too. She nodded and I called for Lucy to bring one for us as well. One turned into two, then three, as Wendy and I took turns with Lucy to serve us throughout the game. Lucy offered another and Wendy quickly declined, staring at me as I agreed on my fourth when the game ended. I assured her it was my last one as Lucy returned.

We snacked on leftovers and a second bag of chips, lounging in the living room as the post-game show provided background noise to our conversation. A couple of hours went by and Wendy's yawns grew more frequent. Lucy opened what must have been her tenth beer when Wendy excused herself to bed. It was pretty late and I was getting tired as well, but my thoughts of having Lucy alone stopped me from doing the right thing.

"I'm all fucked up and your still sober! You need a beer!"

I didn't even hesitate. Cracking the beer the moment she handed it to me, we fell into an awkward silence.

"Are you fucking my cousin?"

I choked and spit beer down the front of my shirt.

"No, it's not like that. It's not like that at all."

"Ok. Tell me what it's like then. Cause you're like 40 and she's only 18. You obviously have money and she's living with you. You're not pimping her out or anything are you?"

"Absolutely not. I traveled a lot, ended up moving here, and we became friends. That's all."

"Seems weird."

"For us too. And I'm not fucking 40, by the way. Do I really look that old?"

"I don't know, maybe. You got a 'hot dad' thing going on. I just want to make sure my cousin is ok. She's gone through a lot."

"Yeah, we bonded over our shit lives. That's why we became such good friends."

She stood up, chugged the last half of her beer, and I stared at the dribbles on her pale-yellow sundress. She caught me looking, gave me a smile, and went to bed. I sat and flicked the tab on the top of my freshly opened beer, thinking of her 'hot dad' comment. I left my can next to Lucy's empty and climbed the stairs, toying with my half hard dick as I got into bed. Another fantasy fuck session with Lucy and I dozed off. Descending the stairs in the morning I was met with the familiar sounds of strange techno metal music and Wendy clanking around the kitchen.

"She thinks we're fucking," she said before I got out my 'good morning.' I told her about the conversation I had with Lucy the night before and we laughed as I joked that 'incest ain't right, even here in semi-rural Florida.' It was damn near noon when Lucy got up. I returned from prepping the boat at the dock to find her on the couch with Wendy, wearing another pair of cutoff jean shorts so short they didn't make any sense and a pink bikini top. Her hair was wrapped up in a messy bun, she wore no makeup and looked visibly hung over, and I couldn't take my eyes off her big tits overflowing from that tiny top. Much bigger than I realized. Thank god for dark sunglasses.

Lucy and Wendy had a cooler ready so we loaded up the boat and cruised the lake. We tossed the anchor in the middle and sat back to enjoy what may be the last good boating weekend of the season. I tried to keep my gaze off of Lucy as her and Wendy talked in front of me on the open bow. I ended up dozing off as I stared at the shimmering water, their reminiscing about playing in ponds and fishing with the grandpa faded in the background. The sound of two beers being opened shook me from my sleep and the two girls toasted over the cooler.

They noticed me stirring, Wendy made fun of my snoring, and Lucy dug into the cooler and handed me a beer. Wendy shrugged when our eyes met and I cracked it open. Each of us drank at least three before Lucy announced she needed to pee and stripped off her little shorts, tossed her sunglasses on the seat, and dove off the back of the boat, her matching pink thong bottoms leaving little to the imagination. I took the time to whisper to Wendy a bit, asking her if our drinking was ok and we both agreed that we'd limit ourselves to a couple more before going back to the house for dinner and that would be it for the night.

Lucy was in the water trying to coax us in when I noticed Wendy squirming. I could tell she had to pee so I told her to ditch the hot black t-shirt and get in the water. She shrugged as I pulled off my shirt and stepped to the back of the boat. As I climbed atop the seat, I looked back to see her still just sitting there, obviously uncomfortable and ready to burst. I tried to motion for her to come in, but she just waved me off. I dove into the cool water and held the side of the ladder, relieving myself as Lucy approached.

She asked if Wendy was getting in and when I shrugged, she began yelling up to get her to come in with us. Wendy said she didn't have a suit on so she'd just wait until we got back. Lucy insisted, telling her she wanted to stay out all day and just to wear her underwear -- it was no big deal. When Wendy continued to refuse, Lucy moved past me and began climbing the ladder, telling me she was going to make her. I stared up at her gorgeous body and my heart skipped a beat as the water poured from every toned inch and she reached back to pull the fabric stuck in her little heart-shaped ass.

I lasted maybe two seconds before I started pulling on my cock in my shorts. I was fully hard and stroking myself under the water a couple of minutes later when Lucy announced they were coming in, but I had to close my eyes and "not make it weird." I opened my eyes after hearing the second splash next to me to see Lucy swimming to me and Wendy's jet-black hair that usually covered half her face, slicking back as she crested the water. I moved to the side and clung to a bumper as the two hung on the ladder.

Lucy commented on how pretty Wendy looked with the hair out of her face and I have to admit, she really did. I always thought she was cute, but hadn't ever really looked at her like that. As she smiled and laughed, I was surprised at how beautiful she was. With nothing else distracting me, I finally saw her for the attractive woman that she was. We playfully splashed and joked about gators for a good hour before deciding to get out. I didn't give my new-found appreciation for Wendy any thought until she began climbing the ladder.